All Chapters of The Billionaire's Runaway Bride: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
169 Chapters
Chapter 121: She Crossed the Line
Emily's office manager, Michelle, had messaged to say that they had a new receptionist to replace Spenser. Emily entered the building to find a smiling young woman at the front desk."Thank you so much for stepping in on such short notice," Emily said, introducing herself to the new employee."Thanks for giving me a job!" the young woman said. She had curly hair and braces, making her look like she was just out of high school. "I'll let Michelle know you're here. She wanted to know as soon as you got in.""Things are that bad, huh?""No… not really," said the receptionist.After chatting some more with her, Emily suddenly realized that not only Michelle but also every single employee of the company had come out to the vestibule to greet her."Welcome back!" they exclaimed.Emily blushed, seeing all the attention directed at her. "Thanks… You didn't have to. I was only gone a couple of days." Michelle came forward and gave Emily a hug. She was a short woman with pin-straight bl
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Chapter 122: It Feels Like Fate
Byron felt strangely nervous to see his father again. He arrived at the farm and knocked on the door, hoping Teddy didn't harbor a grudge for his recent lack of response to his emails. Of course, he couldn't have known his father was possibly dying, but Byron still felt guilty about it.Aitana greeted him like an old friend. They had already talked on the phone, and she had been gracious and welcoming, telling Byron he could come and stay as long as he wanted at the farm house."Come in," she said, "Wow, you look so much like Teddy!""Thank you, I think that's a compliment." He winked in a friendly way."Of course it is," Aitana said, smiling. "Make yourself at home, dear.""I know it's a difficult time for you," Byron said, "So if there's any moment when you feel you just want to be alone with your family without house guests disturbing you, just let me know.""Byron, you are part of this family! I've been asking Teddy to get in touch with you for years, but only lately he final
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Chapter 123: A Walk in the Country
Emily stayed and worked the rest of the week to make sure things stabilized after Ruby's attempted disruption of the company. Yet, she yearned to get back to California since she wanted to see Teddy again, and Byron would definitely need her support if his father's condition was going to worsen.From what Byron reported in his daily phone calls, things weren't looking good. Teddy was in a lot of pain, which was dulled only by the strongest drugs, and he was usually too frail to get out of bed.Emily noticed a much more subdued atmosphere as she arrived at the house, even more so than on her previous visit. Byron picked her up from the airport, and the family welcomed her, but everyone was quiet and somber. "Hey, fellow soldier," Teddy greeted her when she emerged onto the porch where he liked to spend his days lately."I didn't know you were both soldiers," Byron said, sitting down on the porch railing."We share a touch of 'battlefield experience' and PTSD," Emily said, "Teddy t
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Chapter 124: Disgustingly Cute Couple
The time in California was both restful and emotionally draining for Emily. Each day that Teddy seemed to recover, she was worried that he would fall ill again. She plunged back into work as soon as she returned. It helped take her mind off the whole situation.And just like he had promised, Byron seemed to be taking it rather well. She only feared he might be depressed again if his hopes for Teddy's recovery were suddenly dashed.Aitana and her kids called them every couple of days to provide an update on Teddy's progress, and they always had good news.A couple of weeks later, the calls grew less frequent, but one evening Emily heard her laptop chime with the familiar call to video-conference. She called Byron to come into her home office, and they both sat down at the desk as Aitana's face appeared on the screen, her beautiful living room in the background."Hello my lovelies," she said, "There's someone who would like to speak to you."Teddy appeared on the screen as he lean
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Chapter 125: Carter the Charmer
It was a joyful time when Teddy and his family arrived for a visit. After being stuck on the farm, the teens enjoyed discovering everything the big city had to offer, while Teddy and his wife seemed grateful and happy just to be together.Just as Byron had expected, Teddy did want to see Sylvia while he was in town, and he tried to arrange it in a way that would be acceptable for all concerned. Emily liked his idea of having a lot of people over so that everyone could mingle and Sylvia would not get too snippy."How about we invite Carter?" Emily said.She was sitting at the kitchen table opposite Byron as they made up a list of guests to invite for their house party. Byron's expression told her, not surprisingly, that he was not too pleased with the idea."You know he thinks of you as more than a friend?" he asked."Yeah, but he'll get over it eventually. And he invited me to go wall-climbing with him a few days ago. Maybe it would be more 'proper' for me to ask him to come to
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Chapter 126: Brawn Versus Business
Emily could not believe what was happening. Now she knew how Byron felt when he witnessed his mother chatting up Carter Jacks. Katie and Carter were getting along like a house on fire. They were talking, laughing, sharing stories. It would have been really cute if it was anyone but Carter. Emily knew exactly how well he did when it came to committed relationships, and she didn't want Katie to get involved with someone so unreliable."I have to stop this," Emily said. "It's getting out of hand.""Young people don't want to be told who they can and can't date, so there's probably little you can do about it," Byron reasoned, "Unless…""Unless?""We could introduce her to my star employee Brandon Clarkson. That young man is going places, and if Katie is as ambitious as you say, she might prefer him to your layabout buddy.""Other than calling Carter a 'layabout', I think that's a great idea," Emily said. "Okay, I'll distract Carter," Byron offered, "while you introduce Katie to B
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Chapter 127: The Flame
Soon all the guests dispersed, and Teddy, Aitana, and their kids went off to their own rooms. Byron and Emily were left alone, and they too headed for their bedroom."What am I going to do?" Emily lamented. "Katie is like my own child. I can't let her date Carter.""Carter's not so bad," Byron said, to her surprise."Oh, now he's not so bad because you beat him at weightlifting.""You have to admit, he was a graceful loser.""But he would make a terrible boyfriend.""It's going to be okay," Byron assured her, gathering her into his arms in a comforting hug. "We've had much worse parties than this.""Parties…" Emily though she might have an idea. "Are you going to invite that Brandon guy to your next company event?""Of course, he's my rising star. Oh, I see what you're thinking. If we invited Katie along, she might have a chance to get to know Brandon, see him in his own element.""Exactly!""The only problem is, it might be kind of obvious that we're setting them up.""That
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Chapter 128: An Inspiration
"You wouldn't keep bananas in the fridge for a whole month and expect them to be fresh," said a man in dark-framed glasses who sat beside Emily, "so why would you keep coffee beans in the fridge?"Emily loved coffee, but she didn't need to know that much about how to prepare it 'the perfect way'. The man just kept talking and talking. Just as she had expected, this business event was making her eyes glaze over with boredom.Katie seemed to be loving the event. She wore a matching skirt and blazer combo, looking very professional, and excited by whatever she and Brandon were conversing about.Emily's neighbor to the left was a woman in her thirties or so, who seemed to have no sense of humor. The man in the glasses, whose name was either Morty or Monty and looked to be in his fifties or sixties, kept lecturing everyone on the proper way to make coffee. Then his wife, a skinny woman with a blond pixie cut, made the conversation even more boring by talking about credit card insurance.
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Chapter 129: Anything Else, Boss?
Emily couldn't get out of the hotel fast enough as the event wrapped up. She didn't get to talk much to Katie after giving her the 'mentor speech', and Byron was constantly swarmed by people."Are you going to be sad if I never go to one of these again?" she asked Byron over drinks in the limo on the way home."Please, I'm not a delicate flower," Byron said, pouring a liqueur into glasses for them."Are you sure you won't mind?""Yeah." His posture was more stiff than usual, and he didn't put his arm around her like he often did."I can tell you're mad," she muttered. Her liqueur tasted bitter, and she felt a sinking feeling as the bright lights and restaurant signs sped by outside the window."I'm not mad. I just wish you would come to my dinners more often. And I suppose I do find it offensive when you say they're boring.""Oh… sorry," Emily said. "Maybe it's better if I just don't go then."Byron put down his glass with a sigh. "I know they might not be as witty or colorful
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Chapter 130: Moving up in the World?
Emily was in the middle of brainstorming a new line for next spring when Katie strolled into the design studio, humming a jaunty tune."Well, if it isn't the lady about town!" Emily greeted her. "Are things going well?""Excellent," Katie reported. "I've gone on a date with each candidate, and I'm still undecided… but the dates were fun.""That's the spirit!" Emily said. She stuck to her resolve not to try to influence Katie's decision, trusting her protégé to figure out the best path forward on her own."Carter took me for a motorcycle ride—don't tell my parents! It was so awesome. I do think Carter is lacking in the career department, though."Just like Emily expected, it had not taken Katie long to realize that Carter was not the sharpest pencil in the box. "Carter is a free spirit. He values his freedom over career obligations.""I have an idea to help him move up in the world," Katie said brightly."Now this I'd love to hear." Emily folded her arms as she leaned back agains
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