All Chapters of I Stole The Billionaire's Heart: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
108 Chapters
"Yes, pudding. You will totally like the clothes on her. It's the from their new collection."I let out a deep sigh and shook my head. It's not like I could do anything about it. "She will be so spoiled. Look, she's already wearing heels."Flynn chuckled and walked over towards me. He planted a kiss on my forehead. "You are a great mommy. Thank you for everything you do for her.""It's my duty. But oh my god, is it really necessary to buy her all these expensive stuff?"Flynn placed his finger on my lips to silence me. "Shh pudding, let's go have breakfast. Amari baby girl, let's eat.""But I wanna play with the pony.""You can play with the pony later, baby girl." Flynn said and carried her to the kitchen. Zhoya had already prepared breakfast for us all. Croissants and Toasts."I also made scrambled eggs and fried eggs." She said, "Dig in guys."Breakfast was delicious. Zhoya was a really great cook.We went back to the living room to open the presents. Even Milan got a present from
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Flynn stayed silent for a while. "Uhm, it was great." He said after a moment of hesitation. "Actually... Sera came by today... at my office."My heart stopped for a millisecond. I stared at Flynn, waiting for him to continue. He probably saw the horrified expression on my face, because he shook his head."No, I made a promise to you and I will keep it until my last breath. Actually, Sera came to apologize."I raised my eyebrows up at that. "And? An apology will not excuse the things she did.""But I was also at fault, pudding. I admit it. What happened three years ago wasn't only her fault. We both know it. But that's not the point.""Then what is the point, Vasilios?""Sera's pregnant.""And?""She got raped. She's carrying the child of a rapist."My breath got stuck in my throat. Now I was the one that was speechless. I would never wish rape or dead on my enemy or someone who did me wrong. It's horrible and disgusting.Flynn continued, "She came to ask for my forgiveness so that she
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BONUSRaelynn“No! Please! Somebody, help!”The car skidded out of control and tires burned their rubbered tracks into the road. I gripped the ‘oh shit’ handle in the car, feeling us careening out of control. I screamed for help as I saw a car going over the edge. Sounds of metal crunching against metal sounded helplessly in my ears as I cried out a name I didn’t recognize. A name that sounded unfamiliar, even as it fell from my lips.Then the world muted itself around me.Our car came to a stop just beyond the impact point. The mangled guard rail in front of us ignited into flames as I pushed out of the car. I stumbled around, feeling my stomach upheaving its contents onto the road. I couldn't regain control. I couldn't see straight. Between motion sickness and worry bubbling in my gut, my dinner didn’t stand a chance of staying down.“Help!” I roared.I stumbled to the guard rail and peered over the edge. I gazed into the darkness below, watching it undulate, as if it were laughing
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I rolled back over, reaching for my cellphone. And when I clicked the harsh white light on, I chuckled. Of course it was almost lunch time. I’d slept through my first two periods. What a great way to start my senior year. The smell of alcohol followed me as I sat up. I burped, and the taste was rancid. I was damn near the puking stage, but I refused to do that.I refused to pussy out after the best party of the summer.I slipped to the edge of my bed, groaning. I felt like utter shit. One too many beers, and it was hard to move. Hard to think straight. Hard to even fathom getting myself cleaned up so I could get to school. I mean, if my parents figured out I was late for my first day, all hell might break loose.They might video chat me from their safari trip and really give me a good tongue lashing.“Idiots,” I said, snickering.I pulled myself out of bed and stumbled into the wall. I caught myself with my hands, but the glaring rays of the sun made me cower away. Fuck, that sun was
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“It’s Clint, you useless little bitch.”“Mr. Peacock it is. I knew you’d come to enjoy it.”I watched his fists ball up, and for a split second I thought he was going to slug me. I braced myself. Prepared my body to fight its way out of this corner he’d backed me into. The cafeteria became eerily silent. I felt everyone watching us. I felt my hands trembling from a lack of nourishment. I felt the room tilting as my blood sugar plummeted. I had to eat. Despite what I knew was coming if I tried, I had to get something in my stomach.I worked up the courage to pick up my spoon and dip it into my soup. As Clint’s eyes became engulfed in rage at my words, I puckered my lips and blew a stream of cool air across the steaming hot soup before clearing my throat.“Are you done? Because if you are, my friends are here and I’d like to eat in peace.”I saw Michael and Allison standing behind him holding their trays of food, ready to sit down with me. I put the spoonful of soup between my lips, and
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I raised my hand. “Mrs. Christ?”“You can get a syllabus at the end of class. Take notes while you’re here, and don’t be late to my class again.”I heard giggles rising up from the front corner of the classroom. Allison, with her bright blond hair, and Rae. With her plain brown hair, her annoying little freckles, and her dark eyes. Like blackened pits of despair that reeked of the desolate wasteland called ‘her neighborhood.’I watched her throughout class. I watched Rae tuck her foot up under her thigh, splaying it out more against her seat. The teacher rambled on about shit I didn’t care about as Rae’s frizzy ponytail swung against her back. That jacket slipped from her shoulders, revealing a softly-toned strength underneath them that called for a second glance.Or a really fucking long stare.Maybe she’s not all pig fat, after all.“Mr. Clarke?”I whipped my head to the front of the classroom as Mrs. Christ called my name.“Yep?”The teacher sighed. “Can you answer for the class wh
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She stormed through the front foyer of the school, and I watched as she left. Just… left. She didn’t pass go. She didn’t collect her two hundred dollars. And she sure as hell didn’t follow me to the principal’s office. Oh, that would get her detention. The goody-good who tried her best to be as rich as her best friends would sit her ass in some lonely room for the rest of the week. Which made me salivate with excitement. I mean, there was nothing more fun than ruining someone’s day.But when I watched those same people ruin their week just to get away from me?I mean, it was practically a fucking Christmas gift.5RaelynnI sucked air through my teeth as my pencil doodled along the edges of my notebook. After completely bailing school a couple of days ago, I’d been called into the principal’s office first thing yesterday morning. I mean, I didn’t even get through the damn front doors with Michael and Allison before the principal beckoned me with his crooked finger. It made me irate th
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I pointed. “Go off the track. See that ditch? Fly over it and meet me on the other side.”Roy snickered. “The fuck? Are you trying to get me thrown—”“Just do it, dickweed! I’m trying not to cost us our rank in this damn game!”I kept pressing buttons and fiddling with the modifications I’d made to my car. This damn thing was my pride and joy. I’d been grinding until the early hours of the morning over the summer, winning races and getting enough in-game cash to buy what I wanted to for it. Its speed was unmatched. The engine horsepower was out of this world. The car fucking screamed around the track, smoking these newbies like it was a fish fry.Then the front door slammed out.“What the—?”My eyes peeled away from the screen, and I watched in shock as my father walked through the front doors. He was followed by my stepmother, who looked like her head was about to explode with fury. The horrific sound of my car crashing into a tree caused Roy to groan.Roy stood up quickly. “Mr. Clar
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Then again, I also didn’t want to understand.With my clothes and my phone charger in a bag, I made my way into the kitchen. I heard D.J. race out of our driveway, peeling out like he thought he was hot shit. I knew announcing to my mother I was going away for the weekend could go one of two ways. She’d either wave me out the door while she nursed her hangover with another beer, or she’d chew me out until I got fed up enough to slip out the door myself.But after an entire week of detention, I didn't care if the woman tried strapping me down to keep me home. I was fucking going to this sleepover.I peeked around the corner. “I’m going to spend the weekend at Allison’s.”Mom sighed. “That’s fine, honey. You’ll be home Sunday?”“Yep.”“All right. Well, maybe next week you and I can have an old-fashioned girls’ night? Like how we used to?”I studied my mother and how rough she looked. The hickeys on her neck. Her knotted, disheveled hair. The way her shoulders slouched as she sat at the
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She pouted. “Oh, come on. It’ll be fun. Your hair can match your toes, and you can take some of my shirts that probably match, too.”I grinned. “You mean you have shirts that aren’t pastel colors?”Allison’s face fell. “Ha. Ha. Ha. Jerk.”Michael chuckled. “Maybe just some under-the-hair highlights, then? You know, so when you wear it down, you can’t see them. But when you wear your ponytails, you can?”I furrowed my brow. “How do you know so much about all this shit?”He groaned. “Mom.”Allison giggled. “Well, if you don’t want to you don’t have to. But you’d look hot with them.”I sighed. “Why don’t we dye your hair, then?”Allison’s eyes widened. “And deal with the wrath of my mother? Not a chance. You know how she feels about hair dye. Ever since she had that reaction a few years back, she’s been on that all-natural healthy-everything kick. If she came back to me with dyed hair, she’d probably disown me.”Michael scoffed. “I hate to admit I even know this, but there are all-natura
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