All Chapters of Hope of the Dying World: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
112 Chapters
"How did the intruder get inside the laboratory!?" The Boss was in a rage because of the carelessness of the people under him. "And you don't even know his identity!? Useless people!"He threw the telephone he was holding and removed the mask he always wears. His face was hidden in the dark as he looked afar."Ms. Secretary, order my men to kill those useless guards in the laboratory and replace them with professionals." He massaged the bridge of his nose."Copy, Boss."The Boss drank the liquor in the glass he was holding and threw it to the wall. 'Whoever you are. Hide. Because I will kill you no matter what and burn your soul in hell.'+++Blair and Trestan can't find the way out until they arrive at the house made of bamboo. It was closed but they saw a glint of light inside the house. "Excuse me? Anybody home? We need help." Blair knocked at the door. “Blair, we can’t trust people we don’t know. What if the one who owns this house is one of them?” Trestan couldn’t just anyone.
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Early in the morning, Blair woke up and found herself caught in Trestan’s arm. He sleeps peacefully while facing her. They were hugging each other. It's just five in the morning and it's still dark outside. She saw a glint of light outside the room and she heard a little noise. It was as if someone was cooking.She moved a little but that made Trestan hug her tight and pulled her towards him. "Trestan..." Her heart ran faster than normal and she blushed."Good morning." He smiled while his eyes were still closed and then he kissed her forehead."G-Good morning." She stuttered a little so Blair tried to clear her throat.After a while, Trestan let go of her and he sat on the bamboo bed. "Uhm... Sorry for not stopping myself from hugging you."“It's… It’s fine. I guess?” They looked at each other and laughter filled the air. “Haha. It's just a hug. Don't overthink like we did something wrong." Blair laughed at him before going out of bed and tied her hair into a bun before going outside
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October 06, 2021The Boss visits the laboratory to check on the progress of their experiment. Dr. Maria Garcia is currently explaining something to him. Every doctor and scientist in the laboratory has their own fear of making mistakes that will make the Boss mad and immediately kill them without hesitation. Every work they do should always be perfect."By December, I need a full report of your experiment, Dr. Garcia. Time is gold. Waste of time is a huge shortcoming in the organization. Lots of clients were waiting for it.""Don't worry, Boss. We are close to success. That lady," She was referring to Nathalie as the lady who was injected by their latest antidote. She seems so fine and healthy."Just be sure that you made it right. I have to go." After the Boss left, Dr. Maria Garcia went to Nathalie to check on her."Are you feeling something?" She asked."Nothing. I felt nothing at all. I'm good.""Well, that's great. Take care of yourself and you'll be the key to our first success.
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Early in the morning, 13th of October, the two military trucks travel to the area where the terrorist camp. The place was silent when they arrived. It was as if something was going to happen.Ferran and Alfarez were facing each other in one of the military trucks. They didn't look at each other or even talked. Ferran guessed that Alfarez is feeling awkward because they are together on a battlefield again like before.They made their camp and later on, they exchanged gunfires with the terrorist group. Many of their comrades are already dying but they still do not stop until they have suppressed their opponents.They arrived at the abandoned building where the terrorist camped. Ferran was hiding behind the huge rock. He looked around to search for someone who could help him. He saw Alfarez silently walking towards the building. Ferran noticed someone saw Alfarez and was about to shoot him."Sh*t." Ferran shoots the terrorist and ran towards Alfarez direction for them to hide. "Are you
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***"Alfarez... Alfarez..."Alfarez woke up in a dark place and he heard the voice he always hears every time something happened to him."Alfarez!""Am I dying?" He asked."Not yet but death is always chasing you..." It echoed everywhere. "Be careful whom you trust... Not everyone around you… Not everyone around you is trustworthy. others are just showing off and taking your heart out so you don't doubt them...""W-What? Who? May I know?" But the voice didn't respond to him."Be careful. The end is near. Your battle is almost approaching. Ready your heart, soul, and mind..." The voice seemed to scare him but that's the truth. "Pain will hit you... Pain... Pain..."***His eyes opened and he found himself lying on a hospital bed and Blair was there looking so worried to him."Uncle." Blair hugged him. "Uncle Rouvie said that you passed out. Are you fine?""Y-Yeah... How about Alfarez?" He looked at Sanchez who just entered his hospital room. "How is he?""He's in a good condition right
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Trestan stayed for another hour in Blair's room before he left and went to Ferran's. He saw Ferran sleeping deeply and soundly on the sofa. He looks so tired, remembering his father. Trestan just sighed and entered Ferran's room. It's a little messy but not really.He looked around and saw the study table full of papers, photos, and important folders. He does not want to touch anything inside that room but he can't help but look at those files.He saw a sketch of Cally lying on the bed and she looked like suffering. His eyes widened, the sketch gave him goosebumps. "Is this my sister's future?" He gulped at that thought. He can't imagine Cally suffering like this. It was as if he was suffering too. He loves his little sister so much that he will do anything just to save her from hurt.Later on, he just chose to lie on the bed and after a while, he fell asleep.The next day came and early in the morning, Trestan heard noises outside the room. He opened his eyes and looked at the side
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After a week, they can't find anything suspicious about the case. They have very limited access to the farm that they can investigate."There's no progress in that case." Alfarez sighed and sat on his chair."Let's go there at night. There are lots of limitations on that farm. We can't investigate thoroughly if someone is always watching our every move." Ferran said. After accepting the case, they could comfortably talk to each other."Yeah. I thought I was the only one who noticed that." Alfarez said. "When are we---""Tonight.""Okay," Alfarez responded and was about to leave and go home but he remembered something. "Is it fine if Blair stays in our house?""What? Why?""Because I'm worried about my son's girlfriend. She's like a daughter to me." Alfarez said. Ferran glanced at him and after a while, he just nodded. "Great."Ferran went home and readied himself for their investigation at night. He wore an all-black outfit and a bag containing important things like a flashlight, gun,
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After they arrived at the hospital, they found Blair and Trestan sitting on the side of the bed where Cally was lying and sleeping."What happened?" Alfarez asked but Ferran seemed to look for something inside his bag."Dad." Trestan stood up and faced his father. "She can't breathe and has a high fever so I brought her here and the doctor runs some tests about her condition. We just need to wait for the result."Timotheus sighed and tapped his son's shoulder before he proceeded to check his daughter's situation. They saw Ferran wearing surgical gloves and went near the bed. "Excuse me.""What are you doing?" Timotheus blocked his way to Cally."I'll just check on something really important.""You're not a doctor. You don't have the right---" Alfarez was interrupted by his son, Trestan."Dad, just let him.""W-What?" Timotheus couldn’t believe that Trestan was siding with the man he barely knew. “No. I am Cally’s father. I’ll decide here.”"My uncle will just check Cally, uncle Timot
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December 16, 2021Thursday 1:29 A.M.Blair and Trestan arrived at the doctor's house and immediately went outside the car. They run towards the front door of Dr. De Vega's house."Dr. De Vega? Dr. De Vega!" Trestan was knocking at the doctor's house. It took ten minutes before the doctor opened the door."Trestan? Blair? What are you doing here in the middle of the night?" The doctor seemed to just wake up from his sleep."We need to test on something doctor and---""W-What? Can't we do that later? It's past one in the morning." The doctor said while his eyes were half-closed."But doctor, this is very important and time is running. We will be too late if we---""What are you talking about, young man?""We will just explain it to you later, doctor. But first things first, we need to hurry." Blair said."Fine. Fine. Come in. I'll just change clothes and we will go to the secret laboratory." The doctor has no choice but to come with the two young people.After a while, Dr. De Vega drove
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“Let’s hurry.” Dylan pulled Ferran’s hand but Ferran held the child's hand instead. He stopped him. “Why? What’s wrong?”“Wear this.” He put a disposable face mask on Dylan.“Oh. Thank you.” Ferran smiled weakly and slightly tapped Dylan’s head.“Let’s—Sh*t.” He pulled the kid closer to him when a patient coughed so hard and his skin was full of wounds with a purple thing.“O-Officer, what’s with him?” Dylan asked, watching the man.“He’s infected.” Ferran lifted Dylan and ran before the infected could touch them. ‘Damn it! Damn it!’ He was running for their lives. They passed a lot of infected before they reached Cally’s private room. Alfarez was about to look outside because of screams from the people who were scared to be infected with the deadly virus, but Ferran pushed him inside and they locked the door.“What’s with the noise?” Alfarez asked.“They…” Ferran put down the kid who later ran toward Cally who is now conscious. “The virus. It’s… It’s spreading. Damn it! We need to
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