Semua Bab Love With the Devil On Earth: Bab 51 - Bab 60
88 Bab
LEO'S POVJust when I was starting to feel the softness of Clara's lips and her warm body, Jack interrupted everything. The worst of all was that he didn't even bother to knock. Clara's head was turned, facing the other side of the room as she avoided to look at Jack. She was clearly dying of embarrassment. Jack looked like he had frozen already, there was no difference between him and a statue at the moment. " Jack! Jack! " I shouted his name loudly before he came back to his senses, walking towards me, stretching his hands for a shake which I ignored rudely. " I'm sorry man, you know I don't knock when I come. My men told me you got shot and I had to run down here immediately, I didn't know you were in the middle of something" He was talking to me but I noticed his eyes was fixed on Clara who was backing him. "Clara you don't have to be shy, It is fine" Jack said before looking back at me, there was something different about his voice and his face. He looked quite sad and an
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The weekend passed too quickly, I enjoyed every bit of it while in Leo's room. Although I couldn't stop other maids from talking dirty. Majority said I had become Leo's s*x toy while others said I was the one forcing myself Leo, but I cared less of anything they say as long as they were all lies. All through the time I was in Leo's room I didn't do anything, instead other maids did the cleaning and the cooking while I did the taking care of Leo in every aspect except s*x. Today was a school day and I had to prepare for school, same as Leo. Luckily his leg was okay now, although it was still painful but he could walk well now without favouring one leg. I went to my room to prepare for school very early, it was the first time Leo allowed me out of his sight since his injury. When I got to my room, my new roommate was already awake and was about to leave for her morning duties. Immediately she saw me she looked away, I greeted her but got no reply. She must have also heard the bad r
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If only stares could kill, I would have been dead even before the school dismissal. The girls in my class glared at me continuously, even while classes were going on. It seemed to me like Leo didn't care or maybe he chose to ignore it. Ignoring might be quite easy for him, but it isn't for me. Staying beside Leo made me feel like a prisoner being watched by the security guard for twenty-four hours. We had a few classes in which the teacher for those subjects came to teach. They all came in normal, but after seeing me sitting beside Leo, they became abnormal and left confused. If there is one thing I hate at this moment, it would be the fact that I am so popular now. I used to be a low-key student. Many teachers didn't know me, some didn't even notice me, but now the whole school does. " If not the world, Clara," I soliloquized, placing my head on the table. I didn't even care about Leo, who was beside me, or the lecture taking place. The annoying aspect of all the classes we had today
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Leo's POVClara jumped out of my car hurriedly, nearly falling off, but lucky for her she was able to regain her balance quickly. As she ran towards the maids' quarters without bothering to look at me nor thank me, much less even saying a word. It made me wonder if I did something wrong to her and she was angry. The way she jumped out seemed to me like she was avoiding me."But for what reason?" I thought while walking briefly to the mansion. The maids greeted me while I walked in, but I didn't respond to their greeting as my mind was pretty occupied. The moment I opened my room, I was pleased with the new scent I perceived. It was as if Clara was in my room; I could perceive her fresh scent in every corner of my room. I inhaled deeply before moving over to the wardrobe to remove my uniform. For a few minutes, I sat on my bed, wondering if Clara was going to come to my room or if I should just probably go to meet her at the maid's quarters. "No, I have given her enough trouble in schoo
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I was about to open the door when I turned to look at Jack and asked him where Clara went to. Jack told me he had no idea about where Clara was, but I could tell he was lying. We have been friends for like forever, I know when Jack is lying. "Save yourself the trouble and tell me the truth now before" Jack didn't allow me to finish talking before he interrupted me, telling me immediately about Clara's whereabout. I rushed straight to the female toilet , just to very sure that she was safe and wasn't being bullied by anyone. As I got closer to the toilet, I heard noises coming from the toilet, they were all laughing profusely like they were watching a comedy show. Then I heard Clara's faint voice pleading for them to stop, but instead the laugh got louder and they were smashing something on her. I didn't even know when I began to run. On getting there my whole body was shattered at what I saw. They were smashing eggs on Clara, some were pouring dirty water on her, some were calling
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CLARA'S POV"Oh my! " I was just starting to read Leo's diary and was still at the first page, which was talking about how I inspired him to own a diary where he could write his secrets and let out his pain. The first page was about how he came across my diary and took it along with him. I couldn't stop smiling, never have I thought that Leo would ever think of writing a diary. Leo's footsteps frightened me because what I was doing was clearly wrong, going through his diary without his permission. While I stared at the diary not knowing the next action I was to take as I didn't know if Leo would get angry on seeing me with his diary. I quickly flipped through Leo's diary and several books on the desk before Leo got to me. "Nice books you've got here" I told Leo forcing a fake smile on my face, though I was scared of his next reaction because of the frown he had on his face. "I just flipped through them and I'm like wow" I played with my hair while talking, trying my possible best
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LEO'S POVWeekend came too soon and today was the day I would be taking Clara out on a date. At first I was looking forward to the outing, but on a second thought it felt like I shouldn't go because, it might cause more harm than good to Clara. Clara had been in my room ever since the day I hurt her, I didn't let her go while making sure that I nutured her injured wrist affectionately. I could have lost her that day, but thankfully she gave me a reply that calmed my mind and cooled my head. If only I knew what came over me the moment Clara said she loved Jack. For no particular reason, I felt so betrayed even though we weren't officially dating. "Maybe I should stop deceiving myself and date Clara" I thought while laying on my bed beside Clara who was still sleeping peacefully. I didn't take my eyes off Clara for a second not until she woke up and our eyes met, it was too late for me to pretend to be asleep." Have you been staring at me? Oh no! I look ugly, my hair... " Clara ask
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"When are we going out?" Clara asked me after some minutes of resting her head on my shoulder and playing with my fingers. I had already set the outing aside, now she brings it up again. "Isn't she in pain? " I thought while staring at her hair which was below my face. Ignoring Clara's question made her furious and she immediately turned to look at me, asking me directly in my face. " You said we were going to go out right? When are we going ugh? Did you suddenly change your mind? " Clara said with a sad look on her face."I know I said we were going to go out but you aren't feeling too well so I thought" Clara didn't allow me to complete my sentence when she suddenly rose up and asked me to get prepared. Clara left my room, she needed to get her cloth in her room so I permitted her to leave while I got prepared, I wore my best suit and matching shoe to go perfectly with it. Minutes later, I heard Clara humming down the hallway she was definitely coming to my room. I began to imagine
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CLARA'S POV"Why the sudden change of mood and reaction?" I thought while walking to sit on the couch. I wondered if I had upset him, but yes of course the question was annoying. I literally asked him if he was capable of murder, I mean what was that suppose to imply? I only hope Leo wasn't angry with me. Hours passed and Leo wasn't back, which made me worried sick, l picked up my phone and dialled his number severally but he didn't answer. After much contemplation I decided to call Jack and he didn't answer his call too. When I was tired of waiting I left the room hurriedly and went to look for his guard. "It's late already where could Leo be?" I thought while fidgeting with my fingers and hot tears began to roll down my cheeks. When I inquired to know about Leo's whereabout from the maids they insulted me, calling me all sorts of names which made me angry and more worried. " If anything happens to Mr. Leo, you will be at fault" A maid shouted while I was leaving the kitchen. I
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Leo allowed me to leave after much work in trying to convince him. I made him see reasons as to why he mustn't and don't have to bother dropping me at home. He claimed to be scared about what happened the last time but I still insisted. He then decided to see me off, I hurriedly went to get some few things in my room with a small bag which I was going to carry. Some maids as usual tried provoking me by calling me a prostitute and an opportunist, but I ignored knowing full well that I wasn't any of that and they were just false accusations out of jealousy. While I was about to open the door, a maid popped out from no where and told me wash the dishes like other maids. I tried to explain to her that I needed to go somewhere but she insisted and other maids supported her. When I saw they weren't ready to understand neither were they ready to listen to me, I decided to open the door and leave but the maid standing beside the door was quick to notice my plan and immediately locked the
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