All Chapters of The Alpha Or The Warrior?: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
128 Chapters
Turned Down Offer
She quickly arranges her clothes and gets out of Mathew's bed, then follows him to go and find out what has brought the man here so early in the morning."I am so sorry for interrupting your sleep, guys," the man looks puzzled to find Emily, all the evidence of her having slept here etched on her face. She yawns widely."It's okay. Are you with Ella? You can come and take a seat."The fact that she is even inviting him to take a seat in the house makes him believe that the two of them (Emily and Mathew) are together now. He isn't sure how to react to that."Thank you. Ella sends her regards.""Oh, thanks. I hope she is fine as well."Emily and Mathew follow the man to the living room and sit down when he does, Mathew still shirtless."She is fine, except that she is dead worried about you, now that she found out exactly what happened to you, to your parents."Emily feels her heart skip a beat. She found out? How did she find out?Oh, no. She hopes Ella did not find out that she is a we
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Second Thoughts
"I like to have friends in my life but I would very much appreciate it if humans disappeared from it. If they keep showing up unexpectedly and asking all these awkward questions, I fear they will find out more than they are supposed to, and I might reveal the secret world of werewolves to the humans. And I wouldn't like that to happen," Emily grumbles as soon as the designer has left after telling her that his offer will always be open and she is free to change her mind."I totally understand you," Mathew says, raising his arms for her to walk to him. She goes to him and sits on his lap, leaning her head against his chest. She can't believe she is this comfortable getting close to a man after what happened in her last relationship. She thought she would take a hell of a long time to heal and be ready to be with another man, but Mathew has surprised her. She still wonders whether it is a good idea to do this, but she will follow her heart for now. He might turn out to be good and she h
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Out Of Curiosity
The discovery that Emily has known about the fact that Mathew was pretending to date her since day one does not sit well with Gianna. Emily had even taken part in the game, willingly. Unbelievable. Now it is her, Gianna, that looked like an idiot, when she had planned for this moment to be humiliating for Emily.She doesn't like this at all, and she prepares to strike again. You might wonder why she is so determined to make make Emily's life miserable, well, it is because she showed up and took everything from her. All she had worked hard for, she is watching it all crumble slowly to the ground.The attention she had gotten used to, the hope of something greater being born of all her efforts, all dying just like that. She has to start all over again. This time, she is going to use a weapon that she knows will be too deadly and will leave Emily more shuttered and lost than she was when she first appeared. It doesn't matter if the majority of the pack like Emily and look forward to the d
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Unexpected Victim Of Cruelty
The best thing to do now is to avoid the questions. There may be a price he would have to pay for doing that, but it is far safer to pay such a price than to let her find out how messy his love life had been in the past, or how he got to know her ex mate.She doesn't understand that Mathew wants Jack dead so badly, but he can't do anything except leave him alone because it is all supposed to be none of his business. He can only go so far in the name of defending her."Sweetheart, let's talk about something else. If you don't mind, of course."She raises her brow at him."Oh, so now you are avoiding my questions. What a cool, understanding and long lasting relationship we are going to share!""Emily, stop it. I am not going to apologize for sleeping with countless women in the past and I am sorry if you expect me to. I don't understand why you would want to talk about it either. It is all in the past, okay? You are my present and my future, and it is going to be that way for a very long
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Friendly Warning
"Cut it off, we don't need your sympathy, human," Gianna says scornfully. "And you can't do anything about it because you are in no position to do so. I was merely letting you know what takes place in the pack so that you see how important it is for you to leave Mathew for her.""Well, dummy, your friend might have fantasies about Mathew, but Mathew doesn't want her, you hear? I will not leave him. And since you don't want my help, don't bother me again."Gianna fumes, then says,"Who are you calling dummy?""Well, you are not the only one who is good at name-calling. I think the dummy one suits you perfectly, don't you?""Get out of here," Gianna shouts angrily. "He is going to break your heart. You are not more special than the rest of the women he's used and dumped. And I will be eagerly waiting for that day and laugh at your stupidity," she pauses, then adds,"On the bright side, it means you will leave the Alpha alone. I no longer need to compete with a pathetic little human for t
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Head Over Heels
"Really, Emily? I bet you do not even mean that, do you?" Ella's face registers how hurt she is as she asks this, but Emily's face is unrepentant. She might feel a tiny ounce of guiltiness, but it is important that she put people, no matter who they are, in their place. She is no longer the Emily that Ella and their other friend were used to back in Welcome, the Emily who got swayed by everything and convinced to do anything. A lot of things have changed in her life and she has changed right along with them."Don't get me wrong," she explains. "I am not driving you away as a friend, I still like you a lot, but it is important to remember that we are all grown now and our priorities are changing. I wasn't very impressed with what you did earlier.""I heard. And you know what? I can't stand you when you get like that. There's even no way I am going to talk to you because you seem so irritable. Let me just leave."Instead of encouraging her to stay, Emily wishes Ella a safe journey, somet
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Gambled with his Life
It is tempting to end Jack's life, very tempting, as it has been quite some time since Travis fed on the soul of a werewolf. As soon as he discovered Emily is not in the house, he thought he has been lied to, and it's not the first time Jack has lied to him. But hearing him talk about bringing Emily like he is confident he would do it makes him pause to consider. He is going to be given the chance, but one more of the games and it will be the last time. He is getting killed."The moment you fail to bring her to me, you are dead.""No need to say that," Jack finds himself saying nervously. That doesn't soun like a joke. Despite being brave enough to talk to Travis, Jack is kind of terrified of him. He has to admit that he was surprised when he saw Travis himself arrive when he expected to be found by only by a servant. Shows how much he wants Emily, and Jack is there to make sure he gets exactly that.His life is falling apart and he would rather scramble to please Travis than anythin
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Jack's Plans
Jack stands by the window of the trailer, heaving a long sigh that he had no idea he was holding.The demon lord has left at last. What on earth was he even thinking, reaching out to the demon lord again? He will get himself killed one of these days, and he loves his life dearly.If he doesn't get him the girl, death is inevitable for him. What a fix he has gotten himself into. To make things even more complicated, he doesn't think he is ready to part ways with Emily, after all. The slight changes that have come about her didn't escape his notice as soon as she arrived, Jack felt his heart beat wildly in his chest. While she was busy demanding for rejection, he was looking at her body; the way she has slightly gained weight, making her womanly curves (that already used to draw attention from the opposite sex) more prominent, her skin is also glowing a bit more than he remembers it.Not to mention the girl, as a whole, has changed drastically. She oozes a bit more confidence, seeming m
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There's Hope
When he had taken the trouble to look for the scattered pack members and bring them to live together in the trailer park, Jack had thought he had solved half his problems. But they soon realized that, like always, their Alpha proved to be useless, and now most of the wolves are pissed; they told him so the time they left the trailer park to go and live in their previous homes among the humans.And now, only a few wolf families remain. Even those, the failure to quickly find affordable houses to rent is what is keeping them. They are bound to leave once they have find the right places, and then Jack will be alone and lonely once more.But before that happens, he is going to set his plans in motion. Soon, he will have a lot of money and a nice family with his beautiful mate. He ignores his wolf when he reminds him that Emily is no longer theirs, that he lost her the moment he behaved like a lunatic and attacked her parents, and then tried to grab the trailer park. If there had been any c
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A Kind Gesture
Emily has almost successfully made her way to her room to change her clothes when she bumps into the two girls that had once complained to her about Marcus's uncle trying to force himself on one of them. Tara, that is one of their names, if she is not mistaken."Hi girls," she says trying to make the lack of interest in conversing with them evident in her voice. "How may I be of help to you this time?"Emily notices, with a sinking feeling, that Tara's eyes are filled with tears. She doesn't want to find out why she is crying, but at the same time, curiosity won't give her peace."What happened to her?" she whispers. "Are you happy now? The man has succeeded! He broke down her door and had his way with her body last night! Are you happy now?"The grey eyed woman screams at Emily, whose eyes go wide with shock. He had his way with her...does that mean the Alpha's Uncle that they had talked about the other day? Whoever it was that offended the girls, how does it concern Emily? The woman
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