All Chapters of How Our Paths Crossed : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
66 Chapters
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Dai's POVMy partner at the company sent me a surprise message early this morning to inform me of his return back to work. The old man can't take a vacation seriously and I'm surprised he even agreed to go on that vacation.Looking at how unhappy he became after the passing of his beloved wife really shattered me, I didn't see the man who was always happy and cheerful anymore. It's like that part of him died along with his wife. Aunt Talia was a very lovely woman who always spread joy where ever she goes.It's a pity she died from cancer regardless of her husband's efforts to save her with the best treatments and specialist here in Japan and Korea. The company's COO (Chief Operating Officer) Mr. Shelman who is also my partner's closest friend looked very pleased when I told my partner to take a short vacation from work.The man doesn't seem honest to me but my partner trust him alot cause he followed him from America to start a fresh. He wasn't even present during the startup of our co
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Chapter Thirty
Trump's POVSpending time with these young men made me travel back in time with my deceased bestfriend Samuel. We had made plans after high school to establish our own business once we knew what we wanted to major in at college.We were so young and ambitious, full of dreams and hope for a better life. We were both orphans raised in foster care home until we hit 18years old since we never got adopted. We automatically became brothers and studied at thesame public school.It was just two days after our highschool graduation when we had found a little place to rent so we could move out of the foster home and something devastating happened. We were done packing up our little belongings when Samuel passed out, I called the paramedics who rushed him to the hospital but he still gave up. He was diagnosed with a heart condition which no one at the foster home knew about. I was so devastated, my only family, brother and friend was no more.Leaving me behind, was heartbreaking but I had to forg
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Chapter Thirty-One
Dahlia's POVThe week seems to go so slow with Dai and I working side by side, I also got word from Susan that Dai's partner had returned from his trip and will be resuming work today. We'll have a meeting by 3pm to welcome him back and for the newly recruit(me) to meet him.It's only Tuesday but I feel like it's been 2months of sexual torture with Dai by my side. He isn't even making things easy for me. He tricked me yesterday into going to a date with him thinking we were attending a business dinner.My resistance is as thin as a thread and I'm afraid I could give into his temptations. Drowning myself in a project Dai and I are working on, I didn't realize when his secretary had walked into the office without knocking.The Lady is annoying my peace of mind with how she thinks she can waltz in here when ever Dai isn't around like she owns the building."I came to drop these files off for Mr. Japana and don't forget about today's meeting " she says and walks out.I check my phone and
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Chapter Thirty-Two
Dai's POVThis woman will be the death of me one day, I can't seem to think straight anymore when she's around me. I almost questioned my partner why he wanted to see her. I wonder how they know each other.I've been standing by the door thinking to myself when I suddenly hear Lia's heels click on the floor, I grab her by the waist as she steps into the office and spoon her to face me while she has this surprise look on her face."give me a chance Lia, please" Tracing my hand over her stomach and up her back which earns a low moan from her lips. "I... I.... you know we can't do this, it can't work between us" she says looking past me like she's trying to avoid eye contact. Ignoring her feelings for me just because she thinks we're not going to work. Why give up on something that hasn't even started.I release my hold on her waist stepping to the side, "I'm not going to force myself on you cuz I want you to come to me own your own. And I know you will" staring straight into her eyes fo
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Chapter Thirty-Three
Dahlia's POVDai hasn't been to work since our last encounter, he only works from home due to the flu he caught. I've been calling him since his secretary informed me of his flu but my calls keep going to voicemail. I think he's ignoring my calls cuz today is Friday and he didn't come to work and I overheard his secretary talking to him on the phone.He also instructed that I channel any information regarding the projects we were working on through his secretary. Yes, I feel something strong towards Mr. Japana but, I can't give in to his demands cuz there's a lot on the line like my Job and my reputation.My girls have been supportive over my feelings for my Boss and Sara advises that I follow my heart which confuses me more. I won't deny that I've had my moments of weakness urging me to accept Dai's proposal to court me but I stand by my principles.Mr. Trump called yesterday to know how I was holding up with working at the company and to know if the work load is easy to handle with
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Chapter Thirty-Four
Dahlia's POVTrue to his words, Mr. Trump's driver picked me up at 5:30pm and we arrived 5 minutes before 6pm. Walking into the Restaurant I greet and inform the receptionist that I'm meeting Mr. trump to which she calls a guy dressed in a white shirt and black trousers to lead me inside the restaurant.I first spot Mr. Japana sitting at a table with Mr. Trump to my surprise, I wasn't expecting to see him here but I think it's normal since he's going to spearhead the project."Good evening Gentlemen" I greet them immediately I arrive the table and Dai stands up, pulling a chair out for me like a gentleman."Miss Harrison thank you for sparing us some of your time to attend this meeting" Mr. Trump addresses me but I notice Dai staring at me but I can't read his expression."Anything for the success and continuous growth of the company Sir. Mr Japana I'm glad you are well and the flu is gone" I can see guilt on his face, since he has been ignoring my calls."I'm great, thank you. Let's
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Chapter Thirty-Five
Dai's POVPretending to be all professional with Lia is taking up a lot of my energy, She looks so beautiful and she seems surprised with everything. I noticed how she stares at the plane's interior and how stiff she was through the entire flight.She slept off without even knowing and she looks so cute when she's sleeping. I had my laptop open reviewing the contract for the client to sign after we present all the drafts for the website and mobile application. I really hope he doesn't make things difficult for us so this trip could end sooner.I had anticipated this trip to be for a week when I didn't know I was going to be traveling with Lia, but all my plans to avoid her went down the drain because of Mr. Trump. Staying in Paris for a week with Lia will do more damage to my heart because of my feelings for her knowing she doesn't want what I want.We'll be meeting the client at the headquarters of his stores so we can learn about the layout, products and the services they offer befo
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Chapter Thirty-Six
Dahlia's POVMr. Laurel is such a fine and romantic man, I'll say I thought he was hitting on me earlier at the boutique but later while we were at the factory looking at the things produced there, he took me to one side of the Factory to show me a particular clothing brand which is sewn by 500+ seamstresses.He told me the designs were all made from scratch by his designer girlfriend who had to attend a 4 days conference in London. He spoke with so much adoration and love for his Lady, she's so lucky to have a man like him. He also told me he plans to propose to her this week.He wants me to accompany him to the jeweller tomorrow to pick an engagement ring design for the proposal this Sunday. He plans to invite Dai and I to witness his love story since we're going to be working together in the future.Dai seems so off, like he isn't happy to be here. I shouldn't be too quick to judge but he's using his serious bossy look since we arrived Paris. Like he wants the client to sign the co
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Chapter Thirty-Seven
Dai's POVThe contract signing isn't my main problem with this Business trip but the fact that the woman who drives me crazy is being so sweet and cozy with another man. Mr. Laurel seems to be a ladies man and he's got a gift of complimenting women excellently plus being a very sweet talker.Mr. Trump didn't tell me he was a young man in his mid thirties and a Ladies man at that, Lia seemed so comfortable with him all day, they kept chatting at the factory like long lost lovers and worst he wants to take her to see the Eiffel tower. It was the last thread holding my anger, I couldn't believe Lia had gotten so close to the client and decided to accept his invitation to go out. I feel a little guilty for all the things I told Lia yesterday, I admit part of my anger was steamed by the alcohol I drank. I feel like cancelling the contract but this won't be good for our company's image and my partner will be disappointed.As I take a bath my mind drifts off to the incident between Lia and I
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Chapter Thirty-Eight
Dai's POVI've been here since 11am and no sign of Mr. Laurel or Lia. He said they were going to meet me at the factory at 12pm but it's 1pm already. How long does it take to see the Eiffel tower, considering the fact that Lia left early this morning.I'm busy on my phone when I notice someone standing Infront of me in flats, holding out a paper bag Infront of me. Following the owner of the shoes up to their face shocks me as I see Lia holding out a paper bag to me and she's not alone. Hana Yamamoto is standing behind her watching us.What is going on here? why is Lia not angry with me? and what is her friend doing in Paris?. "Hello Mr. Japana, nice seeing you in Paris" Hana says smiling with a hint of sarcasm, almost like she's got an issue with me. Maybe Lia told her about what transpired between us."Miss Yamamoto, a pleasure seeing you here" I put on my best captivating smile. Being friends with her brothers has taught me not to joke around Hana."Catching up with my bestie since s
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