All Chapters of Tempting my Twin Sister's Husband: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
117 Chapters
Clyde, who's busy in his office, was bombarded with a lot of messages about the rumor circulating all around the internet; it even got on the news and in magazines. It was a big deal that some women were already coming into his office just to confirm it in his mouth personally."Another woman is wanting to see you in the lobby, Mr. Smith," his secretary informed him when the door opened."Who?" he asked, expecting that Yvette had suddenly become clingy and wanted to see him."Diana Miller," he said.Clyde's expression turned a bit disappointed. "Don't cater to anyone. But at least tell me who's looking for me.His secretary nodded as he excused himself and closed the door.He picked up his phone and looked at his messages, but not a single message came from Yvette. He licked his lip as he leaned against the swivel chair and started waiting for a reply.Clyde: Good luck with your interview.Clyde: Tell me when it's done.Clyde:I'll fetch you so we can have dinner right away.He star
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The show has been ongoing. Jimmy took out papers and pens as he put them on the table, while Yvette was still smiling."So, right at this moment, we will make some designs on the spot. Do you accept the challenge?" Jimmy asked while grinning."Of course, I would love to. I'm down for it, especially when it comes to designing.”“Okay, great! So let's design something that we think suits us best. You will draw a design for me, and I will draw a design for you!”"Okay. I'm starting to get nervous about my design now." She laughed, including the audience.“Oh, don't worry about it. I will make sure you will be proud.”They started designing their papers. The camera was zooming in on their designs, and the audience would laugh at how Jimmy had started his while glancing at Yvette from time to time. And every time the camera would show Yvette's design, the audience would react amusingly to how she immediately put herself into character as her sketch immediately turned out well just by start
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As soon as the show was finished, there were a lot of people in the audience who wanted a photo with Yvette, which she willingly catered to.She would always be astounded at the amount of support she would get every time she was in public. Sometimes, it won't get into her mind that she's the CEO behind the successful brand Yvette because of how private she lived her life without engaging in social media too much or searching her name on the internet, as she would only work her ass while making new designs, attending meetings, doing interviews, and traveling.She would always feel that she's quite well-known when she's in public places, as some would want to take photos with her. Some would recognize her.Blake came near him and handed him the flower."Congrats, Yvette." He smiled. Yvette looked at the flowers as Blake coaxed her to take them. Yvette didn't hesitate to take it and smile at him."Thanks. You're here," she pointed out as her eyes drifted to the flowers.She has gotten s
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Yvette was bothered by the thought that she was repeating what Clyde did to his twin, which was giving less care about Clyde's feelings while they were married in papers.It wasn't intentional, as she has nothing in mind to give back what Clyde has given to her twin since that problem of theirs was already solved a long time ago, which has scarred them.She has already accepted what happened and learned to move forward. She has no more baggage for Clyde; she only wanted what was best for them, just like she stated in her written letter.She may have fallen for him, and she may have tried to move forward without taking the love with her as she left it where it should be, but she didn't have any hopeful things in her mind that she wanted to continue the love they failed to have at the wrong time.She wanted to explain to Clyde that the dinner wasn't that intimate or that it meant anything, but at the same time, her ego is just too big to even consider explaining to someone who was not h
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"We just made up after our one-week, heated fight." Damon shook his head when he remembered how he endured the cold treatment Trisha was giving him and needed to lower his pride but ended up arguing with her."I lost count of how you two have broken up," Clyde said while he was driving and Damon was sitting in the front seat."That woman is the pettiest beautiful devil creature existing. She easily gets jealous at small things when it's clearly unintentional, such as when a woman would wink at me and she would catch it. Instead of getting mad at the woman, she would divert it to me. Is that even my fault?” "And you proposed," Clyde pointed out.Damon’s face calmed down as he cleared his throat."Because I would rather deal with her stubborn ass than suffer with her absence. Besides, I can tame her," he murmured and looked out of the window.Clyde’s lips stretched for a mocking smile. Out of all his circles, Damon is the one who’s closest to him among the boys because their girls in t
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Clyde heard the declaration Blake had made as he stood while holding his champagne flute."You can’t do that to her," Damon teased.Clyde rolled his eyes and sipped on his drink while glancing at Yvette, whose lips stretched and made a toss to Clyde."And your wife seems to like it," Damon mocked.Clyde’s jaw clenched as his brows knitted. When Yvette found her eyes, she didn’t give any reaction at all."Imagine it, Clyde. There’s someone out there who could willingly broadcast that he’s in love with your wife, someone who would attend all of her projects and who would show up while you’re hiding as the real husband she only married in papers. In no time, Yvette would rather consider that man because he’s convenient and man enough to stand for her all the time," Damon teased while they were both glancing at the table to see what was happening while their food has been served."Don’t snap me just because you wanted me to explode and punch that fucker in the face to satisfy your anger.
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Instead of getting hurt, he was so amused that whoever the husband of Yvette in the papers doesn’t matter to him anymore. What really matters to him is the trust Yvette has given him.Wow, this woman has risked her image by telling it to me and just putting the burden on me—either I’ll snitch or keep it.This girl is really different. And damn... who’s that fucker who was so lucky to have her as a wife just in papers?"Then, am I truly part of this family? Seems like the memes on social media are already coming to life, huh? Because I felt like I was finally welcomed.” Blake looked at each as he smiled beamingly.Trisha’s jaw dropped because Blake didn’t even overreact. Nor did he sound so hurt about the revelation."Wow, Blake, I was expecting you’d lash out at least," Trisha chuckled."Yvette just agreed to my dinner, and now she shared her secret. Imagine that out of those men who are thirsty for her, I’m here sitting at a table together with her and knowing some parts of her life.
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Clyde has been controlling his temper so well that he could not take it until he decided to walk out. God knows how much force he needed just to stop himself from doing something that he would regret right then.But will I really regret it when it satisfies me? Because that man has been consistently annoying, and he already has a long list of reasons why I need to punch him."He knows," Yvette uttered.Clyde couldn’t grasp the idea of what to say that wouldn’t sound mean because there was only one thing on his mind, which is murder. He wanted to punch the idiot’s face. He’s already a punching bag in his mind because it really irks him to think about Blake hitting on Yvette while he’s just on the other table.And bold of him to assume that Yvette is single, huh? That he could score a date with her? Well, he just did, Clyde. But at least my wife didn’t personally come with him. She brought her friend and the squad.Still, in the back of his mind, Clyde is a bit mad that Yvette celebrate
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Yvette doesn’t really want to mingle with Clyde while he’s mad because she wanted him to take care of it and manage it alone, but as she looked at the bed and back to the balcony where Clyde was occupying himself alone, looking like a widowed husband, she chuckled a little and just decided to join him.Now that she was sitting on his lap, resting her head on his shoulder as she closed her eyes for a bit to feel his left hand crawling against her back until it rested on the side of her waist, her lips stretched, thinking that Clyde would immediately cool himself down.Clyde crouched a bit and sighed on her head as he could smell the addicting smell of her shampoo.Yvette smiled more, thinking that he easily loses his anger as soon as she makes a move to tame him.This man is so easy, and I can’t believe I find it adorable, huh?"You’re making me crazy," he whispered hoarsely as his hands were now caressing her waist."Am I?" Yvette opened her eyes and lifted her head a bit.Their faces
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To hear Yvette's gentle response, with no sign of mocking or insults in her eyes, did so many things to him. For the longest time, she wanted her warmth again, and right at that moment, when he locked gazes with her, she saw how the coldness in her had melted."You are such an unpredictable woman," he said as soon as Yvette just rested her head on his shoulder while she was still panting."I would be easy to get if I were predictable, Mr. Smith," she taunted.Clyde chuckled against her head as his hand now caressed her back. He has now forgotten that he's mad at her for letting another man have dinner with her."So... why did you tell it to him? What if he snitched and ruined your image?" he asked as soon as he remembered the dinner.Unlike earlier, he's less mad now. He would always be stunned at how Yvette had the power over him to change his mood so easily."You think so?" Yvette murmured."I do not trust him," he said."It's just your jealousy speaking, Clyde," she said."Yes. An
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