All Chapters of Spoiled by Mr. Russell: Chapter 2421 - Chapter 2430
2452 Chapters
Chapter 2421
There were only a few rooms on this floor, but guards stood at its two ends due to the shape of the building. Although Lily could not leave her room most days, she would carefully observe her surroundings, including the walls, whenever she had the chance.The floor where Fred stayed was relatively secluded. In fact, it was where Fred had confined Yasmin before this. No one would have expected two of the most influential Yudionians to be held captive on the same floor, let alone in a room.Lily looked left and right before coming through the window. Since no one was around during the shift change, she jumped to the floor quietly. At that moment, she heard footsteps. Lily quickly hid in a blind spot in a corner and waited until a guard went past.Suddenly, she immobilized him by hitting his acupuncture point. The guard could only sweat in fear, unable to move or shout. Since he had never experienced such a thing before, he thought he was possessed or something.Even Lily began to swe
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Chapter 2422
"Don’t you realize your children are waiting for you?" Yasmin continued.Unperturbed, Lily lifted her chin. "Of course I do. So what? You won't let me go anyway! Since I can't escape, I might as well try to save someone."There was fierce determination in her eyes."You're truly unlike me," Yasmin said with a sigh."Indeed, I’m not, and I'm glad about that." "Well, too bad we're compatible in blood type and other aspects,” Yasmin said, "It doesn't matter if you're unlike me. God's will binds our fates together."Lily chuckled. "When did you become religious? Is it because you've gotten old?""Shut up!" Enraged, Rick suddenly moved. As if confident that Lily would not shoot, he tried to snatch her gun, but she moved away before he could. Lily and him then engaged in a fight in the small space. "Stop!" the queen shouted, "Rick!" Rick did as told and glared at Lily as he stood protectively before Yasmin. The queen pushed him aside, saying, "There's no need to protect me. If
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Chapter 2423
Lily continued, "If you didn’t, Hyderland wouldn’t be responsible for anything, and people might start wondering why you trespassed on our country.”She had caught Yasmin off guard, and the latter shook her head. “Do you think things will be so simple? I’m a queen, damn it.”“So what if you are? You’ll age and die like commoners. Besides, I only care about what happens now,” Lily said coldly, “I’m running out of patience, just like you.” The queen fell silent for a long while. She gazed deeply at Fred and Nick. She wanted to see for herself how the surgery would go and whether it would succeed. She would only be convinced when she saw the outcome. But now…"What do you want?" After a pause, Yasmin asked, "Will you obey me after I let the kid go? Can I trust someone who's holding me hostage?""Your Majesty, you mustn't trust her!" Rhea suddenly said, worried the queen would listen to Lily. "If you free the boy, she's still going to hold you hostage next time. You're right. You s
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Chapter 2424
Lily wrapped her finger around the trigger but could not pull it. After all, she had never killed anyone before, let alone a queen.At that moment, someone shouted, “Don’t shoot!”The person stumbled and banged against the door. As everyone turned to look, Rick tried to snatch Lily’s gun again. However, she dodged and backed away. By doing so, she had let go of Yasmin.Immediately after, the guards formed a protective circle around the queen while pointing their guns at Lily."Put down the gun!" Rick shouted.Since it was pointless to prolong the standoff, Lily tossed her weapon aside. She knew Yasmin was right. She would never shoot anyone. Because Yasmin knew Lily’s exact thoughts, the latter’s plan was doomed to fail from the start.“Seize her!” Rick waved, and the guards charged over."Wait!" Suddenly, Ross, the one who came in just now, dashed over and stood protectively before Lily. "Nobody moves!"Rick stepped closer and said, "Your Highness, you saw what happened. We ha
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Chapter 2425
"Enough!" Yasmin suddenly exclaimed. "I won’t waste my time arguing over hypothetical issues. I've made up my mind, and no one can change it."After a pause, she said grimly, "Seize both of them!"When the guards charged forward, Ross tossed something forward and grabbed Lily's wrist. "Let's go!"Before she could react, the prince ran outside with her in tow. Suddenly, smoke rose and obscured everyone’s vision and made them cough. Immediately after, Rick rushed to the queen’s side and shouted, “Protect Her Majesty!”He then held up his walkie-talkie and said, "Do not let His Highness leave the embassy. Close the gate!"Chaos ensued with coughing and moaning everywhere. By the time the smoke disappeared, so did Lily and Ross."I'll tell our men to give chase now, Your Majesty," Rick said solemnly. "No need!" The queen stopped him. "Don't forget that he's my son. He can't stay away forever." She let out a long sigh with a conflicted look in her eyes. "But the woman…"Rick di
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Chapter 2426
Lily only hesitated for a second before turning to run toward the street. Although she had many questions and Nick was still inside, she knew she would get caught again if she delayed any further. Ross stayed where he was with his gun and stopped anyone who tried to give chase. "Seize her!" someone shouted and tried to go past him.However, Ross quickly pressed his gun at his own temple. "Don't come any closer, or I'll kill myself!" He was so agitated that the veins on his neck bulged. As the others hesitated, Ross glanced over his shoulder and was relieved to see Lily had gone far. After thinking for the past two days, he had decided to stop his mother. If the experiment were to proceed, there would be no end to this, whether it succeeded or not.Lily ran with all her might, knowing she would be safe if she could reach a crowded area. In fact, she was already safe when she got out of the embassy. After all, it was daytime, so they would not dare abduct her in a public area.
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Chapter 2427
Alexander was discussing a plan with Austin and Mike in the living room when he heard a car screech to a stop in the middle of his yard. Alexander was surprised even though he knew it was Dominic.“What happened?” Austin looked at the car. “Why’s Uncle Dom back so soon?”“Let’s check it out,” Alexander said gravely, removing his hands from the table and striding toward the yard. As the car door opened, Alexander hurried over to support Dominic, only to learn it was not the old man who exited the car.“Alex!” Lily looked at her husband gently. Although she had many things to tell him, his name was all she could utter at that moment.Alexander halted, wondering if he was dreaming.“I’m back.” Lily took a deep breath and intended to grin, but her eyes grew teary instead.Alexander marched over and embraced her. As he felt her warmth, he knew she was real and that he was not dreaming. He became teary-eyed as he spoke with a quivering voice, “Y-You’re back. You’re finally back!”“I a
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Chapter 2428
This time, Mike did not break down in tears like he used to. Instead, he was disturbingly calm.“I’m sorry, Mike,” Lily did not know what else to say.Mike grunted and turned to head inside. Although he did not blame Lily, it still made her feel miserable.Alexander wrapped his arm around his wife’s shoulder and said, “It’s not your fault.”Lily looked over her shoulder and nodded. She knew she had tried her best but could not help but feel guilty.Once inside, the living room was unusually silent. No one babbled in joy despite the reunion. A while later, Mike broke the silence, saying, “Congrats on regaining your freedom, Lily.”Lily smiled embarrassedly. “Thanks.”Mike asked, “How’d you escape? Or did they let you go?”Everyone else wanted to ask those questions but hesitated in his presence. Since he had asked first, the others felt relieved. One of them asked, “Yeah, how’d you get out?”"Prince Ross helped me escape," Lily said solemnly. "His Highness?!" Austin was shock
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Chapter 2429
Everyone focused on Austin, but no one answered the call after it rang for a long while. Finally, he hung up and frowned. "No one’s answering.""Perhaps he didn't hear it ring. Try again," Dominic urged."Actually, I wanted to say that he probably can't answer his phone now," Lily said.It was pointless to try again because Ross was likely to be detained now.Austin asked, "Are you saying he's been arrested?"Lily nodded, "Well, think about it. How could Queen Yasmin forgive him for helping me escape even though he’s her son? We all know how ruthless she can be."The others nodded. The queen was not just ruthless but was also very stubborn. Therefore, she would have detained Ross for what he did, let alone confiscating his phone.Austin sighed helplessly. “If that’s the case, we have no one to contact in the embassy now.”“Wasn’t Dominic planning to go there?” Mike asked, not giving up. “If he hadn’t bumped into Lily, he would’ve been inside by now. We should stick to the initi
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Chapter 2430
“In any case, I'll rescue my son my way. If it works, please send him back to his mom in Westwood. Although she's unreliable, she's still his mother. Besides, I've arranged for someone to look after him his whole life. If… if I fail, at least I've done what a father should by dying with him.”Mike spoke with a faint smile as if he was seeing his son. However, the others thought he looked creepy. He looked like he had decided to die.“Mike, what are you doing? Are you planning to take them down with you? Even so, you still might fail to rescue Nicky,” Lily said despite herself.Mike nodded. "I know I can’t fight the Yudonian government all alone, but I'm willing to risk my life. As I said, I don't care even if I fail. It beats waiting here and doing nothing."The wait was too much for him to bear, and he did not want to wait any longer. The truth was he had secretly made his arrangements long ago, and he decided to implement his plan if Dominic failed. If not for the change of pla
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