All Chapters of Alpha's Purchased Luna: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
328 Chapters
Chapter 71
"I SAVED YOU, LUNA."Dylan sat on the edge of the bed. He was Looking at Alice's wolf form. Her pure white fur. Blood was there on her body.He went out of the room and took a bowl of lukewarm water and a white cloth from the kitchen. This palace side was closed for everybody but his old servants always cleaned the palace so the kitchen was also clean. Because he came here sometimes and stayed alone. He put the cloth on the bowl and soaked it. Then he wiped the blood from her fur with the cloth. After washing and cleaning all the blood stains. He looked at her.'So beautiful!' She was really beautiful with white fur. Dylan never thought this type of pure white wolf even existed in the world. It was so rare. He never saw any white wolf before. He was surprised when he saw her wolf for the first time in the forest when she went for a run and he smelled her and found her. That day he could not control Dan and he jumped on her and started to lick her. But today he was so close to her. He
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Chapter 72
It had been Five months since Alice got attacked by rogues. It had been five months since Alice understood there was no hope between her and Dylan. That day after Dylan left, she shifted back. She remembered everything and cried. She realized that Dylan was right, she didn't deserve to be his mate. She was weak and he was so powerful. She was so weak that she could not protect herself. That day if Dylan didn't come in time she didn't know what would happen to her.In these five months,Alice had completely changed. She was not the old Alice who was very friendly to everyone. She had changed into a dominant lady. A fearless queen. Though she knew she could not protect the whole pack but she could die for saving her pack. She didn't blush in front of Dylan anymore. She was not in love with Dylan anymore. Yes, She still had a soft corner for Dylan but only a corner. Dylan was not her priority anymore. Dylan and she now only talk when it was about something important and they needed to
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Chapter 73
The old lady's body was shaken with fear. She stuttered and said, " Y-YOU !!! "Alice frowned at her. "Do I know you?"She knew that nobody from here had seen her face before. They didn't know what their Luna the Queen looked like. So what was this old lady afraid about?The old lady didn't say anything more, she stood up in fear and ran from there without taking her things with her.Alice was shocked by her behavior? 'What happened to the lady? Did she fear my scent? Did she smell Dylan's scent on me? That's why she was behaving like this? But I don't think she could smell me.'Diva came to Alice and saw that Alice was arranging some fruits and daily essentials. She asked, "Luna? When did you buy this? How did those fall down on the ground?" She bent her knees and started helping her to arrange those things."These are not mine." Alice said."Whose are these then?" "Someone bumped into me just now.""Are you okay Luna?" Diva asked.Alice nodded her head and stood up hurriedly. Then
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Chapter 74
Alice was shocked, "LYCAN PRINCESS????"The old lady got afraid of her reaction. she said,"Don't get angry." Alice frowned at her and said, " You are confusing me. What do you mean by 'Lycan princess'?"The lady sighed, "Please come in, My Queen."Alice was stunned. 'Did she call me Queen? Didn't she just call me Lycan Princess before? Is she mentally unwell?'Alice entered the cabin and looked around at the cabin. It was a very old looking cabin. The old woman was living here alone. Alice could not see anyone else there."Please sit here." The lady said and signaled to the couch.Alice sat on the couch. The lady went to her kitchen room and came back with a glass of water."Here. You are looking tired, please drink it."Alice took the glass. She was about to drink because she was thirsty but she remembered the day when Dylan came into her room for the first time. She offered her a glass of water. He didn't drink it as if he didn't believe in her. If he didn't believe in her then h
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Chapter 75
"The Queen she was talking about is You.YOU ARE THE QUEEN WHO HAS COME TO DOMINATE THE TWO REALMS TOGETHER."Alice stood up immediately. "What are you saying? Do you even know what you are saying?"The old lady looked nervous when she saw Alice stand up suddenly. "Don't get angry, my Queen.""You know what? You have wasted my time. I should not have come here but I thought you need those essentials to live your daily life. But here you are fooling me. Fooling your Queen." Alice said coldly.Alice was amazed at the story that the old woman just told her. But now she understood that the old woman thought she was a foolish woman."Do you think I am a fool?""N-No, You are our Queen.""Why are you so afraid of me? You don't even know my rank. I think you have mistaken me for someone else. I am just a Luna of this pack and the Queen of this realm. Not any Lycan who will rule both realms." Alice said and went to the door. But before she could open the door she heard, "I know you are an Om
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Chapter 76
"YEAH, THEODORE SAID HE WILL COME TOMORROW. HE HAS SOMETHING IMPORTANT TO SAY.""Theodore?" Alice asked."Yes. The fortune teller of our pack. You met him in your mating ceremony." Ashar said."Yeah, I remember him. But what has happened suddenly?'" That we will know when he will come tomorrow."Alice nodded at him. "Then I am going. Good night.""Good night." Ashar left and Alice closed her door.She changed her clothes into a night gown. She laid down on her bed and thought about Lycans. She had never seen any of them. But she heard of them. 'Lycans are the royals. They are the kings and queens. In history, their rank is the highest rank in the werewolf world.' Alice shivered when she thought about Lycans. ---The next morning, Theodore came to the pack house. Everyone attended the meeting. Ashar, Xavier, Limon, Henry, Dylan, and Alice all the officials, and The royal couple attended the meeting. Some of other important pack members were also there."So Theodore. Tell us why do yo
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Chapter 77
"LUNA, SHE WAS RIGHT. YOU HAVE TO MEET HER SISTER. SHE HAS BEEN WAITING FOR YOU FOR YEARS." Alice was shocked. She looked at Theodore who started to walk again. She stood up and called him. "Theodore, can you explain to me all of these? I am confused about all of these things. I know that you know everything."Theodore didn't stop but spoke out while walking,"When you will discover yourself that day I will wait for you." Then he left the garden.Alice was startled. Discovering herself? Then she remembered his conversations about the mating ceremony....Flashback... "Luna, it's an honor to meet you." Theodore said."Same to you Theodore. I hope you will enjoy our party. You have come at the right time. You can give me your blessings." Alice said while trying to ease the awkward situation."You don't need my blessings, you came here by your fate. You will discover yourself very soon. That day ask me about the blessings. I will wait for you."...Alice went out of her thoughts
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Chapter 78
"TOMORROW DYLAN WILL GO TO THE RIVER MOON PACK WITH ME."Alice gripped the spoon tightly in her hand. She could not believe in her ears. 'He is going to the River Moon Pack? Why? He is going with Livia? With his Mistress?'She glanced at Dylan to see his reaction but Dylan was indifferent. He was eating his food as if it was not any big matter at all. She looked at her food and thought, 'So it is true that he is going to my ex pack with his mistress. Wow. What should I expect more? I am no one to him after all.' Alice was silent."Why suddenly Dylan?" Limon asked. Danika was scared when she heard about her old pack. She was happy here with her mate. She almost forgot about her pack. But now when Livia said about the River Moon pack, she remembered the war. She looked at Alice. She knew Alice had to suffer a lot, the rogues killed her parents, family and friends. So it would be tougher for her when she heard anything about the River Moon Pack."I have some work there." Dylan replied t
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Chapter 79
"IF YOU EVER HAD TO CHOOSE BETWEEN ME AND DYLAN, WHO WOULD YOU CHOOSE?"Ashar was shocked by Alice's question. "What do you mean Alice?" Alice looked at Ashar then sighed. She shook her head. "Nothing.""Tell me." Ashar was looking at her carefully. "It's nothing. I can't explain it to you." Alice stood up and was about to go to her room. Ashar grabbed her hand. "I want to know. What happened? You called me your friend right?"Alice turned her head to him. "Will you understand me? Because I am really confused about everything right now.""I will try my best." Ashar assured her. Alice nodded to him. "After Danika's birthday. I will tell you everything because I believe, Only you can help me right now.""Okay. Don't worry. I will listen to you." Then Ashar released her hand.At the midnight, Everyone celebrated Danika's birthday."Thank you so much, Luna. You are the best." Danika hugged Alice. "Happy Birthday, Hope your life will be full of shine and happiness." Alice caressed her ha
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Chapter 80
"Ashar, WILL YOU HELP ME TO FIND OUT THE TRUTH?"Ashar was thinking about everything. He was confused. 'A Lycan? How can it be possible? If it is true, then what about Dylan? Will Dylan hate her?'"Ashar, please."Ashar sighed and said, "I am a man of words. If I told you to try my best and help you then I will. ""Thank you so much, Ashar." Alice said to him happily.Ashar nodded. "Let's go out of here first. Then you go to your room and sleep. I will go with you tomorrow. We will meet Skylar."Alice nodded her head and they went out of the East palace. Alice went to her room.She changed her clothes and laid down on her bed.'Tomorrow I will go to meet that witch again. I don't know what will happen tomorrow.' Alice thought about Dylan, how he said and taunted her as a purchased Omega today. 'Why does he always behave with me like that? He dislikes me, right? He told his mistress that he doesn't even like my body. Wow. How did I forget that matter? I should not think of you, Dylan
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