All Chapters of Her Four Cruel Wolves: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
136 Chapters
Chapter 100
Farren's Point of ViewFuck Phaedra. Fuck Tristan. Fuck Dominique. Fuck them all. That was all I could think of as they spoke in front of me. Spoke over me and about me as if I wasn't even in the room. This had turned into something that went beyond Lupitum and Dominique's urge to take over the business.They wanted to gain favor with the royal family. Wanted to send me with Phaedra willingly, knowing that I would be a cow to the slaughter. Except if what she had said was true. That she wanted me by her side as her sister. To help her overthrow the monarchy and place herself on the throne instead. That Reginald had grown too drunk on power and was proving himself to be an unfit king.The snide remark about how Nerezza being a mad woman didn't seem to help her cause at all. Only angered me to the point that I wanted to rip out of my ties and strangle her myself. Although, I settled on growling back at her. Let my eyes do the talking. Showed her the clear disdain I had for her."Take th
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Chapter 101
Quintez's Point of ViewI knew she was angry when she said all of those things. Knew that she was frustrated from being kidnapped. But it didn't mean what she said wasn't the truth. I was a coward. A selfish one, at that. I had never tried to do right by anyone, not even the man I claimed to serve.Who was a complete and utter monster, might I add, with zero regards for anyone's life except his own. But this was my time to make a small change in the world. A large one in my life. If I did this now, saved my mate, I was going to change everything. There was no telling what Camilo might do to me but I had faith that Farren would try and get me out of the mess I had created.Only if I tried to save her now.Taking a step forward, I glanced over my shoulder at the back door. Phaedra and her guards had no doubt gone to the villa just on the other side of the house. Dominique and Tristan had gone to sleep, hoping that daybreak and their money came sooner rather than later. This left me wit
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Chapter 102
Farren's Point of ViewI was terrified. And it wasn't just for my own safety. He had a look in his eyes that told me I wasn't going to talk him out of this. Or even try to convince him that it was a bad idea. Oh no. I had said horrible things to Quintez. Called him a coward. Now the bastard wanted to prove otherwise and would likely get us killed in the process.At least my death would be mourned but I doubted his would.There was a difference between bravery and stupidity. I feared this to be the latter instead of the former. Even my little stunt with falling over couldn't help me out of it. Not that I wanted to go with Phaedra. The bitch could burn down with the rest of Makatza. But I didn't want one of my mates in a grave before me.This felt oddly like he would. Quintez's pocket knife worked tirelessly against the restraints. Sawed more than cut at the rope fibers. A bead of sweat had formed on his brow from the concentration. After another moment or two, he wiped it away with th
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Chapter 103
Farren's Point of ViewThe shouting started not long after the siren went dead. I knew in my bones that we had no time left. That we needed to run. Hide. Do anything but just stand here and wait for our doom. The car was no longer an option. Our quick escape was dashed by motion sensors and those horrible floodlights.Although, Quintez looked stuck in place. His eyes were wide and jaw open. Stared off into the distance. Even with all the screams of men, he refused to move. Kept gawking at something I couldn't see.I willed my heart to stop hammering, to no avail. No time like the present, it seemed. Whether my heart wanted to or not, we had to go and fast. If I died because of heart failure because of this, I was going to haunt the hell out of Quintez. "Come on!" I growled at the statue of a man. Grabbed his hand and dragged him down the last few steps. He came reluctantly. Snapped back into himself for long enough to scream at me."They are blocking our way to the cars!" I noticed
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Chapter 104
Farren's Point of ViewI ran to the road as fast as I could. Looked back once or twice to see Quintez hot on my heels. Slobber ran down the sides of his muzzle as he came at me. Kept enough distance between us to keep the men following us at bay. Some had shifted fully. Others were only halfway. Most of them had guns. Shot at the air all around me. I swallowed down the urge to fall to the ground. Forced my legs to keep moving. There was a screaming pain in my side now. Stung like a thousand bees never could. Being fit and being skinny was not mutually inclusive, I had just realized. Just because I weighed closer to a brick than a person didn't mean I could run any faster.One thing that kept echoing inside my mind was the man who had helped us this far. Who had fallen. Died right beside me. There was no time to thank him for what he had done. For all the help he had been. He had given up his life for me. For Alejandro. Roberto Ramirez was nothing like his father.At least now he coul
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Chapter 105
Farren's Point of ViewWe dropped them off in a field somewhere. Or rather, scared them half out of their wits until they tumbled out of the car of their own free will.Quintez had noted some half-eaten shrooms on their back seat when we had gotten in. The guy offered him a jacket to make himself more decent. He had taken it. Took the packet of shrooms as well, under the cover of the jacket. Showed it to me when the couple tried to make small talk.But their words came out funnier than before. Made less and less sense the more they spoke.Both humans were high off their minds. Which only made me wonder why they were driving around. If you were going to fuck with substances, at least do it safely. But they had broken the first rule of drug use and now we were going to steal their car because of it.So, silent as the night, and after a prolonged period without the ropes, I shifted only my head. It was the most I could do. The only thing that I had in me to change. It was taxing and tryi
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Chapter 106
Alejandro's Point of View Her voice sounded like heaven to me. Marred only by the fact that she had to endure hell to get here. Throw in the fact that my guards didn't recognize her and you have one pissed-off wolf that wanted heads to roll. He had nearly shown her away. Sent her back into a world that wanted to do nothing but harm her. Maim her. Take her from us. I would have had his head on a spike if he had done it. Camilo would have skinned him before I got the chance. Camilo was in our office when I barged in on him. His eyes were pits. Hair messy and clothes unkempt. He looked like a shell of himself. Blamed every action we took for getting Farren into this mess. I understood the suffering. Knew that she was the only bright point we had left and she had been stolen from right beneath our noses. But a pity party wasn't going to help. We had been blind to the storm brewing with Dominique. Maybe if we had paid more attention to what was going on around us we would have noticed
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Chapter 107
Farren's Point of ViewEvery muscle in my body trembled from relief as Alejandro carried me into the house. Set me down on the couch and hurried to my room. They wanted to get me dressed. And I had told them I refused to shower until we spoke. So, we settled on a compromise. I got dressed now and spoke to them and they would shower with me later.It was a deal I was overly eager to agree to.Their men had taken Quintez out of the car. Brought him in behind us. He hadn't just slept through it all but also remained asleep whilst they tucked him into a bed on the lowest floor. His own room for his recovery.He continued to sleep as the doctor arrived minutes later. Examined him in his nude. Camilo was there with him whilst all of this happened. Moments later, Alejandro came down the stairs, a t-shirt and shorts in hand."She is the best doctor we have in Lupitum, if something is wrong with your friend, she will be able to help him." Alejandro clarified. His head turned to look behind him
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Chapter 108
Farren's Point of View It was clear that I had caught him off guard. His knuckles went bone white on the backrest of the couch. Eyes widened slightly. But his jaw had fallen open. There was a long moment of silence before he tried to speak again. Stuttered, instead of speaking as fluently as he always did. "Where?" It was all he could get out and I felt my heart break for him. For the family Dominique had destroyed. The man had poisoned his brother against him. Killed his mother. Now he claimed the life of the youngest Ramirez. All in cold blood. All to make a mad grab for power that was never meant to be his. This reminded me of how futile and fragile life could be. I swallowed down the acid in my throat. Recalled the events as best I could. The simple answer was that Roberto had died beside me in a field somewhere heading for his escape. The more complicated answer was that he had died with his mother and the bullet had just finished him off. "We were heading for the road to tr
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Chapter 109
Farren's Point of ViewNo matter how much I scrubbed or how much soap I used, I could still feel the blood drip from my body. Could see the man bleeding to death in front of me. His mouth foamed red as he choked on it. Tried to get in another breath but was only met with gurgling. Even the sound vibrated in my ears. Lingered too close for my liking. The hot water might have soothed my muscle if only I could relax. Unclench them. But they remained taut. Stressed. Gunpowder still hung in the air and I felt trapped in my surroundings.Nothing would make me forget the events of the last few hours. Roberto's lifeless body on the cold ground somewhere. They wouldn't bury him. Wouldn't give him the decency. Because at the end of the day, he had betrayed his father for a girl he never knew. And he had paid the ultimate price because of it.Switching off the taps, I exhaled. Steam curled around me. Became a blanket of white for my mind to imbed images on. Running. Jumping. Screaming. It all f
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