All Chapters of Her Alpha: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
102 Chapters
Chapter 91
After receiving the invite from the university, Alex spent all her time focusing on her exam which was about to be written in five months. My poor girl was too occupied with her studies that she had no time to play around. Damien was also busy with his own. Seeing that all my family had something to do, I chose to help with gardening and other things. I would give them time alone. Mason was also busy but he still made time for me. The two of us would go on a simple date sometimes. He would bring some flowers and would go for ice cream with me. We would just relax and spend our time in one another's company. Then two months down the line, Alex finally excused herself from her studies and decided to go on a run. She shifted into her wolf form. Her black and white fur was highlighted in the sun as the wind fanned the fur. Her paws cupped the earth, while she sprinted towards the forests with more lush. I could see the smile in her eyes and knew too well that she was enjoying this. I wa
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Chapter 92
"Who are you?" I asked feeling the nervousness of my voice as it travelled to the other side where my enemy hasn't shown herself. I was still by the river while standing under a tree my eyes roaming around the area. I knew that she wouldn't dare to come near the water. Well, most creatures are afraid of it. For all, I know there are only a few who could tolerate the stinging of it on their skin. Of course, this water was different from the one we drink and use for cooking and other things. This is the only river that has been quite magical if I may say. Well to me at least. When I was still little while playing outside the pack house. Me and my brothers wandered off one day without the knowledge of our parents. The four of us were so eager to find a new place to play at. It was getting boring always spending time in one place. With our little bodies far from able to shift into our wolves, we walked on foot through this forest, at that time it wasn't as dense as now. We made talk while
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Chapter 93
After Damien left the room, I decided to rest a little before going to see my parents. I didn't go in the evening because who knows what they would be doing in there. Those two spent every day as if it was a honeymoon. Everyone here knows. Well, I can certainly say they are better than my uncles. Uncle Mason and Uncle Ace. I miss those two. They have been away for too. Although I could see them while on my way to Granald it still wasn't enough. Grandma visits more than them. I have to complain a bit when I see them next time. Making my way to the room, I met a few of my friends in the corridor and talked with them a bit. While being covered by the wall I realize that I no longer feel the discomfort of someone watching me. I am free and can act the way I like. When I reached the door I first listened to see if they were busy or not. I only knocked on the door when I didn't hear any sounds. "Come in." My mom called from inside. I opened it and peeked in as my eyes wandered everywhere bu
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Chapter 94
While going back I bumped into Steve who was about to see my parents. He looked haggard I don't know what was wrong with him but I knew that the news he was going to deliver to my parents wasn't going to be good. He didn't even bother to say sorry or to reply to my greetings for I was already knocking on their door. He didn't even give himself time to stop and take a breath, his knuckles were busy colliding with the door making loud noises probably alerting mom and dad who were discussing about my situation. I didn't stay too long to see him continue harassing the door for I returned to my room and took a glass of water before downing it down my stomach.At first, I was nervous to tell them about this matter but now I feel somewhat relieved that I am no longer the only one who knows about this. However, the anxiety hasn't worn off for there is a difference between many people knowing this and actually getting out of the mess. It would have been better if the one behind this is caught.
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Chapter 95
"Mom, I... I am only seeing its blueness. There is no cloud up there, or even a bird flying up there. Why do you think it's different from the other days?" I couldn't help but ask her. She faced away from it then turned to look at me. She had a smile on as she patiently explained her point of view."Hmm, it's different because this is another day. It's not the same as it was yesterday. It does not matter if there were clouds up there or not. The sky of today will never be like yesterday. The same applies to us, Alex. I know that you are still anxious about what happened four days ago in the forest but that was then darling. Leave it behind and brace yourself and face this day with a smile. I know that there might be some looming danger out there but you don't have to be afraid of it. Do you hear? Don't beat yourself too much. You will definitely get the answer in the end." After she was done talking she stood up and took a few steps before stopping in front of a flowerpot on the sidewa
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Chapter 96
A part of me was excited, my blood ran around my veins some rushing to my head. I could vividly picture his face in my imagination. I wished to turn around and see his face. Another part of me was very scared. I knew that this man was very dangerous. And also that he was here for my life. If not why then would he waste his time watching my every move each and every day? "No, I guess you are not that scared. Then are you... Perhaps happy to see me?" He asked, his figure appearing right in front of me. He was too close, I could actually see his pale white skin that he poorly hid behind the mask. I didn't get to glimpse into much detail because he had already taken a step back. My brain had not registered the last sentence he had spoken. I then recalled it and blushed lightly before hiding it not wanting this stranger to see. I didn't bother saying a single word to him. My mouth remained zipped. I didn't forget to keep on trying to move. I was sure that he had done something to me."Why
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Chapter 97
"Hmm... you can't believe me? Well, I knew it would be like this. That is the reason I made sure to prepare beforehand." I watched him summon one of his people who came with an envelope which she handed over to the strange man. The girl didn't even look at me. So I didn't really get to see her appearance only that she was wearing black and also that her skin was too pale for my liking. And as usual, I couldn't decipher her own species. I moved my gaze away from her and settled them on the envelope in his hand. I wanted to see what was sealed inside it. He ripped the seal off and then took a few pictures out and handed them over to me without even looking at them. It was as if he had looked at them countless times. I accepted them and started looking at them one by one, my breath hitching when I realized what these pictures were. I wonder who had taken them. During those days I never sensed anyone following me. No, maybe I didn't even look to sense anything. These were the pictures of
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Chapter 98
Two days passed after that miserable encounter. And I haven't felt like I am being myself at all. My life has turned normal. It is now that I realize that normal is a boring word. My mind keeps on going back to those words he spoke upon our separation. I feel somewhat guilty for pushing him like that. Even though I didn't see his expression, I could actually guess how he looked. If we meet again, I will definitely say sorry to him. That is if I even recognize him. He had worn a mask all the while I spent at his home. He didn't even let out a clue that led to his name or anything. I don't even know what he really is. These days I have been listless because of this matter. My family noticed but there is nothing they could do about it. I never tell them what is wrong with me. I am going to school today, hopefully, by seeing Will I will be able to cheer up again. I was driven to school by Steve. He dropped me off in front of the school gate. I had texted Will telling him that I will be a
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Chapter 99
After locking myself in the room, I lay on the bed looking far up at the ceiling above thinking of ways that could convince him to have a proper talk with me. I wasn't going to give up on him. I listened in from the wall just beside my head but I couldn't hear anything from the other side. I guess he was really sleeping. I ended up sleeping as well, hoping to talk to him early in the morning before he gets a chance to run away from me. As planned I woke up at about four O'clock in the morning and cleaned up before waiting for him in front of his room. I only waited for less than an hour before he opened the door after freshening up. His hair was still dripping wet and he had tied it on one side letting it flow on the shoulder as some fell on the front of his chest. He still wore his mask, probably in an attempt to continue hiding his face from me. He stilled the moment he saw me standing at his door, with a grin on my face. I hurried to put my hand on the door frame, stopping him from
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Chapter 100
After breaking the kiss, our eyes were locked on each other, the scarlet colour and oceanic greenish coulor reflecting in each other. I watched as he licked his lips, his pink tongue with a tich of red colour. "Wow. I can't wait to have the main with." He spoke while bringing his other hand to put my hair back in order. He arranged some behind my ear and gave me a perk on the lips and another one on my cheek. "I made the right choice waiting for you sweetheart. I can't imagine losing you to those vile creatures. I am the luckiest person in the whole world." I felt my cheeks hit up. This wasn't enough but it would be too fast to get into it right away. I leaned into his arms and rested my head on his shoulder. I took in his refreshing fragrance as if I was standing in the middle of a field full of blooming flowers. It was too exquisite and good to take in. Adam also rested his head on the nook of my neck, his nose was sniffing there, hot air brushing there, making the sensitive skin ti
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