All Chapters of The Almighty Dragon General: Chapter 6831 - Chapter 6840
7246 Chapters
Chapter 6831
Suddenly, Zemra erupted with a dazzling display of lights across the dark void instantly illuminating the surroundings.Chuba said resignedly, “The Qreiyll Sword God truly loves a good fight. Give it your all, James. It’s quite a great chance for you to have encountered, the same goes for us.”After speaking, he transformed into a streak of light and ascended into the sky.The two old men positioned themselves, one to the left and the other to the right. James reached for the two wine jugs on the table and instantly gulped them.Now, more than ever, he needed to test his skills against powerful opponents to gauge the full extent of his abilities after successfully integrating the Three Treasures.Zemra encouraged, “Let’s see what you’ve got, James.”James leaped into the void, distinct from the vibrant display of the elders. Unlike his opponent’s dazzling display of light, he stood still, like a motionless mountain. He seemed undisturbed, serene, and seemingly detached from the
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Chapter 6832
Confronted with James’ attacks, Zemra and Chub found themselves powerless to defend against it. Out of desperation, they transformed into colorful light rays and dodged in different directions.Moments later, explosions erupted in the space they had just left, violently shaking the Gate of Wonders. Lightning flashed, thunder roared, and the surrounding energies churned. Witnessing the terrifying spectacle, Chuba and Zemra exchanged a glance.“Is this the strength you obtain after integrating the Three Treasures? That’s insane.”“Impossible. His cultivation rank is much lower than ours. Even though he integrated the Three Treasures, we may still win.”After speaking, Zemra stretched out his hand and instantly summoned twelve clones, lining up with his main body.Chuba laughed, “Let us show you the strength of powerhouses that have killed countless beings at the Soma Daeclon Rank!”After speaking, he also summoned eleven clones that aligned with Zemra’s clones.The clones attack
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Chapter 6833
It was an intense showdown between the three. They were evenly matched, making it hard to decide on an outcome. Zemra shouted, “If you don’t attack, we might kill you.”Unlike Zemra, Chuba spoke using his actions. He transformed into a colorful light, immediately multiplied into a storm, and headed straight for James.James, besieged by their attacks, suddenly spread out his arms. Then, a giant lotus instantly engulfed the two formations.Booming explosions followed, causing the surroundings to shake. A destructive force emerged, and the cracks in the Gate of Wonders began to spread.Boom! Boom! Boom!Under another series of continuous earth-shattering explosions, countless multicolored light rays and Sword Lights shot out from the colossal lotus. Tremors continued to permeate the Gate of Wonders, causing destruction everywhere.The lotus suddenly bloomed, and the three could be seen within it. Strangely, they seemed to have been frozen in place. James’ palm was on Zemra’s for
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Chapter 6834
The next moment, the multicolored light rays and tens of thousands of divine swords had spread out in the Gate of Wonders. Amidst the rampant Innate Energies and mysterious powers, they pulled back hundreds of light orbs.“Here you go, James,” Chuba shouted, sending the light orbs into James’ body.After briefly being stunned, James was enveloped by numerous colored light orbs. Then, starting from his feet, his naked body was gradually transformed into his golden body.Then, his arms also changed into the Nether Demonic Sword and Judgment Scythe. James exclaimed, “My Ultimate Golden Body? It’s back?”Zemra’s divine swords also swept up dozens of light orbs, implanting them into James’Ultimate Golden Body.Soon, James suddenly felt his soul storage return, including everything inside them.“Master!”“Master!”The two sudden cris startled James.He looked up and saw a stunning woman and handsome man before him.Hemera and Fennec also seemed to have transformed after being bap
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Chapter 6835
Lesia was James’ second body and was supposedly inseparable. Even if the Yuraeceon Genesis Bell was destroyed, she could restore it.Fennec and Hemera had followed him into the Chaos Storm and reached the Yitro Daeclon Rank. He wondered why she had not come with him and if she had an unspeakable reason.Suddenly, James remembered Lesia had a mysterious background. He clasped his hands at Chuba and Zemra.“I have a question that I hope you can answer.”Zemra said smilingly, “I’m sure it’s more than just one question. Cut straight to the chase. We’ll answer before we perish.”After a brief pause, James inquired about Lesia’s identity.Naturally, James had to use Lesia’s real name, Frona.Chub and Zemra looked at each other in confusion after listening to James’ story.James pressed, “What’s wrong? Do you two not know much about her?”Zemra looked at James and replied, “We’re just surprised. Frona has been with you for so long, but you don’t even know who she is?”James shrugged
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Chapter 6836
James looked at them and suddenly stopped speaking.From their explanation, he learned that only the wife can truly eliminate Yehria. However, his wife was split into two, and could not be considered the Yin governor. How, then, could they trigger the Tai Chi Tribulation?He concluded it might be necessary to merge the two halves of Thea to defeat Tai Chi. Yet, he had a dilemma about whether Thea would still be his wife after that happened.As the thought crossed his mind, James used his Zen to check on Light Thea in his soul space.Previously, she was not in the right state of mind after suffering Yehria’s brutal torture. Now that she had endured the Chaos Storm’s Innate Energy, her injuries had healed, and her powers had increased drastically.He spotted her cultivating beneath the Calidum Spiritual Tree, bathed in a mysterious white light. It was a serene and beautiful sight.James reflected on their experiences together in the Timaeus Sect and remembered his statement—to win m
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Chapter 6837
“When Morgott wreaked havoc throughout Zymurgy, he ascended to the Forty-Ninth Heaven. Emperor Qadeer severely injured him in a hundred moves, allowing Taichu and Tirta the chance to seal him away by sacrificing themselves…”Zemra suddenly paused. Chuba fixed his eyes on James and said solemnly, “I must impart some final advice before our time is up.”“First, do not attempt to challenge the Five Path Emperors unless you have reached the Daeclon Mahayana. Though you’ve regulated the Three Treasures and gained immortality, it would not be wise to fight them.“Second, exercise caution against Yehria. If you’re uncertain about triggering the Tai Chi Tribulation, do not eliminate her. She isn’t your ultimate opponent.“Third, you’re capable of manipulating various energies, you still lack control over these skills. Try to engage more frequently in combat, challenge stronger opponents and improve your cultivation rank.“Forth, trust that Frona’s actions are for your own good and be mo
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Chapter 6838
In the Thirty-Third Heaven, just outside the Kronosia Realm, a burst of purple-golden appeared. Shortly after, a mysterious woman with an elegant silhouette appeared. Her appearance was concealed by a black veil.She observed a mass of swirling black-and-white air before her. After a while, she took a deep breath. “Gather.”As her command resounded, multiple beams of light flickered in the void, and several mysterious figures cloaked in black assembled behind her.They discarded their cloaks one by one and unveiled their true identities. Had James been there, he would have been furious.These were the powerhouses whom James had once liberated from the Great Historial Land to serve as guardians over the Sky Bridge and the Genesis Worlds.Among them stood prominent figures such as Toviyyah from the Toviyyah Temple, Zoltan from the Zazen Temple, Ysanne from the Dynastia Temple, and Neville from the Haurvatat Temple.Influenced by Adina, they had chosen to betray James and side wit
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Chapter 6839
Among them were Rebella, Xatia, Xatia, Adair, and Xezal, all of whom were exceptional beauties.Zoltan gave a cold snort and remarked sarcastically, “You sure know how to enjoy. Were you on a mission to capture hostages or mistresses?”Neville chuckled and replied, “Though these girls are somewhat weaker in their cultivation rank, they can still serve as my cultivation partners. I intend to enjoy each of their company well. It’s better than nothing, right?”He turned to Zoltan and said, “If you’re interested, I could exchange them all for your sister.”Provoked, Zoltan roared, “You—”Adina could not bear it any longer and interjected, “Enough! What about the others? Will you hand over the hostages or not?”Confronted by Adina’s threats, the group reluctantly surrendered the hostages they had in their spatial storage.Truett, Xitlaly, Lyla, Perthacus, and Yegor, who were close friends with James and a few other powerhouses at the Daeclon Rank, appeared in sight. The group consis
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Chapter 6840
A malevolent, beguiling laughter erupted from the void. “I’ve been eagerly anticipating your arrival. Since you seem keen on courting death, I’ll fulfill your wish.”In an instant, lightning streaked, and thunder boomed directly above the group. A terrifying hiss echoed from every direction, instilling a deep sense of dread and oppression.Suddenly, countless malevolent purple-red light beams descended, swiftly engulfing the area.Simultaneously, thick clusters of purple-red lightning, intertwined with vengeful spirits, crashed down, enveloping Adina and all the individuals who had turned against James.The group exuding arrogance a few moments ago frantically scrambled in different directions and cast their Supernatural Powers in a desperate attempt to defend themselves.Seizing the moment, hundreds of sinister purple-red light beams shot from the void, lifting the captives who had been taken and sealed. One by one, they rose into the sky and were brought away from the turmoil be
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