All Chapters of The Mafia's Songbird: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
101 Chapters
Chapter 71: Invitation
It had been a week since they saw their first musical play together, and Callie could not be more satisfied. Their hotel suite was booked until Vin decided otherwise, and it left them plenty of options to go about their time.After thoroughly enjoying their first show, Vin booked tickets for another play which Callie greatly appreciated and thanked him for.It was a simple matter to Vin. To drive either short or long distances, to spend hundreds of dollars on tickets, or to pay for a ridiculously expensive hotel room, was nothing. Nothing compared to the way Callie’s face lit up every time he surprised her with a gift.“What do you want to do today?” he asked Callie as they lay on the king-sized bed, a tangle of limbs.Callie hummed, feeling her stomach growling subtly at the mention of any activity.“Is this what a honeymoon feels like?” she thought to herself.Basking in each other’s presence, being grateful that the other existed, and feeling loved. She could want for nothing more.
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Chapter 72: Ours
Vin’s car hummed to a stop as he pulled up to the valet parking at one of the grandest hotels Callie had ever seen in her life.The venue for tonight’s dinner was a ballroom, with a whimsical theme to celebrate the couple’s youthful love despite the hardships through the years. Soft lights bled out of the open doorway, giving them a hint of what to expect inside.“Are you sure you want to go inside now? It’s not too late to turn back and head up to our room,” asked Vin as his hand slipped from the gear shift to reach for Callie. His fingers sank into the soft material of the Selkie long gown that Callie wore until he could feel the softness of her thigh. “If you know what I mean.”And she did know what he meant, but as tempting as staying in and letting Vin ravish her was, Callie wanted to leave a good first impression with Vin’s parents.His whole family already thought she was a whore, she didn’t need to solidify those beliefs by fucking around with their son in a hotel room that th
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Chapter 73: Disrespect
Though unexpected, Callie blended well with the company of women. Unlike her first soiree with the Baroses, this group of women, led by Millicent, made Callie feel welcome; included, almost as if she were a part of the family.Although Wyatt and Millie weren’t part of the Baroses, they carried themselves with the same air as those in the mafia, the only difference was, they were friendly and Callie felt easy around this group.“I have to admit, I never imagined Vin settling down. Not in this lifetime that is,” someone commented while the rest of the group giggled behind poised fingers.That was another thing that she learned from being in their company. As pleasant as they were to be around, Callie caught on early that some were also masters at hiding their true intentions. Older women usually were.“Look at him, he’s smitten!”The comment urged Callie to twist her neck toward Vin’s direction. She caught his eye immediately, and the blush crept up her neck before she could even proces
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Chapter 74: Passing Down
“I understand, thank you.”Vin could not help the slight tremble in his voice as he spoke to one of his nephew’s caretakers.The crime lord made certain that the boy would want for nothing. He paid the board handsomely to ensure that his nephew’s accommodations would be nothing short of what royalty would enjoy, but it seems it was not enough.“Bullying, huh?” he muttered to himself as he dialed the school to confirm the reports and schedule a visit as soon as possible. “This is all my fault.”Quite frankly, he hadn’t expected things to have escalated this far. While most of the bullying was about the boy being an orphan, the reports revealed that Vin’s absence played a big role as well.There was no one there for his nephew. He lived with a nanny who took care of him, but there was no one to attend parent-teacher meetings, no one to drop him off or pick him up from school, and no one to play with. The boy was almost completely alone.But wasn’t that what he wanted? Vin wanted the boy
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Chapter 75: Infinity
It was in the wee hours of the morning when Callie and Vin finally made it back to their hotel room. It was a surprise to both of them, however, that Callie would end up being carried on Vin’s back at the end of the night.“You didn’t have to carry me all the way back,” Callie grumbled under her breath, wrapping her arms tighter around Vin’s neck.“I couldn’t take your complaining anymore,” Vin replied teasingly, chuckling at the cute noises Callie was making. He could only imagine how adorable she looked with her expression of outrage.“I was not!” She hit Vin lightly on his back with a small fist, giggling as he also shook with laughter. Their door beeped closed but Vin still didn’t set Callie down. “Besides, it was your idea to take the long way back to the hotel.”“You agreed,” he teased.“I didn’t know it would take us an hour to walk!” she whined. “And my feet started to hurt.”Vin chuckled, imagining what Callie must look like whining, with a cute pout on her lips.“You can sto
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Chapter 76: Aunt Jane
“Satisfied?”Callie merely hummed in response to Vin’s question. She was lounging on one of the sunbeds, eyes closed, and energy drained, while Vin enjoyed swimming in the pool. She didn’t need to open her eyes to know how smug Vin looked right now.He made her come three times before finally releasing her. If you asked her, she deserved to take a nap.“What time is it?” she absentmindedly asked when she felt her stomach grumble.“I’m assuming it’s past lunchtime,” came Vin’s reply. “Why don’t you get dressed, we’ll have our meal at the hotel restaurant.”Finally opening her eyes, lips downturned into a cute pout, Callie glanced over at Vin who was toweling himself dry.“You’re not coming?”Vin had to bite his lip to stop himself from smiling too wide. He didn’t know exactly when it started but Callie was being more and more clingy and like a simp, he loved every single moment of it. It felt nice to know he wasn’t the only one who wanted to be around her all the time.He clicked his t
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Chapter 77: It Doesn't Mean Anything
Callie enjoyed her bath, taking her time to relax in the bubbles before she heard the bathroom door slide open.“Vin, is that you?” she called out, her voice lazy and hushed.“Who else could it be?” he replied softly. Stepping into her space, Vin knelt on the tiled floor, before sliding his hand into hers. “It’s time to wash up now, Songbird. Or we’ll be late for the ceremony.”Callie hummed, smiling at the crime lord. If they had time, she would have offered him to join her. “Help me up?”After helping Callie clean and dry herself, Vin left her alone for a minute to retrieve something from their bedroom.“What is that?” Callie asked when Vin approached her with a smirk, concealing a small item in his hand. “You’re acting weird, what’s going on?” But she couldn’t help the giggle that left her lips.“This little thing?” Vin replied, finally holding the item up. “This is a little gift for you, Songbird, something to keep you on your toes… quite literally.”The singer gasped when she fin
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Chapter 78: Foreboding
Callie had always been fond of weddings. Not that she had the pleasure to attend any, but the things she has read in books and magazines throughout her life provided all the wonder she needed to fall in love with the ceremony.A day where two people are bound together as one, not only in the physical sense but emotionally, and spiritually, they are joined.And when she heard the two words, “I do,” Callie felt her heart bloom with emotions, and her mind with thoughts of what it could be if she could utter those two words to the man standing beside her.She tried to sneak a glance at Vin, not wanting to ruin the moment in front of her, and her eyes sparkled when her eyes found his, staring into her soul.Leaning a bit closer to her, Vin opened his mouth to speak, only to be interrupted by applause and cheering.The officiant has apparently called for the groom to kiss the bride, a moment the two missed while caught up in their bubble. A bubble that neither of them wanted to escape.She
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Chapter 79: Vibe
Callie’s relief was obvious the moment she saw Sienna. It had been too long. Though they exchanged messages often, Facetiming wasn’t something they did often.“I miss you!” Sienna shouted, and Callie could tell by the way her lip was quivering that her friend was holding back tears. “You’ve been gone for so long, I’m starting to forget what you look like!”“Come on, don’t be dramatic!” Callie chuckled, but she missed her best friend too. “I really don’t know how long this vacation is running for, but I’m sure I’ll be back before you forget my face.”Their conversation didn’t run long as Callie suddenly felt a vibration. She had nearly forgotten the cursed bullet buried inside her if it weren’t for Vin turning it on at the most awkward moment.“Uh…” her eyes roamed the area for Vin’s menacing ones. When she spotted him, a smirk was playing on his lips as he raised the remote just high enough for her to see while waving it. “You’ll have to excuse me. I’ll text you later, Sienna.”Callie
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Chapter 80: Unfair
Sweat beads at Callie’s forehead, groaning at how good it felt to be in Vin’s arms.“This is unfair,” she complained, voice muffled from where she was hiding it behind her hand. “I said to take the bullet out.”Vin thrust inside her so hard that Callie had to brace herself against the bathroom stall door. It took everything in her not to scream out in pleasure. And Vin knew this as well. He knew Callie couldn’t keep the noises down whenever they fucked, so she had no idea what possessed him to do it in the hotel bathroom.“Unfair?” Vin challenged, chuckling darkly, “Your deal was to take it out. You never mentioned I couldn’t replace the vibe with my cock. We’ll need to work on your negotiation skills, Songbird.”Though true, Callie hadn’t expected Vin to shove his cock inside her after taking the vibrator out. But from the way she was moaning and the way her pussy was clenching around Vin, he knew she had no real complaints.“What if—ah, what if people hear us?” she asked while tryi
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