All Chapters of Fire & Vice: Prisoner of Fortune: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
60 Chapters
Chapter 41
She sounded so near tears that Tyson decided to give her a little space, if that's what she needed. He eased up and let her slide off his lap, onto the floor. She kneeled in front of him with her skirt hiked up to her waist, and glared at him through wet, spiked lashes. Black mascara smudged under her eyes and ran down her cheeks. He reached out to wipe the black streak off her face. She jerked away from him, but he caught her arm and pulled her closer, between his spread knees. Pressing his thumb against the skin of her cheek, he wiped the mark from her face. His hungry gaze took in her disheveled state. "So fucking beautiful. I have to have you in my bed tonight." She stared at him, her eyes huge. "What if I say no?" "Not an option." Anger made the green of her eyes sparkle. "Or what? You'll toss me out onto the street where Franco Delgado can get me? Is that the alternative you're threatening me with?" Tyson tightened his fingers on her arm, starting to weary of her consta
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Chapter 42
Claudia took two minutes to use the toilet and wash her hands. She placed her hands on the vanity and stared at herself in the mirror. She hated the vulnerable, frightened look in her green eyes. She'd been running for more than a year, with the threat of Dante and Franco Delgado always close behind. After arranging for fake ID and stealing information that would incriminate Franco Delgado's illegal business in Vegas and Dante Marquez's in Miami, she had fled. She'd also paid a hacker to arrange for fake records for her fake ID. For six months, she had run from state to state, never settling down. Unable to cope with a nomadic lifestyle, she finally took a risk and set herself up here, in Tyson King's city. After eight months, the fear of discovery had finally started to fade. She breathed deeply, urging her heart to slow down and her brain to start moving faster. She couldn't have her wits scattered if she was going to get out of this new mess. Staying with Tyson King was not an opt
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Chapter 43
Heart pounding, Claudia lifted her chin and walked toward him. She stopped about a foot away and stared back at him. Unable to handle his prolonged angry silence, she said, "I can't just stay here. You know I'm not willing to accept this situation as is." "Damn it, Claudia," he said furiously. "You can't begin to comprehend how much danger you're in. You can be killed easily if you manage to leave my protection. That was a stupid thing to do, despite the fact that you wouldn't have made it out of the garage." "I'm just supposed to take your word for it that I'm in danger?" she snapped back. "And if my life is in danger currently, that would be your fault for alerting the men that want me dead as to my whereabouts. I'm better off on my own than with an egotistical, kidnapping asshole!" "Enough!" he snarled. "Stop talking, Claudia." "Don't you dare tell me to stop" he grabbed her so quickly she didn't have a chance to react. He pulled one of her wrists behind her back and held it
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Chapter 44
Tyson had meant to let her sleep. She had been so tired the evening before, she hadn't murmured a protest when he'd removed her clothes and settled her on his bed. He had also meant to put one of his T-shirts on her. Good intentions fled as her beautiful, curvaceous body was revealed to him. Careful not to disturb her, he reached over and turned a lamp on. Her skin glowed pale in the dim lighting of the room. He wondered how this goddess hadn't been snapped up before now. She was perfection, from her long, slim feet to her wide hips, small waist, rounded breasts and graceful neck. She wasn't fashionably slim, but soft and curved in a way that made Tyson's mouth water. Despite her incredible body, it was her face that arrested him most. Her thick eyelashes, slightly darker than her honey blond hair, were swept down across the top of her cheeks. Her eyes, which sparked green fire when she was angry or turned to shining liquid when she was turned on. She had a strong jaw and a wide mo
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Chapter 45
A pleasurable buzz flowed through Claudia's body. Her head was fuzzy from sleep and the remnants of her orgasm. She couldn't think, couldn't piece together what was happening to her. All she knew was she wanted Tyson's long, thick cock inside her. She shivered when he shoved her legs back, rendering her helpless. She gripped the pillows in her hands and rocked her hips against the smooth sheets. She watched him as he looked down at her exposed pussy. He stroked a finger tenderly through the slippery folds, then took his cock in hand and lined it up against her vagina. Claudia knew it would hurt. It had been a long time since she'd been with a man. Not since Dante. When she masturbated, she used only finger to clit contact, rarely fingering herself inside. "This might hurt, baby," Tyson grunted, pressing the tip forward. Claudia thrust her hips up to meet him, grinding her teeth against the pressure as he penetrated her. "You flatter yourself!" she gasped out. Tyson's laugh rumb
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Chapter 46
Claudia sat on the bed, her legs tucked underneath her in a prim pose, wearing only a button-up shirt. She rebelled against the stereotype of wearing one of her lover's shirts, but it was this or her blue dress. She had tried on Tyson's bathrobe and it had engulfed her to the point that she felt like a three year-old playing dress up. She had gotten one of the sleeves thoroughly soaked when she'd tried to wash her hands. She had hung it back up and moved on to Tyson's shirts. Still irked about her forceful relocation, she had chosen one that looked decidedly expensive. Now, she sat luxuriating in the lovely feel of the fabric against her bare skin and watched Tyson sleep. He really was a giant of a man. With the morning light shining in the windows, her eyes could trace over the long limbs of his legs and arms sprawled carelessly across the sheets. His middle parts had been uncovered too. His penis, even soft, was long and imposing. She had flicked the sheet over that part of his ana
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Chapter 47
If Claudia's heart hadn't been ready to jump out of her chest with nerves, she would have smirked at the look of deadly bewilderment on Daniel's face. He was looking around the Victoria Secret shop like he expected there to be a pit of vipers around the next rack. Even funnier was the look on the salesgirl's face. She appeared awestruck by his handsome face and chiseled body, but clearly planned on keeping her distance from his constant expression of instant death to those that approach. This combination would work perfectly for Claudia's plan. Claudia picked some items off the racks and asked to be shown to a change room. She quirked an eyebrow at Daniel and nodded her head toward the back. Like a good little bodyguard, he went to check the rooms. Only one of them was occupied and the middle-aged woman was clearly not an assassin. He backed off and waved Claudia in. Claudia went into the room, dropped the armful of frothy items and waited patiently. She didn't remove the pair of j
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Chapter 48
Damn him, Daniel had anticipated her. His usual stoic expression gave way to fury for a split second when he realized he wasn't able to pry the door of the moving train open. That look of fury convinced Claudia she never wanted to run into the ex-mercenary in a dark alley. She watched him with trepidation as the train gathered speed. He took his phone out of his pocket and lifted it to his ear. Then he pointed at her. Pinning her. She knew right down to her core he was marking her as prey for Tyson King. Claudia forced her frozen brain to work over time. She quickly deduced that Tyson would soon have his people crawling all over every subway station in the city. She would have to abandon her original plan of taking the train to the bus station and buying a ticket out of the city and get off at the next stop. Hopefully she could make it far enough away from the station before Tyson was able to galvanize his security team. It didn't bear thinking what he might do with her once he got h
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Chapter 49
Claudia gaped at the man that opened the door of Vladimir Sitnikov's mansion. He was probably even bigger than Tyson, which was saying something considering Tyson was one of the largest men to inhabit her world. This guy was probably close to seven feet, dwarfing her own not insubstantial frame. His hair was cut close to his skull, which highlighted the stark tattoos that wound up his neck into his hairline. He wore a dress shirt with a leather holster over top. Tucked under both of his arms were lethal looking guns. His bearded jaw looked perpetually tensed in steely determination. Her eyes remained glued on his massive hands, watching for any twitch that might indicate he was reaching for a weapon. Dude looked like he should be carrying an axe. She wondered if his name was Tiny. "Are you the butler?" she asked weakly, eyeing him skeptically. She was pretty certain the Sitnikov mansion would be on everyone's no-solicitation list if this dude was answering the door regularly. She w
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Chapter 50
Tyson King hit disconnect on his cell phone and dropped it onto his desk. He leaned back in his huge chair, ignoring the ominous creak. It'd taken several hours longer than he'd expected, but he finally had a location on the girl. His hands and his dick both pulsed with need. He wanted to strangle her, caress her, chain her to him and fuck her until she couldn't think of doing anything so stupid again. The unfamiliar terror he had felt when Mercer had called earlier to say he was looking at her as she rapidly disappeared by herself on a city train was nearly overwhelming. Claudia couldn't handle herself. She was too soft. If her ex got his hands on her, or even worse, the scum that was Franco Delgado, they would snap her neck without hesitating. She wasn't safe. And the woman wasn't doing herself any favours by running the first chance she got. She was too easy to track. Now, her safety was confirmed and his fear for her life morphed rapidly into all consuming fury. How dare she pu
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