All Chapters of Alpha Linked: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
101 Chapters
Out plans
DANEToday had been one of the hardest for me. My brothers, thankfully, knew not to mess with me when they arrived. Ty was handling everything back in Southport but had informed me if I needed more back up he’d be down here with the rest at a moment's notice. As soon as Ax and the others had arrived, they’d checked in and hit the streets to gather more information for me.“Yo Dane, what’s going on in that head of yours?” Madden’s usually jovial voice was now more serious, he’d interrupted my thought process as he walked into the room I was now using as a makeshift headquarters.My laptop was set up at the small dining table under the window. The mirror I was using as a pinboard didn’t have much except for a few post-it notes that I was using as a quick reference to what we already knew. Waiting for Jonah was killing me. I needed him to get back to me with everything else fast.“Sorry Madz,” I acknowledged, my tone neutral due to the numbness that had started taking over the longer I
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A doll
TEL’ANNASThe solitude hadn’t lasted long. Shortly after Blondie had stormed out, a middle aged woman walked in, her expression was blank, posture stiff, she was flanked by four security guards. In her arms were several bags, which she dumped on the small table tucked away in the far corner of the room. I just sat on the bed and watched them, still trying to figure out how the hell I was going to make my escape.The lady stood there, pointed at the clothes and motioned towards the bathroom, not saying a word. I doubt it was a suggestion either, but fuck them I wasn’t some helpless girl they rescued, I was a fucking captive, here without a say. I turned to lay on the bed, there was no making this easy for them.“So you think maybe I could get something to eat and, ah, I dunno maybe a TV or something to keep me entertained,” I put on my best whiney voice, the one thing I’d learned so far was that it ticked off everyone that entered the room and them being angry and irrational was exact
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TEL’ANNAS“You’re an arse you know that right?” I seethed, standing face to face with Dane. The jackass had just put Phee on lockdown and had been going on and on about how much I was a bad influence letting her skip school and hang out at mine.“And you’re irresponsible Princess,” he retorted, whenever Dane got angry his jaw tensed, the veins in his neck popped out and the muscles in his arms would bulge more. “How is partying and skipping school supposed to help her?”“It’s called giving her back control Hot stuff,” I said as I made my way back into the living room. The house was empty now, my parents were away on business and the staff had been given some much needed time off. “You and the guys are smothering her, pushing her to do things she just isn’t ready to do, plus what's the big deal it’s not like she’s falling behind or anything.”“The big deal? The big fucking deal?, Are you serious right now?” Dane’s deep voice sent chills down my spine, the good kind of chills. I enjoye
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DANEThe sun shone down as Madden and I sat in the rental car across from Sun Sing Chinese Restaurant. We’d arrived twenty minutes early in order to coordinate with two more of our teams. With what little we had to go on, I had increased the tail on Alexander Ducane. It seemed that now Tel’annas was no longer a ‘threat’ to him, he'd become more relaxed. It had only been three days but the douchebag had ventured out more in those three days than he had in the last 3 weeks.Jonah had been able to hack his phone, even though it had taken a bit we were now able access everything without being detected. It had proved helpful to us and I was grateful for it. Jonah was really proving his worth with this.From that we had learned Alexander had appointments scheduled all day today, of those the one that stood out was with the organizers of the fight. The little information that we had on them, Jonah was right. Something was off about Blaze’s history. Through background checks that Killian did
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TEL’ANNASThe shrill sound of a siren blared throughout the room I’d now renamed my personalised torture chamber. Ever since Blaze had walked out, the hits had kept coming. I don’t know how many times the sirens had sounded, but it seemed every time I’d start to drift off, they echoed around the room, jolting me from whatever escape I needed to pass the time.The assholes were trying to use sleep deprivation to try and break me, and that meant that they either had an infinite amount of time to pull this off or they were shit out of ideas and had resorted to trying anything and everything they could possibly think of. Sleep deprivation being one of them.I groaned as I tried to stretch, realizing too late I was still strapped to the vault like contraption from earlier. My back and stomach ached from being bent over for so long, my arms had gone numb due to lack of blood flow and movement. And I was starving. It had been like three days or more since I’d actually eaten something of sub
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Last night
DANEEverything had started to fall into place, once our little meet and greet with Blaze had ended more of the pieces had started to come together. Turns out that our initial suspicions were correct. Blaze was in fact a double agent. Undercover for the FBI working on shutting down the Trafficking side of the Lords of Salem. Although he couldn’t give us too much information he had told us that he was aware of who Tel’annas was and the importance of her family.By the end, we had an ironclad agreement he would try to get my Princess out before the tournament was due to start, however, if that couldn’t be achieved he’d make sure it never went past the first round and that he’d have the information we needed to get her out. He’d been working on this since before the incident with Phoenix and had hoped they’d have closed it by then but our rescue had hampered their investigation.They had come across the case just days before Phee had arrived in the States, and had spent months building
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TEL’ANNASThe wind whipped around us as Dane and I made our way to the beach, we’d spent the day together just chilling. It had been great, we didn’t get many moments to steal away with each other now that Phoenix was home, but when they arose we took every opportunity.He’d just taken me out for dinner at a local food truck festival. It was incredible, so many different choices and which meant there would be no arguing about what each other wanted like there always was at the beach house. We had been enjoying our time when he looked up and saw my cousin and the boys walk through the main gate.We’d been keeping what we had a secret, not wanting to cause a stir or trouble while Phee had been recovering, plus if I was being honest I didn’t want to deal with the shit my cousin would spew. I’d already had one fight with him about not understanding his viewpoint because I didn’t have anyone special. I didn’t need him expanding on that and adding I’d be fucking up his friendship if he fou
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I should have heeded the warning Eric had given me before the dinner but the longer I sat there, listening and watching as they treated the other females in the room like mere possessions, the harder it became for me. I drew the line at being made to kneel beside his chair and treated like a dog waiting for its master to sneak it food.That was my mistake, which resulted with me being dragged off to a room, lined wall to wall with whips, chains, and other devices that in the hands of someone that had compassion would use them for both pleasure and pain, but not in his.Now I was in a room strapped to some fucking torture device from the middle ages. My arms and legs out to the side, bent over from my waist, if it weren’t for my clothes I’d be on full display. What made it all the worse was the audience. This was part of their overall plan to try and break me and I’d played right into their hands. The depravity they could and would inflict was to achieve that exact goal. The humiliatio
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Stack up
DANEAfter what seemed like hours, I’d finally called it a day and headed back to the motel that had now become our base. Every muscle within my body ached, I needed a distraction for sure but nothing helped for long. My mind would always run back to the moments that Tel’annas and I would steal. Every knowing side glance, the secret dates. Time and I were not friends.Tel’annas’s feisty attitude, at first, had really gotten on my nerves. The way she acted at times, had me wanting to throw her over my knee. The more time we spent together, the more she grew on me. I can’t remember when everything started to change but I do remember the night that cemented the way I felt about this girl, and from that point forward we couldn’t get enough of each other.“When I get you back Princess, everyone is gonna know who you belong to,” I muttered to myself, frustrated as the anger crept back in. I was fueled by anger, and it wasn’t helped by the constant dull ache that now resided in my heart.Th
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TEL’ANNASIt had been two days since Blaze had come clean about who he was, two days of us arguing back and forth. I understood why he tried to keep it a secret, and why he finally told me, but at the same time it infuriated me. Blaze had told me that it was strongly suggested that I go ahead with his plan by everyone. However, I was still skeptical which led us where we were currently. Both holed up in his room , the music blaring, having one of our stare offs.“I don’t see why you’re still trying to fight me on this Tel’annas,” Blaze let out a resigned sigh. By now it was clear we were at an impasse. There was a part of me that wanted to comply if only to make my stay here a little easier, but the fighter in me was telling me to stay on my path. “What is it gonna take for you to fall in line?”Wait, what? Did I just hear him correctly? I took a second to study him. He was sitting in his desk chair, his hands folded in front of him just staring at me. Gone was the irritation he’d be
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