All Chapters of The Invincible Goddess: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
640 Chapters
Chapter 131
Sienna raised her feet to follow them.The three of them stepped on the weeds that did not reach their ankles and went all the way to the back of the mountain.On the way, Flora was looking at her cell phone as she was walking. There was a roadmap sent by the thugs that her father had hired on her cell phone. In order to ensure that everything was foolproof, Flora also sent a text message to ask: ‘I’ve already brought the person here with me, and we’re on the way now. Are you confident and ready?’After two buzzes, the thug quickly replied to her: ‘Employer, you can be assured that we are all professionals. Just let us know which leg of hers you want us to break, and we’ll break it then. In addition, the trap has already been set. You just need to leave as soon as you see a red rope tied to one of the big trees.’Red rope?Flora looked left and right. Sure enough, she saw a red rope on a tree not far away!It was here!Flora was overjoyed. She clutched her stomach and started
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Chapter 132
Everyone was dumbfounded.This was especially so for the man whom Sienna was stepping on. He could see the girl’s cold and sullen expression clearly from his perspective. She was beautiful, valiant, arrogant and invincible!The man struggled hard, but the foot that was stepping on him seemed to weigh a thousand pounds. He could not shake it off!“You fools! What are you still standing there for? Kill her for me!” The man yelled at the other thugs who were surrounding them, and they quickly came back to their senses. After that, they rolled up their sleeves and rushed toward Sienna. One of them was holding a hammer. The hammer was very heavy, and it would not be good if someone was hit with it once.It looked like they were planning to break her legs with this hammer. Sienna asked indifferently, “Who paid you to do this?”The man cursed, “You bitch! You’re about to die! I'll not tell you!”“It’s okay. You’ll talk.”The corners of Sienna’s mouth twitched. At this moment, the o
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Chapter 133
“Run fast!”This thought arose, and Flora rolled and crawled away. She did not care about watching Sienna’s good show anymore, let alone be bothered about Julia who was getting chased by the wild boar.She only thought of running for her life. As such, she chose to run in the opposite direction from Julia as she stumbled and ran desperately!Coincidentally, Flora and Julia’s movements were mixed with the screams from the group of thugs, and they were drowned out in an instant. Sienna laughed half-heartedly and said, “Tell me. Who paid you?”The thugs rolled around in pain and grimaced. The leader snorted coldly and said, “Don’t ask. I’ll never tell you!”“Isn’t it the Lennon family?” Sienna flicked the non-existent dust off her body and said casually, “The Lennon family has such a big business but they’re only willing to spend a mere one million dollars to break my legs? Pfft. They’re really stingy.”The man was stunned for a moment when he heard this. This girl was missing
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Chapter 134
Quentin, who was in front of her, looked angry. He was questioning her as if she was guilty. Sienna glanced at him sideways. She looked at Quentin’s hands that were holding onto her shoulders. Her shoulders were hurting because of the great force in his hand. “Quentin.”Sienna had a cold look in her eyes as she reminded him in a deep voice, “I don’t have much patience, and I’m also obsessed with cleanliness. You better let me go now, immediately. Otherwise…”“Otherwise, what?”Quentin had also lost his temper, and he was furious as he said, “You took my sister away, and her whereabouts are unknown. Isn’t it all because you want to attract my attention? Sienna, don’t think that I don’t know these little tricks of yours! I’m warning you, if my sister…”Before Quentin could finish the rest of his sentence, the expression on his face was suddenly distorted. This was because Sienna had kicked him with no expression at all. Three inches below the abdomen. A fatal kick.Quentin d
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Chapter 135
“Yes!” The bodyguards then rushed up the mountain.Clara’s eyes were flushed red with anxiety, but she still reminded them then, “The mountain is so big. How are we going to find any clues like this? Sienna, tell us where you took Julia! Tell us!”The other students looked at Sienna with anger and hatred in their eyes after Clara’s reminder.“What a vicious person! She must’ve done it on purpose!”“Oh my God! A wild boar is such a dangerous animal. Can anyone still live if they run into it?”“Sienna, why are you still not telling the truth when things have already reached this point? Why are you so vicious? Do you think that you can get away with it if something really happens to Julia? Will your conscience be fine with it?”The crowd of people continued criticizing and attacking Sienna. Their statements were all very heated up, and every spoken word was to condemn Sienna! If this was a storm, then Sienna would be the center of the eye of the storm.Quentin had a gloomy expres
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Chapter 136
Julia was found.After being chased by the wild boar, Julia panicked and ran into two traps. One trap caused her foot to get caught in the beast trap, and the other trap was a large hunting pit.Fortunately, the wild boar fell into the large hunting pit first when it was attacking her, and this was followed by Julia falling on top of the wild boar.However, Julia could not get up because of her foot injury, so she could only accompany the dead wild boar’s carcass inside the deep pit. Sienna laughed unkindly when Madam Garcia, who was also helping to find Julia, depicted all these to Sienna. It was a tragedy just from listening to it. However, Sienna was not very sympathetic.Sienna was lying on a rocking chair as she enjoyed the evening breeze. It was comfortable and leisurely. At this time, Julia’s fierce and stern cursing came from the simple prefabricated house.“It hurts! Ahh! Sob… Sob… Where’s Dr. Watte? Where the hell is Dr. Watte?! Ask him to hurry and come treat my
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Chapter 137
As she thought of this, Julia did not want to go home anymore. She grabbed Quentin’s cuff and shouted, “Bro, I think that Clara is right. I’m injured this time because of that bitch, Sienna! Since that’s the case, she should come and serve me and do whatever she can for me in order to make amends!”“Stop it, Julia. It’s more important for you to recover first.”“No! No!”Julia shook Quentin’s arm and continued acting coquettishly. “Bro, I’m already hurt. Don’t you feel bad and distressed for me at all? Besides, I’m only asking Sienna to come over to do something for me. Will she suffer any losses because of that? Bro, why are you being so reluctant? Could it be because you’re still reminiscing about your past relationship with Sienna?”Julia’s last sentence caused several people, including Clara, to look at Quentin at the same time.Everyone’s eyes were more or less inquisitive. Quentin could not help but shake his head—Reminisce his past relationship with Sienna?Oh, what a
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Chapter 138
The bodyguards were about to go out upon receiving Quentin’s command when Dr. Watte came back, carrying a medical box. Quentin could only suppress his anger as he said politely to Dr. Watte, “Dr. Watte, my sister is injured. I’ll have to trouble you to please treat her wound.”“Okay.”Dr. Watte nodded, then went into the room to clean up Julia’s wound and set her bones for her. The bone-setting process was a little painful. However, Dr. Watte took Julia by surprise and did it before Julia could react. Julia screamed in pain, but after she had screamed, her injured and dislocated foot recovered to as it was before, and her movement was not affected at all.“Oh, it’s already done?”Julia pouted, and she was a little disappointed. She was originally planning to use her injury as an excuse to deal with Sienna.When Quentin saw that his sister was fine, he heaved a sigh of relief then escorted Dr. Watte out of the room personally. He did not forget to say politely, “Thank you ver
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Chapter 139
...Isonbert.The moon was shining brightly, and the evening breeze was gentle. Harry looked at Lang Garden, which was next to the villa, as the luxury car approached the villa's entrance, and he said lightly, “Stop the car.”“What’s wrong, Master Harry?”Harry did not respond. He got out of the car directly and walked toward Lang Garden.Miss White happened to be coming out from inside the house to take out the garbage. When she saw Harry at the door, she hurriedly opened the door and said respectfully, “Master Harry, you’re here. Would you like to come in and sit?”Harry raised his brows. He knew that Sienna had gone to the countryside to set up a free clinic, and it would be meaningless for him to enter if she was not here.However…Harry still replied, “I’ll come in for a cup of tea, then. Thank you.”“You’re welcome, Master Harry.”They were already a family. Miss White welcomed Harry into Lang Garden, made him a cup of tea, and brought it to him as she said, “Miss S
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Chapter 140
Harry glanced at Bona who was lying in the pile of candies. After that, he turned around and walked outside the villa to answer the call.The loud banging sound came into Sienna’s ear, and Sienna who was far away in Adak was dumbfounded for a moment as she asked, “Harry, why is it so loud over there?”Harry’s face was not red, and his heart was beating normally as he answered calmly, “It seems as though someone is doing some renovation.”Who would be renovating their house at this hour of the day?The loud banging sound sounded more like someone was smashing a wall!Sienna was a little surprised, but she did not ask any more questions. Instead, he said directly, “Harry, there’s something that I want to ask you for your help. I want to buy the whole piece of land in Adak, and the sooner it is, the better it would be. Can you help me to get this contract? Don’t worry. I’ll pay for the purchase of the land myself.” Before making the call, Sienna had asked Madam Garcia specifically
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