All Chapters of Truce: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
62 Chapters
"Daddy!" Nicole squealed. "Where are we going to go on another horse ride?""Soon pumpkin, soon." He smiled at his little girl."I miss Mocha, I haven't been riding in such a long time." The ten year old girl frowned."Okay pumpkin, how about we go tomorrow after school? I'll pick you up and we'll go. Sound good?"Nicole squealed as she jumped up and down and hugged her fathers legs. "Thank you daddy! I love you!""I love you too, pumpkin." He mumbled, smiling as he kissed her forehead.❀"Nicole! Jason's here!" Drew called her down. Nicole sat up in her recliner and rubbed her eyes. She yawned as she closed the book that was in her lap and made her way downstairs."Hey," he grinned."Hey." Nicole smiled back."Don't have sex please.." Drew groaned before he grabbed his coat and left the house.Nicole's cheeks tinged pink."So, movies?" Jason asked. Nicole nodded her head, grabbing her things before the two walked out to his car."You look tired," Jason said as they were driving.Nico
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"Go away Charlie!" Nicole yelled from under her blankets. "I already said I'm not going!""Reasonable guess, but not Charlie."Nicole peaked her head out of her blanket to see that in fact, it wasn't Charlie but it was Logan. She furrowed her eyebrows, "What do you want?" She asked him, confused. "And how did you get in? How did you even know I was home? You know, you really shouldn't be here.""Woah, woah," he exhaled. "One question at a time please.. And Charlie let me in when she was leaving.""Nicole, why is your brother telling me that your sick at home and he can't come check on you because he has classes? What the hell is going on with you now?" Charlie asked in annoyance and fret as she had to drive all the way over to check on Nicole."Charlie, just get out." Nicole muttered bluntly."What? What's wrong with you?" She asked, now more worried."Now is not the time Charlie!" Nicole snapped. "Just leave me alone and tell Drew I'm fine."Charlie sighed. "Listen, I have errands to
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"But you're right, there is more to it." She smiled sadly. I guess it was time for history to be revealed.."We were friends, all of us.. Best friends," she started."Hey Nicole! Are you coming to Jason's after school?" Parker asked as they both sat at their desks, working of some math worksheets."I think so," She nodded. "Mum said she'd drop off some cupcakes.. You know her and her baking," she chuckled."Hey, your mom makes good cupcakes!" Parker retorted."I hear you guys talking about cupcakes," Seth mumbled, a grin on his face as he pulled a chair over and joined."We were the best of friends.. You know all that basic and cliche stuff like hanging out everyday, play days to sleepovers to the littlest but most best memories, things like having flour fights and drawing on whoever falls asleep firsts face.. All that until one day.." Nicole sighed."Nicole.. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to.." Logan said slowly and softly.Nicole shook her head, "It's alright.""Anyway
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"Where's Logan? I didn't see him in class earlier," Seth asked as he arrived to the usual table at lunch."He said he wasn't feeling the brightest so he went home early." Parker told him."Strange," Harley mumbled."It's probably just something going around," Chase shrugged."I was thinking about going over later to see him but I don't know if he'd be in the mood.." Parker said to Seth."I could come with," Seth offered. "I'll call him at the end of the day in case he's asleep or something.""Jason, would you want to come?" Parker asked.Jason shrugged. "I don't know, I have some... Errands and stuff to do." He excused. Jason just wasn't in the mood to speak to people much himself. After the argument with Nicole, he felt guilty for how he spoke as well as feeling like shit because of the breakup. He didn't want things to go like that but in the end, he knew that she deserved better... Deserved someone like Seth and that he didn't like her as much as he thought.Parker just nodded in r
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Nicole had skipped another few days at school and nobody had found out about the breakup except for Logan. Asher had texted her asking if she was coming to school on Tuesday since she hadn't on Monday and she replied telling him to let the others know that she would be with her aunt in Texas for a few days. She did have an aunt in Texas so she didn't think much about it when she used it as an excuse. Logan knew that her aunt was just an excuse so he had called her later that day after Asher let everyone know and Nicole explained that she just needed time to clear her head. She really didn't want to interact with anyone. She had too much to think about and too many things to occupy her mind so she spent her days sleeping in until 4pm, then taking long baths, having movie marathons all night long and going on midnight strolls around town when her brother was asleep so she wouldn't get questioned. She really just needed time to figure herself out. She had a few texts and missed calls
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It was how Monday. School had ended and again, Nicole didn't show up.She wasn't ready to face Seth yet.. She hadn't talked to him yet after what he said to her. She also didn't want to tell everyone about her and Jason right now. Though they had sorted it out and were fine with one other, she just wasn't ready to face anyone yet. She wasn't exactly avoiding them, she just needed to calm her nerves first.She decided that though she hadn't been coming to school because she didn't want to talk to anyone, she didn't want to flunk her classes either. She could've texted Jason or Logan to drop off her assignments but she didn't want to be a burden because lately, she felt that way quite a lot.She dropped by the school after school had ended on Monday so she could go grab her things since the school would still be open due to sport practices.Nicole had grabbed most of her work she missed out on and decided she could email her teacher who weren't at the school for the rest of them so she
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Ever since middle school, my brother had these two best friends; Paul and Jonah. After my dad passed, things between them started getting a little rocky but they still managed to stay close and all. Anyways, I heard my brother on the phone one day and all I knew was that something was going on because he sounded really stressed out, worried and scared. I overheard some of the conversation and I figured it was about money. Obviously the first thing that came to my mind was something about drugs," she muttered. "A few months passed and he was getting more distant; which was weird and abnormal because we had always been so close. One night I was going to sleep over at Serena's but then she got sick and wasn't feeling well so I went home but when I walked home, I heard bickering so I listened in- which I know I shouldn't have been doing but I did and that's when I heard Drew, Paul and Jonah arguing about something that had to do with money -,"You owe us," Paul muttered."You told me we w
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"Hey," Seth smiled slightly as he sat down at the booth across from Nicole. "Is everything okay? Why'd you want to meet here?" Nicole bit her lip nervously as she felt a lump starting to form in her throat. "Well I just- uh, I was hungry. Didn't want to eat alone," she shrugged nonchalantly. Seth raised an eyebrow suspiciously. "Is that so?" Nicole shrugged, "Yea, what else would it be?" She chuckled nervously. Seth narrowed his eyes at her. "You seem a little jumpy," Nicole shook her head. "I'm fine." "That's a lie, now tell me what's going on," Seth's said sternly as he gave her an unamused look. "Okay," she muttered. "I was just.. I wanted to know .. If you - maybe wanted to come down to my beach house this weekend," she quickly stammered out. Seth gave her a confused look as his eyebrows furrowed. Nicole bit her lip as she gave him a hopeful smile. Seth sighed. "Sure," "Really?" Nicole mumbled out quickly as her eyes widened. Seth shrugged, "there's no harm to it. Are
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"You know, we all could've fit into one car." Seth chuckled as he messed around with the radio stations.Nicole bit her lip and mentally cursed at Jason who had forced her to drive alone with Seth in one car while the other four guys carpooled in the other car together.Nicole was driving while Seth was in shot gun. She took this as a chance to admit her feelings to him but she just couldn't find the words to do it. Every time she opened her mouth hoping to grow a pair of balls and come clean about how she felt, her shoulders would feel like there were millions of bricks falling down onto them, that made it almost impossible for her to even start to form a single word about how she was head over heels for him."Yeah, I don't really know how we decided on this seating arrangement but at least the ride isn't too far," she agreed, chuckling awkwardly in attempts to cover up how out of place and uneasy she felt right now."So, how have things been?" Seth asked, changing the subject. He ti
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6 years later Nicole's eyes slowly opened, her head throbbing with pain and mouth feeling so dry that she could barley open it. Confusion was all that she felt. She blinked her eyes a few times before they finally adjusted to the lighting. She looked around, confused and scared. Anxiety quickly filled her whole body and she was ready to panic. She didn't know where she was, what was going on, or who she could call for help. Her mind was blank. She didn't even have a single thought to form because she was at utter loss. she couldn't remember anything properly which only caused her anxiousness to increase. She felt like she was in a dream. All she wanted to do was be able to fall back asleep and wake up, back to normal with her brother and cousin cooking breakfast before she had to head to school while her mom got ready to leave for work. She felt so misplaced and uneasy. Confused and as if her body was slowly floating away and there was no way she'd be able to start swimming becaus
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