All Chapters of The Billionaire Vampire's Darling: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
97 Chapters
How Do You Feel About Me Now?
Vero groaned as she slowly opened her eyes. An excruciating pain radiated from her head throughout her body. She raised a hand to touch her temple and was stunned to see that her hand was covered in bandages.Her other hand felt heavy, and when she lifted it, there was a cast wrapped around it.After dropping her hands back on the bed, Vero blinked and stared at the ceiling. She was lying in a bed, but not in her dorm room. The ceiling of this room was so high and wide, decorated with carved gypsum with a luxurious crystal chandelier that hangs in the middle of the room. Even so, the light was not on and there was only a silvery-gray light glimmering from the large windows beside the bed.Vero looked there and found the moon glowing in the distance, illuminating the room and the forest that stretched across it. The leaves on the trees glisten because of the wetness after the rain.“You’re awake?”Vero flinched at the sound of someone’s voice. She looked to the other side of the bed an
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She is Mine
“You know why I’m here, Moldark.” Lev sat in a high-backed chair in the living room of the Moldark residence. One leg crossed over the other. Moldark must not have expected him to come this early to his house. Moldark stood before Lev with his hands clasped in front of him. His head was down. He didn’t dare to lift his face for a second to look at Lev, and that’s how he should have behaved. “My deepest apologies to you, Mr. Deammone….” “Didn’t we warn you many times to keep your son in this house?” said Lev. “You’re lucky that my brother isn’t in Duradel. If he was here, today you and your wife would be crying over your son’s dead body.” Moldark gulped. His distended belly moved slowly along with his short breaths. “It was my fault, sir,” he mumbled. Lev lifted his chin and took a deep breath. This house had always smelt bad and until this moment, he couldn’t understand how Moldark and his family could live in such a dingy and smelly house. “Yes, of course, it was,” he said. “You
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In The Mood To Walk You Home
When Vero opened her eyes the next day, Lev was no longer by her side. Darkness enveloped the room. It seemed Lev had turned off the sitting lamp and there was only a streak of light coming through the gap between the curtains. Vero pushed aside the blanket with her bandaged hand, then stepped out of bed. She walked over to the window and opened the curtains to see the scenery outside. The forest stretches as far as the eye could see and in the distance are mountain ranges whose peaks are covered with snow. Vero was trying to open the window, she wanted to breathe the morning air outside when the bedroom door opened and an old man stepped in pushing a trolley. “You are awake,” he said. His voice sounded firm and clear. He pushed the trolley onto the coffee table by the verandah door, then placed a plate, a cup, and a glass teapot onto the table. Vero gave him a confused look, and the man bowed politely to her. “Raphael, at your service,” he said. As he straightened up, he smiled k
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Don't Make Me Worry
Vero sat on the edge of the bed in her dorm room looking at the cell phone in her hand as if she had never seen anything like it before. This is the latest model phone for a fantastic price, but that’s not what keeps Vero stunned all day. Why did Lev buy her a cell phone? Does he have ulterior motives? Is he going to use this cellphone to monitor Vero’s movements, in case Vero divulges his secret to the world? Bad thoughts popped up one by one in her brain and became more and more terrible. She got up and headed to the study table. She pulled the desk drawer roughly and put the phone in there, then slammed it closed. Her breath was shallow as she stared at the closed drawer, waiting for something to happen. Seconds after seconds passed in silence and there was only the sound of her breathing in the room. “Something’s wrong?” “Shit!” Vero jumped while holding her chest. Her hand reached for the sitting lamp on the table and she turned toward the verandah, ready to throw it at the
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Befriend With Vampires
Lev sat next to Vero during morning class and she could barely pay attention to what the lecturer was saying because her eyes kept glancing back at him and her mind couldn’t escape the change in his attitude toward her.When the lecturer gave students several questions to work on, Vero didn’t know what to write on the answer sheet. She just stared blankly at the paper lying on her desk.“Give me that,” Lev whispered while pulling Vero’s answer sheet, then he handed his answer sheet to her.Lev has done it all. And judging from the answers he wrote, it seems like he did everything correctly.The morning class ended half an hour later. The answer sheets were collected and Vero didn’t even know what Lev did to her answer sheet.“What are you doing with my answer sheet?” asked Vero when the lecturer had left the class.Lev clamped one hand against the back of his chair while the other was busy tapp
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Take a Walk in Town
Was he going to kill her if she didn’t want to go with him?Lev left Vero with a terrible question that haunted her all day. After the chat in the cafeteria, which was not finished because he just left after saying that horrible thing to her, Vero no longer saw Lev. He didn’t show up for the afternoon class and Vero’s fear grows as she walked back to the dormitory with Jia.“You okay?” asked Jia when she found Vero silent the whole way.Vero blinked, then lifted her face to look at her. “Wha—yeah, yeah, I’m fine,” she lied.“We have to make preparations,” Jia said then.“What preparations?” asked Vero. Her brows knit in question.“Preparations for the summer festival.” Jia gives her a smirk. “It's the weekend tomorrow. How about we take a walk in town? You’ve never been around Duradel, have you?”The idea of ​​walking around the
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A week had passed in the blink of an eye. The day that all Duradel students and residents had been waiting for had arrived. It was the festival of the summer’s first day. Although it was named the first-day festival, the event lasted three consecutive days over the weekend. Lev had officially become Vero’s seatmate and since then, nobody had bothered her anymore. She started to enjoy her life in Duradel and this place became beautiful in her eyes once again. However, there was still a worry that enveloped her heart. Who else but her new friends who were not from the human realm. Besides the Duradel residents, it seemed that only Vero knew their identities. And a secret as big as that could not be borne without consequences. The threat that Lev gave her still haunted her until the day of the summer festival. “You’re thinking about something,” Jia guessed when she came to her room on the night before the summer festival. She brought Vero’s gothic lolita dress they had chosen togethe
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Typical Vampire
“It’s Ms. Caroline.” Vero pushed Lev out onto the veranda. “You have to go,” she hissed.“Ms. Windward. I know you’re not asleep. Open the door now!” Ms. Caroline knocked on the door again, this time harder and more urgently.Vero became more panicked and stared at Lev as he refused to move from her room. “I don’t want to be punished again!” she exclaimed in a whisper, pushing Lev’s chest with both hands. His muscles felt firm and strong in her palms, and for a brief moment, the image of Lev half-naked flashed through her mind, making her blush.Instead of complying with her request, Lev grabbed her hand and said, “She won’t punish you again.”“What?” Vero looked up, frowning. “How can you be so sure?”“Because I—”The sound of a key being turned caught their attention, and Vero looked towards the door in alarm.
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Who is She to You?
“What are you wearing?” “What?” Vero looked down to inspect her outfit. Nothing was wrong. Her bikini straps were in place and the outer lace flowed beautifully around her body. It was a bit chilly, considering that the summer in Duradel wasn’t as scorching as in her hometown. “Bikini,” she said, looking at Lev. “Have you never seen a bikini before?” Instead of answering Vero’s seemingly mocking question, Lev looked away briefly while grumbling in annoyance. The veins on his jaw clenched as he tightened it. “Change your clothes,” Lev said then, his golden-brown eyes darkening with emotion. At first, Vero didn’t understand why Lev asked her to change her clothes. She stared back at him in confusion before darting her eyes around to make sure she wasn’t in the wrong costume. She wasn’t the only college girl wearing a bikini, and nobody else was looking at her intensely except Lev. “Why?” Vero folded her arms under her breasts and puffed them out. She felt satisfied seeing him looki
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You're Not A Stupid Girl
Lev is annoying.Who does he think he is to dictate what clothes Vero can or cannot wear?Vero stomped down the sidewalk, passing by the lake and impromptu cafes filled with tourists. The joy and laughter they exuded contrasted sharply with her current mood.Rather than feeling angry, Vero was disappointed. She had hoped that Lev would praise her or at least look at her in a way that made her blush, instead of seeing her with disgust and telling her to change her clothes. Did she look disgusting in this bikini? Vero had never felt insecure about her body before. It was only now because of Lev.Since when did he have such a big influence over her?To avoid Lev, Vero walked away from the stage towards the other side of the lake. There were not many people there except for a group of boys gathering and joking, and the place was generally deserted. She wanted to calm herself down before returning to the crowd.Little did she know that her decision was a big mistake. She ended up meeting t
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