All Chapters of Alpha's Purchased Luna: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
328 Chapters
Chapter 31
Alice was watching Dylan and Livia. How they were laughing and talking with each other. 'Dylan can laugh? I thought he can only smirk and give pains.' She thought.Alice distracted herself from them and tried to concentrate on the guests. They came here for her. She was their Luna now."Luna." Diva came."Do you arrange something for Suzan's friends?""Yes, Luna. I told the chef to cook something for them first.""okay. Let's go to meet some guests."They went to meet some people who looked important to the pack."Ah, The Luna of our Pack. When I heard about you I thought maybe you can not take the responsibility for our pack. But I must say after watching you I believe that You are beyond perfect.""That's nothing, Alpha..?""Alpha Simon. I'm the head of official activities in our pack. For all the official matters people have to go through me in this pack."Alpha Simon was powerful in this pack for his responsibilities. He was in his late twenties. He looked young but his job was no
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Chapter 32
"HAIL TO OUR LUNA, THE MOST POWERFUL AND STRONGEST LUNA IN OUR HISTORY."Everyone was shocked when they saw Theodore kneeling in front of the Luna, especially the pack members. But when they heard what he told about her, they started to kneel too. They felt relaxed. They were thinking about their Luna's ability and capability to run the pack. Now they had known about her. They felt happy and lucky to get the most powerful and strongest Luna. Moon Goddess didn't disappoint them and their Alpha."Hail to our Luna.""Hail to our Luna."Alice was shocked by all of these. 'What is happening?' Why did he say that?'Ashar was stunned but he looked at Dylan to see his reaction. Dylan was glaring at Theodor. He didn't say anything. He was looking at him from the start and didn't change his facial expression at all as if he knew what Theodore said. No one could read his mind.Dylan was watching everything but he was indifferent.Livia got nervous. 'I thought Theodore will insult her or tell ev
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Chapter 33
"SHE WILL BE THE ONE WHO WILL SAVE YOU AND THE ONLY ONE WHO WILL BE ABLE TO DESTROY YOU."Theodore left Dylan's office. Dylan frowned his brows. 'What is wrong with this fortune teller? First, he told about her in front of everyone and now he dares to talk fake things to me? 'Dylan didn't believe in the future telling. He believed in the present and the unpredictable future. He knew he could do anything to protect his pack. He was aware of his powers and energies. Nobody could beat him. He was the most powerful Alpha king.He was sitting on his chair and still thinking about what Theodore said. 'The only one who will able to destroy me, huh? Looks like you are unfortunate for me in every way. I should not mark you last night.'Ashar knocked on the door. "Come in.""Dylan. What did he say to you? Did you argue with him?""Why?""He just left the pack house after talking with you. Did he make you angry for some reason?" Ashar said while sitting on a chair at the table."Do you want to
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Chapter 34
"I AM REGRETTING AFTER MARKING HER AS MY MATE."Alice felt someone was stabbing her heart. She didn't get any courage to go to the room. She turned back and ran to her room. Tears were dropping from her eyes. She felt the pain of being heart broken again and again.She reached to the door and opened it. Before opening it she wiped her tears and controlled her emotions.She opened the door and saw Diva cleaning her drawing room. "Luna, Where were you? I made your bed. You can rest now.""Thanks, Diva. It's already late. You should go to your room and rest too.""Yeah, I will. Luna, you were so perfect today. I am so happy with what Theodore said."Alice frowned her brows and thought about Theodore. 'Why did he say that?'"You know Luna. Whatever Theodore said in these years, everything had happened real. He told our former king that he will be king one day. And guess what? He was crowned after some years. Theodore told him, he had two wives in his fate and one will prosper his life. H
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Chapter 35
"It's Beta Ashar for you.AN ORDINARY PACK MEMBER LIKE YOU, CAN NOT DISRESPECT MY BETA BY CALLING HIS NAME WITHOUT HIS RANK, JUST BECAUSE SHE IS THE ALPHA'S COUSIN." Flora was shocked by Alice's sudden cold behavior. Ashar was also stunned. He didn't care about what Flora said to him or if she would complain to Dylan. Because Dylan never argued with him ever. He was his best friend. But the way Alice supported him today and the way she talked to Flora. She had become the Luna indeed. Ashar smirked and said, "Did you hear what Luna said? Don't call me by my name from now on." He tried to decrease the tension of the situation.Flora was dumbfounded. What was happening? She glared at Alice. But Alice raised a brow and asked, "What? What are you looking at? Now go to your room and take a rest. Or do you want me to call your parents to tell them how mannerless their daughter is?"Flora got angry, she wanted to say more but she could not because in front of her was not a normal omega bu
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Chapter 36
"Arrange everything for the Jones family.THEY ARE LEAVING THIS PACK TOMORROW. "Each and everyone was silent. The officials didn't know what to say. Xavier was silent because The Jones family was Dylan's maternal relatives. He could not dare to say anything to them."Did you get it Theta Xavier?""Y-Yes Luna." Xavier was thinking about Dylan. What will he do after finding out about this? He will kill him."How dare you!!" Alpha Kevin stood up and his family also stood up from the couch."I mean you are returning your pack, Alpha Kevin. Don't you think you should return? Because without the Alpha who will run the pack? I know Alpha Dylan handles all the pack's activity because he is the head Alpha of all of you. But it is also true that you are the Alpha of Dark Moon Pack and at least as an appointed Alpha you should do your job properly.""You are insulting me, Alice Harrison.""Alice Lewis. My name is Alice Lewis. And I'm your Luna now."Alice glared at Kevin. She looked at him shar
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Chapter 37
When Alice opened the door Dylan grabbed her arms tightly, "HOW DARE YOU??"Alice was shocked by Dylan's behavior. She was sleeping when she heard the loud knocks. She felt scared about what was happening. "What happened Alpha? "Dylan pushed her inside the room and locked the door. "How dare you insult my relatives like that? ""What are you saying? " Alice understood what he was saying but she did not admit it. "You don't know what I am saying? How dare you insult Flora? "Alice frowned at him, "When did I insult her?""Stop pretending like you don't know anything or you didn't do anything." Dylan clenched his hands tight which made Alice moan in pain."Ahh. Dylan leave me.""First tell me why did you insult her?""And I told you I didn't.""Why did you order Xavier to make arrangements for the Jones family's return?""Because they need to return their pack.""And who are you to decide that?"Alice looked at Dylan and said, "Blood Moon Pack's Luna." Dylan got mad and pushed he
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Chapter 38
"DON'T FORGET THAT YOU ARE MINE."Before Alice could say anything Dylan kissed her roughly again. He didn't want to hear no. His hands went down her waist and thighs.Their body pressed together without leaving a space in between.Dylan detached his lips and began to leave butterfly kisses and bites on her neck. He went to her marked skin and licked it. He sucked there hardly while his hands cupped her breasts."DY-Dylan" She was feeling strange when he licked the mark. Different types of emotions came to her mind and heart. She could not resist him at that time.Dylan left her neck and pressed his lips on her lips again. She clenched his shirt with her hands. Alice was not kissing him back. This was too much for her to feel. She was lost.Dylan kept kissing her like a hungry wolf. She tried to process everything when she remembered the night of the mating ceremony, how he behaved, how he didn't want any child with her. She remembered how he was telling someone that he was regretting
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Chapter 39
"Listen to me, woman. You are only here as an assistant for my work, nothing else.YOU ARE NOTHING TO ME."Dylan left Alice's room. Alice was breathing deeply. She knew whenever he came here he would come to insult him. It was now his favorite hobby.Alice was now coped up with it. She will make it her habit too. This was now her life, her fate.Meanwhile, Dylan didn't sleep that night. He laid down on his bed and looked at the ceiling. He was surprised by Alice's behavior. He thought any girl wanted to be touched by him but today Alice broke his belief. She denied being touched by him. She broke his ego and hurt his self respect.---In the morning,Alice woke up and got ready. She made it her habit to wake up in time. She was now the Luna of this pack. She could not be late. If the Luna did not do her responsibility properly then they could not expect anything from their pack members.She dressed up and called Diva. Diva set up her French hair style. She looked like a Queen of old t
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Chapter 40
Dylan got ready. He and Ashar then went downstairs for the breakfast. Ashar greeted everyone. "Good morning Luna.""Good morning, Beta Ashar.""Where have you two been? We were waiting for you." Xavier said."This man, The head Alpha of your pack, The Alpha king, King Dylan was sleeping peacefully without caring about his realm. I went to wake him up but was not able to. But thanks to someone whose name I used and woke him up.Dylan glared at Ashar and Ashar smirked at him.Alice didn't say anything to them, she was looking at her plate as if it was the most interesting thing right now. " Let's eat everyone." Dylan said. Everyone nodded and started to eat.Alice was eating slowly but inside her, she was nervous. She knew Dylan hated her now. She denied him touching her. But he deserved it.Dylan was eating while looking at Alice. He was staring at her neck. She always put on make up to hide it from everyone. Today she did it too. He already licked the mark last night so it will be o
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