All Chapters of Revenge of the Abused Luna: Chapter 251 - Chapter 260
311 Chapters
Whitney's Friend Bargains With Luther
LUTHER'S POV For some seconds, Janet and I gazed at each other with different expressions on our faces. I stared at her in utter shock as she stared back at me with a naughty expression and a faint smile was playing across her face. Why would Janet say that Whitney didn't abort the pregnancy? I just couldn't believe it. Maybe it's part of her ploy to get whatever she wants from me cos I have no doubt that she wants something from me. Although I didn't believe Janet and could have told her to get out of my room, I was curious to hear everything she has to say "Janet, you are a blatant liar! According to my mom, she overheard when Martin, Whitney's brother was telling my dad that Whitney aborted the pregnancy shortly after she ran from home, so, why are you saying that she didn't abort the pregnancy? I know you are up to something and if I find out that you came here to fabricate lies just to get something from me, you will be sorry," I said. She was silent for a moment as she g
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Luther Meets His Match
LUTHER'S POV "Janet, did I hear you right? Did you just say that you want to have sex with me right now as part of the condition before you will give the information?" I asked with disbelief. "Yes! You heard me right," she replied bluntly. "You must be very stupid! Now get out of my room this very minute, bitch!" I bellowed. Immediately, she stood up and picked up her handbag from the floor. She gazed intently at me for some seconds with a deadpan face and then turned toward the door. I watched her as she headed to the door. She grabbed the doorknob, opened the door, and stepped into the hallway. She then shut the door gently behind her. *What the heck is wrong with you? Why can't you give her all she wants to get the information about your son? Is your son not worth more than a hundred thousand dollars and sex?* Jackie, my wolf said. *Jackie, I am willing to give her the hundred thousand dollars but the bitch wants to have sex with me and I don't want that cos I'm not inte
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Luther Treats Whitney's Friend Like A Slut
LUTHER'S POV "Janet, don't come any closer! I command you as your Alpha to stop right there!" I bellowed as I stared at Janet walking toward me clad in a pink bra and panties. Janet stopped in her tracks. She was just about three feet away from me. She gazed at me with a seductive smile and to my shock she put her hands behind her back and unstrapped her bra. I watched with widened eyes as she slowly took off the bra and threw it on the floor and then started taking off her panties slowly as she whined her waist seductively. She took off her panties and threw them on the floor. It fell close to the bra. Instantly I got aroused and my phallus started throbbing in my shorts as it struggled to be released. "Janet, what the heck is wrong with you, huh? I asked you not to come closer. I didn't ask you to strip! Have you gone crazy?" I asked with disbelief. "Yes, Alpha Luther, I have gone crazy but only for you. Yes, you didn't ask me to strip. You only asked me not to come clo
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Luther Gets Information About His Son
LUTHER'S POV For some seconds, I stared at Janet with an incredulous expression as she stared back at me with an impassive face. "Do you really mean you saw a boy with Whitney that has a strong resemblance to me?" I asked. "Alpha Luther, I want you to transfer the one hundred thousand dollars to my account now before I continue to answer your questions," she said bluntly. I was silent for a moment as stared at her. Gosh! Janet is smarter than I thought. I intended to not give her the money after she has given me the information about my son and now she is demanding I give her the money first before she would give me the information. I will try to convince her that I will transfer the money to her after she has given me the information. "Janet, I promise to transfer the money to you after you have given me the information," I said with a sly look. "Alpha Luther, I'm sorry but I don't believe in promises. I insist that you must transfer the money to my account before I give
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Luther's Narrow Escape
LUTHER POV As I gazed at Janet who was panic-stricken and trembling with fear, I started thinking of what to do. I glanced at the time. It was a quarter after noon. There was no logical reason I could give to Jaya as regards Janet being in my room cos she knows I don't receive guests in my room and to make matters worse, Janet is a lady. If it was a man, I could have easily come up with some reasons and she wouldn't raise eyebrows. If I open the door now and Jaya comes in and sees Janet, she is bound to be suspicious that I invited her to come and have sex with me and she would not listen to whatever reason I would give. Suddenly, the shrill sound of the doorbell jolted me from my thoughts. "My Alpha, open the door!" Jaya yelled behind the closed door. "Alpha, what are we going to do?" Janet whispered. "Jaya must not see you here. I want you to go to my bathroom and hide there," I said in a whisper. "Alright," she whispered. "Go right now! That's the b
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Luther Makes A Phone Call To A Friend In Nashville
LUTHER'S POV I was pondering at home and at work throughout the week after Janet came to give me the information about my son with Whitney. The following weekend, I was sitting on my sofa trying to read an office document but I just couldn't concentrate. My mind kept drifting to the information about my son and I was preoccupied with him. My head was filled with so many questions begging for answers. What does my son look like? Does he really look like me? According to Janet, he has a strong resemblance to me. Oh, I can't wait to see the little version of myself. My mind drifted to Whitney. Will Whitney let me take the boy from her? I didn't need a soothsayer to tell me the answer. Without a doubt, I know she will put up a fight. Suddenly, Whitney's face flashed before my eyes. I recall how I abused her several times over the years until the fateful night I raped her. I closed my eyes and relived the night when I raped Whitney in my da
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Luther's Friend Cajoles Him To Reveal The Secret
LUTHER'S POV "Rico, are you sure you know Whitney Stanford?" I asked just to be sure. "Of course, I know her. Is she, not the pretty curvy girl that was your father's maid?" he asked. "Yes, you are right. I thought you have forgotten about her," I replied. "How could I forget such a beautiful girl? We all went to the same High School and she was one of the most beautiful girls in the school. I remember there was a rumor that she was a virgin which made many boys make passes at her but she turned everyone down. We all concluded that she is arrogant and full of pride," he said. "Wow...I must say that I'm surprised. I thought you have forgotten her," I said. "Whitney Stanford was so beautiful. It would be absurd for anyone to see such a pretty sexy girl and easily forget about her. I recall that you told me several times that you desire her and wanted to make a romantic overture to her but was skeptical about her reaction. I asked you why you were skeptical and you told me then
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Luther's Friend Advises Him
LUTHER'S POV "Alpha, considering you raped Whitney which resulted in pregnancy and you and your family wanted her to abort the pregnancy which she refused to do and eventually made her run from home to Nashville, I guess it's going to be a herculean task to take your son from her. Without a doubt, Whitney is going to fight tooth and nail to prevent you from taking your son," Rico said. "Rico, I know that and I'm ready to also fight tooth and nail to take my son from her," I said. "Alright. I believe you have a mate now who has kids for you, so, I don't understand why you seem to be in great need of your son with Whitney. If I may ask, why do you seemingly want your son with Whitney so badly?" he asked. I was silent for a moment as I became infuriated. What the heck is wrong with Rico? Why does he want to know every detail about my life? All I want from him is information about Whitney and her mate. He doesn't need to know every detail about my life. I fumed in anger
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Luther Decides To Reveal The Secret And His Plans To His Mother
LUTHER'S POV Later in the evening of the day, I spoke to Rico on the phone, after I had had my dinner, I was bare-chested and only clad in a pair of brown shorts as I sat on the sofa in my room. I started thinking about my conversation with Rico. Considering the way I treated Whitney; the rape, the initial denial of responsibility for her pregnancy, and the way she was compelled to abort the pregnancy by me and my family which made her run away from home, I knew I had no right to take my son from her. However, I was desperate for a son and since I have found out that I have a six-year-old boy with Whitney, despite I have no right to take him from her, I must take him! I can't continue going through mental trauma because of my predicament when I have a six-year-old boy. Whether I have the right to take him from Whitney or not, nothing can stop me from taking him not even Whitney. My mind drifted to Jaya. Why has she been unfortunate to give me a son? Is it be
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Luther Reveals The Secret To His Mother
LUTHER'S POV I walked down the stairs and entered the living room. There was no one there. I stepped outside the house and my eyes swept over the front of my mansion. There was a large space between the mansion and the gate and a high fence surrounded the house. Flower beds with beautiful exotic flowers were on each side close to the fence. "Alpha, good evening," Simon, my guard greeted. I turned my head and looked at him. He was sitting on a stool close to the gate. "Good evening. Simon, open the gate," I ordered. He got up immediately and walked briskly to the gate as I headed to the garage. As I got to the garage, my eyes swept across the three cars in the garage. Two of the cars which were a Mercedes-Benz and a Toyota Camry belong to me and the third car was a Toyota Corolla which I bought for Jaya. I walked to the Toyota Camry and inserted the key into the keyhole of the car. I entered the car and started it. I reversed the car and drove throug
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