All Chapters of Alpha’s Bewitching Regret: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
831 Chapters
Mana explosion
Levy’s brows scrunched up instinctively as she looked at Derek with a narrowed gaze before sharply asking, “ What do you mean by that?” He didn’t reply instead he calmly leaned back on his chair crossed his limbs and then placed his hands on the lap before releasing oppressive alpha vibes from his body then Levy smelled a scent that has been masked before——wild ferns, the trickle of the streams and the scent of Siberian tiger spread through her system and her eyes widened as she looked at the man in front of her. She did know that he was a mage but he hid his shifter side so well that she couldn’t even sense his beast. This was something that she has never seen before! “You can suppress your beast?” She asked surprised, she could sense that the tiger was really dominant and didn’t look like a beast that would be willing to be restrained within the shell of his human counterpart. But somehow Derek has suppressed him, she could hardly feel the presence of the tiger as dominant as it
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A possibility
Levy felt like she was falling apart, a part of her wanted to refute what Derek said, she knew that she shouldn’t believe him so easily but as she looked at his confident expression and the calmness with which he said those words, he looked like he was just stating simple facts.Of course, he could be telling a lie to her but she didn’t have the evidence to say that he was lying just as she didn’t have any proof that he was telling a lie. What if he was saying the truth? When her mother died, she was too young and didn’t know how to differentiate between two different mana energy but —— “ The alpha said that she died while experimenting.” “ Of course, he said that.” contrary to her expectations, Derek was calm as he let out a sigh and then rolled his neck before leaning on the table and looking at her calmly. “ If he accepted that someone killed a witch in his pack then the wizard association would have made a huge noise, he didn’t want that so he washed his hands of the matter and
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A psycho killer
“ I am just curious.” She knew that what she just said was nothing less than scandalous, it was no less than questioning her father and the old alpha altogether but Levy wanted to get to the bottom of the truth, she wanted to know who else was involved in it and was her brother, the one who has been always chasing after their father was also involved in hiding it from her. Because as much as she would have liked to believe that he wasn’t involved in the scene, now she really couldn’t trust anyone. “ Everything happened so suddenly that no one knew what exactly was going on back then, don’t you think that something was off about the entire situation?” “ Levy, I don’t know why you are asking about this matter out of nowhere but what you are thinking, it didn’t happen …nothing like that happened.” Jacob caught her gaze, his eyes were drilling into hers with too much interest as if he was trying to understand what exactly brought this on. “ I was there and mum was unharmed there was no s
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Walk you to the territory
“ A psycho killer?” Kyle mused with a scrunch of his brows as he looked at Robbie who nodded fervently and then lowered his voice conspiratorially as he further explained the situation to them, “ I heard it from my neighbour, these days a killer has been targeting the shifters, it doesn’t matter if they are young or old, they all have been attacked indiscriminately and what’s more the shifters think that this is the job of a witch!” “ Why? Just because the murders are cold-blooded, they are pinning the black pot on witches?” Levy couldn’t help but speak up, just because the witches had a notorious reputation they were classified as psycho killers. What kind of world was she living in? “ No, it is because…” Robbie dramatically paused causing everyone to look at him with questioning gazes. Only when he saw that he has achieved the dramatic effect that he wanted, he continued, “ The corpses that were found are missing their hearts, that psycho killer has ripped the hearts out of the bo
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Why did he come back?
“ You can go now,” just as Leo said he really did bring her all the way to the territory something she hasn’t expected. At first, she thought that he was only pulling her legs but contrary to her expectations, Leo was much more of a gentleman than she thought he was, to think that he brought her to the territory even though—— she took out a ten dollars bill and handed it to Leo. “Make sure that you hire a cab from here, I know that you live nowhere near here.” She smiled at his dumbfounded expression before turning around and walking inside the territory ignoring the expression of the guards who were looking at her with a bemused yet contemptuous gaze. It's all right, she had much more important things to do tonight much more important. Children crying and their parents rushed them to get inside the house, the entire time they looked at her as if she was going to eat them up. Levy glanced at the running shifters for a very long time, at first she thought that they were running from
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Are you trying to disgust me?
She has expected him to go right into his room but instead, she heard the sharp creak of someone pulling the chair against the floor and then the familiar, musky scent was overwhelming her senses but maybe it was tainted with something annoying because more than just being enticed she and her wolf wanted to rip his spine out ad shove it up in his —— “ Are you trying to disgust me?” Levy placed her fork down and looked at Logan with a fake smile. “ If you wanted to do that then congratulations you have succeeded now can you please leave? I am trying to have my dinner here peacefully at that.” He scrunched up his brows like he couldn’t understand what she was saying, half annoyed and half amused, she arched a brow and pointed out, “ You stink.” Only then did Logan take a whiff of his scent and his eyes somewhat widened before he got up from his chair and hurried back to his room, most probably rushing to run a bath as if it was going to help. If a male was to be marked by a female’s
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Kiss me and I will tell
Logan almost sputtered the water he has just drunk, he raised his head and looked at Levy before he abruptly sat up straight and said, “ I wouldn’t be this petty.” “ Says the man who charges me for everything,” mused Levy while she finished the last bit of the spaghetti that was left in her box. She got up from the chair before heading to the kitchen and washed her lunchbox clean before turning to look at Logan. “ Eat if you want but if I don’t get my promised breakfast tomorrow morning then rest assured you will be running around the territory barking like a dog.” She turned the lunchbox upside down and shot a smile that was promising enough to let Logan know that she wasn’t joking before she headed straight to her room with her hoodie and the diary that was hidden underneath it. Once she was back in her room, Levy plopped down on her bed and opened the diary again before she started reading it from the very beginning she was bound to find something right? It wasn’t as if she woul
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Short tempered
Levy didn’t respond at once instead she lit the tip of her forefinger with a small fire and then raised it, seeing the danger approaching the paper man took three steps back while Derek shouted through it, “ Wait, Wait! My dear, there is no need for you to be this impatient, I was just trying to joke with you. I swear.” The paper man hugged her fingers and shivered causing Levy’s lips to twitch as she placed her hand back to her side as she said, “ Then you should have answered my question straight up instead of making such cheesy jokes.” “ Gosh, you are so short-tempered,” the paper man shook his head with a lively expression before raising his head as he said, “ I was just trying to cheer you up, your complexion looks rather bad as if you had a nightmare last night.” She did have a nightmare last night, in fact, if she was being honest she, herself didn’t know whether what she saw was a dream or something else because no matter how she tried to explain it to herself she couldn’t c
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I will wait for that day
Levy rubbed her nose, she wanted to chide Logan for suddenly bumping into her but then her gaze dropped to his half-naked body and all the words that she had in her throat went back down at one. It took all her patience to stop herself from jumping on him as her wolf pressed against her surface most probably wanting to get close to him. Damn that mating instinct. “ You haven’t showered yet?” Despite being glared at so obviously Logan turned a blind eye to it, he stared at the clothes that Levy was carrying in her arms and then shook his head. “ The sun is already up and you are still lazying around like this?” “Exactly, the sun is why are you dressed like this? Don’t you know that it's improper to roam around half naked in front of a female?” Levy didn’t want anything to distract her, so she hurriedly turned her gaze away from Logan and his muscular chest, seriously what was this guy doing? Did he think that she wasn’t having a hard time already, why was he making everything
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Closer than you think
“ All magic spells are dark magic aren’t they?” Logan asked setting his fork down having finished his sixth omelette. “ Hah, that’s so typical of you,” Levy rolled her eyes as she scoffed. “ No, for your information all magic spells aren’t dark magic. Just like how there are good and bad shifters in your community, there are good and bad mages in mine.”She took a look at Logan’s expression and understood that he didn’t understand what she said, with an eye roll she simplified what she just said, “ Think like this if I was to turn you into a pup here and now, you wouldn’t get hurt in any way——”“ I beg to differ,” Logan raised his hand and interrupted her. “ I will suffer through some major mental trauma.” Why don’t I punch you in the face and then give you real trauma? However, no matter how angry Levy was she couldn’t touch Logan, for the time being, so she took a deep breath and only then did she continue, “ When I say that you wouldn’t get hurt, I meant that you will not get hu
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