All Chapters of His Savior: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
87 Chapters
Attempted Murder
~Cory~ I had an amazing morning. I spent it with Luna Amara and she is amazing. Zahara is very similar to her mother. I can see where she got her caring, nurturing nature. Zahara’s kindness led her to make friends with me when no one else would and I just know she got that from the Luna. Luna Amara took me on a tour around the pack and it was wonderful to see how her pack takes to her. Never have I seen Margaret loved like that. The pack respected her as their Luna, but it didn’t seem like many liked her, let alone loved her. Not too many members of the pack took an interest in me, but I’m okay with that. I wouldn’t know how to introduce myself anyway so I prefer to keep the questions away. The Luna and I had a picnic lunch in the garden and she told me many stories about her childhood. She also told me some great stories about Zahara as a child. I could almost see a young Zahara running around the pack grounds, enjoying life as a child. Spending time
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Telling Dad
~Cory~ I can’t even pinpoint the exact emotions that are running through me right now. It was already clear that I wasn’t really liked at my old pack. Those who were meant to be my ‘family’ just used me as a slave and a punching bag. I would have never imagined that someone also wanted me dead. What did I ever do to anyone for them to want to end my life? As crazy as that development is, I have a wolf. I HAVE A WOLF!!!! All of my life, I have felt useless and less than. I was brought up to believe that without a wolf, you have no real place in the pack. Wofllessness was so rare and those who did suffer from it, always suffered in silence. There is a wolf inside of me that will be free at some point and I don’t quite know how to deal with that. It isn’t a bad thing, but it is definitely unexpected. ~Zahara~ I head to my office after leaving Cory’s room. Mom has allowed me to use her Luna office as my own until I officially take over for my father. I ha
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Bright New Morning
~Cory~ I can feel the brightness behind my eyes. It kind of hurts, but it’s also warm. I open my eyes to the bright sun. I turn to lay on my back and I stretch big; all of my muscles. I don’t remember falling asleep, still wearing the same clothes. I remember talking to Zahara and her telling me that my pack, my family, has been trying to kill me for years. The pain from learning that truth still lingers within me, but I don’t want to dwell on it. I don’t want to let it consume me. For the first time, I feel as if I have a second chance at life and I don’t want to lose that. I get out of bed and head to the bathroom to take a shower. I wonder how Zahara is feeling. I had hoped to speak to her again yesterday, but I guess my emotions overwhelmed me. I get in the shower, the hot water running over me. The thought of Zahara lingers in my mind. Her light brown eyes keep popping into my mind along with her thick, pink lips. I have never been with a woman nor have I had
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Impromptu Trip
~Cory~ I was ecstatic when Zahara walked into the dining room for breakfast. I wasn’t sure I would see her this morning. I had to remember that I was talking to her mother when she walked in. She is stunning and she had me questioning my existence. Zahara walks in with her braids in a low bun, tight blue jeans, a red halter top, red converse. The jeans cup her ass perfectly and her top hugs her chest. I can feel myself getting hard and I didn’t want to be found out. Zahara sits next to me and I place my hand on top of hers, drawing small circles on the back. I can feel small tingles, but I wonder if the feeling will become stronger as the wolfsbane leaves my system. The idea of gaining my wolf is exciting and scary at the same time. I hope he isn’t disappointed in being tied to a human like me. I know that getting my wolf will put me on level with Zahara and the others and I’m looking forward to that. Zahara is paying close attention to the food on her
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Losing Battle
~Nona~ I don’t know how many days have passed. To be honest, I don’t really care. I have stayed in the room since Laslo left that morning. I haven’t seen him or tried to reach out to him. I don’t know if anyone has been here or not. I can’t believe that this is my life; held hostage by my mate. My mate doesn’t think I’m good enough to be with him, but the Moon Goddess obviously thinks that I am. What I don’t understand is how he could feel that I’m not good enough, yet he won’t let me go. He could easily reject me, yet here I am chained to this house. What is it that I’m missing? The math is mathing, so to speak. I wish I had my wolf with me to figure this out. I wish I could call my sister. I have no one and nothing. I don’t know what to do or how to get free. I’ve been praying to the Moon Goddess since I woke up in here, but I’m not sure that I’m being heard. I drag myself out of bed and look outside of the window. It is evening time and th
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~Nona~ The sparks jolt me out of my sleep. All at once, I open my eyes and his scent is consuming me. That scent…..that damn new leather and spice scent. Laslo is here with his lips pressed to mine. It isn’t enough that he kidnapped me and is holding me hostage. Now he feels he can come in here and kiss me whenever he pleases. I need to push him away……I need to push him off of me, slap him, get him to understand that I’m not some play thing that he can mess with. The mate bond is a strange thing. The mate bond has the ability to kill all logic and sensibility. I know what I should do, but having Laslo here, touching me……I just can’t seem to make my body do what I know needs to be done. I can feel my mind clouding up; my thoughts are not as clear as they were earlier. I’m so confused. I’m angry and I’m flattered. I’m hurt and I’m turned on. I’m disgusted and I feel loved. I hate this mate bond, but I don’t think I can bring myself to sever this connection.
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~Laslo~ That wasn’t my intention. I didn’t plan to come here and have my way with her. She is my mate and the mate bond is strong, but this is not the way. I need to mate with Zahara. She is the strong one between the two and she will give me the future for my bloodline that I need to have. My mom always wanted more for me and the moment I decided I wanted to be an Alpha, she did everything she could do to make that happen. If I want to keep my line in power, I need Zahara and her Alpha blood. I didn’t wait for the sunlight to shine before I left. As great as my night was, and it was amazing, I had to get out of there as soon as I could. Nero has kept quiet throughout all of this. I know it’s because of how conflicted he is because I feel the same way. This situation is complicated and neither of us know how to remedy that. I quickly leave the cabin and head back to my place. I need to wash Nona off of me before anyone can sense her. ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦
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~Cory~ I’ve spent much of the week trying to flush out my system. Zahara left for her trip and I wanted her to come back to good news. I met with Dr. Kilgore twice to flush my blood and overall system out. He felt that would be most helpful to get my wolf back to me. Well, not back to me as it will be my first time being in contact with him. I’m growing more and more excited about the prospect of finally having my wolf. I never once thought that I would ever be so lucky. Things have changed greatly since I met Zahara. Zahara is due back in 2 days and I want to find a way to welcome her home. She has given me so much in the short time that we have been reunited and I feel like I owe her something more than just saying thanks. I can’t say that I know what that should be since I have no experience with this whatsoever. I don’t want to go to her parents with this because that makes me feel a bit awkward. Lennox would be the go to, but he is on the trip with Zahara al
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Satin Ribbons
~Cory~ Walking Zahara into the house, I couldn’t help but replay my wolf’s voice in my mind. I never thought I’d ever have a wolf, let alone hear him claim his mate. My wolf didn’t say anything else, but just that one word was more than enough. I’m so happy to have Zahara back. I can’t believe how much I missed her these past few days. The mate bond is some serious stuff. Imagine, just a few months ago there was no one. I was just surviving day to day, not even thinking about a future. Now, I can’t be without this woman for long before I feel like I’m going to implode. I lead us into a lounge room and sit us down on a couch. “You are back early.” Zahara smiles, that beautiful smile of hers and it makes my heart leap. I touch her face just so I can feel the sparks. I could feel tingles in the past, but now the sparks are strong and I love them. “What can I say? I missed you.” I rub my thumb up and down her cheek while Zahara leans into my touc
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Talk with the Alpha
~Cory~ A throat clears in the distance and my eyes shoot open. I stand up straight and look towards the doorway to see the Alpha watching Zahara and I. I haven’t had much interaction with the Alpha all the time that I’ve been here. I’ve mostly spent my time with Zahara or Luna Amara. Truth be told, I’m intimidated as hell by the Alpha. I know I’m weak and Zahara can do a lot better than me. I fully expect her father to demand that she rejects me and I guess I figure that the less he sees me, the longer I can put that off. Zahara turns and looks at her father. “Sorry to interrupt Bean, but can I speak to the both of you? In my office?” Zahara nods and Alpha Bryron turns and heads up the stairs. I sigh and Zahara looks at me with a smirk on her face. “Come on, let’s go.” Zahara grabs my hand and we head up the stairs to her father’s office. We make it to his office and the door is open. Alpha Byron is sitting at his desk, waiting for us. We w
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