All Chapters of Bad-Boy Billionaire: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
35 Chapters
Chapter Twenty One
It really didn’t help that Jacob liked his hair cut a certain way now, which was almost the mirror image of Finn's hair-cut. Lilith shook off her thoughts and ruffled her son’s hair.They stepped outside and Jacob’s coach approached them. “How are you doing, Lilith?” he asked.“I’m good. And how are you?”“I’m doing great. Jacob forgot to grab one of these fliers. We have a tournament on Saturday starting at two,” he said, as he handed her a piece of paper.“That sounds like fun. Is there anything I can bring?”“I always know I can count on you,” he said with a laugh. “Would it be too much to ask you to bring a main course for lunch? I have some people bringing drinks and fruit but no one signed up for a main course. You can do sandwiches if you want but I know you like to get all fancy,” he said, with a flirty smile.She was well known for her creative dishes and that’s most likely why no one else had signed up for the spot.“You know me well,” she said with a laugh. “Of course, I wi
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Chapter Twenty Two
Lilith's POV:I seriously would live off the coffees and nothing else, if i could get away with it. I had done that a couple different days and by the end, I was shaking all over but my house had gotten incredibly clean.“We have a couple more interviews to do today, with the last of the previous employee’s. I want you to go through the applications that have come in over the week and weed through them. Find the best candidates and schedule them for next week to come in for interviews. We need to get those positions filled as soon as possible,” Finn said, as he finally looked up.Unfortunately for me, when he looked up, i was busy staring at his body in inappropriate places. His brows rose and i couldn’t stop the deep flush that stained my cheeks. I turned away from him, praying he’d just pretend it hadn’t happened.I needed to get out of his office, because every time i looked at the table, I pictured myself sitting there with him between my thighs. I nodded my head and then prete
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Chapter Twenty Three
“I’m sorry,” Lilith hiccupped at him. then pulled away and headed into the bathroom. She didn’t come out for a while. It gave him time to go to his computer. He had to do some research on her, to find out what he could about her life. He wanted to know if she’d been married when her son was born and if she was currently married. He needed to know what was going on in her life.Finn knew it was going to take a while but he’d find the information he wanted. Lilith finally walked out of the bathroom, looking much more composed.“Finn, we’ve finished with all the interviews today and I can easily take my lap top home and go through the applications. I haven’t had a personal day in years and would really like to take one now. I wouldn’t normally ask but I would appreciate it if you would let me head out early today,” she asked, with her shoulders back and her head held high. She was expecting to have to argue with him."That will be fine. Just have those names ready for me Monday morning,”
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Chapter Twenty Four
Finn's POV:I needed to get some answers and there was no way in hell I was waiting until Monday morning. I decided I was going to her house right then. I looked up her address and was shocked by the neighborhood. It wasn’t the poorest district but certainly not what she was used to. Hell, her father still lived in a mansion; well he did until he was forced to place it on the market.She lived in a lower middle class neighborhood and the house had about as much square footage as my bedroom. I didn’t get it. I glanced at the clock and was frustrated to realize it was close to midnight. i'd been sitting at my computer all day and night. i'd have to wait until the morning before going over there. It was going to be a long, sleepless night.I walked out to my car and couldn’t help myself from driving in the direction of her place. I had to see if it was really in the type of neighborhood i’d looked up. It took me about thirty minutes to reach her neighborhood and it was exactly as i'
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Chapter Twenty Five
Lilith's POV:I woke up to the sound of pounding coming from somewhere. I wasn’t ever a morning person but the insistent pounding was putting me in a far worse mood than i normally woke up in.I climbed out of my bed and stumbled down the stairs, not bothering to put on a robe to cover up my old t-shirt and short boxers. If the person was rude enough to wake me up early on a Saturday, then whoever it was could deal with my bedtime apparel.I knew my hair would be frightening and my eyes still only half slits. Perhaps i'd scare the unwanted visitor enough to never call so early again. I yanked open the door, “What do you want at this ungodly hour?” i snapped before looking up.I gasped at the sight of Finn standing on my front porch. He didn’t look too happy. I had no clue what he could possibly be doing on my front doorstep at any time, much less so early on a Saturday.“Is that how you greet all your guests?” he asked, with a mocking smile.“Number one, you’re not my guest and number
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Chapter Twenty Six
Finn's POV:I reached an open doorway and could smell her scent drifting out to me. I knew it was her room. I strode through the doorway and lay her down on the bed, stripped my clothing away and then pressed down into her, connecting our lips once more, before either of us could realize we were making a mistake.I broke contact with her only long enough to pull the shirt over her head and yank the shorts off. I threw them, not caring where they landed. I was finally stretched out against her fully, skin to skin. my body was so on fire that I was most likely burning her. I couldn’t stop touching Lilith. my hands roved from her beautiful breasts, down her thighs and back up again.I finally stopped kissing her, only to trail my lips down the smooth column of her throat. I licked along the pulse point, feeling my own skip a beat, as I realized how quickly hers was pounding. She’d been passionate when we were young; she was downright exotic as an adult. I reacquainted myself with
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Chapter Twenty Seven
Lilith's POV:“I…I…d…don’t know why that keeps happening,” I sputtered to him, as my cheeks filled with color.“Because we have undeniable chemistry,” he said, with his trademark, cocky smile. He was feeling pretty good at that moment. it looks to me like he hadn’t planned on starting his day out ravishing me but he could think of far worse things he could’ve been doing.“I don’t sleep with strangers,” I blurted out.“We’re not strangers Jasmine, so don’t try that crap on me. You were a virgin the first time I took you and from the feel of your body, you haven’t taken too many more lovers,” he said, with far too much confidence. He was laying there in all his naked glory and my eyes strayed to his still half aroused body part. I quickly snapped my gaze back to his face and then my eyes narrowed as his grin became full-fledged.I reached out and slapped him hard once again before he had time to react. His smile was wiped away and he pounced on me before I could scramble away. The s
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Chapter Twenty Eight
Finn's POV:I didn’t know which emotion to embrace first. I realized my son had asked me who I was and I also realized Lilith was sitting there like a deer caught in an oncoming car’s headlights.“I’m your dad,” I said. I heard Lilith's intake of breath and didn’t even bother to look over at her. I was too afraid I may give in to my urge to strangle her.i knew I wouldn’t really do that but I was pretty infuriated with her right then.“Really?” Jacob asked me skeptically. His face contorted into such a mirror image of my own I wanted to shout for joy. I was meeting my son. I wanted to jump from the bed and pull him into my arms but I was still completely naked underneath the protection of the bedding. I knew the only reason Lilith was still in the bed was for the same reason.“I really am,” I said, having to fight the emotions trying to break free.“If you’re my dad, then what did you say to my mom every night before you had to leave?” the boy asked and i knew i was being teste
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Chapter Twenty Nine
“You didn’t have to blurt that out to him. What if you’re not his father?” she said and then took a step back at the fury in his eyes.“Don’t even try and play games with me, Lilith. It’s more than obvious he’s mine and you have already robbed nine years of his life from me. You won’t take anything else, do I make myself clear?” he growled at her, as he backed her into the corner.She went from offensive to defensive in a matter of seconds. “I didn’t say he wasn’t yours, I just said you should have asked me first, instead of blurting it out like that,” she said, a bit shakily.“So you could come up with some more lies? I don’t think so, Lilith. Get yourself together. I’m going to spend the day with my son and I don’t want him to know I want to hurt his mother,” he snapped at her, before turning to leave.Finn walked out of the bedroom and had to fight the tears from stinging his eyes, as he saw his son sitting by the front door. His son was so afraid he’d leave him again, he was guard
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Chapter Thirty
Lilith's POV:“Oh, Mom,” Jacob groaned. “Go faster,” he egged Finn on. Finn gave him a huge smile in the rearview mirror and then jumped on the freeway gunning the engine. We shot past cars like they were standing still. Jacob was full of laughter, as his hair blew back in the wind and they flew down the freeway.I would never admit it to either of the guys but I was getting a thrill out of the ride myself, after my initial fear fell away. He was a skilled driver and whipped around the lanes of traffic smoothly, making it seem like they were flying. We reached out exit and had to slow down. “We have to do this again,” Jacob shouted from the back seat. I silently agreed.“We’ll go on a long ride after the wrestling meet and then go have dinner,” Finn promised him. I didn’t appreciate how he was just assuming we didn’t already have plans. I would’ve said something but didn’t want to fight in front of my son.We pulled up to the school and Jacob grabbed ahold of Finns's hand. “Come o
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