All Chapters of Vampire's Chosen Wife Is A Vigilante: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
20 Chapters
Hera practically begged Leonard to let her keep the computer in her bedroom, but for the sake of maintaining peace inside the house, Leonard still hauled the computer parts and placed it in a corner in the living room.“You can still use the computer, but supervised.” Leonard told her.“Dad–have you ever talked to my teachers? Did they tell you why they were giving me low scores?” She asked, her eyes telling him to reconsider this decision.“I don’t need to. Your mom has already talked to the teachers. Since they said that you have been getting low scores, and it’s possibly because of your excessive computer use, then that must be it.” He massaged his head and stretched his back. “I don’t need to talk to them, only to be humiliated.”He shot a glare at Hera, the first time that he did so in her life.Hera felt defeated.She watched helplessly as her father asked Leon to start up the computer.“It needs a password.” Leon said.“Hera, type in the password.” Leonard shot her a warning lo
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Night Sky
Hera was in shock for a moment upon hearing this.But as she listened, a sudden thought crossed her mind.It was a few days later when she found the chance to talk to Leonard without Rebekah and the two children. She had taken them to the mall at that time with the children’s grandmother.“Dad, can I talk to you?” She asked.He was cleaning his car in their garage at that time.“Now?”“Yes.”“Okay.. What is it?” He lifted his head and picked up a cloth to wipe his hands.“A few days ago, I overheard you talking with Aunt Rebekah.”“Aunt? Can’t you call her mom?”Silence.She avoided his gaze.“Dad, I’m not at that point. And probably will not be for a long time. Please don’t force this. It’s enough that I am respectful and polite to her as your new wife.” She said clearly.Leonard was startled for a moment how Hera had put it. It seemed that his daughter had been thinking about this for a while. “Fine. So–what is it that you want to talk about? The one about the kids needing extra cla
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“Top 10 Tips To Grow Your Business.” She read. But it was not this that shocked her. It was the publication date. “June.” As far as she’s concerned, it was still the last week of May. “Why is it June all of a sudden? Unless--I’ve been sleeping for that long!” Hera gasped in realization. That was the only plausible explanation that she could come up with. Fortunately, it was still the same year. “But this place–where is this? Who brought me?” She looked around. She never knew anyone this rich. “I was in the desert–buried in the sand. Maybe–somebody found me? And took me back with them?” Then she recalled the wounds she remembered she received. She looked around and found a full-length mirror in a corner. She walked up to it and checked herself from head to toe. She didn’t see any scars. Hera unbuttoned her top and let it slide down halfway on her back. She turned her body. Her back now faced the mirror. There were scars on her back from the bullets. But it seemed as if it
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Fall Back To Sleep
She didn’t think that those people would actually kill her.But since she was left for dead after being gunned down, she realized that only death awaited her if she would insist on going back.‘If I go back to my old life, before I joined the military, would it be easier?’Deep down she knew the answer as well.If she would go back and the military would know about it, she would immediately be called back and who knows what crimes those people have accused her of?Now that she saw and experienced it for herself how capable they are of killing their own comrades, she could already imagine what else they can do to her if she would go back like this.‘They would surely paint themselves as heroes. And without my own witness, defending myself is like hitting a brick wall repeatedly.’She couldn’t go back to her father as well.Not only is she not welcomed there, she couldn’t bring herself to bring trouble to them.No matter what, she couldn’t bring those murderers to their doorstep.She co
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The Trend
Orion understood what she meant.Since he was the one who brought her to his mansion, he should be responsible for her.He could have just left her in a hospital when he found her, but for some reason, he wanted to see it through and make sure that she would live.And now she’s conscious but she could no longer return to her old life.She may have to get a new identity and be in hiding if she really wishes to return to society.But–at this moment, it was not yet the time to let her go.He still has to make sure that she really was not affected.Back then, to extend her life, he had to give her his dark blood.It worked. She was able to extend her life. He just wondered whether he had also turned her.He couldn’t release her if she did. She would be unable to control it and there would be no one to guide her outside.And if an incident occurs, the attention would be on them, endangering them.Orion couldn’t afford to do that.And he was avoiding having to cut off her life just to keep
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The sound of footsteps echoed in Orion’s ears.He had been mulling over the documents since the morning.He didn’t feel tired. That feeling had sailed centuries ago.He had stopped being assailed with emotions long ago.Sometimes he would ponder if there was any meaning in continuing to walk this earth.He had changed his name more times than he even cared to remember. Only his original given name had remained the same, just that it had become his middle name.Orion.It meant ‘Rising in the sky; Dawning’.It was ironic since for a time, he had feared the arrival of dawn, and most especially, the arrival of morning.Fortunately, during this century, the Martel’s clan had made a breakthrough.They can now walk amongst others even in daylight.With Doctor Ezekiel Foster in Martel clan, the latter could be said to be ahead compared to the other clans.At this moment, the doctor entered Orion's study.Brown-hair parted at the side, thick nicely shaped brows, tall straight nose, heart-shape
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“I have the results for today’s test.” Doctor Ezekiel Foster said.“And?” Orion lifted his head, his attention now away from the documents on the desk.“Her body is healing well and fast. It could be the result of drinking your blood.” Ezekiel said.“That’s not so surprising.” Orion muttered.“Yes–your blood is special. With its regenerative ability, anyone who drinks it would be able to heal quickly. Much quicker than other vampires.” The other said.“Anything else?”“As you know, for us, oxygen molecules bind to hemoglobin inside a red blood cell unlike the others.”The ‘others’ he was referring to were normal human beings.“And what about it?” Orion was so busy with his documents that he was becoming impatient with how Ezekiel was speaking. The latter just couldn’t say everything all at once.Ezekiel was so bewildered by his discovery that he didn’t know how to proceed.“I can’t give a definitive explanation at the moment.”Orion furrowed his brows. He narrowed his eyes at Ezekiel.
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Their Ancestors
Reed took a swig of his negroni. He had been on tenterhooks ever since Hera was brought in. He couldn’t wait until she was sent away. “She doesn’t seem too bad..” Venus said, staring at the bubbles in the champagne glass. “Haaaa???” Reed’s brow raised so high it almost looked like it’s reaching his hairline. “You’ve only just met her! And for all that time, she has been unconscious..” “Not true. I talked to her today.” “Pfft.. Dear sister, you and I have lived this long life.. Could you honestly say that you already know her after just exchanging a few words?” Venus rolled her eyes. “I didn’t mean that.” “Then?” “I’m just saying–it’s also too early to judge that she would be a bad person.” Reed shrugged. “Either way, it would be better if she’s out of here. The sooner the better. We can’t just wait until she does something that will endanger us, right?” Venus was silent. She, too, agreed with him on this. But ultimately, it’s Orion’s decision. He was the one who brought h
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Speed And Accuracy
And so Reed couldn’t help but wish for Hera to leave soon so he could go back to wander around the mansion without needing to watch his back so much.At this moment, Hera, who had gone back to sleep, had a smile on her face.She was dreaming of a memory she had with her comrades when she was still in the army.Not at all times did she suffer back when she was on active duty.There was a time when she and her comrades, both men and women, would compete against each other on the number of push ups they could do, on how fast they could run, or on who could shoot the target more accurately.Hera wasn’t as good as some of them when she first started.Though she had an athletic body, she had never held a gun or any weapon before she entered the army.Though there were challenges every step of the way, she still met people whom she connected with, was inspired by, and learned to entrust her life with.She met people who supported her career choices and encouraged her to keep going.Although
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Her Suspicions
When Hera first started in her new job as a Parachute Rigger, the other soldiers were uncomfortable at the thought of placing their lives in her hands.They would always have another person recheck her work to make sure that everything was in place.Gradually, at the supervisor’s constant approval of her work, the other soldiers finally trusted her.Hera paid attention to detail even though she had some experience in this area.Back in College, she once worked at a mountain resort which offers paragliding. She started out as an assistant then and soon she became one of the instructors.She has instructed customers, and has maintained equipment.This job as a Parachute Rigger was quite easy for her because of her previous experience. Still, she didn’t let her words speak for her. She only made sure that she did the job well.Her deft hands and confidence assured others. The Supervisor recommended her for other areas as well since this task was too easy for her. Inwardly, that Superviso
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12 Protection Status