All Chapters of STONE HEARTED: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
67 Chapters
Anika's P.O.V Why do these chance meetings keep happening? We always seem to run into each other unexpectedly, and it's becoming eerie. The expression on his face clearly shows his annoyance at the stain on his white T-shirt. "Ooh my goodness, I'm genuinely sorry," I apologized, retrieving a handkerchief from my purse slung over my shoulder, attempting to clean his shirt. He grabbed my wrist, forcefully pushing my hand away. "Don't touch me. Are you blind? Seriously, why do you constantly find ways to irritate me? Look at what you've done now. Do you even realize how expensive this shirt is?" His anger was palpable. His words felt like a dagger in my heart as if he was addressing a stranger. The pain was excruciating, but I held back my tears. "I already said I'm sorry," I retorted, my patience wearing thin. "Like an apology can magically restore the shirt you just ruined. You must have a special talent for ruining things," he snapped in frustration. That was the last straw. I
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Anika's P.O.V "Are you ready?" I asked Nana as we entered the airport. "Not really," she replied, her red eyes revealing she had shed tears. "Nana, please don't cry," I implored, embracing her gently. "You're always the one urging us not to cry, yet here you are," I teased softly. "I understand, but you're still my baby, still young. I don't want to leave. Maybe I should just stay with you guys because..." "Nana, we'll manage fine, I promise," I reassured, tightening the hug. Today marked her departure, and she had spent the entire morning in tears, torn between staying and leaving. Kylie had bid her farewells earlier, heading off to school. “I'll miss you greatly. You've been more of a mother to me than my biological mother, even though our time together was short. Take care, remember to call me daily, and I'll visit you every holiday,” Kylie had shared before departing. I knew Nana would be more emotional than I, considering her biological mother's struggles with addiction.
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Anika's P.O.V With a groan, I surveyed the cup, realizing just one scoop of ice cream remained. I devoured that final spoonful and placed the cup on the floor, along with the remnants of the other junk I'd consumed. My comfort food had run out, and I had nothing left to stave off my tears. "I can't stand you, Jordan," I muttered to myself. "Why won't you ever listen? Have I hurt you so deeply? I was planning to apologize, even though I knew it wouldn't be enough. Why won't you just give me a chance to explain?" I spoke to myself, my voice laced with emotion as my eyes welled up in tears. The pain was immense. He wasn't the sole sufferer; he needed to grasp that. I had been willing to kneel and plead for his forgiveness. I needed that apology more than he could comprehend, but he drove me away. He ordered me to leave, not even entertaining my words. How evil has he turned out to be? He wasn't the Kelvin I knew. "I despise you, Kelvin, I hate you so much and I never want to see
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Anika's P.O.V The door swung open, revealing Kelvin's head as he peered out. Surprise flickered across his face momentarily, quickly replaced by an exasperated sigh. He emerged fully, and oh boy... he was shirtless once again. Why did he always have to be shirtless whenever I visited? He seemed freshly showered, with damp hair droplets trailing down his appealing abs. I need to focus on why I'm here, not get lost in thoughts like that. He slid his hands into his sweatpants pockets. "What do you want?" His tone was chilly, mirroring his expression. "I-I..." I began, taking a deep breath. "I'm sorry, Kelvin. I apologize for everything," I stammered, my eyes moistening. Why must I always be so emotional? Why does every little thing make me cry? It's becoming frustrating. "As I mentioned earlier, there's no need to apologize. There's nothing to be sorry about. Please, just go. I was doing something important before you interrupted me," he spoke, his tone softer this time. "Kel—"
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Anika's P.O.V Kathy noticed me and hurried over, showering me with compliments as I emerged from my car. She donned a black and gold dress with a semi-transparent neckline that elegantly highlighted her curves, leaving her looking stunning. "Wow, you're fantastic!" she exclaimed. "Thank you," I replied with a smile. "You're no slouch yourself," I grinned. "Is this you?" she asked, clearly impressed. "No," I replied, rolling my eyes. "I'll let that slide, but you look stunning tonight," she praised me. "Thanks. Where's everyone?" I inquired impatiently. "They're inside. You're fashionably late, and Mr. Jordan is delivering his speech to the reporters in there," she informed me. "Oops... Well, head in. I'll catch up in the hall later," I told her, and she raised an eyebrow. "Are you certain?" she inquired, and I nodded in affirmation. "Alright, make sure to arrive early because soon enough, it'll be your turn to deliver the speech," she advised before walking away. My heart
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Anika's P.O.V Right after Kathy left, James appeared almost instantly. "Well... How about you share something about yourself?" he suggested, taking a seat on the nearby chair, and I joined him. "There's not much to discuss. My life tends to be pretty uneventful," I responded, my voice trailing off. "Come on, there must be something worth talking about," he prodded, giving me a gentle nudge. "Alright then, what do you want to know?" I inquired, placing my arms on the table and resting my chin on them. "Everything about you, literally everything," he grinned. "Alright, I'm Anika Downs. I've been running this company since my parents passed away. I have a sister and a friend named Laura—" "Hold on, are you implying that Laura is your only friend?" he interrupted a hint of surprise in his tone. "Plus, Kathy," I added, causing him to raise an eyebrow. "I don't buy that. How can someone as attractive as you have just two friends?" he questioned. "What's wrong with that?" I shot ba
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Anika's P.O.V I awoke slowly, feeling an overwhelming sense of exhaustion. Letting out a yawn, I sighed, my surroundings leaving me disoriented. Then, reality crashed down upon me, and I gasped audibly as the events of the previous night flooded my memory. What the heck had I done? Kelvin was still asleep, his arms wrapped around my waist as he spooned me from behind. Beneath the sheet that covered us, we lay naked. What on earth did I just do? Cautiously slipping away from Kelvin, I sat up, suppressing the sudden headache that pounded in my head. I pushed aside my tousled hair, tucking it behind my ears. My gaze lingered on Kelvin, who slept soundly, emitting soft snores. His innocent appearance while asleep contrasted sharply with the current situation. Getting to my feet, I collected my scattered clothing from the floor and tiptoed to the bathroom. A quiet change of attire was in order. At the moment, I wasn't prepared to engage with Kelvin, not when things were so awkwa
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Kelvin's P.O.V I awoke with a throbbing headache, greeted by the morning light. My temples pulsed as I rubbed them, then reached for my phone to check the time – it was already six in the morning. Groaning, I sank back into the bed, shifting slightly and realizing I was naked under the blanket. Confusion knitted my brow. "How did I-? Oh, damn it," I cursed, a wave of remembrance flooding in from the previous night. Why did I let that happen? I should have had better control over myself and exercised some self-restraint. I was supposed to despise her, avoid her, and never fall into her trap again. So why the hell did I do the exact opposite? I sighed and raked my fingers through my hair. I messed up royally. Why did I even attend that party? I shouldn't have shown up, no – I should never have taken that drink and let myself get drunk. But I couldn't resist, not when I saw that jerk James talking to her. I impulsively grabbed whatever the bartender had on offer and downed it. I
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Anika's P.O.V I sank onto the couch, my hands covering my face as I stifled the urge to let tears escape. I refuse to cry over Kelvin anymore. Who does he think he is, toying with my emotions as if I'm some sort of plaything? I had never understood him since he returned after disappearing for five years. He used to act as if he hated me, avoiding me at all costs. I even begged him at one point, but he slammed the door in my face. And now he was attempting to mend things between us when I had long lost interest in anything to do with him. He was beyond belief. He even claimed he's staying to fight for our love. Right... He was delusional. Maybe he was still intoxicated from last night, the alcohol lingering in his system, clouding his judgment. *** Day one (1) "Mr. Jordan is in your office, he arrived before I did," Kathy rushed to inform me as soon as I entered the company. I halted in my steps and faced her, taken aback. "Why is he here?" I questioned, surprised. "I'm not s
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Anika's P.O.V I gazed at him for a moment before bursting into laughter in my seat. He regarded me with a bemused expression, but I couldn't have cared less. Was he asking me out on a date? Seriously? I thought he intended to fight for me, not to confess crazy things. After Kelvin gave me an odd look for a while, I gradually composed myself and wiped away the tears caused by my hearty laughter. He must be wondering why I found it amusing that he was inviting me on a date. I mean, he hadn't stopped giving me that "you're being silly" look. "So, is that a yes?" he asked with a grin. "No," I retorted, rolling my eyes. "Alright then, I'll just keep coming here for no reason." "No!" I exclaimed, and he couldn't help but smirk. "So, you agree?" he grinned. I let out a sigh. It's either I reluctantly agree to this silly date with him or endure his constant pestering and teasing about that night. His presence was a distraction that made it hard for me to focus. "Fine," I said, rolli
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