All Chapters of The Cursed Wolf Prince’s Mate: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
119 Chapters
11. She's not normal
ValenI reckon over what transpire some hours ago. No matter how hard I tried, I can't seem to put the bits together. I was close to stepping out of Mont Givana gate. Very close. Yet, I couldn't. I felt it. How my wolf growl for the first since I was exile. I felt my body almost taking charge of it. However, such didn't happen. Instead, the omega girl worsen the situation. She fell unconscious. I knew she'd be a handful the very first time she entered through the gates. I'm not the type that give second chance but something about her piqued my interest. Possibly because we met at the lake view the last time I wandered around. I was able to recognize her through her voice. Things must've been better for her. I think. The door sounded followed by the presence of Vito. I could hear his heavy breath. As if he ran a marathon. “Master. The girl has regain consciousness” He said. And I sat up and walked out. I need no hindering secret. Adelaide will have answers to what was going on. Becaus
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12. Stucked
GiannaThe sound of spoon fisting against each other mixed with my thought was the only thing I was doing at the moment. Different scenario were coming in my head. What will happen to me now? Will I be able to get back to the pack? What will they think if they come to know I'm missing? Will they look for me? Will they have the thought of maybe I went through the gates?It came ringing in my head over and over again. I couldn't concentrate. I was only putting the food in my mouth without paying attention to it. Valen was silent too. Maybe lost in his own world. What could be my connection with the gate? Why was I able to get pass the gate before the full moon and couldn't get pass it after the full moon? Everything just seem mixed up. An exaggerated groan left my lips. “If you're not going to focus on what you're eating you can kindly keep it aside. We don't waste food here” A scoff left my lips. What is he trying to say? Can't he see I'm in some kind of situation. If he wants me out
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13. Suspicious
ValenSomething is wrong somewhere. I couldn't do away with the suspicious in me. Somehow my instinct is telling me she's not just here to find out about her parents. She might be here for other purposes. The voice of the female reporter echo through the room. Images of my father all over the internet. He has taken over the business. The business that will be a threat to him in the future. How easily it was to tame him. Thinking he got a big deal. I have no power to help me. He has already discarded me from his life. The event still fresh in my head. The look in his eyes when he announced that I will be leaving the Fort Stone pack. He cut all ties with me. Same goes to my mother. Everything happened before her. Yet, she didn't do anything. They didn't trust their son. They believe the myth of the sorcerer. "Master" My attention was diverted by the voice of Vito. I raised up my brows indicating him to go on. "The girl went up to the gates again" Seriously, she's that stubborn? I do
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14.I'm not giving up
GiannaNo way in hell I will sit by. I can not wait for the two days. I will keep trying. I might be lucky the gates will open. The surrounding was quite giving me that bad vibes. It look more scary now that I have a close look at it. If someone is to murder me, no one will know about it. No soul could be seen how would I be murdered. I laugh at my silly joke. The big gate stood in front of me. The barrier against the outside world. “Let’s try it Gianna” I muffled out omitting out a short breath and proceed forward. My body went weak when the gate didn't make a move. I tried and tried with no progress. I angrily kicked the gate with my foot only to let out a hiss in return when I felt a pain on my ankle. “All your effort will be of no use” A voice said from behind me. His tall frame was almost hovering over mine. The sword was situated on his hands as if there were meant to be there. “Its good to try the impossible” I answered turning my focus back to the gate. If I don't try, how
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15. Cursed prince
GiannaMy palms were wrapped around the mug as I take in the warmth from it. Adelaide eyes were fixated on me for more than a minute. I wonder what she was looking at or what she was trying to understand in me. After all she's a sorcerer. “Em.. I-” I tried to think of what to say to get her attention. “Did you see anything?” I commenced. Last time she talked about my destiny maybe she's trying to read something through my eyes again. “Knowing about your parents won't make any difference to the situation you are in. But seeing your stubbornness and the extra miles you went to coming here, I will tell you a bit about them. But-” She stopped making me to stare at her in curiosity. “You won’t ask any more question if I tell you or much to say try to dig more into it” “I will not Ma’am” I said not sure whether I will do that. I just want to know about them. “Before I tell you, I want you to know that Master Valen doesn't like it when people talk about his curse” But why is that? Some
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16. Playing the cards
ValenSpeechless was the only thing that overpower my body when Cindy broke the news to me. I don't know what the girl wants. What kind of a person is she? Not long ago Vito carried her back which she claimed he touched her without her consent. I thought the stunt I pulled earlier will work. I guess I have to show more of me to her. Maybe she'd behave. I was still on that thought when the front door sounded followed by her footsteps. “You’re here?” She said her voice coming out surprised.“Yes. Does that disturb you?” I said equally back. She marched her way towards me. “I think we might be lucky soon. Adelaide said there's a chance the gates might open” She sounded too excited to my liking. “That’s good” I answered shortly. I thought she'd take my silence and leave. However, she didn't make a move instead said something that boiled my inside with anger. “Perhaps your curse has to do with the gates. It-” She didn't get to complete her statement when I jolted up and grabbed her arms
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17. Farm tour
GiannaThe plan was to apologize and get it over with. For my action. I didn't expect it to turn to something meaningful. Valen and I had quite a normal conversation. Without me pissing him off or him ranting on top of my head. We converse like friends. When we're not one. Although our discussion didn't go that deep. Like talking about our personal stuffs. Weird we only talked about our hobbies. How can someone eat plain boiled potatoes everyday? Like every blessed morning. He doesn't have any specialty. As far as he'd eat and quench his hunger he's okay with. And he told me about his favorite colour which is black. It wasn't surprising to me. Men with their taste in black. I didn't hide away my smile when he complimented my food. Too bad he won't be tasting it again. As soon as the gate opens, I would leave with no return. We’re awaiting Adelaide’s feedback by midnight we’d know the situation. I pray things will work out well. I don't know what situation it is back at the Alpha’s h
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18. Things aren't working
ValenThe girl sure has a way of making someone feel guilty. I know an omega will always be at the lowest rank. That's how they're meant to be. But all what she said Is trying to prove me wrong. I don't know whether she wants me to take pity on her which was why I ask her. Yet, she said something which made me feel somehow inside. I cannot wait for Adelaide to find a solution so that she'd leave. She's not meant to be in here. In Mont Givana. I'm not the type who let his guard down and allow someone take a control of me. However, I did that. I allowed her to go near my bed, I allowed her to question me on matters that doesn't concern her. And I even gave her the answer. Which is unlike me. So it's better if she leave. I know if she do, probably we won't meet again. It's has been a while since I laugh so hard like that. I couldn't hold in my laughter when she fell flat on her butt. It was a scene to laugh about. She stormed away from the farm in anger. I could hear her muttering inco
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19. Am I worth the stay?
GiannaI felt numb, devastated, shocked at the same time lost hope. Every little hope I had that I will be able to go back shattered. When Valen broke the news to me, I couldn't explain the heaviness I felt in my heart. It was as if my brain has been twisted. I have to wait another month? A full month before I would be able to leave. I don't know how it may sound but to me, it doesn't sound okay to me. Nothing is okay. Everything is going wrong. Nothing is going in my favor. Why? Why is the moon goddess playing games with my destiny? Was all that Adelaide said about me coming true? Will I really bring destruction? Is that why the moon goddess is starting with my own self?I was laying face down the bed as many thought ran through my head. I tried to sleep but with everything happening, my brain is not mentally stable. The knock that sounded from my door got my attention. "Gianna, come down for lunch" Cindy's voice revamped to my eardrums. I don't think I have the strength to eat. I
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20. She's in danger
ValenI was seated at the sitting room but my attention and my eyes were on the stares waiting for Cindy to come down and tell me the situation. I couldn't help but get worried. I used to wonder why someone will be that stubborn. To be honest when she said she wants to leave the world, I felt it deep down. I can relate to it. Because it happened to me too. I once lost all the hope in life. With no one to turn to. So I can understand how she must be feeling. I know she's not used to leaving here. I wouldn't want to keep her too because I hold nothing against her. But we have no other choice. That is something we cannot dodge. The sound of footstep brought me back from the short reverie I ventured into. "Master" "How is she?""Her temperature is down. She's sleeping"I heaved out a breath I didn't know I was holding at the news. "What of food?" She hasn't eaten anything since breakfast. "She has eaten Master" I nodded my head in answer. "You've done a great job Cindy. You should go
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