All Chapters of The Billionaires Maid : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
84 Chapters
EMILY’S POV Charlotte and Amelia froze when they saw us all come into the station.Charlotte stared at us all,but her stare lingered on Ethan a bit longer,while Amelia also stared at us but her stare lingered on Brad a bit.Seeing Amelia and Charlotte ogling at our man,Ava and I walked in front of our boyfriends as though we practiced it.I kissed Ethan passionately which of course he reciprocated.While Ava kissed Brad too and he reciprocated.We did to show them that this were our men and also spite them.We wanted to make it clear to them that these were our boyfriends so there they were a no go area for them and it worked,because Charlottes and Amelia’s faces that were full of surprise and shock,turned into a sneer as they saw What just happened.Charlotte was the one to speak up “ What the fuck is going on here!! Emily, why are you dressed in the same outfit as Ava,Is this the way a maid is supposed to dress? You even have the guts to seduce your boss “Ava and I laughed at their ig
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EMILY’S POV “ Why should they assemble a team of investigators? “ Granny asked with creased brows and we all turned to Ethan waiting for an explanation.“ When I went to pick Emily’s stuff from my penthouse to take it to my family house,I found out someone broke into my house and turned the whole house upside down. I’m suspecting it to be Jacob's daughter and want them to investigate and maybe run fingerprint tests.We might have evidence against her from there,if she was the one behind it “ Ethan explained to us all and the FBI agent nodded his head in agreement to what Ethan said.I gasped,when I thought that had it been we slept at the penthouse we may have been harmed.The person who broke in,might have been sent to harm us,but how did the person know the passcode to unlock the door,it must have been Kate.Nathan and Brad’s advice really came in handy.I turned to them and mouthed a thank you,but they only gave me questioning looks as to why I thanked them.“ Ava,Granny and Emily,Yo
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ETHAN’S POV We came out of the hospital building and everyone except Mrs Lucia,was so focused on Emily that we didn’t notice someone putting on a hoodie and pointing a gun at Emily,while standing some distance behind us.It all happened so fast.We heard the sound of a gun shot and in a shift motion,Mrs Lucia ran to Emily’s back to shield Emily from the bullet.When we turned our back,Mrs Lucia was already on the floor with blood gushing out of her mouth and chest.The security personnel’s at the front of the hospital apprehended the person who shot at Emily and brought the person to us.We were too focused on Mrs Lucia to look at the perpetuator of the act.Emily fainted due to shock and the whole place became tensed,with Granny shouting and crying for Mrs Lucia to hold on,while Ava and Nathan followed Emily,who was taken into the hospital on a stretcher.Brad,and I knelt down trying to stabilize Mrs Lucia before they would bring another stretcher and take her in.Mrs Lucia’s eyes were
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ETHAN’S POV When the door to the operating room opened and the surgeon came out with a sad look on his face,we all wanted to rush to him and ask what happened.But before we blink our eye,Granny was already standing in front of him.Emily,Ava,Brad,Nathan and even the surgeon looked at Granny with their jaw nearly dropping to the ground and their eyeballs nearly popping out of their eye socket,due to the way that it was widened.The surgeon was tongue tied,when he saw Granny standing in front of him and it seems Granny forgot that none of them present here aside from me,knows that she can’t walk.Emily and Ava were the first to take long and quick strides towards Granny.Emily hugged her tight,while Ava kept searching if Granny was hurt or not and I wondered why.“ Oh my God!! Granny how is this even possible that you can walk now “ Ava asked with happiness and also surprise,when she was finished scrutinizing Grann,while Nathan and Brad proceeded to Granny.“ I just saw myself being abl
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EMILY’S POV We came out of the hospital building and the fresh air I inhaled was so soothing,little did I know that in a few seconds time,the air would begin to suffocate me.Because few second later,I heard the sound of a gunshot,The sound was deafening that it began to make me feel a bit dizzy.I turned to tell the rest that we should rush into the car and get going,but when I did,I saw Mrs Lucia on the floor with blood gushing out of her mouth and chest.It was then that I knew that the gunshot I heard was actually because of us.I was shocked to see everything that happened,because it happened so fast.I can’t believe Mrs Lucia took a bullet that was meant for me,I owe this woman a lot.Before I could comprehend how much damage this caused Mrs Lucia,I passed out.********************I woke up feeling a bit dizzy and tried to sit up on the bed,but two hands instantly grabbed me and assisted me.I smiled thinking it was Ethan,but when I raised my head I saw that it was Brad.I didn’t
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EMILY’S POV One of the maids put up her hand,which signified that she wanted to ask a question.Granny permitted her to speak by nodding her head.The maid cleared her throat and bowed slightly showing respect,before she asked “ Will the funeral be held today? “.“ Yes it will,so please dress up quickly,we don’t have enough time “ Ava replied the maid kindly.With that all the maids and security men went to their various rooms to get dressed up.“ Do you have a black outfit for the funeral?? If you don’t I can give you one from my closet “ Ava said as she looked at me.One of the reasons why I love Ava and felt our bond was growing stronger is because she is very thoughtful and caring.To be honest I didn’t have any black outfit that was suitable to wear for a funeral and I wonder why I forgot to tell Ethan before we left them.He would have easily ordered one online for me.“ No I don’t actually “ I said,as I blushed with embarrassment.Granny and Ava gave me a knowing look.“ You don’t
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EMILY ‘S POVI watched as Granny and Ava walked over to where I was standing and held my hands with concerned looks on their faces,checking if anything happened to my hands,due to the way I flung the necklace.I stare at nothing in particular,carried away by my thoughts,could Mrs Lucia be my mom or did she know my mom.But if she possessed all this that means it belongs to her and besides the maid said they belong to her personally,also that she cherished them so much.Could that be the reason why Mrs Lucia most at times,looked at me with a look of recognition? Was this the reason why I always felt some kind of way whenever I was with her?.All these questions were ringing in my head,but I was abruptly brought back to reality by Ava shaking me hard and I flinched.“ Are you okay? “ Ava asked worriedly,as they gently led me to sit on the couch,which was directly facing the table.I just pointed towards the necklace that was on the floor and they looked at it frowning.But Ava went and p
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EMILY’S POV When Ava and I turned to look at the maid whom Granny instructed to tell us whatever it is that they were so engrossed in discussing.The maid gulped nervously I could easily tell she was scared and uncomfortable about having this discussion again. So I walked up to her and patted her on her shoulders trying to calm her down.“ It’s alright, you don’t have to be nervous, “ I said and gave her a reassuring smile. Granny and Ava also nodded their heads urging the maid to speak.She nodded her head and said “ Mrs. Lucia’s Alzheimer's disease was more serious than you thought it was. She always told me on several occasions that she had a daughter and a husband, then I’ll ask her if she can remember where they stay and she’ll nod in agreement “The maid paused as if trying to gather more courage to speak further and then she continued “ There was a time when I asked her to take me to her house,because I asked for the name of her daughter and husband but she couldn’t remember.
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Chapter 79ETHAN’S POV When we signed for Mrs. Lucia’s dead body to be taken with us for her funeral, Nathan left us to go meet his dad, who came to work today and summoned him.I found it weird and I won’t lie that I was curious as to why his Dad called him, which he could easily get them to get home before discussing whatever matter it is that he wants to discuss with Nathan.I didn’t wanna dwell much on the issue and had to push my curiosity aside and deal with the issues I have on ground.We walked out of the Hospital and first of all went to check the casket that our Mr. Anonymous gifted us or should I say gifted Mrs. Lucia.It was fucking expensive, from the designs and carving on the glass of the casket, one could tell that the buyer was indeed rich because the casket was made of glass all through.When I say glass I mean an expensive one. I don’t know what Anonymous is trying to play by hiding himself.But one thing is for sure,If he or she intended to terminate us,the person
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ETHAN’S POV We headed to our car after Mrs. Lucia’s casket was placed into the van. After much debate, Brad and I decided that we all go to the cemetery in Nathan’s car because we didn’t want him to feel lonely or jealous.We walked to his Rolls Royces and I got into the passenger sit while Brad entered the back seat. I noticed that Nathan's fists were clenched tightly on the steering wheel and his knuckles were already turning white due to the way he held it so tightly.“ Wow! Wow!Wow! Buddy, calm down before you drive us to our deaths. Are you sure you are in the right frame of mind to drive us? “ I asked him as I caressed his hands that were clenched on the steering wheel trying to calm him down.“ I can drive if you're not in the mood to “ Brad added as we looked at him concerned.Nathan gave out a long and deep exhale before shaking his head slightly and turning to look at us.“ I’m sorry I am getting you guys worried, it’s just what my dad told me is still difficult for me to p
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