All Chapters of Holiday Hearts: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
96 Chapters
Chapter 41
Val was amazing. Slim as he was, Cora hadn't expected to see muscle definition, but it was there, in his cut chest and six-pack abs. A fine layer of dark hair curled around both coppery nipples and down to bisect his stomach then flared out again around his jutting erection. She hadn't seen all that many in real life, but this one was impressive, long, not too thick but rigid as a steel bar and curved upward with anticipation."Come here." His command was soft and confident. Cora didn't hesitate a moment before walking into the circle of his arms. The warmth of his skin against hers, the crisp hair of his chest against her cheek and the musky scent of him all swirled around her, swamping her senses to the point where she could barely separate one from the other.Val eased onto the bed, pulling her down on top of him. He held her with both arms while he kissed her until her limbs felt limp as noodles. There was nothing limp about Val though. He was lean but solid and strong as he roll
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Chapter 42
Cora had no idea how much time had passed when Val finally eased himself off her and collapsed beside her on the bed. His hand gently cradled her face and he used one thumb to wipe a tear off her cheek. Where had that come from?"You okay?" His voice was gravelly, and she couldn't help feeling a thrill of pride at the tremor in it."Yeah." She had to swallow twice before she could manage another word. "Never better.""Amen to that." He leaned over to gently kiss her swollen lips. "Thank you.""Mmm. You too." She gave a sleepy yawn before continuing. "But you cheat. Now I have to go with you, who could resist a whole weekend of that?""Not me, that's for sure. I'd love to spend the weekend having sex with you." He slipped out of bed and disappeared into her bathroom, though he didn't bother to close the door.Cora was just beginning to nod off when he came back to bed and pulled the covers up over both of them."Sorry," she murmured. "I know it's too early to go to sleep." It was
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Chapter 43
He was all packed and ready to leave at first light tomorrow morning, but Val was actually nervous when it came time to pick Cora up that evening. Since their flight was early, they'd decided it would be smarter to spend the night together at his place.Yeah, even he knew that was a lame excuse. But he did want Cora to see his loft and he didn't want to spend the night alone. So, he was having dinner at her place, meeting her roommate, and then taking her home with him afterward. From what she'd said, her roommate was the closest thing she had to a family, so he figured he'd better make a good impression. He stopped for flowers and a bottle of wine along the way.Cora answered the door, all smiles and rosy cheeks in jeans, heeled boots and a fluffy pink sweater. She'd put on makeup, he noticed, and even a tiny pair of silver heart-shaped earrings. Something in his chest clenched that she'd gone to such effort just for him. Mindful of the other woman looking on, he settled for a quick
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Chapter 44
Fun while it lasted. That's all this was about. Cora set her carry-on down and turned to loop her arms around Val's neck. "So. Shall we get a head start on our vacation?"His slow, sexy grin reassured her that he still wanted her as much as she wanted him. "Hell yes. Now that I've got you in my lair, I have no intention of letting you sleep."Cora licked her lips. "Good." That was all she said before his mouth descended on hers, making talking impossible.One kiss was all it took to have her jeans soaked and her body quivering with need. As soon as they broke off for breath, she pulled her sweater over her head while he yanked off his shirt and stripped down his jeans and boxers, kicking his sneakers to the side in random directions. Cora had to sit on the bed to take off her new boots. When she stood again to shimmy out of her jeans, Val tugged down the covers and paused to stare at her in the new pink satin push-up bra and thong Marla had talked her into buying."Oh sweetheart, y
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Chapter 45
Cora was barely conscious through the limo ride to the airport, security and being ushered in to the comfy first-class section of the plane. There were very few others in first class, so she and Val had an entire row to themselves. A very deferential flight attendant brought them coffee then a full, surprisingly excellent breakfast, most of which Cora was too tired to eat. Val, however, had apparently worked up an appetite before their showers this morning. He ate everything on his tray and most of hers. They both turned down alcohol in favor of coffee though. As soon as breakfast was over, Val popped up the arm between their seats and patted his lap."Take a nap.""What about you?" Even in here, he could barely stretch out his long legs. She couldn't imagine him getting comfortable enough to sleep."I'm good." He pulled a small ereader from his carry-on case. "I don't need a lot of sleep, so I brought a book to read. You, on the other hand, are still beat. I'd rather have you rest
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Chapter 46
"Everything about this place is amazing, isn't it?" Cora stood in the bathroom doorway, her cosmetic bag in hand."Almost as amazing as you." Val took the case and popped it into an empty drawer. "Come here, Cora."She walked into his arms without a moment's hesitation, returning his kiss with that eager enthusiasm he'd already come to expect."I want you," he murmured as he nuzzled her ear. "Right here, right now.""Oh good." She reached down to unbuckle his belt. "I don't want to wait either. Condoms?"He whipped one out of his pocket and set it on the counter before shoving his pants down around his ankles and whipping his polo shirt over his head. He'd been prepared on the plane, just in case the opportunity arose, but he'd figured it was more important to let her sleep. Now he was more than ready to go. Apparently, Cora didn't want to wait either - she'd kicked her slacks off and pulled her top over her head. Silky scraps in turquoise blue were all that stood between him and
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Chapter 47
Cora couldn't get over the resort. The more she saw the more awestruck she became. There were several restaurants, from black tie to a tiki bar on the beach. Everywhere she looked, turquoise waters or tropical blooms met her gaze. Inside the main hotel was a whole floor of exclusive shops, from estate jewelry to swimwear to one devoted to sex toys. She didn't quite get up the guts to go in that one with Val. Besides, she was pretty sure there was enough in the room to keep them busy for the length of their stay.He paused by the jewelry store and looked in. "Should I buy you some diamond earrings as a souvenir?" he teased.Cora shuddered. "I hate diamonds. My foster mother had this huge engagement ring that was her pride and joy. When she smacked me with that hand, the diamond used to leave wounds. I don't have any scars from it, but they still creep me out."Val kissed her cheek. "No scars on the outside," he said softly. "But plenty where it counts. No diamonds for mi corazon."D
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Chapter 48
Val's eyes darkened and he licked his lips as he gazed at Cora. "In a minute." Bending his head, he sucked first one and then the other nipple until they were fully erect and elongated. "That's better."With careful precision, he placed the clamps on her puffy nipples and tightened the little screws until they almost but not quite hurt. Then he leaned back and tugged on the chain connecting the two, which pulled both nipples at the same time. Combined with the stimulation from the butt plug, she was drenched and ready for more. "Clit clamp please.""You're trying to kill me." Despite his mutter, he opened the third package, tossed the plastic over the side of the bed and held up what looked like a giant bobby pin with silver beads dangling from the tips. "This is going to look so pretty against your rosy pussy. I'd really like to see a ruby clit ring on you, but that will have to wait for later."She'd never considered the possibility of intimate piercing, but the idea of a little d
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Chapter 49
It was their last full day on the island.Cora hated that her first thought on waking was a sad one. Today was Val's birthday, and she wanted it to be perfect, not wasted with regrets.With that in mind, she pushed back the covers, and before he fully woke up, she took the tip of his semi-erect cock into her mouth and sucked."Oh heart, good morning to you too." As he spoke, he hardened further.Cora wrapped her hands around his erection and continued to suck on the fat purple glans as she stroked his shaft.Val buried his hands in her hair and gripped her head, helping set the rhythm as he fucked her mouth.Cora couldn't believe how aroused she was just going down on him, but sucking him had her wet and aching. She added more suction and more pressure from her hands, making him groan."I'm going to come down your throat if you don't stop." He grunted the words of warning, even as he held her head to his groin.She pulled back just enough to circle his tip with her tongue and m
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Chapter 50
Finally, resplendent in his black tie and tails, Val held out his arm and escorted her out to the golf cart he'd ordered to take them to the restaurant since she'd have trouble on the crushed shell paths in her heels. She tucked his gift into her microscopic handbag and made herself clear her mind of doubt. It was a beautiful night and she was having an elegant dinner with the man she loved more than anything in the world. Worries could wait for tomorrow.The food was sublime. While they ate, Val regaled her with stories of his siblings and parents. "I can't wait for you to meet them, Cora. I sincerely hope that we'll still be together when we get back to Charleston."Cora bit her lip. "I'd like that," she said finally. "Though I'm not sure it's a good idea."He gave her an enigmatic grin. "It's not only a good idea, it's bloody well magical. But I'll explain more about that later. How's your swordfish?"No matter what she did, she couldn't get him to elaborate. "Fine. If you're not go
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