All Chapters of The Billionaire's Personal Assistant : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
81 Chapters
Chapter Seventy
Two days later“Please I need to eat. I’m hungry”. Ellie pleaded with one of the guys. "Please.”“It’s not yet time.” He said in a gruff voice.“It’s been two days!”. She cried. "We’ve only taken water.”“Why are you complaining Ellie? You should be grateful that you’re still alive.” Arya sneered.Ellie glared at Arya. “I’m pregnant. Surely you can’t expect me to let my baby starve. I’m not as heartless as you are.” She spat acidly.“You’re pregnant?!why didn’t you say?”. Rose gasped. "Congratulations. I’m going to be an aunt soon”. She beamed.Arya stared at Ellie speechless. She didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Maybe cry because she knew she’d never set her sights on this one as well unless Cesar forgave her which was like... impossible.“Congratulations Ellie.” She said.“Thank you." She said stiffly then looked back at the guy beseechingly. "Please.”“I’ll see what I can do." He huffed. "No promises.”“Thank you.” She'd take whatever she could get but hopefully not poison.“Ho
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Chapter Seventy One
Patricio and Leticia ran into the hospital and straight to the nurse’s station, asked for Arya and Rose and were directed to the second floor.They hurried out of the elevator immediately it opened and there they saw Rose sitting on the recliners talking to Cesar.“Cesar how are they?”. Patricio asked.“Daddy!”. Rose stood up and hugged her father then her sister in turn.“Thankfully the bullet only grazed uh.. Arya’s arm. She’s fine but the doctor said she’ll have to stay here and go home tomorrow.” Cesar replied.“That’s good. Thank God." Patricio sighed in relief. "Thank you very much for saving my family Cesar.”“It’s nothing." Cesar said. "It It was so much better than my movies."They all laughed.“Can I see her?”. Patricio asked.“Sure. She’s been asking of you.” He said.“Thank you." Patricio patted his shoulder and left with his daughters.Ellie came out of Dr Quinn’s office then and rushed over to meet Cesar who hugged her.“All good?”. He asked.“Yeah.” She beame
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Chapter Seventy Two
“How’s Elyon doing?”. Oliver asked Cesar. They were on FaceTime.“Fine. Thank God I got there the time I did or it’d have been a different story.” He said.“And the guys?”. Oliver inquired.“Dead.” Cesar replied flatly. He couldn't have let any one of them go free after what they did. It was not possible.Oliver’s eyes widened. “All of them?”.“Yes. dad.” Cesar said. Even now he still couldn't believe everything that had happened. That maniac had been his father who'd hurt his mother and his mother had hurt him because he looked like his father and then he killed his father because he'd kidnapped his wife and hurt his mother for the second time. Not that he gave a damn about Arya now… far from it. The damage she'd done to him was enough to last him two lifetimes.“What do you mean? I thought you said your father was dead?”. Oliver looked confused. "I didn't know a person…"“Oh that was just wishful thinking." He stated drily. "Arya told me something else.”“Wow. So you
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Chapter Seventy Three
Cesar and Ellie took Miesa for her monthly checkup and they were very happy when the doctor told them that Miesa’s cancer was in remission but she’d need to continue maintenance therapy for a couple years until they were sure it wouldn’t come back. It was wonderful news for them especially Miesa who'd been worried she'd never get to live forever with her family.“I’m so happy mommy, daddy." Miesa smiled big at them as they walked out of the hospital. "I’m free!”.“Yes baby." Ellie smiled back. "I’m happy too.”Cesar’s phone rang as they got close to the waiting car. He took it out of his pocket and frowned when he saw Tristan’s name on the screen and picked it. Ellie and Miesa decided to go get ice cream while he talked on the phone.“Hey kid, what’s up?”. He asked.“Dad…please please tell me you’re not in the car right now?”. Tristan’s voice shook.“ why?”. He frowned.“There’s a bomb. Don’t get…”As if on cue, there was a sudden explosion that threw Cesar off his feet and he
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Chapter Seventy Four
“Arya...calm down I’m fine." Cesar told her. "No, there’s no need to come over.” He didn't know why he'd unblocked her number but now he was wishing he hadn't. He'd been talking to her for almost ten minutes now and he felt a headache coming on.Arya kept rambling on the phone making Cesar sigh. She was clearly very worried and wouldn’t rest until she saw him. He didn't want her to come. She'd want to hug him and he wouldn't be able to stand it.“Mom!”. He cut her off.Arya went silent.“Thank you." He breathed. "I’m fine. I’ll send you a photo if you want proof.”“That’s fine." She said in a shaky voice. "I’m so glad you’re okay Cesar.”“Yeah.” He muttered. "Thanks for calling."“Can I send you ice cream? I know you like rocky road.”“Uh…okay". Cesar said. "Sure.”“Give me...ten minutes. Kisses.” She hung up.Cesar dropped his phone on his bedside table with a sigh.“You okay?I heard you yelling at someone.” Ellie walked into the bedroom.“I wasn’t yelling…per se." He said. "Arya wou
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Chapter Seventy Five
Cesar was worried about Ellie because she'd refused to go out after that bombing incident. She also had nightmares about Cassandra trying to kill her and it didn't help that Tristan seemed to agree with her that the woman would stop at nothing until Ellie was dead. He didn't know why Cass was hell bent on seeing Ellie dead even after she found out the whole truth about how Belle tried to kill Miesa. Granted, Belle was her niece and she wouldn't want to see her hurt but better Belle being in a coma than Miesa dead. He tapped his finger against his chin in thought as he stared at the TV without really seeing it. It'd been a few weeks since the incident but it still seemed like it happened yesterday. People were still talking about it and he knew that more one television presenter wanted to interview him to talk about that particular incident but as usual he'd declined. They knew better than to ask for an interview but they did so anyway which annoyed him. Thankfully they didn't ambu
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Chapter Seventy Six
A Week later“Sir...Dom has arrived.” David informed Cesar.“Finally! I thought he’d never get here." Cesar rolled his eyes. "Bring him here.” It had only been a week of waiting for the guy to finally get his butt here but it had felt like years and Cesar hated waiting for anyone. If not that he really needed the guy, he'd have just let him go. Find someone else to do the job.David nodded and left. Five minutes later he returned with Dominic.“Thank you David." Cesar waved him away. "Sit Dom.” He gestured to the chair in front of his desk. "I’ve been waiting for you.”“Why?”. Dom asked.“David didn’t tell you?”. Cesar arched a brow.Dom shrugged.Cesar picked up some pictures and passed it to Dom who took it and checked it out. The indifferent expression on his face turned stormy which surprised Cesar.“Cassandra Nash.” Dom spat.“Yes.” He nodded.“You know her?.” Dom asked.“Not personally." Cesar said. "I have scores to settle with her.”“She hurt you?”. Dom rumbled.“Tried to blow
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Chapter Seventy Seven
The next day “Oh my God!". Ellie exclaimed suddenly as she stared at her iPad. She looked horrified and he wondered what she'd seen that could have made her look that way. “Are you okay?Is it the baby?”. Cesar asked. He hoped it wasn't the baby. They were still within the vicinity of the airport and a hospital surely wasn't nearby that they could take her to. "Talk to me." They were on their way to Evie’s from the airport and the kids were asleep. “No! Look." She thrust her iPad in front of him. "Cassandra Nash and her family are dead...all of them.” Cesar read the news article and felt no remorse whatsoever that Cassandra was dead. Infact he wanted to celebrate and shout from the rooftop that they were finally free. He still had enemies but they were ones who wouldn't dream of trying to hurt him and his family. Not if they valued their lives. “You’re not saying anything." Ellie spoke up when he kept staring at the news article and pictures. Cesar returned her iPad. “I have noth
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Chapter Seventy Eight
Tristan dreaded going back to the home he'd grown up in. He'd been treated worse than a slave. Spat on, abused and whatnot and he'd thought he'd never have to come back but here he was staring at the house whilst seated in the car. He'd been too excited to see Abby so he'd left his aunt Evie's house two hours earlier forgetting that Abby's school didn't let out until two pm and it was just one pm so he had to wait one hour before he could see her. His phone rang bringing him out of his thoughts and he took it out of his pocket, sighed then answered the call."Hey Gwen." He said. Ever since he started following her on Instagram and other media platforms, she somehow got her hands on his phone number and had been disturbing him since then. He liked her, she was a very nice girl and all that but he didn't want to get her hopes up continuing this charade. She was just eight years old so she had no business crushing on him or any boy for that matter."Hi! Are you busy?". She asked."Yea
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Chapter Seventy Nine
Cesar stood on the balcony just staring at nothing in particular. It was the last day of their stay in South Africa and they'd enjoyed every bit of it. Sun City was fun but they had to go back home and he had to go back to work.He and Ellie had gone for her check up today and everything was looking good but Ellie hadn't wanted to know the sex of the baby so he'd told the doctor to whisper it in his ear which made him smile like a Cheshire cat."You're not allowed to do that." Ellie had protested hitting him immediately they walked out of the office. "That's called cheating.""No it's not." He'd complained. "I have a right to know if I want to."She had huffed which made him smile. She went silent for a long time even as they got into the car and Warren drove away from the hospital so he turned to look at her."You're not mad, are you?". He asked. "I can unknow it if you want."That brought a half smile to her face. "Unknow it?there's no word like that." She scoffed. "No I'm not mad.
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