All Chapters of Corrupted: Chapter 231 - Chapter 240
284 Chapters
Chapter # 231
After Felix left, Ruth stood where he left her, her head hanging low with dried tears, disappointed in herself for being unable to notice what was before her.Stuck between mixed feelings, she didn’t know how to respond properly. She can’t lose Felix and Zen too, she finally got a chance to meet him after six years. She didn’t even thank him properly.And there her best friend was when she needed a shoulder. When she dreamt of her Prince Charming, not knowing her words were breaking his heart.She messed things up by her oblivion. She stood there, lost in her unwanted thoughts, disrupting her ability to think. Daphne came, noticing her expressions and asked, “What happened?”“Nothing.” Gulping, she shook her head, forcing her heavy steps to move.“You seem worried. You can tell me.” Daphne smiled, giving her back a pat for assurance.“I lost someone precious by my stupidity and stubbornness.” She whispered, gritting her teeth.“Are you talking about Zen?” She asked, tilting her head
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Chapter # 232
After walking for a long time, they got tired, there was no concept of day and night here and they didn't know for how long they were going towards their destination. Later, when all of them were tired, they decided to rest for the time being while watching out for any danger, as nothing there could be trusted. “Damn, I am beat.” Tristan muttered, rubbing his shoulder, enhancing his arrest by his action. “Me too. How’s your arm doing?” Randall asked, turning to Zen who was trying to move his arm properly, which had almost recovered. “Hmm. Fine.” He hummed, taking off the bandage finally. “Did you remember when we broke Zen’s arm?” Tristan asked, curling his lips upward from one side, recalling an old memory. “Oh, that? You guys were horrible.” Zen growled, glaring at them but they chuckled at his reaction. “It's not our fault you couldn’t fight.” They both shrugged, ignoring but he gasped at their response. “Couldn’t fight? You guys ambushed me.” He recalled how they ambushed
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Chapter # 233
They were going through a passage which opened into a cave. It was dusty, almost burning too, and they were unsure whether to enter it without knowing what could reside there. “I guess we have to pass through that cave.” Huzefa sighed when they all stopped there. “You guess?” Tristan smirked, pinching his nerves by his constant taunts and targeting him. “Do you think I live here to know? I am as clueless as everyone.” Huzefa retorted coldly, rolling his eyes off to not pay attention to Tristan and turned to everyone else. “Ahlum,” Juniper called. She nodded and used her clairvoyance to get a clearer idea of what could be beyond that. “Clairvoyance too? God, how many rare people have you got?” Gerald sighed, not believing that they have the rarest ability too. But, it’s pretty common where they came from. “Don’t ask.” Persephone smirked, shrugging her shoulders. “So, what is it?” Juniper asked, turning to Ahlum, who got a clearer look of what was inside and released a long si
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Chapter # 234
Gathering their posture, they all executed the plan they made before coming. Huzefa stayed with Laylah and Ling while Keith and Gerald also joined them in the fight.Ahlum was standing behind to let them know what he will do next as Cassandra also stayed behind to keep an eye on them so she could heal them in the process as they fight.Releasing another screeching, the dragon sensed their intentions and was about to fly over to the ground but they executed the first step.“Huzefa!” Zadicus called as he exchanged a nod and his people cast a spell which created a fake time-space.“Die in one, live in one as I shall exist for one- Illes World II!” He cast the spell, bringing version two of the fake world he created. Bringing them into a dark bluish sky and a flat ground, a void of nothingness so they could fight it openly and easily and won’t let it escape.Randall maintained his distance from afar and tapped his staff twice on the ground, “Ground Prison!” Hands began to emerge from the
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Chapter # 235
“Fuck!” Cursing, they were all back to the point they started. Outside of the cave again, gasping for air. The pressure which was created when Huzefa’s dimension broke was so intense that all of them ended up getting injured in the process. “What the hell was it?! I couldn’t cut it. Its skin was too hard.” Persephone growled in disbelief, checking if she broke her sword or not. Gasping, Randall and Daphne came in last. He turned to her, seeing how deeply she was blushing, “P-Put me down.” She stammered, making him realize he was holding her while she was on his shoulder. Blushing too, he instantly put Daphne down, allowing her to rest for the time being, “S-Sorry.” “What was it, Ahlum?” Juniper called, turning to her as she understood what was happening. Gritting her teeth, she looked down but Tristan said in her stead. “It was a Dragon of Nightmare- Drayce.” He sighed, sitting down and drinking some water, motioning to Ahlum to continue. “Humans have fear in their hearts. Which
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Chapter # 236
This time, all of them were ready to face Drayce and end him this time and upholding the titles of power they have, resolved to ensure its fate would end in demise this time.“Get ready.” Zadicus breathed out as they entered this place again, ready to fight it again. This time they were parted in three groups.One will distract the dragon when his eyes are crimson.Then Randall and others would come when it would breathe fire to hold it down and the fighters would come in the end to end its breath for the better.Drayce’s eyes were crimson, flying over the ground while they were cautiously coming but it noticed their presence. With a furious screech, it tried to attack them with thundering speed but Huzefa cast his spell, “Die in one, live in one as I shall exist for one- Illes World III!”Opening the third world, He sent Drayce there to go wild and take his time to break it so his eyes could turn back to the golden color and his skin loosen.“Good work, Huzefa!” Kriss called, smirk
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Chapter # 237
“Felix!!” Ruth screamed when Felix’s blood spilled everywhere as he fell on the ground, losing his breaths. Her eyes widened in appall, not believing what she saw.Zadicus was stunned, unable to move or comprehend what happened. His heart clenched to witness the despair of his member.Felix had always been close to Zadicus’ heart because he was punished for a murder he never attempted just like Zadicus. Zadicus always tried to shelter his members, their death was unbearable for him.Roaring, The dragon flew in the air to regenerate his half-cut wing, writhing here and there in pain.“Felix!” Screaming, Ruth ignored her broken bone and ran to his side, tears collecting in her eyes, breaths becoming uneven when she saw his blood spreading rapidly.“Ruth..” He coughed, on the verge of losing his life. Sobbing, she held his hand. She already lost her sister, her so-called lover is out of her reach and now her best friend is not here anymore.“Felix, please don’t leave me…” She sobbed, hol
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Chapter # 238
The dragon’s ordeal was finally over. They defeated it at the loss of a member. Zadicus’ patterns disappeared slowly along with the scarlet shade on his eyes, exhaling deeply, gasping for air. Persephone rushed to his side, holding him by the arms. “Zadicus?” She called, holding but he lifted his mournful gaze and removed Persephone’s hands slowly, looking down sadly. Persephone emitted compassion but Zadicus took his heavy steps towards Ruth who was holding Zen, sobbing.“Ruth…” Zadicus whispered, calling her before bending on his one knee, holding his hand out for her.“My Liege… Felix…” She sniffled, pulling away from Zen and turning to Zadicus who was looking at her grievously.“He- He… how could he leave us?” She cried as Zadicus gave her side hug like a big brother who intended to protect his little sister from further abhorrence as she held his shirt.“Why him?” She cried, unable to maintain her posture. Tears streaming down her face, snuggling to his chest, shivering.“Shh.
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Chapter # 239
After they rested for a while and regained their strengths, they were ready to start again and continue their journey with a heavy heart.But harsh paths consist of sacrifices and they were making theirs. Everything comes with a price. Sometimes they are heavier than one’s perception but they must carry on.“Alright. Let’s go. We can’t stay here.” Kriss breathed out after they stayed long enough for recovery. Who knows the path might close again and they can’t stay here forever.“Yeah, you are right.” Zadicus nodded, glancing at Ruth who had gathered her fragmented posture after holding Zen. Ready to move again with all her strength. “We are nearing. It’s not that far anymore.” Huzefa informed as they all shivered, going out of this nightmarish place back out to the open but much farther from where they started.They were walking calmly but Zadicus noticed Persephone’s exasperated reactions, gritting her teeth continuously, displaying perturbation when her mind wandered to what could
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Chapter # 240
“KRISS!” Persephone yelled, holding her hand out to Kriss as Kriss, Juniper, Ahlum, they all fell down into the abyss.“Zen!” Tristan and Randall shouted when he fell with Ruth with Gerald and Keith too.They were separated, half of them fell, half of them were on the other side. “It’s okay. It’s not as deep as it shows. It’s an illusion.” Vera reassured them to not worry about them. “KRISS! CAN YOU HEAR ME!” Zadicus shouted, calling him out, hoping his voice could reach him.“YEAH! WE’RE FINE! GO AHEAD! WE WILL CATCH LATER!” Kriss yelled back when he managed to land perfectly on his feet without gaining any injury, realizing it was only an illusion and the cliff was not as deep as he thought.But, honestly, when they all fell, their heart stopped for a second in dread to fathom what could happen if they fell into this abyss and couldn’t return but thankfully it was an illusion.“ARE YOU SURE?!” Persephone asked again, worried about them all.“YEAH!” Zen shouted back, rubbing his sh
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