Lahat ng Kabanata ng I Am Not A Weak Human Mate: Kabanata 41 - Kabanata 50
171 Kabanata
chapter 40
Daniel silence was like a spoils after wining a war for Zayn. As he got back from the heated arguments from Dan his eyes fell on a divine beauty who was lost in her dreams sucking her thumb thinking it's a feeder. Zayn tried to suppress his laugh which made his stomach hurt. defeated by the innocent but funny look Of Gigi Zayn started laughing out loud till tears formed in his eyes was out of breath. Zayn moved a strand of hair back which was blocking the view of her perfect face. Unconsciously Gigi moved in her sleep pulled her hairs to one side due to which her sexy collar bone said HI to zayn making him gulp his saliva. "How can one be so cute,childish, hot and sexy at the same time ?"Zayn asked particularly no one. Stealing a light kiss from Gigi he got up covered Gigi more to keep her warm and went outside after taking a last glance at the sleeping beauty passing a smile. Gently closing the making sure not to wake the sleeping cherry up he started walking to he himself d
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chapter 41
"Zayn please be a good boy dada will come!"Kylie told her naughty son. she know that Zayn isn't stubborn he is just pretending in order to annoy her which seems to have become his favorite hobby. "Kylie Dada has been gone for a month now. he did play with me nor did he read me bed time stories and now how can he miss my birthday?"Z Kylie was already frustrated about Gabriel not returning and now Zayn's childish behaviour was frustrating her further. "Stop your childish behaviour Zayn! you aren't a kid anymore!" Kylie yelled at Zayn which was shocking because whatever happened she would never yell at Zayn. Seeing her mom anger with him Zayn's eyes filled with tears which brought Kylie back to reality. Kylie POV What the hell is wrong with me? how can i so unreasonably yell at my little bundle of joy. it's true that i am very frustrated but that doesn't justify the fact that i yell at my child for acting childish which is normally normal for a child. End of POV Kylie took a dee
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chapter 42
Gabriel took Kendell to hospital leaving Kylie heart broken and alone with her messed up thoughts and feelings. after 2 hours which seemed like centuries to Kylie Gabriel returned. Kylie didn't went after him just stayed in her room staring at the dark gloomy sky representing her mood through the clear glass window. A crack noise of door opening was heard followed by heavy footsteps "Babe!"Gabriel called Kylie but she didn't replied. Gabriel moved towards her and embraced her into a bear hug which reluctantly washed away all of Kylie's anger. "Can you please listen to my explanation?" Gabriel pleaded. Kylie took a deep breath and turned he back in opposite direction which was facing Gabriel's face "is there anything else to explain? isn't it obvious the reason you went to Human world was not some business but her! "Kylie's voice cracked. Gabriel prepared himself by taking a deep breath God know what for!"Yes. i did went to Human world because of her but not because i want
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chapter 43
Kendell despite Kylie's and Gabriel's nice behavior acted like her usual self. she would find ways to cling onto Gabriel which was honestly disgusting. not only that she would purposely pick on Kylie. to top it all off she would treat Zayn badly constantly judging him, constantly Criticizing his every move which lead Zayn from Being childish and happy to a stubborn and arrogant. After 9 months of bearing the torture Kylie had enough she couldn't take it anymore. This Bitch was affecting her whole family it was hell hard for them to keep her and the baby a secret but she has gotten on to her nerves. After Kendell gave birth to a beautiful baby girl with the most innocent features inversely proportional to her mom Kylie decided to end everything. At night She secretly entered Kendall's room. She pulled out the dagger as she eyed over the figure laying down on bed. "You can do this Kylie. you can get back your happy life your happy family!" Kylie told herself as she prepared the
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chapter 44
BACK TO PRESENT TIME WHERE ZAYN IS SITTING BESIDE TRIS'S BED HOLDING HER HAND. "Everything is ready your majesty!" The voice said after knocking the door. Zayn took a last glance at his little sister. placing a soft Peck on her forehead he headed outside only to find a familiar figure. "Why are you calling me by my title?" Zayn asked the man to which he bother to answer pissing the hell out of Zayn. "What the Fuck V! even you are gonna treat me like that?" Zayn roared "Apologize YOUR MAJESTY! did i do anything which his MAJESTY found unpleasing ?" V replied pressing on words MAJESTY. the fact that V had a soft spot and a sis bro connection with Petris wasn't the actual thought of Zayn being pissed but was V's Attitude! what is the problem with him?"you are the real problem Zayn!" Dan my wolf replied to my unasked question. "Did i ask your stupid hairy ass to jump in?" i snapped back earning a growl from Dan. inhaling and exhaling deeply trying to suppress my anger i turn
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chapter 45
*After the wedding ceremony party*Gigi was standing in at the edge of the a balcony wearing her wedding gown staring as the sun was giving farewells to her. A storm of thoughts and emotions were accelerating inside her mind but it was as she felt nothing!No wonder why the weather looks like it was stopped by some sort of time watch. REALLY! not even a single leaf dared to move which made the environment felt like it was trying to choke her to death. "Am i really married to that arrogant bastard?" G asked herself.noises footsteps towards gathered her attention as Marie walked up to her informing that "Mate Marking ceremony" is about to take place. Giving a slight nob Gigi stole one last glance of sunset and begun walking. Pictures of the Black rose emerging from the dust occupied her mind. it was strange,surprising and confusing at the same time!That particular ritual not only tells about the future of the couple but also the kingdom and no one in the history has ever witness
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chapter 46
"The fuck are you doing here?" Zayn barked making their dirty cracked lips curl up into an evil smirk! Fuck that smirk!"Well! winds flow informed us that the werewolf king found his mate. so in honor the new weak pathetic human we are here!" One of the witches said and casted a spell towards me. i clinched my teeth as my palms pressed into fists!but before i could do anything Zayn stepped in front of me blocking the spell. "Don't you fucking dare hurt my mate!" those words sounded like bird chirping to me. he cares! he really cares!!!!!! My heart fluttered as the gloomy sky turned into a sunny one. "okay if not your mate then your people!" With that those emotionless bastards started attacking the people gaining screams of pain. Zayn ordered his guards to attack the witches more like bitches and ordered someone to get me to safety. At this moment i felt the Queen kingdom bond. i felt the pain of people MY PEOPLE! They are in Pain! i could feel the children fear. i could fe
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chapter 47
I don't give a fuck if she is not werewolf or a human! she isn't leaving me?" I clinched my teeth to the sound of someone yelling. "But my king..." "No buts keep it a secret!" Wait is that Zayn?I opened my eyes and found myself inside Zayn's room. What am i doing here? what in the happened?Then memories of the fuck up it did came running to my mind. Giving myself a virtual slap for what i have done was not enough. this time messed up hard. Oh Four is gonna kill me!Wait....Where the hell is Four?I haven't seen him till now "she must not know! if she finds out by any ANY CHANCE! i am going to make you pay!" My attention was diverted to Zayn yelling at someone but the real question is why?"But It's Gigi's right to know.." Before The person could say anything a hard noise of something hitting the wall was heard.i tip toed to the door which was half open and took a glance of the situation only to see Zayn choking someone. Wait i know this person.........V!!!!!!! I wanted fr
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chapter 48
I hate,my heart betraying my mind but i can't help it. it's the freaking mate bond!No Gigi you aren't any chick one can easily get!He first rejected you and now he wants you back just because he knows about your powers! Zayn POV After wedding ceremonyIt feels heavenly being married to Gigi. My Wolf Daniel is over the moon and i won't deny the fact that i am too. just a little!LIE! Dan yelled at which i raised my hands in defeat. At this moment i realize how need for her, for her love! So i decided to apologize and start from start! i know i have been an asshole and i don't expect her to forgive me right away but whatever i takes i will bribe her. because i know being with her has made me feel stronger than ever. *Marking ceremony* Finally! i marked her. i claimed her. she is mine now. the mark of my fangs on her neck which have started turning into a black flower made me feel proud. At this moment i realized the fuck i was doing by rejecting her!She is not my weakness
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chapter 49
(During the wedding ceremony Zayn took off Gigi's voice suppressor necklace. my stupid ass forgot to mention such an important detail) Zayn POVthere is no way in this world cam she be the princess of unknown. But that power.....THAT POWER can only be possessed and controlled by no one else but the princess herself!"Gigi" i called her to which made her turned on her heels. "Zayn" was all she said before she passed out. i brought her in OUR bedroom and covered her with blanket after placing her down. Questions were buzzing in my mind one after another and it was frustrating not to get answer to any of them. Unconsciously my eyes fell on Gigi and that when i realized that she had cut her bowl gown which revealed her long slender legs. Jealousy sprung upon me as i wanted to pull out eyes if all those who saw what only i was suppose to see. i moved to the closet and took out some COVERING clothes. Should i....? No. though she is my mate i should respect our barriers.i called
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