All Chapters of Alpha's Purchased Luna: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
328 Chapters
Chapter 181
"LET'S FORGET EVERYTHING JUST FOR TONIGHT. AND ENJOY SOME TIME IN OUR WOLF FORM."Alice could not disagree with him. Her wolf also needed her mate. Just because Dylan did not want her that didn't mean Dan did not want Alisa.Alice agreed with him. Dylan moved from her and let her sit up first. Alice stood up and started to walk forward. They both were in their wolf forms. Dylan felt jealous of Dan. Because of Dan, she agreed to spend some time with him. Otherwise, if he told her that he wanted it, she would never agree with him.They ran into the forest and stopped in front of the lake.When Alice came to drink water from the lake, she saw Dylan's wolf and the moon's shadow in the water.The water was glowing."You are beautiful." Alice heard from Dylan.She turned her head to him. Dan started to lick her face again. She didn't know if it was Dylan's idea or Dan's to lick her face. Because nowadays Dylan also started to behave like a deviant.They sat beside the lake and looked at th
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Chapter 182
"WHAT IF I SAY YES?"Alice looked at him. "What?"Dylan shook his head. "Nothing."Alice looked away. But Alice heard clearly what he said. 'Did he just say yes?' She thought.They were silent for some time. Everything just stopped. No sound of anything. Just the moon and them.Alice looked at the moon. "Can I ask you another question?""Ask." Dylan replied."Why do you despise me so much? Because at first, you said it was because of my rank but now I am stronger than before, then the reason must be something else.""I don't despise you.""Really?" Alice asked.They looked at the view and talked to each other without looking at each other.It was the first time they were sitting and talking like this. "Hmm." Dylan replied to Alice."But I remember, you told me that one day.""I said that when I was angry. Don't mind my words when I am angry." He replied.Alice turned to him. "Then what about me? Can I say anything to you when I get angry? Is that okay too? Then I will tell you the sa
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Chapter 183
Next MorningAlice woke up early. She got ready and went out to her room. She did not go to downstairs for having breakfast. Diva served her breakfast in her office.She heard a knock on the door. "Come in."Suzan came in and closed the door."Sister in law." Suzan smiled."Come. Sit here." Alice said.Suzan sat on a chair and said,"Let's go shopping today.""What about the suits you bought with you?""I show them to Danika and Sharon. I gave them two. I have one for you too. But we can not wear those at the ball party. So let's go shopping."Alice looked at her desk. She still had a lot of work to do. But when she looked at Suzan she nodded."Thank you, sister in law. You know what? This is why I like you the most. You are the best." "Okay okay. Now go to your room and get ready. I am coming down in twenty minutes."Suzan stood up and nodded. "Okay. I am going. I have already told Danika and Sharon to get ready because I know I can persuade you." She said.Alice chuckled. After Su
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Chapter 184
"WITH? WITH WHOM?"Suzan shook her head. "Nothing. It was a long time ago. I didn't remember much. I saw him once. After that, we didn't talk again. He left the pack house and I didn't try to contact him because I only thought of Dylan as my brother, no one else."Danika nodded at Suzan. Alice felt sad for Suzan. She thought Suzan had to live her life without her parents from a very young age, then there was no one from her paternal side to love her except Dylan. Now, she heard there was no one from her maternal side too. Alice felt sore that Suzan's uncle killed her father. It was such a horrible thing. Her brother Dylan then killed her uncle. Suzan's life was messed up by the rivalry between her relatives.Alice guessed Dave did not contact her because he did not want to continue any relationship with this realm. He might also feel lonely when Dylan killed his father. He told her once that his mother left him after his father's death. That time she didn't know that he was the Lyca
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Chapter 185
"Yes, but this year, it will be different because MOST OF THE NOBLE FAMILY FROM THE LYCAN KINGDOM WILL ATTEND OUR BALL PARTY."Dylan closed his eyes and leaned his head on the couch.His friends looked at each other and then asked him,"Are you okay?""No, I am feeling tired."His friends were stunned. The shock was visible on their faces."Dylan Lewis, after so many years of work, this is the first time you are saying that you are tired.Are you tired of work or tired of pretending to be cold with her?" Ashar asked.Dylan opened his eyes and glared at him.Dylan scoffed and everyone laughed. It looked very satisfactory. Five friends were talking and laughing with each other. It had been a long time since they laughed and smiled like that with each other.They made themselves so busy with their pack and realm that they could not make time for themselves."Do you arrange everything that I told you to organize?" Dylan asked Limon."Hmm. I talked with the villagers and they are so happ
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Chapter 186
"KING DAVE SAID HE WILL COME TO OUR REALM ONE WEEK BEFORE THE BALL PARTY."Dylan glared at Ashar."What? Now is it my fault?" Ashar asked."Didn't you see I am tired today? Did you have to tell me this?""You should be happy. Your darling is coming one week later. I think he is eager to meet you again. You two only taunt each other. I have never seen you both talk one to one." Ashar said and smirked."Do you want to die?" Dylan said angrily.All of his friends chuckled and stood up."Okay, we are going now." Xavier said.Dylan nodded to them. When they were at the door, Dylan called them."Listen.""Yeah?" Xavier said and others stopped.Dylan did not turn to them and leaned his head on the couch again."Don't tell your Luna about the village fair.""Ooooh!" Others roared and laughed."Stop laughing and go back to your work." Dylan replied and closed his eyes.His friends left his office.Dylan's eyes were still closed. But a small smile scrambled on his lips.—Days passed very fas
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Chapter 187
"WHAT? NOW YOU CAN'T RECOGNIZE YOUR OWN MATE?"Alice was stunned. She looked at him like she saw a ghost.'He wears a hoodie?? Hoodie??? How is this possible? I only saw him in some sweatpants or a black t-shirt as casual clothing once. But he comes out today in this outfit? Am I dreaming?'"No, you are not dreaming." He replied."D-Dylan?" Alice asked to see if this is not a dream. Dylan did not reply to her. He looked at the driver from the rear mirror. The driver started the car.Dylan turned to Alice. "You are drooling."Alice immediately put her hand over her mouth to wipe but frowned at Dylan. "You are lying. I am not.""I was just checking if you believe me or not.""Why are you in these clothes? Oh My God!!! What am I seeing? No no. It is a dream. Alice wakes up. He is not a handsome hunk but a beastly monster." Alice said and patted her cheeks.She thought she was dreaming. Because a few days ago she was missing the village fair and tonight suddenly a village fair was going
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Chapter 188
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ALICE."Alice turned around and was shocked. Dylan was standing with a flower bouquet that was full of different colors of roses.She looked at Dylan. He was looking like a young boy who came to wish his girl. His clothes didn't change his dark aura but he looked more handsome in them."H-How do you know that?" She asked him with a very curious face.Dylan pushed the bouquet to her right hand and held her left hand.They walked for a minute and came to a beautiful lake.Alice saw that there was no one on that side of the lake but the opposite side was full of a crowd. The lake was very big so the other side was gathered by villagers and visitors. They were lighting the sky lanterns."It is so beautiful." Alice said and felt that she was dreaming again. She believed she was living in a dream."Let's sit there." Dylan said and they sat on the stairs in front of the lake.Alice turned to him and asked,"How did you know about my birthday? I have never told you about my b
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Chapter 189
"I AM RELIEVED THAT IF ONE DAY SOMETHING HAPPENS TO ME, YOU WILL GREATLY HANDLE MY REALM WITHOUT ANY FEAR."Alice immediately put her hand over his mouth."W-What are you saying? Stop talking about these types of things. Nothing will happen to you. You are the most powerful creature in our werewolf world. How can anything happen to you?" Alice blurted out. She did not like it when Dylan said that.Dylan did not move her hand from his mouth, he was just staring at her.Alice felt her heart beat fastened when she saw the way he was staring at her.She tried to remove her hand from his mouth but Dylan grabbed her hand.He asked,"Didn't you say you don't love me anymore? Why are you caring for me now? Isn't it good for you if something happens to me?""What is wrong with you Dylan? Why are you speaking like this? I care because I don't want my realm living their life without their Alpha king.I don't want Suzan to live without her brother.I don't want Ashar, Xavier, Limon, and Henry to
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Chapter 190
"YOUR SISTER IN LAW HAS ALSO A LOVER WHO IS NOT HER MATE"Suzan got mad at Livia. She wanted to slap Livia hard but she did not want to create any scene in front of others."Shut up. You are an evil woman. I despise you. What do you think? Why don't I like you? Because of some rare arguments between me and my brother? No. It's because I know you really well. You are a vicious woman. You don't love my brother but the throne of my brother. You can do anything for that position. And let me clear you, if you try to do anything this time, my brother will kill you. He has fallen for his wife. You can not do anything now. Mark my words."Livia tried to talk. "No, your brother doesn't love her. It's just the mate bond that pulls him to her. He loves me.""Keep dreaming. Now just go out of my sight. You got beaten by two of my brothers' wives already. Now if you still want to get a good beat by me then I am ready.""Suzan, listen to me-""Don't follow me." Suzan started to walk and called Asha
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