All Chapters of MAFIA'S ANGEL: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
94 Chapters
chapter 60
ANGELINA POV:"Why didn't you let me die?"I stared at him with tears continuously flowing from my eyes. I didn't bother to wipe them off or anything. My head felt heavy and my eyelids were shutting on their own but I kept them open. I wanted to know why he didn't run himself and save his life."Why didn't you?" I whispered lowering my gaze."I couldn't leave you there. You were my patient and I couldn't leave you there to die," he answered."You could leave me there," I muttered."But I didn't."We both stayed silent, not uttering a word to each other. I didn't know what to say so I kept staring at my fingers and I guess he was waiting for me to ask something.My mind didn't wander off to all the things that had happened, nor did it think about the guy I fell in love with, in fact, it was blank. My thoughts were blank, and so was my heart. Empty, void of any emotions it could ever have experienced."Angelina?""Hmm?" I looked at Peter."You should rest. You have done lots of talking
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chapter 61
ANGELINA POV:The next day, we headed to the airport. I was still on my wheelchair so Peter had to do everything. As the plane started leaving the ground, I felt the familiar pit in my stomach the first time I had traveled. Memories of that day flooded my mind; my first flight was with Danzel. After knowing that it was my first time in the air, Danzel had distracted me by placing feather-like kisses all over my jaw and neck. A shiver rang through my body at the memory of his lips against my skin. Not wanting to cry anymore, I shook my head getting rid of his thoughts. I was now leaving this country, along with everything behind, the people, the haunting incidents, the happy memories, and the terrifying moments. I was not going to think about it or at least try to not think about it. I know it would be difficult but I didn't have any choice. I couldn't sit and cry over what had happened to me. And no matter how much my heart desired I wouldn't go back to the person who left me there in
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chapter 62
ANGELINA POV:"What?" I stared at him disbelievingly. He closed his eyes for a moment and then opened them again. Battling with words, he spoke with calmness in his voice,"Yes, I want you to go and see a therapist.""You think-you think, I am mad?" I said shifting away from him.He widened his eyes at my outburst and shook his head furiously."No-no, I don't- I would never! Angel, you are taking my words in the wrong way." He said."That's what you said, you told me to go see a therapist. You are implying that I am mentally unstable." I said blinking away the tears threatening to surface above.13"No, I am not saying that." He said moving closer and holding my hands and said, "You are having panic attacks, aren't you? And then nightmares are terrifying you day by day. You are always closed off. I understand if you don't want to speak to me but at least speak to someone who might help you get rid of them.""I don't want any help. I can manage it myself." I snapped."I know you can but
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chapter 63
Surprise, surprise! ;)I decided to get rid of a little sleep and write down one more chapter for all my amazing and lovely readers! At first, I thought about writing a small one but then one word led to another, and well, you know, here goes the update!ANGELINA POV:My eyes blurred off the people I was pushing and making my way through. I ran, not caring about the heels piercing my ankles, and the pain shot through them. My heart thumped loudly in my ears when my brain tried to assure me that it was my hallucination and not the real man. Some part of my conscious brain knew that the sudden stunt I had done back thereby stopping in the middle of the speech and running like a mad woman will surely end me in trouble but I couldn't care less. It was like the time when you see your death and your life both standing in front of you staring at you, looking at you in the eyes with the same intensity that'd make you die of suffocation and also fill your lungs with fresh air.I didn't know w
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chapter 64
ANGELINA POV:That evening I decided to go back to my apartment and forget about what happened or think about what was about to happen. Danzel hadn't returned in search of me since the fundraiser incident. Even though I was too scared to leave Peter's apartment and had myself house arrested, Peter said he didn't see Danzel anywhere. So then I decided to get back to my normal life, or maybe get back to the life I was pretending to live normally.The next day I went jogging alone because Peter had a date last night. He was moving on which was a good sign. After he had told me about his feelings for me, I was unsure about how to act in front of him anymore. It was the guilt I tried to suppress every time I looked at him and realize that no matter what he has done for me or no matter how grateful I am for that, I can never love him or anyone. I was never the morning jogging type of girl. I was always the one who'd love to sleep even when half of the world has already begun their day. I re
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chapter 65
Angelina's POV:"Why the fuck are you still wearing sweatpants?" Jo's said angrily and then pushed past me."Stop swearing, Jo." I sighed and closed the door."You aren't even fucking dressed!" She exclaimed ignoring my last sentence."It's fine, I will be ready in a minute," I said waving her off."You get naked in one minute. Getting ready requires a lot of time." She said walking into my bedroom.To be honest, I had totally forgotten about our plans. When I came home this afternoon, I sat by the window staring at nothing particular. My thoughts were revolving around what happened in the café. Danzel was all I could think about. I relished in the feeling of letting my heart beat in its own rhythm, letting my mind think whatever it wants to, letting my heart desire whoever it wants to. I was all by myself and no one was there to see me and so I didn't have to pretend to be okay and normal. Instead, I did the exact opposite of normal. I sat like an insane person in one position which
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chapter 66
DANZEL POV:Even though I quickened my steps to walk away from her cries, my ears still felt the faint sobs falling from her mouth. I wanted to walk away from her; if I don't then I might do something I'll possibly regret for the rest of my life.I spotted my car at the corner, the driver who was one of my men, was standing watching everything. I rushed across the street and he opened the door for me. Before getting inside, I turned around to see the beautiful girl of my dreams crying with another man in her arms.Another man.I brushed back the jealousy surfacing my mind and then turned to my driver and told him,"Take the car and drive the girl and Peter to the hospital. He is injured. And yes, tell him not to worry about the bills, it'll be taken care of.""Peter..? As in..?" he asked in disbelief."Yeah, the fucker lied and flew with my girl. I'll get back to him once he treats his bleeding ass." I grunted irritably and said, "Go now. And see to it that the girl reaches safely to
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chapter 67
ANGELINA POV:The entire ride to the hospital, I kept clutching Peter's head pressing the cloth tightly trying to avoid more blood flow. The man who came rushing to us offering a ride to the hospital seemed somewhat suspicious to me. But I brushed the thought away because right now Peter needed medical attention.He was immediately taken in when we reached the hospital. I stood there for a while and then remembered I had to fill in all the necessary documents. Walking down to the receptionist I asked her for the paperwork but she surprised me by saying that the man who rode us here had already filled in everything and also instructed me to inform him when the bills are made.I searched for the man and found him standing stiffly by his car, talking to somebody on his phone. If I didn't know any better, I'd say he looked like a bodyguard to me."Excuse me?" I stood behind him.He turned around at my voice and nodded. "Yes, Miss?""Thank you for helping us, for bringing my friend here," I
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chapter 68
DANZEL POV:"Did you pay all the bills and everything?" I asked Tom."Yes sir, I did." He said. "Miss Angelina was curious about the man behind this."I nodded. Of course, she would."Did you tell her?" I asked him over the phone."No sir!" he said through the speaker."Good," I said. "Don't tell her. If Peter still has his fucking brains, he'll figure it out!""Okay, Sir. Anything else?" he said over the phone."Keep a close watch on Angelina. I don't want her inviting trouble anymore." I said and hung up.I was sitting in her room where those words were sprawled on the walls.“I AM COMING FOR YOU ANGELINA”! It didn't take any brains to know who had written it. It was him, that fucking Ace. I knew it very well to be him. He managed to hide his fucking ass for a year from me and now he has the balls to come into my own mansion, attack Yara and threaten me.Oh, how I am going to love skinning him alive! I am going to shred him, inch by inch, and then bleed his fucking ass. Every single
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chapter 69
ANGELINA POV:People say that love can make you do stuff you'd never think of doing, it makes you search for stars and fall for mountains. Love makes you believe that there is beauty in the twinkling body above our heads when we watch them with our partners, that there is calmness in watching the waves kiss the shore. But there is a stronger emotion than love. It is guilt. Guilt can make you miserable; it can make you want to stop living. The feeling of guilt can kill people, it can kill relationships, and it can kill love. That was what I was feeling, guilt.I sat by my window, gazing outside the lonely night, watching the stars. My heart was heavy with many emotions, but there was one which I couldn't understand why. Guilt. I felt guilty, less embarrassed, but guilty. I felt guilty for kissing Peter and embarrassed for enjoying it. Yes, I was vulnerable. Yes, I knew about his feelings for me, but still, I couldn't stop myself. Why? Why did I kiss him?I sighed and closed my eyes, bri
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