All Chapters of The Billionaire Vampire's Darling: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
97 Chapters
Fangs and Blood
His confession shocked Vero.“You knew, and you didn’t stop him?” Her voice caught. She couldn’t believe it.Lev shook his head slowly, then sighed. “I don’t know the details of Henry’s plan, but I know he was planning something.”“But still—” Her hand, which was initially on Lev’s shoulder, slid down to his arm, and she pulled away, turning her face from him. “Why did you do that?”The horrific image of the blood-filled party was still vivid in her mind. Like a broken tape that kept replaying behind her closed eyes, and no matter how hard Vero tried, she couldn’t shake it off. The more she closed her eyes, the more real it became.“There’s no other way,” Lev said. “I couldn’t let you be in danger.”“And you put them all in danger just to save me?” Vero smiled bitterly. In the past, she would have been happy about this. Sacrifices made for her. She used to think it was something admirable. Something that made her special. Like in movies and novels.But now she couldn’t feel the joy of
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She Imagining Him
Today Duradel is busier than usual. Groups of parents and families have come to pick up their children, taking them away temporarily from this beautiful small town.If only they knew the horrors that shroud Duradel and the real threats lurking over their children, Vero was sure none of those parents would bring their child back here.For those whose families didn’t come to pick them up, the university provided buses that would take them to the nearest city. From there, the students could take public transportation to their respective cities.Vero is one of the few students waiting in line to board the bus.Her heart is pounding hard because of many things.This is the first time she left Duradel after being trapped in this place for several months. She’s not sure of her destination. Although she has often gone to The Queen’s Secret Palace, this time she doesn’t know what awaits her there. One thing was clear: she didn’t come to that place to enjoy its music and booze.The line moves s
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The Queen's Secret Palace
The guard led Vero through a door next to the entrance. They entered a dimly lit hallway. The walls muffled the sound of music and the noise from the club. Hidden red neon lights in the ceiling gaps enhanced the mysterious atmosphere.A staircase led downward into seemingly endless darkness. Vero swallowed nervously. Beads of sweat, signs of anxiety, moistened her forehead and back.Her hand groped in the darkness, searching for the staircase railing to prevent herself from falling. From the railing, she realized that the staircase was curved, taking her deeper underground. With each step she took, doubt grew in her heart.Her conscience whispered, urging her to escape right then and there. She felt uneasy, questioning whether her decision to come here was the right one.When Vero looked back and contemplated turning around, the guard who had escorted her abruptly stopped, causing Vero to bump into his back.“Ouch!” she exclaimed, rubbing the side of her face that felt sore.“Verona W
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Hunters Hunted
Two red-haired people stood with joyful faces. They locked eyes with Vero, who hoped for something to happen right then and there. Perhaps a spark of longing or the overwhelming feeling of meeting a long-lost family member.But... nothing.She only smiled, just like them, without any emotions in her heart.The woman, with curly hair, ran towards her and hugged her tightly. “Oh! My baby, Vivian!”Vero frowned upon hearing the woman call her by another name. Then the man followed suit and, before embracing her, chuckled softly and said, “Your mother gave you the name Vivian before leaving you at the orphanage. But, of course, the nuns who took care of you didn’t know your real name.”Both of them hugged Vero so tightly that it felt suffocating. Not to mention her father’s statement that they intentionally left her at the orphanage, as if it were a joyful event.This was not the heartwarming reunion she had imagined.As her parents released their embrace, a tear welled up in the corner o
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She Missed Him
For a guy, Josh is quite talkative. He didn’t stop talking throughout the journey to who knows where. They traveled through winding passages, sometimes dark, sometimes light, as he recounted life in the subterranean city.“I used to rebel as a teenager. I wanted to get out of here and live like regular people,” he said. “But my parents said it’s dangerous up there. Vampires are after us, and they would kill us as soon as they find out about us.”Vero said nothing in response. Her mind was still stuck on her conversation with her parents, so she didn’t pay much attention to Josh’s words. It seemed like Josh realized that. He moved his hand in front of her face, making her blink and focus her gaze on him.“Are you listening to me?” Josh asked. Both of his eyebrows were raised, and that silly smile appeared on his face.Vero looked at him for a few seconds, then looked down. “No, I’m sorry,” she confessed, shaking her head.“Hey, no need to feel guilty,” Josh interjected. “I understand.
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There's Only You In My Eyes
Vero struggled and screamed with all her might in her throat. She tried to free herself, but the person was too strong. As the door closed, the person twisted her body and pressed her against the wall, so they stood face to face. “It’s me.” Vero was shocked to find Lev before her. The fear that had consumed her earlier made her unaware that Lev was the one who had dragged her here. Without thinking twice, Vero cupped Lev’s face and kissed him. And it felt so wonderful when Lev returned her kiss. All the longing that had haunted her in the past few days disappeared in an instant, replaced by relief and an indescribable feeling. Lev wrapped his arms around her waist, hugging her tightly until there was no distance between them. In the darkness of the room, their desire increased, and every sense in Vero’s body awakened. Lev’s lips felt moist and pleasurable against hers. When Vero opened her mouth, his tongue slipped in and played skillfully inside her mouth. The scent of his body f
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Start A War
After several passionate kisses and the unease that entangled her heart, Vero left the hotel room. She tiptoed like a thief, peering down the hallway, making sure there was no one else but her.Behind her, Lev whispered, “Hurry home.”Vero didn’t look back, but she smiled upon hearing her lover’s farewell greeting.As she closed the door behind her, a longing overwhelmed her, causing her chest to tighten. Although they had just met, it felt like their encounter was too brief to heal anything within her.When Vero approached the hotel room where Josh was last seen, the guy suddenly appeared from the corridor leading to the emergency stairs. He was out of breath, and his eyes widened.“There you are!” he exclaimed. “I thought those bloodsuckers kidnapped you!”He stretched out his arms, wanting to embrace Vero, but she pushed him away while glancing toward the door of Lev’s room. Lev could come out of hiding and tear Josh’s hands away, just as he did to Vincent, if he saw them hugging.
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Etana's Puppets
Josh gripped Vero’s arm and dragged her closer to the prison bars so she could see more clearly who was inside.On the floor, lying there with their hands in shackles, were her foster parents. They looked extremely thin and worn out. There was something staining their faces and clothes. It looked like dried blood.Vero gasped. Her mouth opened wide, and she felt a tightness in her chest. She struggled to breathe, her throat constricted.“W-what did you do to them?” She was too shocked to scream hysterically. Her legs went weak, and Josh’s grip was the only thing keeping her upright.Now she understood why she couldn’t reach them all this time.Her shock and fear quickly turned into anger. She jerked her hand away from Josh and attempted to attack Etana, but Josh held her back. This time, he hugged Vero from behind, holding her tightly so she couldn’t move. Etana stood still in her place.“You bitch!” Vero screamed. “You will pay for this!”Etana took a close walk to her. The torchligh
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An Intruder, A Traitor
“Is she one of Duradel’s students?”Moldark nodded, “Ye—yes!”“Who sent the girl to your house?”“Caroline.”Henry glanced towards Vincent’s now completely turned-to-ash body. “Raphael,” he called. “I want you to call Caroline. Tell her to come and see me with all the files about the student named Windward.”Raphael bowed deeply but said nothing. Then he turned and left Henry alone with Moldark.“Your wife said Lev blocked Vincent when he was about to suck the blood of this girl. What happened?”Moldark took a handkerchief from the pocket of his shabby suit. He wiped the beads of sweat from his face as he recounted the story.“Mr. Lev Deammone... he—he came to my house when the girl arrived and took her away. Vincent hadn’t had a chance to suck her blood yet. But Vincent already saw her! And you know Vincent wouldn’t stop until he gets his prey.”Lev wouldn’t do something like that unless there was something between him and this girl.Or maybe...For the first time in hundreds of year
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Walk Right Into The Trap
“Me? Who?” Vero asked.Ms. Caroline looked at her expressionlessly. Her hands were clasped in front of her stomach as she lifted her chin. “Just follow me.”Vero turned towards Crystal Creek, searching for Josh’s presence. Josh would definitely look for her if she suddenly disappeared. Should she go in first and tell Josh?“He doesn’t like to wait. So I hope you can be quick,” said Ms. Caroline, sounding impatient.Vero sighed and nodded. “Alright.” She would tell Josh where she was going later.Initially, Vero thought Ms. Caroline would take her to Dormitory Building B, but Ms. Caroline kept walking along the path by Caravons Depth.“Where are we going?” Vero asked.“You’ll find out soon enough.”Vero glanced at the lake and remembered the holy water that Etana had given her. She wouldn’t put that liquid into the lake. Instead, she would inform Lev about Etana’s plan to ignite a war.Vero’s distracted attention made her unaware that Ms. Caroline was leading her to Noblebranch. At the
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