All Chapters of The mafia's surrogate: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
89 Chapters
Nahil angrily stomped into his room and flung the gun he was holding in his hand on the bed. He ruffled his hands through his already disheveled hair making it all fall on his face as he gritted his teeth angrily." How dare that bastard come and attack me in my own house?" He muttered under his breath angrily. The gunshot earlier was because Marhoni had visited him earlier under the pretense of reaching an agreement but he started attacking Nahil and his men, three of his men were injured and one was dead." I will not allow you to see the sunset tomorrow Marhoni" he added as his lips curved up in an evil smirk.Just then, there was a knock on the door and Mustapha entered." Boss, we got an Intel that Marhoni's daughter frequents a club in the city and from our source, she is there right now" Nahil's smile grew wide and he quickly picked up his gun," go and bring her to me Mustapha" he added as he corked his gun." Yes boss" Mustapha replied and quickly went out." Lets see how yo
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Marhoni was seated in his living room enjoying a glass of wine when the doorbell rang, a worker quickly went to open the door and she shrieked in fear. The gory sight in front of the door was too heavy for her to handle, the battered body of Sheila laid on the floor lifeless." What happened?" Marhoni asked as he walked up to the door. As his eyes fell on his daughter, he was taken aback." Sheila?" He muttered more to himself as he was not able to comprehend the fact that it was his daughter who was lying in the pool of her own blood. He looked around to see if there was anyone in sight but all his guards were down unconscious."Sheila" he screamed and knelt on the floor beside her body, as the other helpers heard his voice they all rushed to the door and met the same sight." What happened to her?" They began to whisper among themselves in fear." Call the ambulance," the head of the workers said as she walked up to Marhoni. She has worked for him for years now and she knew everythi
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The whole house was bubbling with music, Naomi was finding it hard to concentrate on anything because of the party downstairs. The music and the noise was too loud for her to handle, sighing heavily she stood up and went to the balcony.After a while, her phone rang and it was Evie calling her on a video call. The two have been talking non stop for hours now and it was really fun, she answered the call and they continued their chit chat." It seems Nahil Gustavo is in a good mood today, hearing all this noise" Evie said from the other end." I just wish they would stop already, I am really tired of hearing all the noise Noami replied and sighed. She was still busy talking with Evie oblivious of the fact that a stranger had slipped into her room." Evie, I will just shower and take some rest. I feel very tired"." Okay dear, make sure to lock your door in case any of those drunk creeps enter your room" Evie replied in a concerned tone." Okay love , goodnight" Noami blew her an air kis
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After doctor Phil checked on Naomi, he invited Nahil to his office for a talk." What happened with Naomi doctor?"Nahil asked the moment he was seated in front of doctor Phil." I really didn't know it would work but congratulations she is pregnant" he said smiling." Is that why she lost consciousness?" He asked, part of him was happy that at last he would have a child to his name very soon." She has been under a lot of stress lately, the foetus is just one week old and she may have a miscarriage if she keeps being under stress. I have prescribed some anti-stress medicines for her but it won't help if she keeps experiencing it everyday".Nahil sighed, " very well doctor, thank you" he added and stood up, " can she go home now?"." Yes, she is stable now" he replied and Nahil walked out of the office.………………………………………………….......................................Nahil walked Into her hospital room, she looked pale as she laid on the bed. As soon as she saw him, she turned her face away
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The doorbell rang, Noami was seated in the parlor so she went to open it. It was an elderly woman she had never seen before but she somewhat looked familiar." Who are you?" The woman asked as she pushed Noami out of the way and entered inside, she almost fell down but held onto the door for support." And who are you to push me like that?" Naomi snapped, she wanted to show respect to this woman but since she had already behaved badly with her, there was no need to be cautious." You seem to be one of the toys my son is playing with right?" The woman asked in a mocking voice as she lowered herself on one of the sofas." Son?" Naomi muttered under her breath then it occurred to her that she was Nahil's mother, the one he hated.She wanted to say something when she noticed Nahil coming down the stairs, he was dressed casually." Who is making so much noise here?" He asked oblivious of the woman sitting in his living room." Son" she said standing up and Nahil stopped short on seeing his
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" I really need to go out, I will die of boredom in this house" Naomi spoke into the phone as she made her way downstairs for breakfast, she was getting so bored in the house she felt like she would die. Always watching movies or playing games, this was not the life she planned for herself." You can just ask that stupid mafia to let you come over right?" Evie asked from the other end." I doubt he will Evie, he is evil. '' Naomi replied and someone cleared his throat behind her, she turned and to her surprise it was the man she was bad mouthing." I didn't know you were talking about me with your friend," he said as he stood directly in front of her." I wasn't bad mouthing you" she replied and walked downstairs away from him, he smiled and followed suit.Once she got to the table, a whole lot of meals were prepared and how mouth watered, she has always been someone who appreciated good and delicious food." Why did you prepare so much food?" She asked as she took her seat at the far
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When Nahil brought Naomi to her room, he gently placed her on the bed and sat down beside her.She was wondering why he didn't go down until he spoke up," I will not be around tomorrow," he said, looking at her." Why are you telling me that?" Naomi asked, he never told her anything about himself so she was a bit surprised." You can go and stay with your friend the whole day, I will send someone to pick you up when I am back" he replied as he leaned on the sofa." Okay" she answered and turned her face away from him, she was feeling a bit weird sitting with him like that." Noami" he called her name after a while, he was struggling with himself on what he wanted to say but he had to say it after all," I know you don't like me and I can understand that, I have only hurt you since you came here. I will try as much as possible not to be hard on you again until the contract is over" She sighed and turned towards him," I told you from the beginning right, you do not need to act concer
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As Rome saw his brother walk out of the room dejectedly, he knew Noami must have been hard on himSighing heavily, he made his way into her hospital room." How are you feeling now?" He asked, sitting opposite me." At least I didn't die," Naomi replied and faked a smile." Can we talk?"." What is it about?" She asked." Look Naomi, I know you must really hate my brother now and I can totally understand if you do but all this isn't really his fault you know".She scoffed, " are you really here to justify him?"." No Naomi, our mother left us at a very early age. I know he didn't tell you anything about our work but I will do, he is the leader of the mafia here, our father introduced us into this life at a very early age. He became like this because he didn't get the love of his mother so he thinks everyone is the same" " Then why are you different from him?"" I stayed with my paternal grandmother Naomi, he regrets what he has done, please forgive him".She sat up and placed a pillo
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Rome and Nahil were seated on the balcony having a drink, Naomi had gone out earlier with Mustapha and Masir to protect her.Looking at his brother intently, Rome spoke up." What are your plans now?" He asked." What do you mean?" Nahil asked back." Are you planning on another artificial insemination?"." If not that, what should I do?" Nahil asked." Will she agree to do it for the second time?"." She already agreed to do the procedure again if the first one failed," Nahil replied and sipped his drink." Well,that's by the way. Why did you suddenly go off on your own to take care of Marhoni and Massimo, what if something had happened to you brother? you were too impulsive".He scoffed, " if I want to keep Naomi and my baby safe I have to take care of them".Rome gave a knowing smile as he gulped his drink.…………………………………………………..................................................." Thanks for dropping me here Jayden" Naomi said as she climbed down from the car.Earlier that day, she d
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The sun rays crept into the room shining directly on Naomi's face,she yawned and opened her eyes and she met the shock of her life.Nahil was sleeping beside her and she could feel something in between her legs, at first she was trying to comprehend the whole situation because she was stark naked in his arms and he was also naked with his member deep inside of her." What the fuck is this?" She muttered under her breath, " how did this happen?" She was still in her train of thought when Nahil opened his eyes and he was more shocked than the formal, how were they in that position and what even happened?" What are you staring at, you pervert?" Noami snapped and tried to stand up forcefully but she fell back down on the bed, her waist was sore." Are you okay?" he asked seeing her wincing in pain." And why do you care if I am okay?"Nahil didn't reply and quickly stood up from the bed and wore his trousers, he didn't know what to say in this situation. After wearing his trouser, he wan
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