All Chapters of [ENG] The Useless Duchess's Second Chance: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
168 Chapters
131. Wedding Day (Part 2)
As soon as Raoul and Ariana re-entered the palace hall, the two immediately got busy talking to the envoys sent to attend their wedding. For several hours, Ariana couldn't help but smile and greet them one by one. Now, Ariana understood why Raoul was so worried about her condition before the wedding. To deal with the incessant influx of guests, she did need to be in top health.“Aria.”Just as they finally had time to rest for a while, Raoul, who was originally focused on talking to the guests, immediately turned his attention back to Ariana. Raoul rubbed Ariana's face carefully before he whispered in a gloomy voice.“I must have pushed you too far. Rest, for now, Aria. Let me handle the guests from here on out.”Even though Ariana was sure she could still follow Raoul until the event was completely over, it was undeniable that Ariana did feel a little tired. Her heavy wedding dress had been weighing on Ariana since morning. And after the event, she still had to directly face the envo
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132. Wedding Night
Ariana scanned her new room with a complicated look. After she officially became queen, she still had to move to live in the royal palace. But the problem was, Ariana was already living in the queen's special room when she was with Emilio. Ariana thought she would only share the same room after marrying Raoul. But when Carla, who had come to the palace as her loyal servant, showed Ariana her new room, she finally realized that Raoul had arranged new rooms for the king as well as the queen in the main palace.Her new room was a far cry from the room Emilio had arranged for her back then. In her new room, Ariana could see that Raoul really cared about her comfort in her new place. Ariana didn't know since when Raoul discussed it with the people in her house. But right now, her room had been made as close as possible to Ariana's at the Alison residence.Even the things she likes are brought to her new home. Everything was arranged so carefully that Ariana couldn't help but feel that livi
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133. Goodbye
In between conscious and unconscious, Ariana felt her body submerged in comfortable water. Behind her, a figure with a strong body embraced Ariana and started rubbing her body in light motions. From his touch alone, Ariana could tell that the person who was hugging her was acting carefully so that Ariana wouldn't be disturbed in her sleep. Ariana subconsciously moaned softly because of the comfortable feeling that enveloped her entire body. Soaking in warm water after wrestling in bed is always the best.“Did I wake you up, Aria?”Ariana got goosebumps when she heard Raoul's low voice behind her ear. Currently, Ariana wasn't really awake from her sleep. The woman replied to Raoul's question with an incoherent mumble, then moved her body to find a safe position in Raoul's arms.Raoul could no longer hold back his chuckle as he watched Ariana unknowingly act spoiled and cute in front of him. Raoul's hand easily led Ariana to rest comfortably on his chest. The king's eyes looked so gentl
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134. Sick?
After Raoul forbade Ariana to do any activities after their first night, it took Ariana three days before she finally did her royal duties as a queen. Ariana accompanies Raoul to entertain the guests. Then after the guests began to return to their respective kingdoms, Ariana began to switch to other royal duties as well as her duties as the head of the Alison family.Even though Ariana started to look a lot more relaxed when she was with Raoul, Ariana still returned to being a determined and hardworking woman when she entered her study. In that place, even Raoul couldn't disturb Ariana. Whenever Ariana was in her work mode, Raoul could only watch his wife work without being able to do anything.But when work time was over, Raoul was allowed to do whatever he wanted with Ariana. Whether it was rolling in that bed or just letting go of each other's longing, Ariana never protested at all. Their lives went well together, until three months passed in the blink of an eye.After Ariana had o
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135. Pregnant
Ariana doesn't know what happened to her after she fainted so suddenly. The last thing she remembered was the sound of Carla's panicked screams, and Captain Allen's large arms immediately cradling her. Ariana slightly sighed when she realized that Raoul's bad prediction had come true this time. Raoul tried to keep her out, as the man felt that Ariana wasn't in top shape. Ariana tried not to think about it at the time. Yet, who knew … That she would actually end up fainting halfway when her group was about to return to the palace.When Ariana woke up again, she saw a familiar sight from the top of the bed she was currently using. As Ariana looked around, she finally realized that she seemed to have been taken to rest at her family residence, which was in Alison's territory. Even though Ariana's room in the royal palace had been made as close as possible to her bedroom in Alison's, some small details were still not the same, so Ariana immediately recognized where she was sleeping right
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136. Leisure Time
That night, both the Queen and the King of the Sigmund Kingdom were finally forced to stay at Alison's residence because Ariana's condition had been advised to not move to a far place for a while. Throughout the night, Raoul continued to hug Ariana in a comfortable position. After the two received the good news about Ariana's pregnancy, both of them no longer had any worries, so they fell asleep earlier than usual.However, Ariana could no longer find her husband when the woman woke up the next day. The bedsheet next to her was already cold, a sign that Raoul had been away for quite a while, while Ariana was still asleep. Ariana let out a small sigh after that. Ariana knew that due to her condition yesterday, Raoul seemed to have left a lot of work just so the king could come and accompany her in Alison's territory.Since Ariana couldn't find anyone in her room, the woman slowly started to get up to get some fresh air outside her room. Ariana's body has improved a lot after she rested
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137. New Love
After Ariana felt fine, she thought she could finally return to the royal palace and live with Raoul as usual. However, Raoul, who is traumatized by seeing Ariana faint due to the long journey, finally asks Ariana to extend her stay at Alison, at least until their child is born.Considering that Ariana also can't leave her duties as territory lord, living in Alison also means that Ariana doesn't have to travel anymore to solve the problems that exist in Alison. Ariana has nothing to lose with this arrangement. The only sad thing, maybe only that Raoul could only visit his wife every few days again.Fortunately, because Raoul knew he would have a child in a few months, his enthusiasm for work increased severalfold. Raoul, who initially could only come in the middle of the night and return early in the morning, slowly started to stay longer until he was sometimes able to take days off after finishing his work. Raoul usually used that time to spoil Ariana. The father-to-be was so passion
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138. Promise
“Oh, I see ….”While being hugged by Raoul from behind, Ariana, who had finished listening to Raoul's explanation finally found out what Marquis Curtis's answer was to her offer that time. Raoul recounted everything in detail to Ariana, from the beginning of Marquis Curtis's strange attitude to his most recent decision.Two weeks after Marquis Curtis spoke with Ariana, the man began to clear up all the unresolved problems in the Sigmund Kingdom, then began teaching his younger brother how to run the Alodie territory. The man acted as if he were going to die soon, and his actions made everyone worried about his condition.Then a month after his strange act, Marquis Curtis suddenly went to Raoul to ask to be allowed to become an envoy who would be sent to live in the Orvel Kingdom. Not only that, but Marquis Curtis also officially brought a letter of resignation as Prime Minister. Instead of just keeping his feelings under wraps, Marquis Curtis was now determined to pursue a happy endin
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139. I Will Be Fine
The atmosphere in the Alison family residence at night was always quiet without any disturbance. Almost all the lights have been turned off. And except for those assigned to watch the night in the residence, the others had fallen asleep once it was past midnight. Both Ariana and Raoul had also rested comfortably in the main bedroom. Raoul didn't change his position in hugging Ariana, and Ariana also leaned comfortably in Raoul's arms. Nothing has changed so far. But at one point, Ariana, who was originally sleeping soundly suddenly furrowed her brows and started to squirm uncomfortably.“Aria, is something wrong?”Even though Raoul was dreaming earlier, the man immediately woke up when he felt his wife's unusual movement. At first, Raoul, who had just opened his eyes thought that Aria might need something like usual. But when he heard the groaning sound and saw Ariana's face that was in pain, the sleepiness disappeared completely when he got up from his sleeping position.“Aria, what
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140. Two Princes
Although Ariana's life was almost at risk due to the sudden birth, the woman recovered easily under the care of her husband and those closest to her. Even if Ariana is still too weak to walk around or carry her child for too long, at least she can take care of her child while watching them sleep on the same bed she uses. The woman continued to smile as she watched her healthy children finally fall asleep after drinking their mother's milk. Her hand mischievously poked the cheek of one of her chubby children. Although both were born prematurely, Ariana is relieved that they both quickly gained a healthy weight after several weeks of careful care.As word that Ariana had given birth spread throughout the kingdom, gifts, and letters congratulating the birth of a new member of the royal family poured into Alison's palace and residence. Almost all nobles and important people wished they could see the little prince who had just been born. But thanks to Raoul's order announcing that Ariana c
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