All Chapters of REMI: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
118 Chapters
When we exit the den; Skullz yells into the microphone from his temporary DJ booth. "Let's get this party started!" The crowd cheers and starts dancing to some eighties rock song. The music is turned up a notch as the drinks start to flow. Drinks are coming at me and Remi like crazy. I notice she isn't drinking any of them. My mother and Tianna take turns replacing her drinks. I mind link with her to see what's wrong.What's wrong? Why aren't you drinking?I'm scared. I know as a purebred alcohol wouldn't harm the babies. But I'm a hybrid. There's no telling what could happen. I nod my head and try to intercept as many drinks as I can. I'm pulled away to mingle with some of the brothers from another charter of Hellhoundz MC. But my eyes never leave Remi. Blaze and Kane take a closer position until Remi is dragged on the dance floor. I watch Remi dance and laugh with Xavier, Tianna, and my mother. At one point she dances with both our fathers. Everyone is dancing and having a good t
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Tianna passes by me smiling. All I can do is pray that her drunk mortal ass doesn't embarrass the both of us. "I remember the first time I realized that my best friend was head over heels in love with Aiden. We were sixteen. Our dated arrived at the shifter compound to escort us to the Hybrid Ball. Remi's date was looking sharp in his Armani tuxedo and shiny dress shoes. His hair was slicked back, he was a handsome fella. Then again most of you paras are. But he lost he attention the minute Aiden walked through the door of the sitting room. Aiden, dressed in leather pants, a white t-shirt with his cut on, and some dusty old boots. His hair was all over the place, but that didn't matter to Remi. Her eyes were glued to him and followed him around the room as he talked to Gunner. Aiden told her she looked beautiful. Now, I'm not a para, but I swear to this day. I could heart her heart beating against her ribs. For the first time in ever, I watched Remi blush. Fastforward a bit. I get a
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No one speaks up as Kieran starts to pace. My father and I watch the three guilty paras. "So, we're back to putting my life at risk! It's not just my life anymore!" Remi shouts standing. Her eyes shift and the beginnig of scales starts to appear on her skin, but goes not further. My mother stands and comes over to Remi. "You can't shift during this time. You need to calm down. It's not good for them." My mother whispers. She pats Remi's shoulders. It's at this moment I realize how volunerable my mate is while she carries my pups. Rage stirs, feeding off of me and Remi's combined anger. I can scent the mixture of me and Remi's scents since we have sealed the bond. I can also scent my pups. They're all in danger. And it's Gunner, Lucifer, and Illianna's fault. Rage rips through my skin. He paces in front of our mate and pups. His jaws snap at the three still trying to hide what they did. Silava drips from his mouth. His hackles are raised. Xavier's hellhound, Rampage is the next to
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I've never been the type of para to hide from a fight. But Cera was right. I'm not at my best right now. And it's no longer just me I have to worry about. Aiden and I now have the twins to worry about too. "I'll go." Blaze and Gunner volunteer at the same time. "Gunner you're not going anywhere near her. For all we know the female you knocked up has been the one pumping you for information on Remi. And feeding it back to that Savannah bitch." Kieran's eyes narrow at his son. "Remi, has never been a topic during our conversations. All she knows is that I have a sister. I'm not letting Remi and Aiden face this without me!" Gunner roars. "You chose a side already. And it was the wrong one!" Kieran roars back. "Enough!" Lucifer shouts. Illianna crosses the room back over to where Lucifer stands. "I'm going!" Kallista says proudly. "No you are most certainly not!" Illianna shouts looking to Lucifer for help. "Yes. I. Am! I want to be there when the babies come. I need to be there t
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Kieran, Axel and Lucifer's eyes all fall on Remi. The little hairs on the back of my neck stand. Axel is the one to break the silence. "I think it's time for everyone to start telling what they know. We can no longer afford to keep secrets. We need to pull together in order to keep Remi, the babies, and Kallista safe. I told you all that I knew Mace was still alive. We all know Savannah claimed Aiden was the father of her baby. What I didn't say was that she had a large deposit made into her bank account ten minutes after the text was sent. Then another deposit sent when he went to her house. Not only was she feed information on Aiden and Remi. She was paid to break them up. Or at least it seems that way. We tried to trace where the money came from, but it was a no go. We got a lead last week; on who was stalking Remi. A text came in from a blocked cell number. The lead took us to a run down motel at the end of town. There were pictures of Remi on the wall. Not just Remi. Pictures of
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"You're out of your mind if you think I'm letting you go there. No, we have to find another way." Aiden says after seeing where I'm willing to hide myself and these pups to keep us safe. Well as safe as it is possibile for one to be in the middle of Hell. "Then we announce the mating ceremony. Announce it on social media and in the newspaper. All twelve of the bidders will not be able to stop themselves from stopping this ceremony. Especially since they don't know that our bond has already been sealed. Set the ceremony for the weekend after fight night. If they're gonna make a move they will have to make it fast. It will be sloppy and not well planned out. We might be able to capture somebody that can clue us into what the hell is going on.""There's no way in Hell; we're seriously considering this!" Kieran shouts."I think Remi is onto something. She's right. The pressure will be on the twelve bidders to get to her before the ceremony. We can use a female Fae soldier to glamour hers
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When I get downstairs Blaze and my father are talking and laughing. No doubt about the incident upstairs."Don't get scared now, Aiden." Blaze laughs. "The funs just starting. Wait till closer to the end." He laughs harder. I'm horrified. "What? It gets worse?" "Much worse. Come talk to the pregnant lady whisperer when you get time." My father laughs. Blaze and I head to the door waiting for Remi. Today we bring her to an appointment with Dr. Trenton. She decided that she wanted me and Blaze to give her back the stolen memories we have stored away in our heads. She feels like they will give us leads or clues as to who is after her. Blaze and I feel as though we won't learn shit. But we both agree that we will help her in anyway we can. Remi is sandwhiched between me and Blaze as we walk over to his SUV. Kane takes up the rear. Weston and Skullz are already on their bikes waiting to lead us to the doctor's office. Remi's POVBlaze and Aiden play Rock, Paper, Scissors; trying to d
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"I take it this is the father. Remi I need you to lift the gown over your belly. Tuck it under your breasts." Dr. Williams chuckles. "Yes. This is Aiden Ramos, my fated mate." I say. "Aiden, you have officially survived the first two trimesters with a pregnant para. Congratulations!" Aiden looks at the doctor with a what the hell are you talking about look.Dr. Williams claps his hands. "Okay! Tough crowd. Down to the nitty gritty. So we're gonna use this machine to look in at the twins. I squirt this gel onto Remington's stomach and this wand here will project an image of the babies on the screen.""I've seen this done before. I just didn't know what Doc was actually looking at. He said he was scanning Remi's organs." Dr. Williams nurse measures my stomach and tells it to the doctor. He types it in on his laptop then rolls his chair over to my bed. "Today we're going try to get a measurement on them, and listen to their heartbeats. Then we're going to check their weight. Do you tw
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I stop dead in my tracks. I scan the crowd around me. I scan the parking lot and the steet. I can't shake the feeling. You know the one you get when someone is following and watching you. I scan everything around me once more. And the blood in my veins runs cold. My concern and my worry shoots down my connection with Blaze and Aiden. I spot Mr. Latino leaning against the wall of a cyber cafe across the street. Aiden rushes me to the car and locks me in. Blaze and Kane are already across the street, when Aiden gets there. Blaze has Mr. Latino lifted in the air by the lapels of his designer suit. The cops show seconds later breaking up the non fight. My three guys are being cuffed by the police. Mr. Lation and I stare each other down. I quickly call the chief of police and explain the situation. The chief tells me to stay locked in the car. I do as I'm told; for once. And I watch as one of the officers speaks to the other two and my three brutes are released and Mr. Latino replaces t
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"Yes, I'm sure Bael is still locked up. The hellhound guarding him would've came to me if someone set him free." Lucifer sounds slightly pissed. Looks like I've upset the ruler of hell. That doesn't stop me though. I have questions and I deserve answers. "Who all knows where he's being kept in hell? Who could or would set him free?" I ask placing my hands on my hips. "Bael is guarded by hellhounds! Original hellhounds! Bael's lock is spelled. In order for the lock to open you'd need the blood of the original hellhound I used to trap him, and either myself or a direct descendant." Lucifer pales as he starts to fall backwards. Illianna uses her magic to pull a chair under him. He's come to realization I had in the car ride home. He let the only person able and willing to set Bael free; go. He had the chance to end her and he didn't. Why? Because she was family. "Who knows who the original hellhound is? Who knows where Bael is placed?" Blaze and Aiden roar. Lucifer runs his hands ove
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