All Chapters of A Trilogy: Accession of the Immortals: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
156 Chapters
The witch looked at the skeleton with a frown and sighed because it wasn't saying anything."Come on, what can you tell me? Where did Karl and Matthew go?"He still didn't provide an answer. Instead, he went down on one knee."What the hell?" The witch exclaimed."Marry me." It tried to say.The witch gave a nervous laugh, then reversed the spell, taking back the life force from the skeleton."Great, just great. April, if you were here, this wouldn't have happened." The witch mumbled, breaking the connection she now had with the thing."That's the last time I use this damn spell, but that's what I get for using a world war I soldier who only has the war on his mind. And I even messed the damn spell up.""April!" the witch yelled. The cat appeared on the bed, yawning and stretching."Where were you?" The witch asked, hands on hips, right foot tapping.The cat meowed and cleaned herself."Fine, don't answer." The witch turned away from her cat, so she could walk around her room, contemp
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"Wait, wait, wait. Did you just call me your mate? Who the hell do you think you are? I will kill you, dog." Scarlet took a threatening step toward the Alpha.Scarlet glared up at his six feet seven inches muscular body, but she couldn't get her eyes off his broad chest, which he had his arms crossed over.She finally tore her eyes from his bulging muscles to gaze into his golden eyes, which were studying her next move, while trying to hide the smile playing on his thin pink lips."You filth," Scarlet let out.That seemed to take the Alpha out of his trance. He ran a hand through his sandy blonde hair, then snarled at her."You are not allowed to speak to the Alpha like that." Nikki stepped between them, pushing Scarlet back.The witch grabbed Nikki's hand and twisted it back.Nikki cried out, punching Scarlet on the nose, who in turn slapped her across the face with the back of her hand. Nikki fell to the floor. Scarlet was about to hit her again, but the Alpha grabbed her by the thr
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"Hey, have you noticed anything strange about your Beta and Matthew?" Scarlet asked when the two were walking back from the dining room."No, why?" Horatio raised a brow."Nothing at all?""Umm, well, I think he is investigating you. I overheard them mentioning your name." Horatio told her. "Do you trust your Beta?""Yes, no. Not completely," Horatio told her, feeling conflicted."Well, you shouldn't at all.""And what do you know? You have only been here for a few days."Scarlet simply stared at him without batting an eye."Are you going to tell me?"After a long staring contest, Horatio shook his head."Anyway, I have work to do," Horatio told her before walking ahead and entering his office.Scarlet followed behind without a word to sit on a chair directly across from the Alpha's desk.As Horatio responded to an email, he was interrupted by Scarlet grunting. He glanced over at her and she gave him a smile."Why are you in my office?" He asked her.Scarlet looked all over the room
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Just as Scarlet felt Horatio hard and horny from their awkward make-out session, he made his way to his office. Just as he entered, his computer made a beeping sound to notify him that he received an email. After reading it, he made an immediate decision. Knowing exactly what to do and who he would choose to get the job done. So he called a meeting, letting his pack and Scarlet know they had five minutes to get into his office.Nikki was the first one there. The smile she wore made it known that she would gloat at anyone late.''Let's get this meeting started, I don't want to waste any time because as soon as we are done here the selected few will leave with me.'' He begun. ''I know that this is short notice, but we will go to Florida. It is to-''"Yes, finally!" Brad pumped his fist in the air, cutting the Alpha off. ''Sun, tan, and babes.''All eyes turned to him, and a few chuckled.''Please don't interrupt me again?'' He began to relay the message to them, and as he spoke, his eye
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"Scarlet!!!!!" Scarlet jolted from her nightmare, opening her eyes to instantly close them."Why is it so bright?" She asked herself.Kate screamed, then Scarlet felt herself falling."What the hell?" Scarlet yelled out after landing hard on the floor.When Scarlet opened her eyes again, she saw that Kate and Kera were standing over her with weird looks on their faces."What!" Scarlet shouted, getting up. She looked around, only to see that she was in the hallway."What! Is the house on fire?" Josh came out of his room."No, Scarlet was in the hallway way, sleeping and floating. I think we should just get ready for school." Kera said.Scarlet groaned, throwing herself back on the floor and covering her eyes.She eventually got and got ready, then made her way out of her room for breakfast, but not before bumping her head on the arch and tumbling down the stairs."Ahhhhh!" she kicked her legs out, then sat on the floor for a while.'Just not my day,' she thought.30 minutes later, Sca
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The drive to school the next day was long and boring because of an accident. Plus the rain was falling, so Scarlet had to drive with Brad, who only talked about himself.When they arrive nearly at the end of chemistry class, Miss Green, who was also the student counsellor, made them sign a late form and gave them each a detention."Miss Green, I'm not feeling well," a girl named Miley mumbled.(Scarlet had told Horatio the night before about Miley, a young witch, and her friends, thinking that it would be best if he took them in as well.)''Do you need to go to the nurse?'' Miss Green asked.''No, just a run to the restroom will be fine.'' Miley gave a weak smile.Miss Green handed her a hall pass as she walked by.Miley hurried to the bathroom, making sure she was alone, then locked the doors. After letting off some excess energy that seemed to only build up when Scarlet was around, she washed her face and stared at herself for a while. Her ivory skin looked even paler, her stricken
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Scarlet was deep in her thoughts, like always, as they killed time by idling in the parking lot because they arrived a little too early."Good morning," Zach said, mostly to Kera, who was blushing and smiling as he made his way over.Chris, Jason, Emma, Miley, and a human girl by the name of Anna made their way over as well.They tried to make light conversation to kill time, but everything they talked about was forced.The bell finally rang.Scarlet sighed, running her hand through her hair. "I hate this school thing."Before they could move Kevin, and his brother stopped them."Please trust us, neither of you should go in there," Kevin told them.Kate and Nikki turned to look at each other."What are you talking about?" Scarlet was the one to speak up."I know you are wolves and vampires, I-""I'm a witch." Kera huffed, crossing her arms."I wasn't finished," Kevin retorted.A hiss escaped Zach's lips.Ian held up his hands in a gesture to show that they meant no harm."You may not
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"Start talking!" Nikki looked at Mrs. Turner.The teacher gave a blank stare. She and the other skinwalkers were all tied up and dragged to the back of the school, where a small forest was.Nikki slapped her hard across the face and was about to slap her again, but Scarlet pushed her to the ground.Looking down at her, she said, "we didn't even ask them anything yet!"Kevin helped Nikki up, and immediately she pushed him away."You should have let her stay on the ground, ungrateful little brat. And I'll do all the questioning!" Scarlet looked around to see if anyone would challenge her."Good." She walked over to Mrs. Turner."Let's take this slow, my name is Scarlet-""Scarlet! I thought it was Skylar." Scarlet pinned Emma with a deadly look."Sorry. I- I'm going to stand over there," she mumbled."As I was saying, my name is Scarlet, and I want to know why you attack us?" She tried for a calm tone.Mrs. Turner looked confused for a moment. "I don't know. It felt like... like I was b
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"Wow," Miley gushed over the house, and its glory."Stop drooling, you're acting as if you've never seen a mansion before." Nikki pushed past everyone.Scarlet watched after her, wishing that she could turn her into the troll she was.Lizzy had a smirk on her thick lips, her oval face, and grey eyes said she knew something no one else did. In fact, that was what her entire demeanour said, from her messy blonde hair to dark makeup, and short bulky frame. Her presence said, 'I'm all that and I know it, plus you better watch your back.'Horatio immediately didn't trust her, especially when she winked after looking between him and Brandy, a girl she told Scarlet about and insisted on bringing."The maid will show you to your respective rooms," Horatio told them, never taking his eyes off Lizzy.She blew him a kiss, then followed the others when they all made their way inside."Ok then," Scarlet said, after seeing the brief exchange."Well, I have a few things to get done," Scarlet said, p
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The next morning, the energy coming from Scarlet was so intense that it prickled everyone's skin. To top it all off, Miley kept moaning and complaining about having headaches and weird visions, all the while blaming it on Scarlet, who seemed oblivious to what was happening.Brad pretended to cut the tension.Lizzy looked at Brandy and smiled.While Brandy looked down at her uneaten food."Are we still on for our training session, Scarlet?" Kera asked, trying to lighten the mood.Scarlet simply nodded."And can you help me with whatever is going on in my head?" Miley groaned."Sure," Scarlet said softly, but that was just enough to set the air at a high charge.Kate gasped, then laugh when Emma's hair started sticking up."It's happening to you too, to all of us." Emma laughed."Scarlet." Horatio rested his hand on hers. Her head snapped up. That caused Kate to screech when what felt like electricity shot up her spine.The chairs, along with the dining table, and everyone and everythin
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