บททั้งหมดของ The Devil's Love For The Heiress: บทที่ 81 - บทที่ 90
Chapter 81: Champion In Our Hearts
“There you have it, ladies and gentlemen. The US Open title this year goes to Alexander Jenkins! What a surprising season it is. The country was heartbroken when Carlos was injured, but Alexander Jenkins took home the cup!” A sports commentator announced before the cameras shifted to Alexander, raising his trophy cup, nearly teary-eyed as his astonishing win. In an interview, Alexander claimed, “This win is for my friend, Carlos, The Devil. This was supposed to be his win, but it was taken from him. And it was exactly because of Carlos that I was more determined to win this year's US Open championships.” “Mister Jenkins, when do we expect The Devil to return to playing on the court?” The reporter asked. “It’s hard to say, but we know Carlos. His ultimate goal was to win all four Grand Slam tournaments in a year. This year, he won three out of four. He was this close. If not the next season, he would surely be back to claim it the year after.” Alexander looked at the camera and own
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Chapter 82: How To Take A Bath
“We have phone records suggesting that Nolan colluded with Tyler and Monet. Their conversations covered you and your company, also Miss Wright. I believe you know -” “Yes,” Carlos acknowledged on the phone. He was speaking to officer Baker. “They were our high school classmates, and they were, in fact, giving us problems before I left for the US Open.” Carlos sucked in a breath, realizing how his recent troubles were caused by Nolan altogether. He suggested, “All the more, there should be no pardon or settlement for his actions. I’ll tell my lawyers to pursue the legal case. I'll take care of Monet and Tyler." “Thank you for the update, detective Baker, and thank you for being on top of this despite Washington being outside your jurisdiction. I knew I could always count on you,” Carlos said. “I had approval from the higher-ups to lead the arrest. Besides, Washington is not that far,” detective Baker responded before the two ended their call. A day after arriving in Braeton, Carl
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Chapter 83: Rest Means Babies
So you are saying it may not cause infertility?” Carlos asked. Last night, when he wondered if Kate was pregnant, he learned Kate had her period when he left for the US Open. The couple decided to visit a doctor the very next day, despite The Devil being in a wheelchair. They picked up how Kate had a hormonal imbalance, causing small cysts to grow inside her ovaries, which may have affected her ovulation. “Many women have this problem, especially when they are tired and stressed,” the doctor suggested. “Normally, couples try to get pregnant within one year before deciding on getting fertility help.” “The hormonal imbalance can be treated with hormones or with proper diet and rest,” she added. “Of course, the male is also a factor here. I understand you are an athlete, Mister Ronaldo, but how is your stress level? Are you resting enough? Do you want to have your sperm count checked? That could have also affected your chances of conceiving a child. Have you both considered taking a
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Chapter 84: Exhibition Match
“What are you doing here? I said I wouldn’t cause any more trouble for you,” Monet asked, seeing Carlos at her door, together with police officers and his usual bodyguards. “You promised not to cause trouble anymore, but you did not own up to everything,” Carlos answered. Even while he was still strolling with crutches, he made it a point to see Monet. “What - what do you mean?” Monet asked, her voice trembling as she replied. She earnestly hoped no one had learned about her involvement with Nolan. It had been weeks since Nolan's arrest was aired on TV. Thus, Monet hoped no one made the connection between her and the pharma CEO. “It was you who ordered Venice to poison Catrina, and thus, take responsibility for it!” Carlos revealed. “While you were good at hiding your tracks, sadly, Nolan was too confident. He had all of your conversations saved on his phone. You colluded with him to bring me down?” Monet, "!!!" “If you had told me then, I would not have been injured! You are a
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Chapter 85: Down On One Knee
A week passed since Carlos scheduled his Exhibition Match. Since then, he had been training his left foot to walk longer distances. While he was pushing himself, he had to take a break in the middle of the week as his ankle returned to swell. The doctors told Carlos that it was expected since he was practicing walking without his orthopedic boot. The boot had several supports that kept his foot in place. Thus, walking without it was another adjustment. The Devil was dismayed. He seriously wanted to return to tennis soon, but he understood he had to take it slow. Still, he was on and off his boot, but at least… he could already… bend down on one knee. Of course, Kate did not know that. He kept it from her because... it was meant to be a surprise. “Ready to leave?” Carlos asked, looking back at Kate. “Are you sure this is a good idea?” Kate sought. “Can’t you just have this match when you can walk properly?” “Eh, no. It has to be today,” Carlos said. Only he and Alexander knew
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Chapter 86: Instant Wedding
“Miss Sarah Kate Wright, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?” Kate's skin formed happy goosebumps, hearing Carlos finally propose to her. And what better way to ask for her hand in marriage than in front of his fans? And on his home court, where he had won most of his Grand Slams? “Yes! Yes!” Everyone screamed. Kate also heard a familiar voice calling from behind. “Congratulations on getting my son-in-law!” While teary-eyed, she turned to find her mother and her father. Apparently, they were assigned to another set of seats, still at the very front. To her surprise, everyone in her family was present! Kyle, Kaleb, Gaby, Kenzie, and Andrew were there. Her nephews and niece were present too! Kate was shocked altogether that her mouth fell open. Tears evidently fell on her cheek, and when she returned her attention to Carlos, she was lost in the moment. The surrounding cries and the setting of the sun left her in a daze. Eventually, her senses returned to her, a
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Chapter 87: Man Of Her Dreams
“Oh, my god!” It was because Kate entered through the main entrance of the second stadium that she missed seeing the walking path a few meters from the female locker rooms. “It’s glowing out there.” Ethan chuckled and said, “It is, Very much, and the skies are cooperating tonight. Good thing.” “Are you happy, Kate?” Ethan asked. “I wasn’t so sure about this surprise wedding. I know you love Carlos, but I also know that you are my princess and you always like to be part of any celebration planning. You were spoiled, just like Kenzie.” Kate chuckled. While holding on to Ethan’s arm, she replied, “Dad.” Kate sucked in a breath. “To be honest, I don’t care. I love Carlos so much, any wedding will do. I am Kate Wright, an heir to your company, but I lost the man I loved for nine years. Now he is back. Should I still think about the glam?" "My dream wedding is to marry the right man, and that is Carlos." “Oh, don’t think so little of your wedding just yet. It definitely is glam. Only th
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Chapter 88: It Was Always You
All the guests stood up, teary-eyed. The couple's revelation awed many within the National Tennis Center Complex's tennis stadium. The hairs on their skins were up, sending butterflies in their stomachs. Samantha Wright had a hanky wiping the corners of her eyes, and the same could be said with Kenzie Wright. Everyone had their attention to the front where Kate had begun, giving her promise to The Devil. “Many years ago, you were within my grasp. You were my best friend and my constant companion. I never imagined I would lose you one day. So when you left to chase your dreams, my heart was broken. I blamed myself for your leaving. Honestly, I thought I had lost you forever,” Kate narrated. Since she did not have a prepared speech that day, she went with her gut and chose her words based on what she felt. “As you built yourself to become the next tennis superstar, I watched you on TV, partly wishing you’d return to my side. I cheered for you secretly and prayed for your every win.
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Chapter 89: Surprise Wedding Gift
Stepping down from the stage, Kate saw her family walking toward them. Samantha, for one, had her arms open, ready to embrace her official son-in-law. “Mom,” Carlos called. As he held Kate’s hand, he used his other hand to embrace Samantha. “I’m so happy. I am so happy,” Samantha claimed. She was hugging The Devil tightly, her hands caressing Carlos’ back. “You are officially my son, and I could not be happier.” “Thank you, mom. Thank you for loving me as your own,” Carlos responded. He could not help but smile, feeling the genuineness of Samantha’s words. “I am also elated to call you my mother-in-law.” On all the LED screens, everyone could see how the Wrights greeted Carlos. The cameras especially zoomed in on how Samantha cried and how she held Carlos’ face. Soon, everyone saw how Ethan also embraced Carlos. One by one, the men of the wrights gave Carlos a welcome hug. “Finally,” Kaleb said. “We’ve always been brothers, but now the world knows it. I’m stoked to have The Devil
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Chapter 90: Under The Setting Sun
“Wake up, my Kate. It’s time for some real honeymoon,” Carlos said while brushing his fingers through Kate’s hair. After they arrived on the island, the couple indulged in an early lunch before settling into their room. With the spectacular view of the ocean, the couple opted to have a quick swim at the lagoon before taking a bath together. The plan was to make love right after the shower, but after a long flight, Kate dozed off in her bathrobe, and Carlos did the same. “Kate?” Carlos called again. She fluttered her eyes open and smiled. She reminded him, “My island is so beautiful.” Carlos’ lips thinned into a smile. He answered, “Yes, it is.” “Why did you buy me an island and here in the Maldives?” Kate softly asked. “Because you always said that this was one of your favorite beach destinations,” Carlos answered. “And when I had the chance to visit this country after one of my tournaments, I understood why. It’s a paradise out here.” Kate smiled brightly and acknowledged,
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