All Chapters of The Alpha Or The Warrior?: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
128 Chapters
Meeting Gianna
One thing she has noticed about Mathew is that he is a cold man, and if he decides to show any emotion at all, it is anger. She can't understand why he would be angry because she has refused to be the Alpha. She doesn't know. It may be too early to judge his character, but so far, it's what she has been allowed to find out.She may not have expressed her reluctance to be the Alpha in the best way but still, she doesn't see any reason why he should be so hurt about it. Even though she is reluctant to leave, it is clear that he doesn't want her presence in his house, so she leaves. Once outside, she hurries back to the pack house.She is determined not to bump into the Alpha, not knowing how she is going to face him after the words he said to her last night. She is sure that he was just drunk, he is probably avoiding her as well...She stops suddenly. She has almost made it to the back door of the pack house when the Alpha's scent reaches her nostrils. Oh, no! Wherever he is, she is det
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'Where Is Your Mate?'
What does one even do in a completely new and strange place that is filled with wolves waiting for her to be their leader? She is discovering werewolves are more temperamental and harder to deal with than humans, which makes her rethink her decision to stay.And as for that Gianna girl, she decides to shove her to the back of her mind for the moment. She still has highschool manners, and Emily has had her fill of Gianna type of girls from highschool. She is not important. Until she is.She feels her head begin to ache slightly as she enters the bedroom, touching her forehead.Immediately, she is met with Alpha Marcus, who blocks her way, closing the door behind her."Alpha, I didn't know...""Shhhh," he says, and she doesn't like how close he is getting to her. He is so big and he takes all the comfort out of the room. Emily presses back against the door, trying to keep a distance between them, but the Alpha moves closer until their bodies are almost touching. Marcus supports his han
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A Visit To Travis's
It was only after Emily left the trailer park that Jack had figured out she must be the long-lost daughter a certain pack has been looking for. That strength she exhibited, it was out of the ordinary, knocking him down like that when he is supposed to be the Alpha male.And then a reliable source has just called him to confirm his suspicion. Emily is indeed the one, and if he had figured that out earlier, he would have been rolling in it. He is angry with her. Why the hell did she not give a more prominent sign, until she left?Anyway, it might not be too late. He hopes so, and his thoughts rush in his head as he pulls up outside the old mansion in the town of Austin.He honks his car to get the attention of the security men at the gate, but as soon as one of them comes out to check who it is, he immediately asks him to leave because Travis does not want to see him."Why?" Jack asks, feeling himself already running out of patience. "Last I remember, I was in good terms with him, I didn
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A Visit To Travis's 2
Jack knows what the creatures in the building are capable of. They are dangerous demons and sleeping with other creatures different from them is their favorite hobby, and perhaps one would argue that it's not a bad thing since they are all gorgeous as hell. Except that by sleeping with someone, they steal that person's soul as well.You will have a great time in bed with them, and then you become heartless, unexplainably violent and remorseless. And all you want is to have more and more sex and want to chase that particular succubus or incubus, but they will have no use for you after that, having taken your soul away from you, which is the main reason they desire to have sex with anyone in the first place.And what this particular succubus is trying to do is seduce him by smelling like his favorite scent.And that's the least she can do to seduce him. Jack knows that he will be down if he takes so much as a glance at her, so he makes a mental note to avoid looking at her even as he nod
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Travis's Request
Jack has to force himself to face fhe ground because at this moment, Travis turns around in his chair to face him. Like Jack predicted, Travis is very interested to know about the girl being found.He is in a dangerous situation now, because no matter how curious he is to see the demon lord's face, to see why he doesn't like anyone looking at him, he can't, for fear of driving him into uncontrollable rage."What are you talking about? I hope you know what you are talking about because I don't like to be fooled! Where did you see the girl?"Jack swallows nervously. That voice would make anyone nervous.How does he explain that he had dated the girl for some time not knowing she is the one the demon lord has been searching for, with a huge price on her head? He will probably get in trouble for saying it."I am very sure sir. She is alive, she went back to join her pack. I saw her with my own eyes...""How did you know it was her?"Oh, shite. "Because I had the misfortune of meeting her
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Overheard Conversation
Soon after Emily left his house, Mathew found that his thoughts keep returning to her. Getting obsessed with everything the two of them have said, her every reaction. She must have thought he is hard to deal with, that he has a temper, but the truth is that angering Mathew is one of the hardest things one could ever do. He always has his emotions under strict control, no wonder he has never allowed himself to fall in love with any woman before, and it will always be that way.He tried to sound harsh with her only because he thought it was the only way that would be effective in making her reconsider her decision. The pack members need her, she just doesn't know how much. But she thinks she is not fit to be their Alpha, even after she was told they've been searching for her for years.But now, he thinks behaving the way he did will only succeed in pushing her away from him and nothing else. And, if truth be told, he rather enjoys her company. He doesn't want to push her away right now,
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Overheard Conversation 2
Mathew is surprised by how the man's words makes him feel. Unexpectedly, he feels so protective of Emily, must be because he is the one who found her, saw how vulnerable she was and therefore the need to protect her.Whatever the cause, the feeling to defend her, to make sure the man doesn't get his hands anywhere near her, is overwhelming.Since Alpha Marcus isn't too happy about Emily's presence in the pack, Mathew knows that he will jump at the opportunity to get rid of the girl. He has to get to her right now, hide her in his house if necessary...But he halts at the the response from the Alpha, as Marcus says something he didn't expect."As long as I live, I will never allow anyone to harm the girl. Her father asked me to care for her once she was found, it is just a pity we couldn't find her earlier. Now that she's been found, it is my responsibility to protect her, understand? I don't know what part of your courage the idea that I will allow you to harm the girl has come from. T
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She Is A Trophy
She should have known he was going to ask her about this, and she wonders who told him about the Alpha's intentions to marry her, because it is clear that he knows. She almost believed the reason he wanted to talk to her was because he wanted to apologize for the way he behaved back at his house, how stupid of her to have even entertained such wishful thinking. All he wants is to nosy around in her affairs, nothing more."What do you intend to do with that information, Mathew?"He rolls his eyes. "Do you have to argue about everything? I have told you it's for your safety...""I know you are just nosing around in my business. But try a different method because that one is surely going to fail."He scoffs, wondering how thick she can be."I have no interest in your personal business, young lady, I just want...""You want to protect me? I don't need your protection. The Alpha is a nice man, nicer than you, if I might add, so no need to protect me from him."He gets a little exasperated n
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Caught Yet Again
As she sits there brooding over the conclusion she has come up with, Mathew gives her a deep stare, then shakes his head."Your thoughts are misleading you," he says quietly, wondering what on earth he has done to her that makes her always inclined to think negatively of him."What thoughts?" she says, a scowl on her face."First of all," he responds. "Let me tell you the definition of a trophy. A Trophy is described as something gained or given in victory or conquest especially when preserved or mounted as a memorial. Or young, attractive woman who is the girlfriend of a rich and successful older person and who acts as a symbol of the person's social position, I don't know which of those two descriptions you place yourself under. Though I should think that if you go ahead and marry Marcus, you will very well fall under the second description..."What causes Emily to widen her eyes is not the deliberate reminder that the Alpha is too old for her, it is the fact that he has read her tho
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Mathew's Gift
She swears to keep the information he is going to tell her a secret, and Mathew explains;"You see, all werewolves have one thing in common, which is gaining a wolf when we all reach a certain age, thus living the rest of our lives having two sides, the animal and the human side. But some wolves have the privilege to be born with gifts. I mean, special abilities that other werewolves do not have. "These gifts are mostly inherited from parents that have them, but sometimes a wolf is born with the gift even though no one in his or her family possess it. You are that example."He pauses and stares at her for a moment. She is surprised how those eyes seem to catch her off guard every time he looks at her, leaving her slightly breathless. She swallows, nodding her head. He moves his eyes from hers and continues,"I, on the other hand, inherited the gift I possess from my parents."She would like to ask him a lot of questions; whether his parents are alive, and if so, where they are, but al
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