All Chapters of FLUX: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
232 Chapters
Chapter 11: Reloading, Part 2
Alex stopped in mid slurp. Her ears tingled, just on the edge of hearing something. Like they wanted to twitch, but there just wasn't enough sound to react to. She looked around, scanning the dark shadows cast by Jack's fireball. Jack noticed her change in demeanor. His questioning eyes begged an answer, but he stayed silent. Alex closed her eyes, concentrating and straining to hear anything.Her eyes popped open. She slid off her rock and into a crouch, knife at the ready. Jack spun around, flame in hand. The can slipped from his hand and rolled across the stone floor. They stood back to back, waiting for an attack from the unknown darkness."A dozen, from all sides," Alex whispered.From the shadows emerged glittering cat eyes from all around. The painted warriors came away from the shadows as one. They were human-like with large ears and sharp oval eyes. They stood barely chest-high and took stealthy steps forward with spears and bows at the ready. The firelight caught the zigzags o
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Chapter 12: Underground, Part 1
A few hours later, Jack and Alex emerged into a large cavern. Torches along the sides of the smooth stone walls lit the large area. The sudden light stung Jack's eyes. He was glad to finally be able to see something other than blackness. Alex patted his hands on her shoulders as if reminding him they were still touching.At the end of the large cavern, people similar to Oskowa gathered. These people lacked the war paint, and instead wore fine colorful clothing. Half of the people wore shiny suits of metal armor. Six men stood in the middle dressed in black robes, their beards long and grey. Cat eyes watched as the company traversed the distance."Welcome, Jack of Fire." The oldest of the black robed figures spoke solemnly. He stepped forward after the company came to a halt in front of them. "I am Kenshe. I am an Elder. You are our honored guest.""Hello Kenshe, and Elders. I have come to make hot fire for you and in return I ask that you show us the way to the east.""We are aware
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Chapter 13: Underground, Part 2
Weylin led them back to the Great Circle where the festival was just getting started. Deep brass drums thumped, vibrating the cavern walls and Alex's ears. Trumpet-like instruments blared a deep, fast tune encouraging people to dance. Antarians wearing bright yellow, red, and blue colors skipped around weaving long colored ribbons through the air as people filed into the cavern and took their seats around the stadium.Alex and Jack were seated in a raised area close to where the elders sat. Jack sat at a large table facing the soon-to-be empty middle expanse of the arena. Alex was positioned on a lower tier a few meters away from him with Weylin at her side. Guards stood behind each of them. Jack looked like a king ready to watch a jousting match.After everyone was seated, waiters came around with giant platters of food. They set a plate with a variety of delicacies down in front of every person. Alex thought that every piece of food looked like the remnants of some large roasted in
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Chapter 14: Escape, Part 1
Alex awoke. Her head throbbed like she'd been hit by a transport pod on a speed way. The black colored contacts stuck to her eyes making them burn. When they finally opened, she licked her fingers and jiggled the contacts until they moved easily. A low candle burned on the metal dresser. Alex let her eyes adjust to the dim light before she tried to move."I wonder how long it's been," Alex said, her voice coarse and deep.She pulled her tired body up into a sitting position. Looking down, Alex realized she was still fully dressed, jacket, boots, everything. Her stomach tossed and she forced it down by taking a couple of deep breaths. Wiggling out of her jacket made her stomach even more upset and this time, she knew she wouldn't win. Alex launched across the room and over the basin. Her ears quivered at the horrible retching noise as she produced a bland pink colored vomit. It drained down the side of the polished granite basin and the waterfall washed it down the drain in a swirling
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Chapter 15: Escape, Part 2
Now the hard part.She poked her head down into the room for a brief look. What she saw appalled and saddened her. How could they use Jack like that?Jack was tied naked to a metal four poster bed. A large breasted burly brunette had her dress pulled up and was sitting on top of him moving her body up and down.The girl chattered on and on. "And then I'm going to raise him to be a big strong warrior and my family will be honored. Those Vestarians don't-" and on and on she went.Jack's head lolled from side to side with a look between a grin and a grimace. His chest hair was matted with sweat and vomit. A bucket full of pink vomit sat on the floor next to his bed. His eyes were tired, glossy, and drunk.Alex was in luck though. The room was set up the same way hers was and the girl faced away from her. She timed the drop of her bag with the movement of the rocking bed. The girl didn't even hear the bag hit the ground. Alex held on to the sides of the rock and hung, then dropped sil
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Chapter 16: Escape, Part 3
Alex strapped her backpack to the front of her with the blow torch on top and wedged herself between the large rock wall and the wall below their vent. Jack followed her example and they inched their way down to the bottom floor.Her right arm ached as she used it to crawl little by little down the framework. When they finally reached the bottom, Jack staggered behind as Alex walked gingerly between the walls. She counted her steps and stopped suddenly. Jack bumped into her. Alex listened with her ear against the wall, hearing footsteps and voices on the other side. Leather armor creaked faintly from one of the guards on the other side. She strained to hear their voices."That guy can really go.""He seriously has the best job. Can you imagine two days with the best women in the city?""That has got to rub him raw. How do they get him to stay like that?""Drugs, but the hangover's gonna be a bitch."The voices faded with the footsteps. Alex proceeded cutting a hole into the wall
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Chapter 17: Poisoned, Part 1
Jack woke, his head throbbing painfully. There was a hand on his head and his pillow was rather- hard and made of muscle? Opening his eyes, he saw a yellow rag in front of him with pink chunks on it. It smelled like vomit and his throat burned. He knocked the rag away. Beneath, were two knees covered in dark denim. Alex. He patted one knee and rolled on to his back. Alex's jacket covered him and his feet hung off the edge of a couch.She had her head leaned against the wing of the couch arm. Her right arm was on the arm rest and her left hand fell to her lap as he moved. Alex's navy blue shirt was buttoned to the bosom. The white tank top underneath was splattered with tiny specks of blood. The splatter marks ran all the way up the porcelain skin of her delicate neck.Memories faded in and out. He remembered the underground lair of the Antarians. Then the festival. Flashes of women's faces. The smell of sex and vomit. Alex and - a bubble bath? That can't be right. Then running in the
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Chapter 18: Poisoned, Part 2
"Very impressive. Ready to go back?" He held his hand out to her.Alex nodded and accepted his hand. That minty, tingling, electric feeling crawled up his arm. She had that effect on him every time she touched him.Weylin was waiting on the other side of the door. He held Alex's crowbar in one hand. "Did you get them all?" he asked, looking around behind them."They won't be bothering us anymore," Alex said, taking her jacket off."They will send more," he said, peering out the windows."And I will take care of those too." Alex stomped ahead of Jack and pushed Weylin aside to get back on the train. She looked down at him ominously. "Get this thing moving before there is more bloodshed."Jack shrugged up at the kid and stepped into the train. "What's up with you?" he asked Alex.Weylin stumbled nervously to the controls. "Nothing," she said sharply. She leaned against the wall and closed her eyes."Why don't you go in the back and lay down, you're looking a little pale. We'll
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Chapter 19: Under attack, Part 1
Alex woke to an internal banging drum that made her ears ring and sent blood pounding to her head. She rubbed her temples until it subsided slightly. Her right hand ached. The whole train rumbled as it ran down the track, rattling the windows in their panes, irking her headache more. The failing sunlight streamed through the cracks in the blinds as they shuddered with the lively train.She pushed out of the chair. Jack lay sprawled across the bed, shoes still on. How terribly uncomfortable that must be. Alex checked that her knives were secure in her belt and pulled her maroon jacket closed. She lurched forward as the train started to slow. What was it now? They needed to keep moving if she was ever going to make it to Lexi.Alex made her way to the cabin. Weylin lay napping in the conductor's seat. She slapped his shoulder and he jumped violently. "Why are we slowing?" she growled.He looked around with his big eyes. "We must be out of power," he stuttered, wiping his face with his
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Chapter 20: Under attack, Part 2
Suddenly her attackers came. She was unsure who they were. Vestarians, maybe, as the kid had said. They stepped out from behind the towers. There was as many of them as there were towers and they came towards her. Their footsteps crunched sand and rolled rocks, scattering echoes in every direction. To normal ears, it would be silence, but to hers, it was a parade commemorating her soon to be fight.?Her inevitable victory.Alex cleared her thoughts again. Didn't she want peace? Did she really want to fight a horde of surface people? No. At this moment, she wanted their blood, she lusted for it. She stood holding her breath, fighting to slow her heartbeat, and watched them come in slow motion.The auroras lit their faces in a green and purple glow. They wore white paint across their eyes. The moon glinted off their completely white eyes, ruined by sun damage. It was any wonder they could get around at all. Alex decided they must be using senses other than sight and sound to track her.
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