All Chapters of The Billionaire's Oasis : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
72 Chapters
"I'm done!" Greyson cried out, breaking the stillness hovering in the air. When we got tired of kite flying, Garren told us to rest first. Then he brought out coloring materials and three small canvases. He gave them to Greyson and me and told us to paint something. But here's the catch, he asked us to blindfoldedly choose a piece of paper on which each of our names was written. And we have to give our artwork to the person we picked. I prayed not to pick out Garren because I didn't want him to poke fun at my artwork. This is one of my fatal weaknesses. Gladly, the deities heard my prayer, and I picked Greyson's name instead. Although I'm not really proficient in this field, of course I still exerted an effort. I momentarily forget that I'm with these two and focused all my attention on drawing a rose with a backdrop of a sunrise. "I'm done too." I got hustled when Garren announced that. I'm the only one who's not done. It calmed my nerves. I picked up the pastel blue colo
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Garren awakened me when we reached the mansion. I accompanied Greyson to his room and told him to take a bath. I did the same thing and felt relieved when I finally got to take off my damp dress and change into comfy clothes. The night went well. I wasn't at all surprised when Cynthia barged into my room and bombarded me with a bunch of questions about our day. I knew she wouldn't stop nettling me, so I narrated everything. She was grinning like a mad hatter the whole time I was telling the story. But I just ignored her insanity. When morning came, the repetitive sound coming from my alarm woke me up from my slumber. I yawned and pulled myself up. However, a curse fell from my lips as an excruciating pain shot through my head. I can also feel my body burning. I breathed deeply and attempted to stand up, but I ended up falling back to bed. I sneezed, feeling a bit dizzy while rubbing my runny nose. There's also this irritating obstruction in the back of my throat. Damn it. I
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"Are you sure you're okay?" I laughed at Greyson's question. He's been asking me that from the moment he woke up until now that we're about to go to school. "I swear, I'm in good shape now." Fortunately, this morning, I felt better and my headache was gone. I still have a runny nose and cough, but it's bearable. I just wore a mask so Greyson won't get infected. "Just focus on your final exam, alright?" I ruffled his hair. Today is the start of their exam week, which means that their recognition day is approaching. I'm pretty sure that this kid will bag a lot of awards. Greyson has been busy for the past few days reviewing in preparation for their finals. I seriously admire his passion to learn. "Now I become nervous again," he grumbled. I chortled. "Don't be. I know you will ace that exam." He nodded. "Fine. But you're really okay?" I tousled his hair. "You're so stubborn. I'm alright, and it's all thanks to you!" Yesterday, when he arrived home, he came to my room and to
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The day that Greyson has been waiting for has finally come- his recognition day. The entire mansion is in chaos in preparation for this day. Cynthia told me that this is the first time this has happened because last year when he graduated preschool, his father only gave me a present. But he wants to make a difference today. Hence, all the maids are busy in the kitchen. And after we leave, they will also put up some banners and balloons to surprise Greyson. You read that right, "we." Greyson insisted that I should come with them. "But I want you to be there too. You helped me a lot in my studies and cheered me up whenever I felt discouraged." That's what he told me when I tried to decline because I thought it'd be weird if me, who's merely his nanny, would come with him. His father is there, so I find my presence unnecessary. But when he said those words, my decision changed right away. I was flustered, needless to say. Hearing that from him gave me a sense of gratification.
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"Why is the mansion silent?" That was the first question that Greyson asked when we arrived home. We exchanged knowing glances. I saw Garren using his phone a while ago. He must have already notified them about our arrival. "They're probably resting," Xavier answered. The child pouted. He's possibly thinking that the others won't be celebrating with him today. Garren stepped forward and slightly opened the door. He turned to his son and smiled. "Go on, buddy." The latter frowned, but he didn't say anything and just entered the house. "Congratulations!" Greyson was startled as all the maids, led by Claudette, surprised him with a huge congratulatory banner and balloons. He hasn't recovered from that when someone emerged from behind them carrying a cake. The smile on my face dropped, but I quickly put it back because I don't want to spoil the fun and cast a shadow over this celebration. "I'm so proud of you, moonpie! Top of your class. You're without a doubt my grandson,"
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Silence hovered between us for a couple of seconds. Nothing could be heard but the silent whisper of the night breeze and the crickets. "Doing what?" Garren asked, breaking the stillness at last. I raised the bracelet he gave. "This. Why are you doing this-" "Didn't I tell you the reasons? It was a token of appreciation. I didn't know you could be this-" "I'm not merely talking about this bracelet, sir." For the first time, I found the courage to cut him off, knowing how much he loathes that. "You're confusing me." I don't know if what I'm doing is right or if I'm digging my own grave. But I can no longer bottle these up. "Everything about you confuses me." His eyes widened a fraction. I know he's as anxious as I am. "Do you seriously think that I didn't notice you'd changed after that day that you brought us to the amusement park? Well, I do. And until now, I still don't know the reason why." I looked at him straight in the eyes. "I didn't confront you because I didn
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"This is Earth, Cleo." I was pulled back to reality when Erick snapped a finger right in front of my face. I threw him a questioning look. "H-Huh?" He crinkled his nose. "I'm talking here but it seems like I'm with a ghost. Did you call me just to watch you space out?" Guilt struck me. "I'm sorry." This morning, I messaged Erick and asked him if he was free and if he's up to go out. Aside from the fact that this is my way to fulfill my promise to him... I have to take a pause and breathe. And obviously, staying in that house won't give me peace of mind. With what happened last night, I don't think I'll ever keep my heart and mind at bay anymore. Everything is still etched in my mind. The peculiar emotions in Garren's eyes that seemed to stare at the deepest part of my soul. His calloused hands that fondled my skin. The way he held me was as if I were frail glass that he didn't want to break. And those three words... Who would have thought that they could cause pandemonium in my
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"What are you guys doing?" My body froze when I heard Greyson's voice. I turned to the side and saw him eyeing the two of us with utter bewilderment. With all my strength, I pushed Garren away. I felt like a huge boulder had been lifted off of my chest after that. "W-We..." I coughed and pinched my arm to calm my raving nerves. "Your d-dad and I-" "We were talking, buddy. I was asking Cleo about something." I'm glad Garren spoke up. It's the least that he could do for putting me in this situation. But Greyson doesn't seem like he bought his father's excuse. With a doubtful voice, he said, "Really? As far as I know, you don't have to be THAT close when talking to someone." I held my breath. Right. How stupid of me to think that this kid would fall for such a lie. He's not that gullible. The corner of Greyson's lips tugged upward all of a sudden. "Were you guys kissing?" My face has never turned red like an overripe tomato until now. I glared in Garren's direction, and
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From that day, I always feel like I'm in deep water. The air between Garren and me became more asphyxiating. I might be the only one who thinks like that because he's still the same... minus the fact that he always does something that knocks me for six. There's no morning that I don't find flowers in my doorway. Lilies, roses, chrysanthemums, lilacs—you name it, Garren has already given it to me. My room looks like a garden now. But it's not just the mere reason why I've been feeling like a cat walking on a hot tin roof for the past three days. All the stolen gazes, the way he smiles and speaks to me, the way he treats me... everything that he does never fails to catch me off guard. Needless to say, it has occurred to me numerous times to make him stop. He's my boss and I'm his employee. Our relationship should be nothing more than that. I don't know what card this universe played to get us here. But every time I think of doing that, there's this inexplicable feeling that stirs
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The day that Greyson has been waiting for has finally come- his recognition day. The entire mansion is in chaos in preparation for this day. Cynthia told me that this is the first time this has happened because last year when he graduated preschool, his father only gave me an expensive present. But he wants to make a difference today. Hence, all the maids are busy in the kitchen. And after we leave, they will also redesign the house and put up some banners and balloons to surprise Greyson. You read that right, "we." Greyson insisted that I should come with them. "But I want you to be there too. You helped me a lot in my studies and cheered me up whenever I felt discouraged." That's what he told me when I tried to decline because I thought it'd be weird if me, who's merely his nanny, would come with him for this special day. His father is there, so I find my presence really unnecessary. But when he said those words, my decision changed right away. I was flustered, needless to
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