All Chapters of The Mafia's Songbird: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
101 Chapters
Chapter 31: Anger and Fear
Angry was the last word Vin would use to describe how he felt. He was enraged. He was so royally pissed that one could see it in the way he gripped the steering wheel until his knuckles turned white. It was in the way the muscle in his jaw ticked alarmingly. His body buzzed with energy, with aggression that he needed to get out. You don’t mess with the Baros family and get away with it scot-free, but Reich was about to, for the second time. That wasn’t something Vin would take lying down. On top of that, Callie had disobeyed him. How hard was it to stay inside the car? And how hard was it to drive off at the first sign of danger? He needed to drill her in self-defense as soon as possible. “Where are we going?” “I didn’t say you could speak, Callie.” In his peripheral, Vin saw the singer visibly stiffen at the sharpness of his tone. Even more frustrated with her fear response, he floored the accelerator. Fear was not an emotion he wanted from Callie, at least not fear of him, he re
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Chapter 32: Thank you, Master
“Callie!” She jumped at the sound of her name that thundered from Vin’s lips. What happened to low-key? Without taking her hand off the counter, she turned around to face the crime lord. She had seen Vin angry before, but he’d never raised his voice at her, not like this. With his hands fisted in anger, Vin stepped into Callie’s space, crowding her into the marble countertop, ignoring her little protests. “I left you alone for five minutes!” he raged, fuming. He grabbed the tumbler from her hand and slammed it down on the countertop with a horrifying crack. “Don’t drink this shit.” But Callie smirked, her body buzzing with false warmth from the alcohol. “I wouldn’t call it shit. The stuff was pretty good.” Vin let out a groan of frustration. He wanted to wring Callie’s neck for her disobedience, but seeing her half-lidded eyes made him want to wrap his hands around her neck for a completely different reason. “How many did you take?” he asked, nodding towards the bottle of white
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Chapter 33: Abandon
Beautiful. That was the only word Vin could come up with right now to describe Callie. He had only known her for a couple of weeks, but Callie had wormed her way into his life without effort. She intrigued him, and like a starved man, he wanted to know everything about him. He wanted to solve the mystery that was Callie Moore. As he carried her up the steps to the bedroom, and even as he cleaned her up, his mind was filled with this beautiful woman. In a hushed voice, he left Z a voice message to come and meet him in the safe house as soon as he could. “Keep the men close, Reich may be around, still.” Vin stayed with Callie, quietly staring at her sleeping form until his phone vibrated with a message from Z telling him he was downstairs. With one last glance at Callie, Vin reluctantly left the room to talk to his man. When Callie woke up, it was to an empty bed but a delicious soreness between her thighs. He must have carried her from the living room. A blush crept up and colored
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Chapter 34: Climb on, Angel
“God, you feel like heaven.” Callie smirked, preening at the praise. She had always loved it when her partner was vocal, she needed to hear how good she was doing. Call it a praise kink or whatever, Callie thrived with it. She rode him slow and deep, wanting to feel him, to feel every inch of his cock buried inside her. “Fuck, your cock is amazing.” Snickering, Vin’s eyes popped open. “Can you come just like that? From my cock and nothing else.” Callie hummed, knowing she could, and was close to falling over the edge. “The question is can I make you come from my pussy and nothing else?” “Fuck, songbird. You don’t know what you do to me.” Sitting up, Vin reached for her neck to pull her in for a kiss, but Callie stopped him with a finger poised gracefully on his chest, before shaking her head. “I have a pretty good idea,” she countered. Sinking fully down on his erection, Callie leaned back before resting her hands behind her on Vin’s thighs. The angle was just perfect. She has
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Chapter 35: Out of Time
They were running away from armed men, but Vin’s mind was filled with the way Callie was clutching onto him. He was surrounded by her scent, and he had to mentally scold himself for even thinking of taking her there on the forest floor. Callie was incredibly light, but he knew they wouldn’t get far on foot. He needed to find a vehicle for them as soon as possible. Thankfully, Vin knew this forest, and he knew that about a mile from where they were was a diner that bikers frequented. “You can let me down, I can walk,” Callie muttered under her breath, embarrassed and shy about her position. But Vin merely hoisted her up higher onto his back as he continued on the path. “You’re not walking on that foot. Stay still.” Callie knew to shut up then. She didn’t understand what the hell was going on, but she wasn’t stupid enough to believe that Vin wouldn’t take his frustrations out on her if she said the wrong thing. Just as he’d thought, the diner came into view a few minutes later. He
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Chapter 36: Banged Up
Sensory overload was something Vin dealt with on the daily, but that was nothing compared to what he was going through now. Vin couldn’t filter the noise anymore. At his side, Callie flinched and screamed with every bullet that hit the old metal of their borrowed truck. Outside, enemies yelled and fired their guns at them. Engines roared over the scratch of tires against the loose gravel, and each sound grated at Vin’s senses. He couldn’t think, and to top it all off, his thigh had started to hurt. Just his fucking luck. Then, as if the gods were really against him, one son of a bitch got lucky and blew out their back tire. The car spun out of control, skidding across the dirt road, faster and faster until Vin managed to turn the car to the right. “Hang on!” he yelled over the noise right before they hit the trunk of a massive tree. Callie moaned, her head pounding, and her ears ringing. The last thing she remembered was the gunshots, the car spinning out of control, and Vin, shie
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Chapter 37: Disgusted
Just when Callie thought her horrors for the day were over, she couldn’t be more wrong. Not fifteen minutes from when Raleigh had her seated and strapped into the backseat of his car, Callie found herself witnessing an interrogation. No, not an interrogation, a torture session. She had asked—begged—over and over for them to stop, but no one listened to her. Even Vin was indifferent. He sat in an old metal chair across from Cullen Reich, who was tied to one. Blood caked on his fingers where nails used to sit, fingernails that Z so mercilessly pulled using some ancient-looking contraption. By fingernail number three, Callie’s throat was sore, and it hurt just to speak. She couldn’t bear to watch someone be tortured for the heck of it. Vin wasn’t even asking questions! Cullen gave away where he was keeping those he kidnapped before the torture started. His men had just started to beat him up without prompt. But Callie learned quickly that closing her eyes only made the torture worse.
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Chapter 38: You're safe now
Nightmares of explosions and gunfire riddled Callie’s sleep. Nightmares that left her twisting and turning, jolted her awake when she felt her body being carried off somewhere. Her eyes fluttered open to see bright white lights, reminiscent of those in hospital emergency rooms, and Vin’s soot and blood-covered face. “Where are we?” she asked, barely getting the words past her sore, dry throat. “Infirmary.” Vin barely spared her a glance, but she felt him tighten his hold on her. Disoriented and confused, Callie was placed on top of a hospital bed. The cushion itself was a bit hard, but her body thanked her all the same. “How are you feeling?” Vin spoke after a while. His blue eyes stared into her brown ones, searching for any warning signs. Callie noted how tense he was. The surrounding air seemed to buzz, and she could tell that he was conflicted about being here with her. She understood, then, that he lost to Cullen Reich tonight. And she knew that Vin would stop at nothing unt
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Chapter 39: Promise
“You’re safe now.” Callie repeated the phrase over and over as she held her friend close. But as she did, Callie realized she was muttering the phrase to herself as well, like a mantra, to convince herself that she wasn’t in danger anymore. What happened back at the warehouse would haunt Callie forever. She had an idea of how cruel these mafia families could be, but seeing it first-hand was a different thing entirely. Especially because it was Vin who had tortured him. Vin who had caressed her skin reverently was also capable of such horrible actions. “What about you?” she heard Sienna mutter after a while. Ella continued her examination and proceeded to treat her minor wounds. “What about me?” Sienna threw her an accusing stare. “What happened to you? Who are these people? No offense,” she added, to which Ella snickered. “They’re uh…” Callie began, glancing nervously between Ella and Raleigh, who was leaning on the door frame, watching everything unfold. “They’re the Baros mafia
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Chapter 40: So Much More
The nightmares were all too familiar. The shivering, the crying… this was nothing new, and she was used to it. She would wake up, usually with an anxiety attack that she would calm by singing or humming to herself. But tonight, when Callie woke up in a crying fit, she wasn’t alone. In the darkness, strong arms caged her, holding her flush against a muscular chest that echoed her racing heartbeat. They didn’t talk. He didn’t ask her to explain herself. He simply held her, and that was enough. When Callie could breathe again, she would hold Vin closer, and start humming. It didn’t matter what song it was, or if Vin recognized it, they both returned to sleep as sweet melodies filled the cold night air. But when Callie woke, Vin wasn’t there. Day after day, she would reach over to his side of the bed, only to find it cold and empty. At first, she wondered if she dreamt it all, but deep inside, she knew that Vin was there for her. She felt his warmth as he held her, and she believed it
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