All Chapters of Winter's Idolatry: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
38 Chapters
DallasTwo weeks later and I still hadn't moved on. I didn't think I would be the one to stay hung over some girl but then, Eliza wasn't just some girl. I had never felt this way about anyone before I met Eliza.Every time I saw her down the hall or sitting in the cafeteria with Orion, I just wanted to go up and tell her she was with the wrong guy. Part of me knew it was better than she was Orion but no part of me was able to let it go and move on. I was doing a pretty good job of pretending, though.I'll give a rundown of the past 2 weeks.River and I have hooked up a few times and yes, that's wrong though its really not. Whenever I'm with River it feels like I'm doing something illegal only because I know that it would bother Eliza - but Eliza and I aren't together so it does't matter. Yet for some reason I still feel guilty.At first it was a just drunken mistake.I was sitting with the guys talking about cars and football to pass time at lunch. My eyes darted across the cafeteria
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Preslie, Ocean, Dom and I decided to get drunk as hell this weekend because what else sounds better? I sure needed it.The night went by pretty smoothly. We ordered a bunch of pizza and Chinese takeout. We got drunk and watched movies and danced and ranted about our issues."I don't understand why people think I'm gay." Dom slurred, narrowing his eyes as he walked around my living room with a bottle of Jack Daniels in his hand. "I mean I hang out with guys and girls. It's all your guys' fault theres no more guys in this friend group.""Orion was suppose to come," I chuckled like a mad woman. I was laying on the couch staring at the ceiling lights."Yes, he was," Preslie nodded, taking small bites from her slice of pizza that she had been holding for half an hour now. "but none of us wanted to watch you two make out all night.""I think it's cute," Ocean smiled. "I mean a little nauseating at times but still cute." Her cheeky smile didn't leave her face for a second. She was starting t
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The next morning I woke up to my head hurting like hell. I sat up in bed and squinted as I looked around to figure out where I was. The night was a big blur expect for some random moments that would flash into mind.I was highly confused but it didn't take long for me to realize I was in Dallas's room, in his bed. He was nowhere in sight though.I pulled out my phone but with my luck it happened to be dead. I groaned as I threw it down on the bed frustrated. I sat there staring at my hands for a few minutes, trying to figure out what I was suppose to do.My few minutes in silence by myself were interrupted when one of the doors connected to Dallas's room opened. Out came Dallas with nothing but a towel wrapped around his torso. A second towel was in his hand as he ruffled it around on his head, getting his hair dry. His hair was dripping beads of water that travelled down his toned torso."Did I wake you?" he mustered when he looked at me and realized I was awake. From behind him, ste
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Valentine's Day.I was never a huge fan of Valentine's Day. I mean, why can't you be all romantic and cheesy every day, why does it have to be one specific day where you go all out for your loved one? It made no sense to me and quite frankly, I hated the stupid bears and hearts and red and pink balloons everywhere. It made me want to gag.Don't get me wrong, now. I was all about cheesy and cute things. I wanted to be showered in roses just like an other girl but the way people made this stupid date such a huge deal was a little ridiculous."Guess who?" A bouquet of roses was put in front of my line of sight. I smiled sheepishly.Orion appeared in front of me, holding the roses. "For you." He smiled. I chuckled as I took them, "Thank you." I didn't want to be ungrateful and I was flattered but this is my point. Any other day of the year would I be getting surprised with roses at my locker?"So, what's the plan for tonight?" he asked as he leaned against the locker beside mine and watch
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Orion and I pulled into Dallas's driveway. There were a few other cars already there. "Ready?" Orion asked, unbuckling his seatbelt before turning to look at me with his eyebrows raised.I blew out air in my cheeks and nodded, "Ready as ever, sure.""Let's go." Orion looked at me and smiled, then paused, then kissed me softly before getting out of the car.I walked into Dallas's house to see Dallas and Penny sitting on the couch, a movie on. Penny was practically on top of him, whispering in his ear. Dallas had one arm around Penny's waist and the other arm was resting on the arm of the couch, a bottle of Corona in his hand.Jago was sitting on the ground with a bag of chips, also watching whatever movie was playing on the large flat screen that was mounted on the wall.Sean, Ocean, Hazel, and two other guys I was friends with, Mike and Liam were also here. Everybody was just sitting around and chilling, in conversations with light music playing in the background, not loud enough to b
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Things change faster than you can imagine. One minute you're standing by the door ready for a night in the town, excited and happy and content with how everything is going. The next minute you're sitting there daring to let tears spill from your eyes.Another month had gone by and things were going fairly smoothly with Orion. Or so I thought.We had been together for three months now and everything was good. We didn't fight or argue because there was never any reason to. He was flexible and would cancel our plans when he knew I just wanted to stay in and watch movies all day so he'd bring over food and we'd just hang out in our pyjamas all day.What I'm trying to say is that Orion and I were happy together, we fit each other like puzzle pieces and he was an amazing guy who I didn't even deserve. He was my best friend more than anything.At least that's how I thought things were.Orion was picking me up so we could go out to the movies, walk around Times Square and just have a chill da
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I spent an hour or two crying until eventually the tears were all drained and I laid in my bed for hours and more hours just staring at my ceiling.The next morning I had a burst of energy and confidence. Staying up late all night had me thinking about everything that Orion had said along with running through all my past moments with Dallas - the good and the bad.Somewhere along the late hours and deep thoughts, I realized that maybe Orion was right. This thing between Dallas and I had been going on for months now and we both knew it.I wasn't gaining anything from sitting in my room and stressing about what could've been. I haven't stopped thinking about Dallas since- we already know all that. Dallas isn't an idiot nor is he naive so he has to know that I still think about him hence why he still makes comments and brings up past moments.Anyways, the point is, I decided that I may as well take a long shot and go see Dallas to confess to him this could be more, should be more. I was
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As much as Dom and Ocean argued with me, I chose not come back to school the rest of the week. It was easier to come back the following Monday mainly because I convinced myself a new week would be a fresh start. I wasn't convinced but it worked as an excuse."Come on, go talk to him." Ocean whispered as she saw Dallas a few lockers away from where we were standing. He was with some of his guy friends in a conversation that didn't seem to be serious."No," I muttered firmly and flatly. "I have to get to class.""Nope." Ocean grabbed my arm and stopped me before I could walk away.I rolled my eyes and looked at her with a straight face, hoping to show her how irritated I was. "Come on Ocean, stop being childish.""You're being stubborn." She argued, giving me a flat look to mimic mine. "Just go talk to him. Better yet, go up to him and kiss him.""I much rather be trapped in the Minneapolis bridge collapse.""That's harsh. Also false.""Ocean," I sighed, shaking my head. "I'm sorry but
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I slammed Dallas's locker shut in anger causing Dallas to step back. "Eliza, what the he-""You can't just do that!" I snapped, easily showing I was angry.Dallas looked at me in confusion, also a bit of shock on his face. He obviously wasn't expecting an outburst."What are you talking about?" He exasperated, baffled. "I'm just trying to get my books from my locker. I'm late to class."The hallways were empty, the only two people standing in them being Dallas and I.I crossed my arms over my chest, "you can't just walk in and act like you're going to kiss me and then walk out." I felt like a child arguing with their mother about wanting dessert before dinner. "You can't just keep saying emotional things to mess with my feelings and then go coddle other girls.""Eliza," Dallas's eyes went a bit wider than usual. "Are you- hold on. Are you mad I didn't kiss you?" He narrowed his eyes, the slightest bit of amusement seeping from his tone.I groaned, "this isn't funny!""I don't think it
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8 Months Later "Eliza Stavros, will you do me the honour of being my date to the Snow Ball this year?" Dallas was down on a knee, holding out a ranunculus in the middle of the ice rink, people still skating around us in a circle. My cheeks heated up like they still always did every time he said or did something cheesy. Months had gone by and I still got jitters from him. I grabbed Dallas's hands in mine as he stood up, holding me close. "I would love to." Dallas grinned, leaning down to softly kiss my lips. And like that, we were once again flowered in the feeling like we were standing in the most beautiful snow globe. The end.
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