All Chapters of Anabel Knight's Redemption: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
106 Chapters
Chapter 71
Anabel wasn’t sure how long it’d been, but Victor came back into the room with a couple of other people, her vision was foggy.“How has she been?” he said kneeling down and looking at her. “I might have given her too much, but it should start to wear off and she should be able to function at the end of the night when I need her to show them her powers.” He said getting up. “Grab her and let’s go.” He said getting to his feet.Anabel felt the two demons grab her and pull her up. She walked with them, she didn’t really have a choice, so she made it as easy as possible for them. She wasn’t sure what Victor was going to have her do, if anything. She didn’t feel like she was mind controlled, just really drugged up.They walked through a portal and then another one. Victor ordered the demons to do something, but Anabel wasn’t sure what it was. She was sitting the next thing she remembered, people started arriving, and Victor found his way back to her. He kneeled down again.“Yeah I do think
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Chapter 72
Anabel wanted to follow Victor, but Dremis stopped her. “I don’t think you should annoy him with your questions.” He said shaking his head. “I don’t think he planned for Dmitri to want to talk more rather than just making a deal.” He said handing her a piece of an Apple. “Don’t worry he is going to keep you safe so he can do what he wants to do.”“I don’t care if he doesn’t keep me safe, as long as I can get away from whoever wants to try and take me.” She said looking at him. “Maybe he should think about activating my powers so I can at least defend myself.” She said walking over to the couch and sitting down.“That might be in his plans,” Dremis said still standing where he was. “But you never know, he might want you to learn how to access them the hard way.” He said walking back towards the kitchen. “Like I said give him his space.” He said walking without stopping to look at her.Anabel didn’t want to give him space, she needed to know if she could have her powers back, if not she
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Chapter 73
Dremis didn’t say anything, he walked away from her. Anabel stayed where she was until Victor came back. Victor sat down, but he didn’t say anything. Anabel wanted to say something, but she wasn’t sure what she could say.“Anabel I want to wait to bring your powers back.” He said looking at her. “I know you want to fight and be able to defend yourself, but if I activate them again, it might kill our daughter and you, and I really think we should wait, and if I have to, I will take you somewhere, where no one will find you.” He said looking at her.“Wait you are going to make me a prisoner until then?” she said shaking her head. “Don’t get me wrong I rather not have magic, I rather not be a demon, but if they are coming after me too, I think it’s only fair you give me them back.” She said crossing her arms.“What if you die?” he said looking away from her. “I know you would hate to be dead and go through all of this again.”“What do you mean again?” Anabel said narrowing her eyes.“Wel
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Chapter 74
Anabel didn’t say anything, she wasn’t sure there was a way to kill Victor. She would do everything in her power to make sure he didn’t get what he wanted. She had to protect her daughter, and she had to protect everyone else. She was worried she wasn’t going to be strong enough and everyone would die because of her. Closing her eyes she wanted to go somewhere else, but she knew she would just go back to Victor, and that was something she didn’t want to do. “What are you thinking about Anabel?” Marcus said touching her, startling her out of her own thoughts. “Nothing.” She said shaking her head. “I am just trying to figure out what I can do to make things better for everyone including me.” She said looking at him, but he didn’t say anything. She wasn’t sure she was making sense, she knew she was in her head. “I am going to figure out what we can do without having to kill Victor.” “Anabel are you listening to yourself?” Marcus said shaking his head. “You aren’t thinking about yoursel
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Chapter 75
“Sit.” He said looking up at her. When she sat down, he let go of her arm. “Well I don’t think you truly want to know what you are do you?” he said narrowing his eyes.“Of course I want to know.” She said shaking her head. “Demons have been after me, and well these symbols and everything.” She said looking at him. “So I want to know what I a, what you feel I am.”“You are Hecta.” He said shaking his head. “Well apart of her, she is her own, and she will be here soon enough.” He said looking away from her. “She has plans for you.” He said looking back at her. “I know you are scared that Victor is going to hurt you, but he wont kill you.”“Yes he will.” Anabel said shaking her head. “He’s already said it enough times, and isn’t that what demons do, they kill innocent people?”“You are no longer innocent.” He challenged. “You are a part of Hecta, therefore you carry everything she’s done. Your soul isn’t clean anymore, you are going to have to accept that, and the sooner you do that, the
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Chapter 76
“So he is coming here?” Anabel said helping him move the bags out of the way. “I mean is Victor going to allow that?”“Yes.” Marcus said looking at her. “He warns of demons coming, and I really don’t want to be caught off guard, he also is sending a few demons to try and keep us safe.” He said shaking his head. “I think he is trying to get more control and he is going to use the demons to control us and keep us here.”“Well he has another thing coming.” She said shaking her head. “It’s only a matter of time before I figure out how to use my magic again, and then I think I’ll deal with him later.”Marcus didn’t say anything, he wanted to tell her to relax but he knew better than to say anything about it. “I’ve brought some of the books of mine.” He said looking in another bag. “I have some magic that might help us too.”“Good.” She said looking at Marcus. “I rather have your magic around me, then Victors.” She said shaking her head. “I know you want me to let you handle things, but I a
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Chapter 77
Anabel wanted to force Victor into giving her, her powers back but she knew he’d just saved them from Sin and Meko, so she wasn’t going to make anything worse there for them. Marcus and Anabel still needed to get away from Victor, he’d planned on bringing Hecta back and killing Anabel.Anabel sat down in Victor’s chair, Eric came into the room with a cup of punch. He stood in front of Anabel. “You remember what happened last time? Besides you need your strength.” He said handing her the cup, Anabel drank it without hesitation. “Good.” He said taking the cup from her and walking out of the room.“So did you enjoy your freedom?” Victor said looking at Anabel.“No.” she said shaking her head. “If that was freedom, then I don’t want to see what a real prisoner looks like.” She said looking at Marcus.“Well you’ve already been both, so which one do you like best?” Victor said walking over to her. “I know you like being told what to do, and being force into doing things you don’t like to do
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Chapter 78
“She loves Marcus.” Anabel growled. “I felt it the entire time I was just a voice.” She said moving her head anyways from his hands. “And whatever you think you are going to get Hecta to do, I would think about it again.” She said closing her eyes. “She isn’t going to let anyone do anything.”“Well I guess we’re going to see aren’t we?” he said walking away from her again. He spoke in demonic, and Sin allowed her to drop. “Now are you ready to see what I can do?” he said saying something else, he read from the book. “Alright now you can go back, and I have a feeling we’ll be finding you soon enough, and Hecta should be around by that time.” He said waving his head.Anabel opened her eyes, her body was shaking, but she felt calm. “It was just a dream.” She said shaking her head. Looking at the door Anabel hoped Marcus would come back, but he didn’t. she got out of bed and walked out to the throne room, Marcus was reading something.“Oh thank God!” she said running over to Marcus.“Bah
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Chapter 79
Anabel knew he wasn’t going to let her go just like that. She walked back to the window nd stared out into the darkness. She stayed there until morning, she then tried the front door and of course it was locked.“Damn it.” She said pounding on the door. “I should have just ran out before he could close the door.” She said slamming her hands into the door again.“Too bad it’s not that easy.” Sin said appearing.“What do you want?” she growled. “If you think I wont be able to get out of here, you have another thing coming.” She said walking away from him. She wasn’t sure where she could go, so she sat down on the couch.Sin stood near the door. “You really want to go out there?” he said looking at her. “I will let you out, there isn’t going to be a trick or anything.” He said opening the door for her to see the sky. “Meko feels you would be better if we gave you what you wanted, but you need to remember your demons cannot come here unless Meko opens the portal to this realm.” He said sm
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Chapter 80
“Again we wouldn’t be in this mess.” Victor said looking at Marcus. “I know you want to say it, but don’t.” he said walking out of the room before they could continue the conversation.“Well that didn’t go as planned.” Marcus said looking at Anabel. “I know what he meant, if it wasn’t for me, you wouldn’t be here.”“Don’t worry about it.” Anabel said walking to the window. “I know you chose me because you knew I was going to fight like hell to make your life worse and then better at the same time.” She said looking at him. “I know what my grandmother did to you before she died was a curse, and I am sorry I was the curse.” She said looking away from him.“Anabel I don’t think you are a curse.” He said shaking his head. “If I would have met you when I was a human, things would have been a lot different for the both of us, now we have to deal with this together, who knows I might die and you might live.”“Or I might die and you might live.” She said looking at him for a second before tur
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