Semua Bab Bloody Rose: Bab 51 - Bab 60
125 Bab
Everyone was already outside their own assigned cars waiting for Rain and Alexander to step down. After he was out of the car, he offered her a hand so she could come out through his own door. She hesitated for a few seconds before taking his hand because this was the first time he’d ever done something of the sort. “How nice of you both to join us,” Luigi said in a low voice without humor while Romeo avoided her gaze and then muttered a few words under his breath that Rain couldn’t hear, it earned him a glare from Alexander though because the words were in Italian and it was obviously directed at Alexander. We’re the friends having issues? Once she was balanced enough in her heels, she muttered a low thank you to Alexander and he let her hand go that very second. Well, that was sort of expected. Her palms felt like they were ringing, missing his warmth. Stop that shit! She berated herself. They were at a mansion, not as big as the one they lived it but just as magnificent. Th
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Vlad was glaring and his finger was just above the trigger, hovering, teasing and probably considering and weighing his fucking options. Rain scoffed at his hesitation, she was also surprised at how calm she felt in the moment. She expected her heart to beat faster because just a few days ago, the thought of being on the opposite side of a nuzzle almost gave her a panic attack. “Go ahead, prove to me that you aren’t a pussy,” Rain said with a challenging shrug, she smirked smugly at him…of course he wouldn’t be able to do shit to her. No matter how menacing he looked at that moment and how veins bulged out of his forehead. She wasn’t afraid, because of that asshole that his moods change like the fucking weather. He wouldn’t let anything bad happen to her, he made that promise and Rain was half sure that his men knew that they weren’t supposed to hurt her as well. They did…right? For a split second, Rain’s heart skipped a beat and she began to wonder if she should be afraid. “Th
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Few Years Ago… Yaakov Guerriero stared at the destroyed pages of his research note book in front of him, his expression grim and his hands clasped behind his back. “You’re the person planting these thoughts in your sister’s head!” His last small but thick research book that had not been destroyed was then flung at his face and hit him square in the jaw. He inhaled deeply, his fists clenched at his sides as he tried to quell his anger, his anger wouldn’t do him any good when it came to their father, he had to stay silent just so he wouldn’t be given a much more severe punishment that might separate him from his sister, again. “Father please! Yaakov didn’t do anything wrong, I was the one who asked him to read and learn all about it!” Voila said with a shaky voice, her fear evident in her tone. Their father, Davide Guerriero’s hair was just as long as his son’s, some stray grey locks were on his face because of the strength he used to destroy every book he saw, he was breathing heav
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The routine checkup was done in just a few minutes. Of course the hospital knew better than to allow Alexander to wait longer than he actually should. Alexander looked to his side, the young woman beside him was curled up into a ball and her eyes were closed shut.Sleeping.After they’d left the burial and headed for the hospital, Alexander had noticed the exhaustion in her eyes even though she tried hard not to show it.He couldn’t help but wonder if he’d picked the right job for her, maybe a job as his assistant would be too hectic for her?That a job as his assistant also meant that she’d be closer to him and that way, his father wouldn’t be able to reach her that easily. Rain moaned something in her sleep as she turned the other way and her head landed on his shoulder with a thud. She groaned and stirred but didn’t wake up.Her head rested on his shoulder and his hands itched to feel her hair.What have you got to lose?Was the question that popped up in his head.He ga
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It was a few days after the funeral. Rain had grown accustomed to waking up to the scent of freshly plucked roses at her bedside. Elisa came by every once in a while to help her with some things she might need and they sometimes had long talks before Rain had to leave for work. In the past few days, Alexander has been cold to her…not in a rude way but it somehow seemed like he was trying to create some sort of distance between them or raise a barrier and by the heavens…it was fucking working because Rain was already getting sick and tired of his hot and cold attitude. One second he was nice and then the next he was acting like a mafia boss… Rain hated the fact that she’d forgotten who he was just because of those fleeting smiles and exchanged breaths. A man like Alexander wasn’t soft, he didn’t make friends with people he planned to benefit from. She was nothing but a rule being followed to him, he was using her to set an example to everyone just so they would know that if they t
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Well Damn
The table was already set when Rain entered the dining room. Elisa was seated at the table and so was Aldo and Enzo. Rain was beginning to suspect that lived in the mansion along with everyone because she’s never really seen him leave or go a day without seeing him here. He's a very loyal man. Alexander sat at the far corner, not at the head seat…maybe in an attempt to hide himself or take the attention off him? If that were the case, it wasn’t actually working because he was the first person she noticed as she began to walk toward the table. He wore a plain white T-shirt that did wonders for his skin. Rain realized that she hadn’t seen him in such a bright color before. It was refreshing to see, what was also refreshing was the way the shirt hugged his biceps and pecs so wonderfully that she had to catch herself from drooling. She could see the outline of his abs beneath the shirt and damn! That was definitely a sight she needed to know that her day would be a good day. “Good m
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Not all dreams come true. Some dreams can just be what they are, which is just dreams. Never to change from that state of nothingness… Just something you witness in your slumber and then the harsh realities of the real world pulls you out from that dream world, the beauty—or the fear—of that reality is gone and is replaced with something much darker. The rising of the sun, the singing of birds and, your body leaving the bed.Nicholas Coleman stared blankly at the dilapidated ceiling over his head, wetness touched the side of his face and he silently wondered if it was the dripping ceiling or if it was just the tears from the dream he’d just had.It wasn’t real though, because in that dream, he was more happy than he’d been in a long time. Sure enough the dream had it’s bad moments where he was chased by a killer, an unending circle that made him feel like he would be caught.Then, she was there, the brightest thing in the entire dream, she pulled him out of his dark hiding place
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Alexander was impressed but that didn’t mean he would show it.He knew Nicholas was here to see his sister and he definitely wouldn’t deny him that chance.It wasn’t like he knew the guy was coming today and intentionally agreed to Elisa’s suggestion.Ha.Yes he did.He stared at the duffle bag that Nicholas had set down in front of him, his lips twitched in response because he wasn’t sure what to think of it.Where did Nicholas get all that money from?He’d once seen the guy as a younger brother, he’d wanted to introduce him to this life while making sure he didn’t get into any serious trouble. He’d wanted to raise the bastard’s rank but he’s clearly decided that he is better and bigger than everyone else.“I…I will keep paying in installments until I can get everything to you,”But he no longer had that haughty air around him. He looked tamed, his eyes were down and he wasn’t trying to argue with Alexander at every single sentence.Something else has happened while he was
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Women Are Hectic
Alexander wiped the blood from his hands with a gruff sigh. Enzo pit a cigarette in his mouth and proceeded to light it for him. Alexander wasn’t a smoker, but at times like these, the urges became too intense to ignore and he had to feel that tobacco at the back of his throat, something to remind him why he was standing in the pool of another man’s blood… I’m the Don of the Guerriero family. Shit. Sometimes, it got so tiring that even the sound of that title and the responsibility that comes with it becomes a reason to feel frustrated and angry. He was born into this life, he didn’t chose it and Alexander would never admit to anyone or himself that…he’d sometimes wished things were different. He took a large step away from the bloody corpse, his face scrunching up in distaste and his eyes casting a cold glance at the now dead man beneath his feet. “Was he the only one you saw meeting with the council members?” This was a spy. Someone sent into his own empire just to watch it c
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“If you keep smiling so much, your cheeks are going to split,” Elisa said with a laugh as she set the dining table for lunch. A few familiar maids assisted them and so did the rude one that kept giving Rain the stank eye. Rain wanted to be unbothered but the maid’s attitude, but she was really losing her patience and she was sure that in a few seconds she would snap at the bitch. “Don’t let Vicky ruin your good mood,” Elisa pulled her to the side and whispered into her hears “She’s a bitch to everyone one because she’s living in an imaginary world that she’s the mistress of the Guerriero family just because Alex fucked her once,” Elisa made her whisper sound so loud that the maid, Vicky’s face scrunched up in annoyance while the other three women that assisted them had to hide their laughter behind fake coughs or their palms. Rain’s eyes widened in surprise, she didn’t expect that to be the reason why Vicky was acting the way she did. She also didn’t imagine Alexander as the type
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