All Chapters of Trapped Together : Chapter 11 - Chapter 13
13 Chapters
~ Chapter 11 – 2:21pm~
Jake watched as Rachel glanced downward and he knew what she was seeing. But he had no urge to stop or deny it. Those images that flashed through his mind when she was talking were hot as fuck and she knew that. He knew her well enough that she was having problems just like he was. He wouldn’t dare be the ass and let her think she was alone in that department, wanting something that she couldn’t have. So, he gathered up his wits and walked over, knowing what she was doing. Fuck, he even agreed with her, the coldness was bound to help the fire and flames right? Or maybe not given that it was worse knowing she was in the same fucking boat. His hand reached out and cupped her cheek, his thumb running along her cheekbone. Of all the ladies he laid eyes on, this one before him was the one he always found the most beautiful and enchanting, and she didn’t try. That was one of the best features about her. Her face was rounded, her eyes mysterious but capturing, her lips
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~ Chapter 12 - 2:43pm~
She couldn’t say her favorite position had ever been on top because it wasn’t. Not that she didn’t like the control, because she did, what female didn’t, right? But for her, she always felt like it wasn’t good like she failed in pleasing any man this way. But the way Jake stared up at her, the way his eyes roamed over her body, set her own desire skyrocketing. She had never seen him look at her like that, and she loved it. Hell, she wanted a lot more of it. And if that meant that being in this position was going to get looks like that, she would fucking do it all the time. Her nails scored along his shoulders as she rocked her hips slowly, his soft moans making her legs shake even more. She couldn’t say any of her lovers were ever as vocal as Jake, and she had to admit, it was a serious turn-on to her. Not that he needed to cry loudly, or even scream, but his moans, his kisses, and his pinches let her know that he always seemed to enjoy something she did. Even wit
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~ Chapter 13 - 3:37pm~
Jake sat up as well, his brows pulled together in confusion. He wasn’t sure how she got into her head, but she did, and he could feel the moment she pulled away. He wanted to pull her back in his arms, but he knew her well enough, she would just refuse, and it would lead to an argument. And as he watched her pull his shirt on, he wanted to comment on how sexy she looked in his clothes, but he knew that wouldn’t work either. So, with quite the effort, he wrapped the blanket around his bottom half and crossed his arms. “Okay, you have my shirt, what am I going to wear?” She jumped at the sound of his voice, and he knew right away she was far into her head and her thoughts and pulling her out was about impossible, at least for the moment. He was going to have to give her time and that was the one thing he didn’t want to do. The time between them without talking never led to anything good. “Hey,” he softly said as he grabbed her arm lightly and drew her near. “Talk to
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