Semua Bab Cheating Mates: Bab 61 - Bab 70
110 Bab
CarlaI had reached a point where I was both emotionally and physically spent. I was eager to get together with Matthew as soon as possible, but I didn't want to risk leaving the castle once more without the alpha king's permission.That whole night, I stayed tucked away in a dark and quiet corner of my room. The tears were streaming down my face. There was a knock at my door from one of the maids. I screamed, "I don't want to see anyone!" but no one heard me.She spoke to me in a low tone and said, "I am aware that you are distressed. But would you kindly allow me to come in?"She spoke from outside the door in a hushed tone, pleading with me to let her in.The tone of her voice was more like that of someone who had sneaked up to check on me. I had no choice but to stand up and make my way to the front door in my bare feet. I showed her the way and opened the door for her. Then, in a hurry, she slid her body behind the door, and she immediately locked it behind her.I looked at her
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CarlaI couldn't wait to see Matthew the following day, but first I had to hang around and talk to Asher in the evening. It was the worst thing in the world to have to put up with being with the alpha and sleeping with the beta when all I could think about was how much I loved Mathew.But it was what we had planned for; despite the fact that I did not yet know what the rest of the plan entailed, I knew that I had to put my own safety first, which meant that I had to get pregnant. I couldn't stand hearing that word anymore, and the fact that two men were touching me drove me crazy.However, I did not have a choice. In the slave house, being with two people is preferable to being with hundreds of other people. What I observed in that slave house is something that will never leave my mind. They subjected the girls to unspeakable torment and showed no pity.I waited until the alpha king had gone to bed before slipping out of the castle in the middle of the night. I went to the tree house
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CarlaMy agenda for the following day was thrown off because of this development; I was about to meet with Mathew to find out whether or not he had discovered anything about my parents.However, the unfortunate reality is that the alpha king had other plans in mind. When I opened my eyes, the alpha king was already in my room, and he was standing next to where I was sleeping. I let out a shocked gasp and asked, "What the hell is going on?"He turned his attention to me and asked, "Why are you so scared? I have something unexpected to share with you."I made an attempt to get out of bed and asked him, "are you in for a surprise?"He indicated his agreement, and then proceeded to brief me on his scheme, telling me that "we are going on a yacht to a nice island."I had never been on a yacht or an island before, so when he asked me what they were, I blinked several times before responding, "a yacht and island? But what's the point?"He dragged me to the closet and proceeded to pick out
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CarlaI asked with trembling voice, "So, are you going to purchase some slaves at that auction, and do you want me to attend that event with you?"He laughed and said, "You can say whatever you want, sweetheart, but no. I won't be buying anyone tonight. I just wanted you to experience this." He was referring to the fact that he wouldn't be buying anyone tonight.I bit my lip, "okay."He gave me a friendly smile before taking my hand and guiding me onto the yacht. After gaining access to the ship, we made our way to the uppermost deck. As soon as we arrived, I became aware of how incredibly spacious that location actually was. There were multiple beds situated in a variety of locations along the walls, and each one was accessorized with plush pillows. There was a large couch in the middle of the room, and there was a glass table not too far away from it. In addition to being stocked with ingredients, utensils, plates, cups, glasses, knives, forks, and so on were also present in the ful
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CarlaWe have finally arrived at the island. We will remain at that resort throughout the night until the time of the slave auction.I gave a small nod, and after that we proceeded downstairs and left the yacht. The sound of the waves crashing against the shoreline could be heard as soon as we drove away from the area. When I finally saw the beach, I let out a shocked exclamation. It was completely different from anything else I had ever encountered before. The sand was silky and very fine, and it spread out evenly across the ground so that there were no gaps or holes left behind. In addition to that, the top had a significantly darker appearance than the water all around it. Since there were no clouds in the sky, the bright light of the full moon was able to illuminate the sandy shores in its entirety. Even though I knew this couldn't possibly be true, it made everything seem ethereal and otherworldly to me because of it.As we made our way toward the shore, I noticed that a large gr
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CarlaMidnight came and the Alpha King was the one who woke me up and instructed both of us to get dressed. After that, we made our way to the location of the auction, where the bidding process was already under way.Outside of the large tent, there was a line formed by hundreds of slaves. Some of them were carrying banners that declared their support for a variety of different causes. A few dozen individuals covered their faces with black hoods and wore white robes as they moved around the crowd. They maintained a low profile while watching everything that was going on. Among those who had gathered, I recognized a few people, and it turned out that some of the slaves had previously been held as captives but had emancipated themselves. They appeared to be very frail and undernourished, and their wounds had not yet completely healed. Others were common citizens, such as children and elderly people, whose lives were shattered as a direct result of the brutality of the slave traders. Eve
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CarlaWhen we finally arrived at our chalet, the first thing we did was head inside. Our purchases, along with two slaves who were chained together, were handed over to us by the slave trader. One of them was a stout guy with brown hair and blue eyes, and he was one of them. He was dressed in clothes that were not tailored to his body and were made of a rough material; these were clothes that were typical of those worn by laborers. His muscles protruded from under his clothing, giving the impression that he was exceptionally powerful. In spite of the fact that he appeared to be tough, he was smiling warmly, which gave the impression that he was not dangerous.Another slave was standing next to him. He was significantly shorter than the previous one, with dark green hair and pale skin, and he had a shorter than average height. In comparison to the others, he appeared to be thin and feeble. Despite this, he did not appear to be a danger in any way. I had the impression that he had been
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CarlaAfter we had arrived back at the castle, the alpha king showed me to his chamber and instructed me to wait for him there. After taking a shower and changing into my pajamas, I went to sleep because I was already too tired to stay awake.I didn't bother to ask him where he was going because I assumed I already knew. However, I couldn't deny that I was curious about the reason why he asked me to stay in his room. He had asked me to stay there.After waiting for two hours, he arrived back at the house finally. He shook me vigorously and then told me, "I will get a shower. Prepare youself."I gave a slight nod of the head before returning to my previous state of sleep.After he was done with his shower, he came back to talk to me. He slept in the bed next to me for a while, and then he jolted me awake by shaking my body and saying, "Wake up. I want you fuck you now."I stared at him in amazement because he seemed so strange, and I almost begged him to help me by saying, "Please, I
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Carla Carla At long last, the Alpha King would become a parent and have a legitimate heir to his throne. He was going to be a wonderful parent to his children.It was also reassuring to know that I would undoubtedly become a mother and that, at long last, the alpha king would treat me in a more respectful manner.However, I couldn't say that I was over the moon about it. I had no interest in becoming a mother, and I yearned for freedom more than anything else.But I couldn't escape. I was unable to escape the castle on my own. And I was going to have a baby in the not too distant future. I was completely at a loss for what to do.I'm not sure if being a queen actually applies to me or not. But I'm not sure whether or not I should say anything at this point. I suppose that all I'm really afraid of is getting caught.And to think that I could get away with it shows just how foolish I was.But I couldn't possibly remain in this room for the rest of my life. I had to figure out how to g
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CarlaEveryone cheered even louder than they had been, and I saw a few of them stand up and bow to the audience. After that, the alpha king took my hand and escorted me to the center of the stage, where his throne was located. Two chairs were placed atop the platform in an upright position. He took one of the chairs, and I took the other one for myself.When I had moved over to the seat next to him, he leaned over to my ear and whispered something to me "Carla, you need not be concerned. It is safe for you to stay here."I nodded. His words helped ease my anxiety, and I realized that I ought to try to calm down a little bit. I did feel safer. After throwing such a big party, it's possible that he won't want to hurt me anymore.The Alpha King then made an announcement, "The purpose of this party, however, is to share some exciting news with everyone. There will be a little boy joining my family soon; my luna is pregnant."When he was about to continue, the older sister of the Alpha Kin
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