All Chapters of The Rogue Alpha's Redemption: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
51 Chapters
Chapter 41
RAEI turned the key slowly, wincing when the click sounded too loud in the hallway. For a few agonising seconds, I held my breath.But the door behind me didn’t open. The man inside didn’t charge out, asking where I was going.I don’t know why I had expected that. The second Rhys had left his load inside me, he’d pulled out and tripped all over himself in his haste to run away.Had I been that bad? Too needy? Too slutty?As I tiptoed to the elevator, my cheeks coloured again. What the hell was wrong with me? I’d gone six years since I woke from my coma without sex, but suddenly I couldn’t control myself.I let out a breath of relief when the doors opened in the lobby. As much as I’d wanted Rhys to explain himself, or tell me what the hell was going on, I wasn’t in the right headspace to deal with him. And part of me didn’t want him to tell me last night had been a mistake. The second I walked out of our apartment building, I remembered Jack. I was such a terrible friend. Rhys had wo
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Chapter 42
RHYSI looked away from her curious eyes and put my foot on the gas. Kidnapping her had seemed like a great idea after finally regaining control of myself from the beast but, sitting next to her in the small space in my truck, I was conflicted. What the fuck was I doing? I was barely holding my shit together but the last thing both Rae and I needed was for things to fall apart. Without her memories, Rae was like a newborn pup. Innocent. And I was the monster hellbent on making her pay for something she didn’t remember doing. Thinking that way fucked me up even more, but it was more bearable compared to the other thoughts that had kept me awake all night.She wasn’t mine. I wouldn’t mark her. I wouldn’t. “Tell me what, Rhys?”My hands tightened around the wheel as I weaved through the traffic. I could drive for days until we got to Gilded Falls without giving in to my urges. I was a fucking Alpha of Alphas, an apex predator. Her sweet taste... The sounds she’d made last night... The
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Chapter 43
SIX YEARS AGO RHYS The call of the Super moon was stronger than ever. Maybe it was my imagination, but there was something different about this moon. Something special. Or maybe it was just because I knew my life had changed because of it. The large moon reflected on the surface of the lake, and all around me, the madness increased. Beasts that normally stayed hidden roamed and rampaged. Wolves howled and fucked. Others hunted, their strengths amplified under the Moon Goddess’ blessing. The lake rippled with signs of the beasts that roamed in its depths. Even the waterfall roared louder than it normally did. But Rae still hadn’t shown up. All sorts of fears ran through my mind. What if I was right about her family? What if they were disgusted by what she was? Maybe one of her parents was out of the picture so no one knew she was born of two Alpha with pure Alpha blood. That she was special. Maybe she shifted and they confined her the second they realised. Not every pack could acc
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Chapter 44
RHYSMy internal struggle chose that moment to mess me up even more. I wanted to give Rae to him, but the thought of it...‘Because she's mine,’ the beast growled. Those words had kept me up all night. The realisation that everything was falling back into place exactly as it had been six years ago. Last night had fucked me up.But I couldn’t do that shit again. My racing heart and trembling body were proof of it.‘No,’ I snarled. ‘It's because Raechel doesn't get to go off and have her happy ever after when I've suffered so much because of her. She has to fucking pay.’‘Then give her to him,’ the beast taunted. Because he was in my head, he already knew what I thought, what I felt.My feet became rooted to the spot even though my head told me to move. Giving her up would be the safer option. I’d get my sanity back and finally put Rae behind me. Give her to the monster that destroyed me. ‘Then tell him where she is. I dare you,’ the beast taunted again.I would. It was the only way.B
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Chapter 45
RAE The taxi dropped me off in front of my campus while I fumbled in my bag for my phone. I was still trembling. Had I almost been kidnapped? That man had my luggage in his car! He’d somehow entered my apartment to fuck my brains out and then again to take my belongings. Who did shit like that? I get that I’d fucked up big time, and he’d had to do something equally wrong to cover up for me, but forcing me to go on the run wasn’t the answer! And on top of that, it didn’t make sense that he was willing to upend his life for a stranger. I was in danger? I’d put myself on the radar? What the hell did that even mean? My bag dropped, spilling the contents onto the pavement. Students walked around me, snickering when I scrambled to stuff snacks, notes, and toiletries back into my cheap holdall. On any other day, I’d have been glad to see the back of them for a while, but I’d just written my last exam, so I would probably never see them again. That made my heart ache. After fumbling a w
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Chapter 46
RAE I’d been to the restaurant a couple of times with Vickie. First, to celebrate my last physiotherapy appointment after being released from the hospital and again when we were both accepted into our preferred programs at college. It was the sort of place where families like the Montgomerys met with other wealthy families who didn’t care how much a tiny plate of their starter cost. A place where people wearing jeans and old T-shirts couldn’t get past the front door. But there I was, being led to a private room with Vickie. I self-consciously tidied my hair while the other diners looked at us and sighed in relief when we entered the cosy room. “Was this necessary?” I asked Vickie when our server left us alone in a room that could comfortably seat ten guests. “Go big or go home,” Vickie chuckled. “Order anything you want; then we can talk about our spa date tomorrow and shopping.” Something she was also going to pay for. Spending her family’s money was always a sore spot for me,
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Chapter 47
RHYSWe were screwed. It was just pure luck that Connor drove out of the car park before Rae walked up. But Eastown was small; chances were he would find Rae if we didn’t get the hell out of town. Connor couldn’t take me by himself, but he had a whole fucked up system behind him that would. The same system that had messed me up since Rae ‘died’. The same system that would fuck Tyson up if I continued on this path.That thought was like an arrow through my heart as I struggled to take control of my beast. What the hell was I doing? As I watched Rae embrace her friend, my thoughts became clouded again. I owed Tyson my life and would choose him over Rae any day, but...She exposed us. The penalty for that was death, no matter who it was. Despite the pull that I could no longer deny, the only thing I could do for her was take her back home. Rae wouldn’t stand a chance against Connor’s elite guards, and that made me feel...My chest tightened, and my fists clenched. What did it say ab
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Chapter 48
RAE “What’s he doing here?” Vickie winced at my curt tone even as she handed me the coffee. “You tell me. What trouble are you in?” Vic asked with a raised brow as she opened the passenger door. Did Rhys tell her something? I glanced at the hulking man and swallowed when I saw him walking up to us. It was early; the car park was busier than usual. Rhys wouldn’t try to kidnap me in front of witnesses. Would he? The glint in his eyes said he would. My stomach muscles clenched as fear took over me again. Why was Rhys so persistent? “Why would I be in trouble?” I asked, turning back to Vickie with an overly bright smile. I knew it was excessively bright because I felt it stretch my face in unnatural ways. “Because you’re acting weird and never explained what happened to your door,” Vickie said pointedly. “Who’s after you, Rae?” The shock that Rhys would go so far as to scare my best friend over that nonsense made my eyes widen as I turned back to him. His face was set in determi
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Chapter 49
RHYSStupid. I had been stupid for thinking with my dick instead of reasoning with her. I shouldn’t have kissed her like that.Now, I was forced to sit outside Vickie’s house, trying to devise a plan to snatch her from the stupid party that had seemed to matter more to her than the very real issue of a dead human in the park. When Vickie had taken Rae to the spa, I sped back into town to see if Fate had been on my side for once. But I had driven past two of Connor’s cars at the hotel, one outside the park and one in the back parking lot outside my apartment.I had come up with three options, none of which I liked. First, they hadn’t found anything and would stay in town longer. The second was that they had discovered that the hobo sniffing around my apartment building was a rogue and were trying to figure out how the hell he’d shifted back, which would also keep them in town longer. Third, they had found the body and tracked both Rae and me back to the apartment.I hadn’t gotten out o
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Chapter 50
RAEThe whole house was decorated as if Vickie was holding a royal ball. The professional decorators had done a spectacular job, and the servers walked around the guests, carrying trays filled with expensive alcohol. A live band, a famous band Vickie had hired a year in advance, played music outside. I could feel the wild thumping of their bass under my strappy shoes. A group of girls who didn’t attend our university walked past me at the bottom of the grand staircase, laughing and looking completely at home. They were Vickie’s ‘other friends’—the friends her parents preferred. I looked down at the couture slinky dress Vickie had chosen for me and felt my mood plummet again. Every piece of clothing brought over for us to look at had been handmade, one of a kind and of the finest quality. Most of it now resided in Vickie’s wardrobe, even the larger sizes she had made for me.Was I the poor relation in this story? The one rich people only talked about in the shadows? I felt like it.St
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