All Chapters of Alpha's Purchased Luna: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
328 Chapters
Chapter 141
"BUT THEN WHY DID YOUR LUNA DO THAT?"Dylan asked Henry angrily. He did not say anything to Alice in front of everyone because he did not want anyone to disrespect her. She was the Luna. She should have the same power as an Alpha. Well that was what Dylan thought. But she should at least talk with him first.When she talked with Alpha Casper about a piece of land for the Omegas. Alpha Casper asked him first before helping her, he was the one who supported her.He always inspired her to be a perfect Luna.But what she did today in front of the Lycan king was unacceptable. In the dining hall,Alice entered there. She saw there was no one except King Dave. He was sitting exactly in the same seat where he sat last night. The chair was right beside the Luna's chair.Alice sat on her chair. Dave smiled at her and asked,"Where were you? I was waiting for you.""Where are your officials, King Dave?""King Dave?""Where are your officials?" Alice asked again."They told me they will have th
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Chapter 142
"Danika?" Dave turned to Danika."Yes brother?" Danika replied."Am I so handsome that your sister Alice can't stop staring at me?"Danika peeked at Alice and Dave was right she was staring at him."Luna?" Danika patted Alice's arm."Hmm?" Alice replied.She was lost in confusion that she did not hear what Dave said to Danika."See? She didn't even listen to us." Dave said to Danika."It's not like that." Alice said and cleared her throat."Then what is it like?" Dave raised his eyebrows."Didn't I tell you to eat quietly? Why are you even talking? Just eat.""What if I will not listen to you?"Alice narrowed her eyes. "You are irritating me now, Dave.""Oh, Yes. That is what I wanted."Alice glared at him. Then she heard a chuckle.Alice turned to Danika and saw she was chuckling."Why are you laughing?" Alice asked Danika."I have never seen you react to someone like that, Luna." Then again she laughed.Danika thought Alice was behaving normally now. Otherwise, she always behaved l
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Chapter 143
"You are right. I am happy because of her. But Don't Dare To Read Your King's Mind Again."Garry immediately nodded at Dave.This was his king. He had a rough and tough attitude. But with Alice, he was always soft and calm as if he was the happiest man in the world who did not need to worry about anyone. He even went to Alice's pack back and forth two years ago just to meet her.Garry still remembered their old days when his king introduced him and Ken as his friends and they lived in the same house with him. But then one day he told them to go back. After that he did not meet Alice again."Yes, my king." Dave nodded at him. Three of his other officials came to him."Let's go, my king, it's time for the banquet."Dave left his room to go for the banquet.Meanwhile,Alice got ready. She wore the dark maroon golden dress. Her hair styled so gracefully. Her make up was giving her an outstanding look.Alice looked at herself and she looked mature. She looked like a dominant Queen who wa
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Chapter 144
"I want every bit of information about Diva's mother. When did she leave the Palace, Why did she begin to live out of the pack and Why did she have to leave the Palace after the late Luna's death. I WANT EVERY SINGLE DETAIL."Alpha Casper did not know why Luna Alice wanted to know about the personal maid of Alpha Dylan's mother. Alice glared at him. "Don't you dare tell your Alpha about this matter."Alpha Casper gasped. For the first time he felt scared of a woman. Alice was looking so dominant and he knew that she was a Lycan so he could not dare to disobey her order."Yes Luna.""Good. Now enjoy the party, Casper."Alpha Casper nodded at her.Alice then left him and walked to the officials.Now she knew what power actually was and how to use it. She smirked and shook her head. She thought sometimes using power like this was not a bad thing.Power made people strong at the same time others were afraid of powerful people. And Alice was starting to enjoy the fear.She went to the of
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Chapter 145
"WILL YOU DANCE WITH ME, MY QUEEN?"Everyone in the banquet was shocked. They looked at the way where King Dave was standing. They heard him asking the Luna to dance in front of Alpha Dylan.They were afraid that their Alpha would get angry at King Dave and they would start to fight each other.They saw Alpha Dylan glaring at King Dave.Alice was also stunned when Dave asked her to dance. It was not a ball party where anyone could dance with anyone for showing respect.It was a banquet. A Luna could not just go and dance with anyone here. Alice turned to Dylan to see his reaction. He looked indifferent. From the start he was glaring at Dave so Alice thought he had no problem if she would go and dance with anyone.'By the way, why would I care? I should not care if he is okay with it or not. I will only do what I want to do.'Alice put her hand on Dave's hand and he immediately held her hand.Dave did not look at Dylan. He went directly to the dance floor where a few couples were alre
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Chapter 146
Livia looked at Dylan. He was drinking and from time to time watching what Dave and Alice were doing.Dylan was fuming. He wanted to go to that man and punched him hard when he asked Alice to dance with him. But when Alice gave her hand to him, he lost it.He was glaring at them. How could a Luna dance with another king? He stared at Alice. The way Alice was talking with Dave, it looked like they knew each other. He noticed that their clothes' colors were also matched as if they were couples. Alice did not look uncomfortable with him at all.He saw Alice turn her head to him. He looked away from her that time.After a minute Dylan again looked at them but this time his eyes fell on Dave's hand in Alice's waist and his grip on his glass tightened. The glass broke immediately. Few pieces of the glass pierced into his palm and blood ran down from his hand."Dylan" Livia touched his hand.Dylan pushed her and left the hall.Alice did not notice all of these. She only saw Dylan's back whi
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Chapter 147
"Listen to me Alice,WHAT IF I TELL YOU THAT I CAN RESCUE YOU FROM HERE?"'R-Rescue?'Alice shook her head."A Luna should always do wo-""Oh please. Am I not a king? My realm is bigger than Dylan's realm. Then how did I take out time for you two years ago? How did I come and go back and forth from my realm to your pack just to meet you?""You! You didn't stay for three months?""No Alice. I am a king. I had responsibilities too. But I divided my time between my personal and professional life. And now you should also take out some time for yourself."Alice remembered that he at least met her twice in a week. So she thought he was trying to set up in her pack. She didn't know he was the Lycan king who had the biggest realm in the werewolf world."What are you thinking Alice? Why are you still here? He has a lover. I heard that the woman was his chosen mate for two years and he wanted to make her his Luna."Alice smiled at Dave sadly. "But I am his fated mate so he married me and marked
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Chapter 148
"IF ONE DAY YOU FEEL LIKE CUTTING OFF ALL TIES WITH YOUR MATE, THEN JUST CALL ME ONCE. I WILL COME BACK FOR YOU."Alice closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She did not look back at Dave; she left the yard area.Dave looked at her back until she walked out of there."No matter how much you resist me I will take you with me by hook or by crook. Your destiny is not with him but with me. Very soon, I will make you my Queen."—Alice came out of the yard area from the back side. It was another hallway, it was totally opposite the side of the banquet hall. This way joined with the East palace.When she passed the yard area's door and walked ahead, she heard another voice."So he was the one huh?"Alice's steps stopped. She turned her head to her right side. The hallway was dark. There were windows and moonlight was coming inside through those windows.Alice could see so many cigarette buds on the floor.She felt somehow nervous. 'Did he hear everything?'But she regained her fearlessnes
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Chapter 149
"IF YOU THINK I AM HELPING MY BOYFRIEND, THEN KEEP THINKING. YOU ARE SO RIGHT. I AM HELPING HIM."Dylan clenched his jaw and fists. 'Did she just accept that he is her 'boyfriend'?' He thought and he lost his mind.He punched the wall right beside Alice. Alice did not even blink. She did not know why. Was it because of her Lycan power or her inner bravery?She smelled blood and turned her head to his fist which was pressed on the wall.Alice looked away from his hand. She did not care for him anymore.Dylan didn't know why but for the first time he wanted to see care in her eyes. But her eyes were still cold. He laughed. He laughed like a mad man. Alice was confused as to why he was laughing but then she saw he looked fierce."Let me go. Did I ever interfere in your love life?" Alice asked him.Dylan was stunned. 'Love life? What love life she was talking about? Do I have time for this type of thing?'"Love life? So you also want to enjoy your love life now?" He asked."What if I te
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Chapter 150
"If my pack can accept their Alpha with his mistress beside their Luna, then I don't think they will have any problem with If their Luna has a lover beside their Alpha."Dylan stared at her. "You have changed. Is this sudden change because of that man?" He whispered.Alice could feel his breath on her face."Let me go, I don't want to answer you anything. Why would I? You are no one to me. You are my pack's Alpha and I have to bow to you but that doesn't mean I am bound to answer you about my personal life."Dylan's grip on her waist tightened. "Don't play with my patience. I am behaving too well with you."Alice tried to push him but he was like an iron bar. She could not move him.Dylan looked at her face. "Why did you let him touch your face?"Alice was stunned. Did he see them? Dave cupped his face when she was crying. But Alice thought she should not think about it. If he saw it, then it was good for her. Unexpectedly, Dylan nuzzled his nose on her left cheek. Alice immediately
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